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Posts posted by Flash7

  1. If RG3 can complete 72% of his passes without going through his progressions and locking on to one reciever, then sign me up for him!! Imagine what his completion percentage would be if he actually learned how to do that!! lol

    Colt Brennan -70.4% completion percentage, Graham Harrell- 71% completion percentage, Case Keenum- 72% completion percentage, RGIII 72% completion percentage.

    What do they all have in common? They all played in the spread system. This system is designed to spread out the defense so that speedy receivers have 1-on-1 coverage. A good receiver will always have an advantage over a defender in 1on-1 coverage. That's why RGIII does not have to go through his progressions that often. He kows who the go-to receiver is on every play, and with the spread system, that receiver is usually open. Therefor, he hasn't had to rely on reading a coverage. You would have to ask yourself logically, why are spread college QB's devalued in the NFL? It's because the system works well in college and creates a mirage that a QB is better than they actually are.

  2. Don't waste your time. People are only going to see what they want to see. It doesn't matter that every scout and GM thinks that Luck is the most pro ready quarterback, meaning that he does all of the little things that pros do already in the NFL, including using his eyes to move the defense. All that matters to them is tha A) It's Lucks fault that Manning is gone B) Because Luck is so good, we should leverage his talents for more picks by trading him away.
  3. Peyton Manning's outdoor playing criticisms are entirely without merit. The implication is Peyton is soft & weak like a delicate tropical flower that will wilt in the frigid blizzard conditions of Denver, Colorado.

    Funny how nobody ever mentions the advantage of higher elevation & thinner air there either.

    Safety Ryan Clark from the Steelers can't play there due to a life threatning medical condition even. Not having your best safety on the field on game day really does matter, especially in the 4th quarter when top notch defenses get tired, exhausted & worn down.

    I'm sorry, but I gotta call you out on this one. Look at the post right above yours.
  4. Whose Mark? :D

    The frustration that comes here is that people seem to be saying he "can't" win b/c of the weather. So, it raises hackles a bit. He is going to have to work harder to perfect playing w/ the elements, but as you have stated above and as I have stated, this is a problem that he will tackle. He is too much of a perfectionist not to. If you actually ask me, I believe that is part of the reason he chose an outdoor stadium=new challenge; something to improve upon, get better at. Peyton likes challenges.

    One other thought, when did Denver start having weather like they have in New England or Pittsburgh...did I miss the weather shift or something?

    I was responding to a post made earlier by OldUncleMark on another thread I apologize. I did edit it out though. The weather in Denver isn't really that bad. I heard that the averge playing weather is 50 degrees, perfect for football. I also stated earlier that his style of play, with a no huddle offense will be to the Broncos benefit, as other teams will not be used to the altitude and thin air. The opposing defenses will be gassed by the fourth quarter. This should lead to many exciting fourth quarters for the Broncos.
  5. I know southwest, and I can tell you he does not think Peyton is incapable of having a bad day, what he is trying to get across is the fact that Peyton will work hard to make sure that weather is not an issue. Again, I elude to what he did prior to our SB win--soaked footballs in ice cold water to prepare himself and Jeff in case it did rain. (and a side note, no QB is going to have a perfect game while it's down pouring. Likewise, no QB will have a perfect game when it is zero degrees outside. No one's body would let them...sorry, I'm using logic and common sense here.)

    I agree with all that you've said. I understand that Peyton will do whatever is necessary to win, regardless of weather. My earlier point was that until now, he hasn't shown that he can win in any weather, based on his previous poor performances in bad weather. Until he proves that he can, that stigma will remain. Of course I want him to prove that he can play well in bad weather. He will now have a chance to prove that he can. I just wouldn't make a bold statement that regardless of weather conditions, he will win, as that hasn't necessarily been the case with Manning thus far.
  6. Amazing...Peyton Manning wins a Superbowl in the rain & it's simply inferior QB competition in Rex Grossman...Both field generals that evening dealt with the exact same conditions & yet Peyton Manning's MVP & Superbowl victory don't really count or matter. Are you people delusional?!! Okay fine. Bring on the soft & finese accusations too. Peyton will simply use them as fuel to survive, thrive, & flourish. This dome line of reasoning is ridiculous. See you on field next year. I hope poor Peyton doesn't get a chill or suffer from frostbite being so weak & timid at all according to you. Embrace the doubt & hate. It works perfectly fine for me.

