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Posts posted by Flash7

  1. I think it's insulting Peyton is even entertaining the Titans offer. Peyton has plenty of other teams he could join. Why go out of his way to inconvenience his former fan-base?

    Yes, I could see that, however, from his standpoint, he would be joining a division that he knows very well. Coming back to football after a year off, it may help him to join a conference where he has a lot of familiarity.
  2. Peyton (and us) were told it was up to him...

    Of course he thought he was coming back...

    ...but I guess it was barely even possible...financially

    I still don't think that the decision was a "financial" decision with regards to Peyton. I assume that in the meetings that took place between Peyton and Irsay, he was told that Regie would not be retainted, Garcon may leave the Colts, and that Clark, Addai, Bullit, Painter, and Bracket were going to be released to make cap space. At this point it was Manning's decision to stay with the Colts or look to play with another team. At the press conference, they mentioned that it was a mutual decision. Manning no longer saw the Colts as his best option, with so many of his close teammates leaving or being released. Not to mention the already existing problem of a poor defense, and now a lack of offense, and a whole new coaching staff. It was clear to Peyton that it was time to move on for both sides.
  3. I hope you're right..I dont want to see empty seats in the LOS..

    ..cant build any future off of empty seats

    How many people will buy tickets just to watch Luck play? I would venture to guess a whole lot of people because Luck is now the key to the franchise and people will tune in to see how he plays, in place of Manning. It will be a huge story all year.
  4. This isn't a rebuild though. This is like the 1999 Browns. 2-14 once again. God awful at every spot. There is a way to rebuild without gutting the squad to the point that you don't even need to line up next year. There is no point as it stands to even line up next season. None.

    You are not even sure yet who we may draft or pick up in FA. Give it some time.
  5. This is an exciting time to be a Colts fan. We have seen players like Manning, Wayne, Clark, Freeney, etc.. develope and grow as a team. Now we will get to see it all over again, with a new cast and crew. It will have it's ups and downs, but will be very interesting and exciting. I can't wait for next season. I hope that I am pleasantly surprised by the new look Colts.

  6. Who's gonna defend Irsay now that he has cut Brakett, Bullitt, Clark and Addai???

    Irsay wont win for YEARS!!!!!!!

    Why do you think that these players were cut and not traded? It's because they have no trade value. Other teams saw what the Colts saw in these players, and that is that they are overpaid for the amount of value that they add to the team. Freeney can add value to other teams and that's why he is being shopped, instead of being cut.

    It's the right move. These guys could hardly stay on the field. They were once very good players, but most recently have shown that they can't stay healty and do not justify their contracts. I support Irsay in making tough decisions. Now we need to rebuild with young and upcoming stars.

  7. RGIII isn't a run first QB, but he is a QB that runs a lot. He had 181 rush attempts this year. Donald Brown, our running back who is supposed to run had 134 carries, Joseph Addai had 118, and Delone Carter had 101. RGIII has had more rushing attempts than any of our runningbacks. He averages 14 rushes per game.

    Also, watch a lot of game film on him, and only focus on his head. His highlights are exciting, but you will notice that he only looks at one side of the field and if his primary target is not open, he will take off an run. He has a hard time going through his progressions, which accounts for the high rushing stats.

    Compare his head movement to Luck's and you will see that Luck will survey the field a whole lot more and will make second and third reads before taking off.

  8. We've seen what Luck can do with gifted tight ends. I think that Luck will have an easy time throwing to Clark, and Tamme. While at Stanford, Luck had a speed receiver in Chris Owusu. They connected a lot during Luck's sophomore season, before Owusu had so many concussions. I think that if Garcon stays, Luck would see some similarities. I especially like that Luck was able to adapt to his personell and this past year was able to utilize his slot receiver, Whalen, who has a playing style very similar to Austin Collie's.

  9. I would like to change the perception of many fans that feel that the league has changed so much, and that due to all of the new rules, QBa are not hit as often or as hard. As proof of this, lets review the last few years and look at QB's who have been injured while on the field of play.

    Chad Henne- Out for the season

    Colt Mccoy- missed games due to concussion

    Ben Rothlisberger- constantly plays through injuries and should have sat out the last game of the season due to his anke injury.

    Matt Schaub- Out for the season

    Matt Leinart- Out with shoulder injury

    Kerry Collins- concussion

    Matt Hasselbeck-missed games with injury, Locker started one game

    Tim Tebow- rib injury

    Jason Campbel- Out for the season

    Tony Romo- Missed numerous games last season, Kitna filled in.

