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Posts posted by Flash7

  1. I don't get why people do not understand that the amount of yards that we give up will eventually turn into points. It may not have happened in this game, but it sure has in the past games. Look at the Pats game, the Texans, the Bears, and even that Jaguars game that we lost because MJD ran wild.  


    It's like saying I don't mind germs as long as I don't get sick. The germs will eventually lead to you getting sick.

  2. 10 - 5 liking it... very much.  We need better players to fit scheme.  It will come.  Grigson and Pagano know this and will draft  / sign FA's accordingly.


    We were playing like Andy Reid type WCO in early second half and getting our tails handed to us!

    I agree with you here, ColtsBlueFL. Also, I don't care much what the Steelers fans like or don't like. Fans usually complain about everything. It's what Ben Roethlisberger thinks that should matter more, and he loved Arians and his system. I have a feeling that Luck would want Arians to return next year.
  3. Wait, actually I take back what I said about the defense doing enough to allow us to win. It was an absolutely pathetic effort. Yes we got the win, but barely against a team with nothing to play for -- a team that gets dominated by everyone else-- except they have a career day against the Colts. I know we won, but we are a playoff team. We should have dominated! Yes we held them to 13 points, but we could've and should've played much better. I don't want us to limp into the playoffs.


    True.   No question.


    But they've laid out the blueprint for success at Stanford.   We're going to be bigger, stronger and much, much tougher than most everyone we play.    We'll rarely have superior athlete's to a school like Notre Dame, Oregon, Alabama or LSU.


    But with most everyone playing some kind of spread and passing a lot and not running as much,  Stanford is going to punish you for four quarters.   We're going to run between the tackles and over the course of a game,  it's going to take a toll on you.   Our OL and DL are big, strong and very tough.


    And, as we've become more successful,  we're getting better athletes, which is how we're matching up with Notre Dame, Oregon and USC.


    We're still the best kept secret in college football.   We get very little respect.   And we're OK with that.   For now.   


    But, counting this year,  we've been to 3 straight BCS Bowl games.   Orange in 2011, Fiesta in 2012 and Rose in 2013.   There are only 1 or 2 other schools that can make that claim.     And here's an early tip.....    we think we'll be better next year!    :thmup:

    Next year we may see a little bit of Barry J. Sanders. I'm excited to see him play.
  5. I'm excited about the future as well. We've seen how well Luck has played behind a bad O-line. If all goes well, the O-line will only get better as we have more drafts and more cap space next year. I also forgot that Ben Ijalana was placed on IR this year. I have hopes for him and it now looks like he can be considered as a "freebee" since he was out all this year but will come next year and add to our O-line depth, or possibly start. Same goes for Chapman on the D-line.

  6. They lived in our backfield mostly thru Link and because Andrew Holds the ball because maybe he is afraid to throw quick because they knock so many of his passes down AND because he has a WEAKNESS of thinking fast and throwing Accurate.

    It is on tape, D-Coordinators see it, they maintain pocket integrity NOW, blitz and Squeeze Luck and he throws High, Behind, Inaccurate (All Season). You can count on it.

    And as we see, if you let him step thru the pocket giving his receivers time to get into open space, and he can see it clearly, he Fires it pretty good to an OPEN man.

    Andrew said Harbaugh WOULD NOT let him throw OUTS. Why would Harbaugh not let such a Veteran QB, one of the best in 25 YEARS, not throw Out patterns???

    I do not recall Luck saying that Harbaugh would not let him throw outs. I do recall Luck saying that he was banned from throwing fades...

  7. Part of it is making the right call to have the proper pass protection. The other part, and a very important part, is actually making the block. We were simply flat out beat at the line. They manhandled our O-line on so many plays that it didn't matter if the right call was made or not. Their defense lived in our backfield.

  8. Wasn't Lucks completion % around 50 before the Jacksonville game? Plus I just have a problem with thinking regression during a rookie season, he and this offense are still finding their way. The Jacksonville game was a highlight of sorts.

    You could be right in that regression may not be the best way to describe what we may be seeing with Luck, but there has been an undeniable statistical decline over the past 5 games. Prior to the Jacksonville game, his completion percentage was hovering around 5t%, and now it's below 50%. Again, I don't think it's all on Luck but we can't deny that a completion percentage below 50% is not a good thing. Thankfully, we're still winning games.