    Is it impossible for a QB to not have a great game yet win? If so, then I propose that's what Manning did in the SuperBowl. I will not take away the win, but to think that everything Peyton does is God-like is ridiculous.
  7. That's okay bring on all the doubters & naysayers...I welcome all your mass skepticism with open arms. When #18, or #16 wins another ring, these are all the same "fair weather" [No pun intended] fans who will say that they knew Peyton Manning would succeed in Denver too. Let's not forget, Peyton will finally have a stout defense & a reliable running as well. 2 components that always travel well in any kind of weather as well.

    The weather effects all QB's and given a choice, most if not all QB's, would rather play in good weather. If you're stating that the weather will not specifically effect Manning, then he has yet to prove that. His earlier performances in bad weather games would indicate that he has struggled. If you use the Super Bowl in '06 as proof that he played well, I would argue that he actually didn't play well in that game. He just needed to outplay Rex Grossman, which wasn't hard to do.
  8. NFL and College Football are very identical. Thats right.

    There is a guy called Tim Tebow. Won Hiesman and 2 National Championships. Must be winning 8 SBs in 16 years NFL then.

    I think you're missing the point. He UF is saying that Luck was not afraid to step into a situation where a team was rebuilding, as mentioned earlier in this thread.

    You are comparing how he played in college. It's not a similar comparison. The comparison that was being made is that he had made a similar decision in the past, and may not be afraid to do the same now by choosing to play with the Colts.

  9. 2011 rushing attempts:

    Luck at Stanford: 47

    RG3 at Baylor 179

    2010 rushing attempts:

    Luck at Stanford: 55

    RG3 at Baylor: 149

    1997 rushing attempts:

    Peyton Manning at Tennessee: 49

    1982 rushing attempts:

    John Elway at Stanford: 59

    I cannot see how a college QB that attempts more than 100 rushes a season can be called a pocket passer, or even a pass first QB.

    It's interesting the RGIII's rushing stats went up from 149 in 2010 to 179 in 2011. It shows that he relied more on his running ability, or at least the team thought that having him run more would be a benefit. I would have liked to see his rushing attempts decrease as a sign that he was becoming more of a pocket passer.
  10. We look at Peyton with a different perspective. We have such an emotional attachment to him, that it's very difficult to judge him objectively. If you look at other fans throughout the league who are football savvy, they would tell you that Peyton is great but not the greatest. Perhaps that's the consensus. No one doubts his greatness on the football field, and everyone would say he's among the greates to ever play. Beyond that, it's just personal opinion.

  11. Luck also played with Whalen, his slot receiver, who is very much like Collie. I see the two of them having a good connection as well.Of course, it would help if we add a solid tight end to the mix.

  12. But Kyle, we cant fill all our needs in the draft...we have too many

    I think that things are shaping up nicely and we've already filled some of our needs. We can have a good draft and fill needs and add depth. If we unload Freeney's contract, then we can continue to fill more holes. But overall, I think we're in fairly good shape. We've added to the D-line, O-line, and added a safety. Now we're left looking for receivers, DB's and TE, with more depth at O-line and D-line. Not too bad. We can try to get this done through the draft, right?
  13. I am please that we have addressed some of our needs in the off season. With the draft coming up, we can address more needs and add depth. I think we can field a very competitive team, and in a shorter time than expected. I am hopefull for the upcoming season. We definitely have less holes now than we did earlier in the season, IMO.

  14. I'm not an RGIII fan but I am a fan of correct information and this post is misleading.

    1) Most QB the majority of his throws are to the first read.... that is why that player is the first read.