    Mike Vick- Missed numerous games this last season, and some games this season

    Jay Cutler- Missed half of the season

    Matthew Stafford- Missed numerous games over the past few seasons due to shoulder injury

    Christian Ponder- Hurt and missed a game

    Kevin Kolb- missed most of the season

    Sam Bradford- constantly injured, missed numerous games

    This is proof that the league is not as "soft" as some may suggest. Please factor this when deciding how long Manning may play, as he ages and becomes even less mobile.

  10. But Arizona has a big bucks QB..and Manning cant take Miami to the playoffs in that division.

    SF does not want him. They said so. Dallas does not want him. Washington has said they dont want him.

    Not everybody wants Manning

    Most teams can't openly say that they want him, just yet, right? Also, most teams understand that they may only have a shot at getting Manning, yet they currently have a QB on the roster that they would approach the season with. They don't want to ruin their current QBs confidence, so they don't publically say that they want Manning. But make no mistake about it, there are so many teams that are interested.
  11. But FROG MAN..

    Isnt it a given that Peyton will be cut and this contract will go away (after this year's cap hit)

    I dont think anyone's suggesting we sign on to the $28 mil bonus and the last 4 years.

    The question is...will Peyton accept limited bucks ($5 mil) with incentives...and how much does that (and the restructure of Freeney's contract save)...

    Fans, even the ones who want Manning as QB, arent stupid .

    I think Manning is worth more to the Colts than he is to any other team because his upside with us is higher...

    the only team needing a QB that Peyton Manning can take to the playoffs in 2012 is Indy, agreed?

    Not sure what you mean by this? If you mean that of the teams with interest in Peyton Manning, the only one that he can take to the playoffs is the Colts, I think you may be wrong. Miami has a much better defense and can be very strong offensively with Manning, as well as the Arizona Cardinals. I would think that SF would have interest in Manning as well, and they could be really scary with Manning.
  12. I would like to see film footage of Manning throwing, as I'm sure most of us would. (Some people are going to say, "why? are you a scout? Do you know what to look for? How can you tell froma video if he's throwing well?" I just want to see the velocity, the accuracy, and frankly, how far he can throw. I don't doubt mannings mechanics, footwork, or preparation. It's mainly about the regeneration of nerves and his arm now.

    I feel that if TMZ cared about this story, we would already have footage of Manning throwing the ball. Why can't we have some reporter capture footage of Manning throw? Instead, we just get various reports.

    Should we hire Bill Belicheck to spygate his work outs? Why haven't we seen anything?

  13. We would get a ton...I mean a ton of picks for the #1 pick. Remember not only are picks valuable to fill holes but way way way cheaper than free agents due to the new cba. If lets say by chance Cleveland gives us #4 pick #22 and next years first rounder and say a third or something....those picks could easily turn into players like Kalil (play LT/castanzo RT) or blackmon at 4 and would put us in the running for any number of players at 22. There are several DTs there, safties like Mark Baron, maybe a WR depending what we take first. We would still have our #34 pick as well for a DT or WR. That is a pretty good stable of young players and we would continue to build next year with Clevelands first pick which will likely be 10-12 range. If we like a qb Barkley and Landry Jones will be coming out next year and who knows who the next RG3 will be. Heck at #22 or #34 we could still get a QB like Tannenhill who will NEED time behind someone to grow. Point is we all know teams that have succeeded are built around defense. Look at Houston getting to the playoffs with TJ Yates, Cincy with Dalton, Bal with Flacco, Denver with Tebow. Yes elite qbs win super bowls but we all consider Peyton elite and he has only won 1. He has a very mediocre playoff record. Franchise elite qbs don't mean you will win Super Bowls...even look at Tom Brady. As an elite qb he hasn't won a single one. Before he was one when he was rising he won three playing good ball but mostly riding on defense and a kicker. Eli and Rothlisberger won all theres behind great defenses with offensive outburst sure. Brees and Mannings both came years when their defense stepped up. I mean I could go on and on but I would say defense is just as important as elite qbs. Elite qbs can get you over the top but you can build a team the other way too. There are just as many quality playoff teams and franchises built behind defense than a qb.

    I really like Luck with the pick but if some team throws rediculous picks at us because someone jumps up at 2 then I might be ok with trading the rights to Luck for 4 or 5 picks. I mean New Orleans did it for Ricky we might see a desperate team offer the moon for luck if they don't win out for the #2 pick. Wierd stuff happens.