  9. What regression?

    Here's a clip from an article written about Luck:


    "In five games since posting a 69.2 completion percentage in a 27-10 victory against Jacksonville, the Colts signal-caller has completed just 49.5 percent of his passes."


    To me, it's not a matter of if he has "regressed" but why he may have regressed, statistically speaking. It's fairly obvious now that if we look into the drop in performance of the O-line, from bad to ridiculously horrible, it would account for a large portion of the dip in Luck's performance.

  10. I did wonder why Wade did not do more of that vs the Pats, or was the Pats' O-line that good across the board. I just saw Watt lined over either of the guards in the Pats game. In the Colts game, he was lined over the tackles too, on either side.

    They definitely saw some weaknesses on our O-line and exploited it. JJ Watt dominated the Colts like no other defensive player has.

  11. In his coach's weekly presser, BA said a few things that addressed a lot of questions that we may/do have.


    Here are a few topics he discussed:


    1. He was asked about Luck and the ball being thrown too high.

    BA: It's a matter of Luck seeing the play in his head really fast and reacting faster than his body. His legs aren't properly setting and it's casuing the ball to sail. The O-line needs to provide better protection so that he can step into his throws.


    2. The O-line protection against Watt was a difficult task becuase Watt kept moving into different spots along the D-line, making it even more difficult to set up the double teams. And when they did, he still beat some of the double teams.


    3. He said that they had made a consious effort to have shorter pass routes. Obviously the defensive pressure did not allow for this to be too successful. He also thinks highly of Vick Ballard.


    4. The team thought that after training camp, they could compete for a spot int he playoffs. The defense especially recognized the potential of the offense.


    Here is the full presser: http://www.colts.com/media-center/videos/Coach-Arians-12-17-2012/4258930c-2ecb-49b5-a340-0f1f0f4f8b43

  12. I think that's a very good point. Luck could very well be injured, partially injured ect. He's been taking some hard hits.

    It could be this, however, I think that as we've seen more injuries to our O-line, we've continued to see added pressure on Luck. This most likely has had a direct correlation to Luck's dip in performance.

  13. He has an uncanny ability to avoid the rush and keep plays alive.  He's proven to be strong and durable. He's made some incredible throws, while under intense pressure. He's a winner and has led our team to an incedible 9-5 record behind our terrible O-line. I look forward to the playoffs, mainly due to Luck's play.

  14. I understand what you're saying, but IMO Luck's problems are not of his own doing. He is just under way too much pressure all the time. It has probably got in his head a little bit that he has to hurry his throws because if he don't he's going to get drilled. I just want the blame to go to who deserves it and IMO 95% of the blame goes to the O-line. Just because Luck has had accuracy problems does not mean it is his fault, I watched this kid all through college and he does not have accuracy problems when given time to read his progressions and make the throw. Accuracy doesn't just become a problem all of a sudden, it is a result of a much bigger problem, and that is the O-line.

    Balzer, I think that you are right. It's by no coincidence that as our O-line gets worse Luck's completion percentage and yards gained has declined. As Sixthobject pointed out, Brady, Rogers, Ryan, and Manning would all have difficulty playing behind our O-line. In fact, its Lucks ability to avoid the rush that has made the line look better than it actually is. 


    It leads me to think that although there is no instant cure, there are steps we could take to help Luck. I think he's a difinite bright spot on the team.


    Also, I do want to point ot that there is a difference between being critical and being negative. Being critical is essential if you want to make progress. I'm sure that the team does a critical analysis after every game by watching the game films. Just because we don't like what's being discussed, does not make it negative. (not directed at you Balzer).

  15. Because he hasn't regressed, if anything the O-line keeps regressing every week and thats hard to do considering just how bad they are to begin with. Like I said, it is completely normal for rookie's to start wearing down this time of the season. In Luck's case, it's even more natural that he's wearing down, he's been running around every game just trying to make a play.

    And people have been hollering all season about the Int's. Im just pointing out that Manning had 10 more than Luck has(right now) his rookie season and he had a better O-line. It is nothing to be worried about. Now, if we have a good O-line next yr. and Luck is still throwing that many Int's, then it maybe time to get a little worried.

    I agree that the O-line has regressed--from terrible to horrendous. As stated, we have one of the leagues worst O-lines. But I also stated that his completions behind the LOS is at 65%, which should be in the 70's, and throws 1-10 yard past the LOS are at 61%, which should be in the 70's or high 60's. Much of these throws do not have much to do with the O-line and has me a little alarmed. We're asking for shorter passes, but the stats show that even if we did call for shorter passes, Luck isn't completing a very high percentage of those either.


