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Posts posted by Flash7

  1. The Redskins were a playoff caliber team? Really? They were not even close until RGIII came along. They were usually the third or fourth best team in their division. Not any more and most of that is because or RGIII and a very good running back. They did have a good defense though and perhaps that is what you meant. I don't think they were playoff ready. Seattle certainly was. The Colts were only one year removed from a ten win season and not that far removed from a Super Bowl appearance so I don't think they were as devoid of talent as you make out. If Manning had not been hurt the year before they would have one ten games again and made the playoffs..... :dancing:

    The team that was one year removed from the playoffs and last year's team were completely different. You should know that-- along with Manning, we released most of the "old Colts team" and built the monster with a "new Colts" team. The point that you made about being 1-year removed from the playoffs and recenty playing in the SuperBowl is invalid. The fact is, the Colts were a 2-14 team when Luck took over.

  2. Luck was incredible last year as a rookie. Was he elite?  I think he was outstanding but not elite--the best of the best. That would still be Brady, Rodgers, Manning and Brees.


    Your point that the other QBs would not be able to perform like Luck behind our O-line is valid only if we kept the offense the same. My argument is that with our O-line and a QB like Manning, we would not be running Arian's offense. Instead, we would be running Manning's "get the ball out quick" offense that we've seen for years in Indy, behind a terrible O-line. The results may still be an 11-5 team or better with these elite QBs.

  3. Cause he's Darrius Hands of Bricks

    DHB has greatly worked on his hands. When he entered the league, he was strictly a burner-- someone who only relied on his speed and marginal route running abilities to get open. Since then, he has improved on his route running, and most importantly, his ability to catch the ball.

    In his rookie year, he had a staggering 35.7% drop rate. That insane!

    However, the following year his drop rate decreased to 21.6%, and then down to 8.6% in his third year. Last year he had a drop rate of 12.8% when ideally you woud want for an NFL receiver to be under 10% drop rate. His reputation for dropping the ball was firmly established his first two years in the NFL and he's been working to remove that label ever since.

    Here's the crazy thing-- he is replacing Donnie Avery who led the league in drops last year with a 16.7% drop rate, (also tied with T.Y. Hilton of the Colts). So the Colts actually get a bigger, faster, and more reliable replacement in DHB, and now have a more experienced T.Y. Hilton. This is a win, isn't it?


  4. I'm not sure that I fully agree with the article. It's projecting who the best QBs will be next year, and a lot of it has to do with the team that the QB is on, not just based on the effectiveness of the QB.


    For example, Russel Wilson is a very good QB, but not better than Luck. He's placed ahead of Luck becuase he plays for the Seahaws who have positioned themselves to be one of the deepest teams in all of the NFL. You can site statistics all you want in comparison of the two, but we've discussed ad nausium the differences in the offenses, especially the Colt's deep threat offense and it's inverse relationship to completion percentage, and positive relationship to INTs.

  5. I personally have never really felt a set average should be followed between the run and pass. I've always felt it's best to exploit the opposing defense's weakness on a weekly basis. Doing that correctly will lead to a successful offense.

    Kenny, very well said-- and I agree with you to an extenet. I have two points to make, and please accept that this is just my $.02.


    1. I agree that we shouldn't follow a set average game-to-game, and that we should exploit the opposing defense's weakness, but at the same time we have to consider playing to our strengths, which at this time is our passing game. I think that is what many are alluding to.


    2. I think most game plans are put together to exploit the opposing team's defensive weakness and over the course of a season, our team's stregths will be highlighted to equate to a pass-run percentage. This could equate to 55% pass and 45% run, or whatever the numbers may indicate, which again would go back to the numbers that posters are alluding to. It all boils down to the fact that we are currently structured to be an efficient passing team based on the number of pass catching threats that we have.

  6. Luck took plenty of deep shots in Pep's offense while at Stanford. It's just the frequency of deep passes that's the main difference. I suspect that with Luck's ability to read coverage and throw deep, we will still see quite a bit of deep passes; however, we will see a more controlled offense. An offense that will use the pass as an extension of the run game, screen passes, quick passes, and roll-outs for easier completions. The offense will be an easier way to keep the chains keep moving rather than gaining big "chunk" yards.

  7. There are a lot of variables that can also come into play. For example, his role with the Colts will most likely be as a 3rd receiver, maybe even a situational player. With the Lions he might be expected to be their #2 receiver, behind Megatron, since their receiving corps arguably isn't as deep as ours. They have Megatron, and then Burleson, Broyles (injury prone so far) and Pettigrew?


    So not only is the amount of money a factor, but if DHB thinks he can be more of an impact player he may choose the Lions over the Colts. He'll be a bigger part of their offense as compared to ours.

  8. If we trade down for a receiver, it should be someone that has the potential to eventually take over Reggie's position. I am not sure that Swope would be that person.


    What would Swope offer that either T.Y., Brazille, or Whalen currently does not offer?


    If you mentioned someone like Hunter or K. Allen, then I could see the logic because of size and ability to play the outside, but with Swope, I'm not sure where he would be an upgrade.

  9. I really like Keenan Allen. I think that he has great hands and runs very good routes. As with everyone else, my only concern, aside from his knee, is his speed. Does he have the speed to play the "outside" in the NFL? We have the slot position well covered in my opinion and the next receiver that we draft should be someone that can take over after Wayne hangs them up.


    Does anyone know Wayne's 40 time? How does he match up compared to Keenan Allen?

  10. As if we need that. haha

    The funny part is that their offense doesn't scare me. Their defense however....