    I like this arguement. We have to ask ourselves, is there a price that would in our minds outweigh the value that Luck is percieved to have. I think that there is and if a team were to offer what you have mentioned, it would be hard to turn it down, as Much as I like Luck.
  14. Kurt Warner? He retired at 38 and he was playing as good as ever. It's not a matter of age per say, it's a matter of being in football shape. You could have a 60 year old playing quarterback if he could take some hits from playing the quarterback position and if he had a good arm. 35 years isn't that old, and Manning hasn't been hit very much over the years because of his ability to avoid it. He's not an old man like some people try to portray him to be.

    You are correct in that he is not an old man. However, when deciding between Luck and Manning, age does play a part in the decision.

    Also, I can't say that I agree with you in that Manning has done a good job of avoiding hits, since it has been thought that the hit that he took agains the Redskins is what lead to his shoulder discomfort, which he played through, which led to multiple surgeries. It was an on the field hit that has been reported to have started this whole injury.

  15. It depends also on what teams they go to. If RGIII goes to the Browns, I have a hard time seeing that organization turn things around. They seem to always find a way to suck.

    If both of them play well and their teams also do well, then it's quite possible. How often would the Colt's play the Browns?

  16. That is all meaningless opinion at this point. The Doctors that have done the surgery insist that it is a matter of when (not if) the nerves regenerate. They also insist that if Manning were their own son, they would advise him to go ahead and continue playing in the NFL. All the reports suggest that it is simply a matter of time. Only media "analysts" seem to be speculating that retirement is his only option (Hello Rob Lowe).

    As for age, Favre's career year was when he was what, 40?

    Manning is 35... which could mean that, if he heals as DOCTORS expect him to, he could have a healthy 3-5 years or more left.

    So, analysts being who they are, I prefer to wait and see what actually happens. But IF Manning is healthy AND IF they renegotiate, I would prefer that they trade the Luck pick and build the TEAM. QB is a need, sure, but so is everything else at this point.

    I like your style of arguement, it's civil and not attacking, which is great. Thank you for that.

    Now let me counter with what I noticed right away from your previous statement. There were a lot of "if"s, and what that immediately signaled to me was that there is a lot of uncertainty with this situation, right? If Manning were clearly healthy and if he could throw at previous levels, then perhaps the Colts may consider trading the pick. However, the situation as it is currently presented is so much in favor of the Colts drafting Luck, simply because of the uncertainty that Manning's situation provides. the Colts can't operate in the dark. Between the two situations, it's clear that they have to draft Luck.

    You have stated that the Manning's doctors have cleared him to play and that the nerve regenration is a matter of time. Again, this would indicate to the Colts that they are uncertain of when and if Manning can actually regain his level of play.

    Lastly, you used Favre as a measuring stick for age. Bad idea considering that we look at Favre as an exception. The fact that Favre played well at his old age was what made it such an interesting story. The not so interesting stories are of the numerous old QBs who played poorly and quietly left the league, without much notice. That's what happens to a majority of the older QBs. Their ability to play diminishes with age.

  17. I'm fairly sure there are a number of teams that would based on the outcome of Manning's health. Look at the Patriots. Brady tore his ACL in one season, and they didn't move up their first round selection to pick up Freeman as his heir apparent. Instead, they trade down and pick up numerous second round picks to round out a fairly solid roster. They also just last season brought in a third rounder to be the "heir apparent" while Brady finishes out his career.

    It is not exactly the same scenario, but we're talking about a HOF QB who went down with a major injury, and the team wasn't immediately jumping ship to replace him.

    In any case, you look at a team as successful as the pats, and you can see they are doing something right. I see no reason that if Manning is found to be healthy that the team has no choice in the selection of Luck. We can just as easily do what Greenbay did and draft a guy late in the first with great potential to be the heir apparent as Manning's legacy winds down.

    There you go, two teams that, while they didn't have the top overall selection, made solid choices, rounded out rosters, and won superbowls despite not having selected their guy #1 overall. It has been done time and again in the NFL.

    This is going to be an easy arguement. Everyone is goong to point out to you the difference between a knee injury and the seriousness of a neck injury (3-4 surgeries), his age, and the posibility that his nerves may not fully recover and therefore not allowing him to be able to make NFL throws.
  18. I don't think, as a QB, you would have many chances to demonstrate your standing long jump prowess on the field.

    However, as a measure of leg strength, especially if you have defenders wrapped around them, as you attempt to throw the pass, it is a useful comparative measure.

    Many of these drills do not relate to NFL type movements. What they are designed to do is to provide some type of quantifyable data so that when comparing propsects to one another, you can make an apples-sto-apples comparison. It's just an additional set of data that you can use as a scout, along with game film and the practice sessions at the combine.

    I would like to see QB's do drills without any real defenders and pretend that they're avoiding rushing defenders while making a throw. Basically, I would like for someone to look like Napolean Dynamite's uncle at the combine.

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