    2) RGIII completed 776 passes in his college career. If those were to his first read, then I wish the Colts would hire that OC because that is incredible to have the first read be open that often.

    3) RGIII, in the bowl game really went through his progressions well. But most of the other highligts I've seen he would look at one, at two and then run.

    Luck is the more polished of the two (I won't say safer because there is no such thing as a safe pick) and the biggest advantage for Luck that I have seen his Luck ability to place the ball in the correct position for the receiver that I have not seen consistently from RGIII. I'm not just talking about accuracy (the ability to throw the ball in an area for the receiver to make the catch.) I'm talking about placement... the ability to throw the ball away from the defender while still putting it in a position for the receiver to make the catch, for example consistently throwing the the left shoulder of a receiver when the defender is on the receivers right side. Putting the ball down low when the defender is running coming from deeper down the field, putting air under it when the defender is trailing the receiver.

    That is Luck's advantage and that is what makes him a better pro prospect than RGIII.

    Thanks for the discussion on RGIII and Luck. I'd like to mention that the system that RGIII plays in makes a huge contribution to his success.

    1. Your first statement is accurate. Most plays are designed with a first read in mind and RGIII will usually know exactly when to go to his first read. He doesn't however, very often look for his second read. This is something that we may debate, as you feel that he does, and I feel that he does not. Considering that RGIII rushed more times this past year than either of our starting runningbacks, Addai or Brown, this would indicate that RGIII has a propensity to tuck the ball and run far more often than to sit inthe pocket and go through hs progressions.

    2. Yes RGIII has completed numerous passes. You attribute that to his ability to go through his progressions, while atribute it to the system. Let's examine Case Keenum who had a 71% completion percentage, and Graham Harrel, who also had a 71% completion percentage. Is it no coincidence that these three quarterbacks have nearly the same completion percentage and run the spread offense? That's why they run this type of offense in college. It's highly effective and takes advantage of 1-on-1 match-ups against the defensive coverage. If you give a good receiver a 1-on1 match up, it's usually always to the receiver's benefit. This of course would not work in the NFL, so we don't need RGIII's coordinator.

    3. RGIII did play well in the bowl game, I agree with you there, however, he was outplayed by the Washington QB in that game.

  15. I've heard that Manning wants to join the FO of an organization when he is done playing. Watching Elway operate is good experience for Manning, as he will see how an ex-quarterback, HOF'er runs an organization.

    Of course his focus right now is to play, however, Elway being in the FO was definitely a plus for Manning. That may be why the Titans made an offer the way they did, including a position with their fron office after football.

  16. I'd say Clark & Saturday would be solid pick ups for them. Addai to a lesser extent. Tamme could be an option. I would be surprised in the least to see them resign Stokley.

    Their main option at RB currently is Portis. In my opinion, Addai would be an upgrade, if healthy. (I guess that's the biggest issue with Addai.) He's a great blocker, can run behind a solid line, and can catch out of the backfield. It would be a natural fit with Peyton. I agree that Stokely will probably be re-signed by the Broncos.
  17. RGIII is very accurate and has a very strong arm. He has a chance to be something really special. His college game films show that he hasn't relied much on having to read a defense. The offense that he ran in college was a spread offense with multiple receivers in space. He very frequently know who his "go-to" receiver was on any given play and would target that receiver. The problem with RGIII's gme is that if that receiver wasn't open, he would take off and run, rather than go through his progressions. He can't do this in the NFL regularly because the more he runs, the more hits he will take. He will really have to focus on being a pocket passer. If he can master this, then he can be really scary. Of course, this is a big "if."

    Luck has already shown that he can go through his progressions and can read a defense. This has been proven by his ability to call plays at the line, based on the defensive coverage that he sees.

  18. (In response to damage control for SF)

    SF is better off moving away from Alex Smith, regardless. He does not have what it takes to win the Super Bowl, and if he couldn't get it done last year with the team that he had around him, then what's the point? It's time they look for a QB that can complete passes to a receiver instead of a check down to a RB.

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