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Posts posted by Flash7

  1. Babineaux, of the Tenessee Titans has recently said that Luck is just a rookie quarterback. He is right of course, but what was interesting to me is that, first, he was talking about Luck --and if he is just a rookie-- then I'm not sure why he would be talking about him, unless he was already thought of as a REAL threat.

    Secondly, Babineaux was talking about how to defend against Luck, with an entire defensive approach. I thought that it was funny that he is forced to think about this so much in advance of when the two teams would play one another.

    I don't think that Babineaux said anything wrong. In fact, what he said is right on cue. It's clear, however, that teams have taken notice of Luck's performance. Here is the blog.


  2. Can't remember where I read it but Castonzo said after the game that the reason the O-line struggled so much early on was because the D-line kept using unorthodox formations to catch the O-line off guard to get to Luck early and rattle him, you saw after a few plays the O-line adjusted and Luck actually had time in the pocket to pick out throws downfield.

    You are right, Castonzo said that the defense was overloading one side of the line so that they could have a free rusher attack the QB. They picked up on it and made adjustments. Just as you stated, after a few plays, Luck had more time in the pocket to throw.
  3. 1. I would like to see the O-line perform a little better. I think they did a good job, but had a few shaky moments.

    2. Andrew luck to continue with his impressive performance.

    3. See how our run game performs against a really good defense.

    4. I'd like for our DB's to create some more turn-overs and keep tackling they way they did in the Rams game.

    6. Curious how our LB's will do in the absense of Angerer.

    7. See if Donnie Avery can make an impact in this game, since he missed the last game.

  4. Eh cut him then, dont need him he drops to many balls (has a history of it as well), Hilton is better as well as Lavon Brazill and Kris Adams, Its not like Avery will play a whole season anyway (most likely) if he is put in the slot

    I would argue that it's more likely that he would play most of the season, with the Colts, because of our depth at receiver. He will be subbed in and out to preserve him. He may have less plays, but they could be more meaningful plays.

  5. I agree with Barkley that he would have been picked before RGIII. The Redskins moved up to draft RGII, all the way up to the second spot. Instead of moving up to the second spot to draft RGIII, they would've moved to the third spot. I have watched Luck, Barkley, and RGIII and both Luck and Barkley have been asked to consistantly make harder throws. I have noticed that a very high percentage of RGIII's throws have been behind or within 3-yards of the line of scrimmage. Much more than the other two QB's. It's easy to have a high completion percentage when you are asked to throw the ball to a standing wide receiver in the backfield. RGIII has a great deep ball, but if I were to compare him to Luck or Barkley, he would finish third.

  6. I think that if you want to wear your #18 jersey, you should go ahead and do it. We all know what Manning meant, and still means to Indy. I also don't think that Luck will look up int the stands and see a #18 jersey and then feel bad about it. It definitely will not throw off his game. He's got much bigger things to worry about.

  7. Mac......

    Let me say upfront that you know this team and franchise better than I do, so you may be entirely right.

    I'm just not sure anyone will ever truly know. I think the decision on Manning was made before anyone knew that he'd ever be 100% again. And if Luck had announced early that he was going back to school, there were plenty of people who were calling RG3 a franchise quality quarterback. He may not be Luck, but he was still a franchise quality QB and worthy of the number one pick if Luck wasn't in the draft.

    If there is only one pretty girl, then that's the girl for you. It's another thing altogether if there are two and you think one is much prettier than the other. I think Griffin would have looked beautiful to Irsay or anyone else if there was no Luck to fall in love with.

    Now, perhaps without Luck, Irsay and Manning push the decision date back to see if Manning's health improves enough. Dunno? I just think the decision had many more factors than just Luck being in the draft.

    Just one fan's view....