    I think that of all of the teams that we played, the Titan's put the worst beating on Luck. They seamed to be in his face as soon as the ball was snapped on every play. We actually played horribly against them in both games.

  11. I was arguing this a while ago in another thread. I feel like a lot of people have unresonably high expectations for him. He's yet to prove himself against real NFL talent.




    I think he would have been on the practice squad last year if it weren't for the injury. It's easy to stash him on IR and has little impact on financials. He deserves a shot in camp, but I'm sure not holding my breath.


    He has a chance to make an impact as WR depth and on STs...if he does make the final roster, that is all anyone should expect. I'll eat my crow if he blows up and makes a Hilton-esque impact this year.

    I agree with a lot of what you are saying. I did wan't to put in my two cents that I do not think he will have a TY Hilton like impact simply because I do not think he's as explosive as TY. I do think that he's reliable. I know from watching him in college and briefly in preseason that he's a good route runner with great hands, but doesn't have the big play ability.  I think he could quietly make an impact.

  12. Some of his play caught my eye last year, too... but getting all giddy about a UDFA who only saw action in a couple preseason games, almost entirely against 2nd and 3rd teamers seems very premature.

    I agree... it does, however, it says something that the coaching staff and team were willing to give him a contract and stash him away on IR. They too saw something in his ability to play.

  13. Fleener did well to start off the year. He actually had a good game against the Bears in game 1 and did well in the following games. Then he got hurt, and that really put the emphasis on Dwayne Allen.

    Of course, Allen being the beast that he is, didn't dissapoint and rose to the occasion. Once Allen was given an opportunity to be the main focus as the TE, he continued to get better and better. When Fleener came back he made a few catches, but Luck had built chemistry with Allen and knew how reliable he was.


    I expect Luck and Fleener to regain their chemistry in an offense that they're both familiar with. Look out, good things are about to happen.

  14. I don't think we were targeting him, but other teams may have been. Now with many free agents either receiveing a tag or being resigned by their respective teams, it makes competition for the available FAs even more difficult.

    This actually is not a good thing for us. Yes, we may not have the annoying "Let's get Bowe" threads anymore, but we may now have to pay a little more for the guy that we initially wanted.

  15. The disparity between the QB contracts at the higher end and QB contracts affected by the rookie wage scale may end up playing a large part in how high the elite QB contracts may go.

    We saw this play out in some odd form last year with Manning and Luck. But imagine a scenario where a very good rookie QB is available in the draft, and it also happens to be your elite QBs contract year. A team would be faced with drafting a good, young and inexpensive QB at roughly 4-5M per year, or

    20+ M per year for the more proven QB – resulting in stability at the QB position, but at the expense of stability at many other positions, like the turnover that the Ravens will see this year.

  16. GM's dont look at Matt Barkley as a USC quarterback...times change..coaches change...

    that's like saying that because Adrian Peterson went to high school in Texas..we'll consider playing prep ball in Texas a plus...that's not logic

    I dont think GMs consider intangibles much at all because they dont know they draftees..other than interviews

    I think that when you draft you believe your coaches will fix whatever flaws the guy has...

    You probably DO draft based on your coaches strengths...

    'Heart' is somehting we tend to judge after the fact.

    Lebron James was said to have no heart...then he dominated the NBA playoffs.

    Now, he's 'The Hardest Working Man in Show Business' same guy...

    Its all about talent. All things being equal, you ALWAYS draft the player with the MORE talent because you believe you can coach it..

    I'm not sure that I fully agree with your take on always drafting based on talent. There has to be more to it, or you wouldn't have so many misses.


    Take JJ Watt for example. He isn't the fastest, strongest, or biggest. There's something inate in him that makes him the best. It's not just talent alone but work ethic, understanding the game, and desire to be the best.

  17. There are a few factors that will give us a further glimpse, or a larger sample of Grigson's genious. I do not think that we can doubt how well the Colts drafted last year. The results speak for themselves, 11-5 record, especially knowing our 2012 cap situation.


    This year, we have money to spend in free agency, and draft picks to further improve the team.


    Here are my concerns:


    A) We are not drafting at the very top of the draft this year. It's infinitely easier to draft at the top of each round because you have so many more options, especially with Luck available at #1. How well will Grigson draft this year at #24, and in the subsequent rounds?


    B) With Grigson in a new position, he does not have the time to be immersed in the college football world, like he was previously. He is now relying on others to plea about guys with potential. Here is what he had to say about that.


    “That gave me a better picture because I didn't get to look at 350 guys like I did last year before I came in,” he said. “I don't have that catalog or reference point. I'm grinding in that respect. I told Jim Irsay this [recently]: The picture is a little murky, but every day it gets a little bit clearer with more information. The more film I get, the more passionate pleas I get from my scouts about players -- watch this guy, watch that guy.


    This is the full article.



    We liked Grigson for finding diomonds in the rough. He has admitted that he does not have that kind of frame or reference at this point. Hopefully he will get there.


    C) Since this will be his first major dabble into FA, I would like to see what comes of it. Ths is where he has to be incredibly "prudent."


    I do trust Grigson, don't get me wrong, but I also feel that he is now in a position where he has to repeat last year's performance-- which will be hard to do-- as well as make tougher decisions than he had to last year.


    What say you?

  18. The Colts are truly a very fortunate organization. We lose Peyton Manning, only to be in position to draft Andrew Luck. Then the year that we have much cap space, there are numerous options in FA that can definitely upgrade the team, especially to the O-line and DB position, two areas that needed upgrading for quite some time.


    I am very excited for FA and the draft!

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