    I'm not harping on the INT's entirely too much. But just because Manning had more INTS doesn't give Luck a "free pass." He's not Manning and may not ever be like manning. Luck has more wins hin is rookie year and less INTs than Manning did, but I still want better for Luck, if that makes sense.

  16. First, let me start off by stating that I am the biggest Luck supporter. I work at Stanford and have watched him play all throughout his college career and couldn't be more happy that of all of the NFL teams he could have joined, he joined the Colts, my favorite NFL team.


    This is not meant to be a thread to gripe about Luck; rather, a thread to honestly evaluate his progress.


    In order to honestly evaluate his progress, I must first admit that the offensive system does not suit his style of play. If it wasn't for his incredible ability to avoid the rush without taking his eyes off downfield, he wouldn't complete any passes. I will also admit that we have one of the worst O-lines in the entire league. And lastly, I will admit that he is a rookie and so is his offensive supporting cast of receivers and TEs, which will usually lend itself to making mistakes.


    Luck's low completion percentage is an issue, despite the afformentioned reasons. We can claim that the system calls for numerous downfield throws, but in reality, there are numerous shorter routes that Luck simply dismisses, opting and waiting for the downfield completion. If we are to honestly evaluate Luck, we have to admit that he can make some better decisions. He has regressed in this area tremendously over the last 4 games. He's now either at or below 50% completion over this span, which includes games against the defenses of the Bills, Lions, and Titans, no worldbeaters. Is this okay, either with Luck or Arians? Something has to change, right?  Furthermore, there is no area on the field where he averages greater than 65.7% completion (this happens to be throws behind the LOS). He averages 61.9% completion when throwing 1-10 yards past the LOS, which is still very low.


    Luck has been pressured, more than any QB in the league. Thankfully, he is very good at avoiding the rush. That's a great strength, but at times it is negated by Luck's innacuracy. He'll avoid the pressure, step up and throw the ball well over the intended receiver's head, sometimes by 10 feet over. Sometimes it will be well behind the receiver. What ever it is, I get excited to see that he avoids the pressure, only to see him make a bad throw. I wish he'd be more accurate. (I am aware of the relentless pressure, but once it's avoided, it's simply completing the pass, which is an issue here). This isn't referring to when he's faced with pressure and throws in the face of pressure, which is difficult for any QB. This is referring to after avoiding pressure, or sometimes standing in the pocket and missing the open receiver.


    The amount of turnovers for Luck is also too high. I am sure that everyone would agree with me that some of the INT's are okay because Luck has to attempt to make plays in order for the team to win. So it's a byproduct of the Colts being too reliant on Luck. However, there are times when he could've  made better throws and better decisions. He's had numerous 3-interception games.


    Some will be upset with this evaluation, and that's fine. Please know that I know all of the reasons why he's struggled some, but that doesn't mean that Luck is beyond criticism. I would like to know how you would evaluate him so far.


    Overall, I think he's amazing, but wish he would do some things better or Arian's does some things differently. I wouldn't trade him for anyone, and would choose him #1 all over again if that were possible.


  17. We try more long passes than probably any other team in the league. Holding the ball for your receiver to get open is too dangerous with our OL.

    That's true and I completely agree. But there is a sliver of hope. The Lions and the Packers, two teams that have bad O-lines and vertical passing attackes did well against the Texans. The Packers beat them and the Lions almost beat them but got hosed by the refs. Neither team (Packers or Lions) has a particularly strong defense, but are potent on offense, like the Colts. I see some similarities and hope that we can play against the Texans like they did.
  18. The Colts need to...

    1. Make the Texan's offense one dimensional by focusing on stopping the run.

    2. Have Vontae Davis cover Andre Johnson the entire game, and make the Texans rely on other receivers.

    3. Luck needs to connect on his deep throws.

    4. Luck needs to run for first downs, making the Texan's defense have to worry about him out of the pocket, opening up the middle for our receivers.

    All this is moot if we the O-line can't block. ;)

  19. I'm not sure how the game will go on Sunday, but I have seen the Jaguars and the Lions go toe-to-toe against the Texans. Neither of those two teams, especially not the Jaguars, has a dominant O-line and their QBs didn't get killed.

    I expect a good game overall, and a great effort by Luck. All the talk this week has been about our poor O-line play and the Texans dominant D-line. I hope that our boys come out with something to prove.

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