    NewColtsFan, It's also quite possible that if Luck did not declare for the NFL this year, that it may have changed Matt Barkley's decision to stay at USC. If Matt Barkley declared for the NFL, it would be more likely that he, and not RGIII, would have been drafted to be the Colt's future QB, and that it would have been more likely that we retain Manning, perhaps with both on the roster. It's feasible that with Barkley who is not considered as "pro-ready" as luck, would sit on the bench behind Manning. Of course, this is all just speculation, but that's how I see it happening. :)
  8. I understand why you disagree with Favre but this is not a particularly well-developed argument on several levels. You seem to assume that Griffin and Luck are static talents. This is not true, both have a ton of room to develop their game and both must grow if they're going to be successful at the next level. Griffin may be less pro-ready and he may have a lower floor but a very strong argument could be made that he has the higher ceiling of the two. You also seem to forget that RGIII happens to be a gym rat and (at least by college standards) strong student of the game on top of being a superior athlete. Luck is absolutely safer and more ready now but the safer bet isn't always the best bet in the long run and some people are more inclined to take chances than others.

    Besides, did anyone think Tom Brady was pro-ready coming out of college? Heck no. Montana sure as heck wasn't as well regarded a college prospect as Luck is, either. It's easy to toss names out there and point to similarities but that doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things. For nearly every Randall Cunningham, Michael Vick, Kordell Stewart, Jim Zorn, Vince Young, and Daunte Culpepper you throw out there as potential Griffin analogues there is a genuinely successful player with a set of wheels on them that could just as easily pass muster given our extremely limited knowledge of these rooks in an NFL setting (would you really turn down John Elway, Steve Young, Warren Moon, Roger Staubach, Steve McNair, or Brett Favre himself if you were starting a franchise?).

    If Favre thinks the kid will grow as a passer to roughly the same degree that Luck will then isn't it entirely reasonable to say that the elite speed is enough to put him over the top in a head-to-head comparison?

  9. In a casual conversation, Brett Favre might think that he would choose RGIII over Luck. I have a hard time believing that RGIII's escapability would trump the fundamentals and "pro-readiness" of Luck. I think that if Favre were paid as a GM to do his homework, and really study these two dynamic QB's, he would choose Luck. RGIII is more flashy and exciting, but Randall Cunningham doesn't win Super Bowls, Joe Montana, Peyton Manning, Brady, they win superbowls. It's the gym rats that rely on their superior knowledge of the game, not superior athletes, who usually win.

  10. Below are Donald Brown's rushings statistics from last year. He rushed the ball 134 times. Some people have claimed that he had a few long runs that skewed his average. This is mathematically untrue. Yes, his long runs did help his rushing average, but very marginally. When you have carried the ball 134 times your rushing average is a very good indicator of your overall performance.

    It would be vastly different if he only ran the ball 20 times which also included an 80-yard run. That would be an unfair indicator of an average yards per carry. Simply put, Donald Brown's rushing average shows clearly that he is an above average back.

    134 645 4.8 80 5

    Att Yards Ave. Longest TDs

  11. Part of the temptation for having s simplified offense is due to the performances of Andy Dalton and Cam Newton who did not have an off season last year. They were intoroduced into the league with limited play books which allowed them to play faster without having to compute so much information. Of course, at the same time, the defenses did not have time to establish their defensive playbook and essentially at the begining of the season you had more simplified offenses versus more simplified defenses, which allowed for the QB's to excel.

    If we made the argument that we can simplify the offense for Luck based on last year's sucess, then essentially we would have a simplified offensive attack vs complex defenses. This would not be a recipe for success. Of course there are other factors to consider in a discussion for simplifying the offense, but I am of the opinion that Andrew Luck would prefer to have more than less. As nother poster pointed out earlier, it's not the play book that may hold Luck back; rather, it would be the adjustment to the pro grame. He just needs more time and reps.

  12. Just joined. Was interested in what fans saw of Luck.

    I really worry about his accuracy on balls 15yrds and longer. I think he has mechanical flaws that really need work. I know its late, but I always thought a yr or 2 under Manning would have been great for Luck.

    Welcome to the forum. We're glad that you've joined.

    With that said, I would like to point out that we love our Colts and are a bit fanatical to say the least. We have some healthy discussions and some not so helathy ones. I think that you mentioning that Luck has mechanical flaws will trigger responses you may not appreciate, especially since he's known for being so mechanically and fundamentally sound. Afterall, he is the most pro ready QB we've seen in a long while. Not to say that you cannot have an oppinion, which you are more than welcome to express.

  13. I'd like to be able to watch the practice to see if he's throwing against coverage, the type of coverage, and to compare his performance against the other QB's at practice. I would like to know how Drew Stanton did. This would be a good indicator if Luck really is performing realy well, or if Stanton and the other QB's are performing well too and it's just par for the course because it's just practice with no pads, etc..

  14. Fleener was at Stanford recently finishing up with his finals. Since he recently has missed some time with the Colts, it makes sense to have Allen start with the first team. Give it some time and we'll have a true sense of who will be the starter. But let me ask you, could we go wrong either way? They both appear to be excellent TEs and bring a unique skillset with them onto the field. My guess is that regardless of who is named the "starter" they will both see the field a lot and will be utilized differently.

  15. I think this is a false premise......

    Who would hire anyone based on one job, or their last job. You hire someone based on the totality of their resume', not just a small portion of it. And if that's too broad, then I'll say that's what I'd do if I were an owner.

    I confess that while I love this website, this is the one issue that mystifies me. The vilification of Bill Polian. The man is a 5, or is it 6 time NFL Executive of the Year? He built, or helped to build 3 different Super Bowl teams. Someday, the NFL may name the Executive of the Year award after Polian, the way the Super Bowl trophy is named after Vince Lombardi.

    He may not be the greatest GM of all time, but he's on the short list.

    Look.... you guys are much closer to this than I am. I followed the Colts from a distance. You guys have lived and breathed and died with the Colts. So, I'll defer to you on many of the specifics.... but as someone who tries to see the Big Picture, I think Polian is great. I'd be happy to hire him.

    Now, if I had to hire the son along with him, THAT might be a different story!?! :sadno:

    Just one new fans perspective..... as wrong as it may be....


    You are right, to an extent. You cannot argue against the overall success the he's had as a GM. You also can make a great argument that careers tend to have a curve and that at some point, productivity decreases. Polian most recently has had a number of misses, as opposed to when he started with the Colts. He has also been more hands-off. If I were to chart his sucess, the past few years would show a decline, so much so, that you may consider it an outlier compared to the success that he's broadly had for a majority of his career.

    If I were hiring a GM, I would strongly take this into consideration. It appears that he no longer has the desire to get down to the nitty-gritty and deal with the everyday study of players to make well-informed choices. To me, it would look like he had a great career but would not be the right guy for my organization.

  16. I think the biggest issues with Jerry Hughes has been lack of strength. That was made crystal clear in the pre-season game vs. the Packers a couple of years ago. I know he's had two full NFL seasons since then but it does take time to get stronger. If he hasn't gotten stronger though it doesn't matter if we play him at 3-4 LB or 4-3 End he's going to struggle. With that said the little we saw of him last year he looked better than he did the year before so maybe he is slowly coming along like Polian said might be the case with him. This is probably his make or break year though. With the new management I don't see them holding on to him past this year if he doesn't do anything.

    I completely agree with your assessment, especially the last sentance. We've seen that if someone on the roster is not up to par, Grigson has wasted no time looking for better talent.
  17. Some of the cuts had to do with health. The Colts have been bitten by the injury bug the last few years. I'm sure that they thought that they want the strongest and healthiest players to begin with. Also, during our OTA's you can get a sense of how soon someone grasps the offense or defense and how they absorb knowledge and translate that knowledge onto the field. My guess is that the guys that were let go have not shown the intensity, desire to learn, and desire to get better compared to others on the team. All of these factors and maybe a few more could help to explain why some were cut, not to mention that there could have been more talented players out there and players were cut to make room for the more talented guys.

  18. In all fairness, the sumo wrestlers were not wearing cleats and could not get proper traction. It also looked like they really weren't trying. I have a hard time believing that if the two sumo wrestlers were really resisting and trying to go forward, that they would lose. Overall, it's impressive but maybe not too credible.

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