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Posts posted by Flash7

  1. This particular year, supposedly, there are good OL and DB's available ala free agency. I suspect that Grigson will look to add a free agent OL and DB. This may alter our needs in the draft as this year's draft prospects offer very good DL options, and good OL options later in the draft.

  2. What did Smith ever do in San Fran before Jim Harbaugh got there though? If I am a rebuilding team like the Cheifs, I am grooming a young QB in my own system, and surrounding him with talent which the Chiefs cant do as much of now with giving up high picks like this.

    All Alex Smith did during his first 5 years with the Niners, is learn 5 new offensive systems--before Harbaugh got there. You tell me, is it fair to assess him under these circumstances? Then Harbaugh arrives and brings in some stability-- finally, and Alex Smith begins to perform, but everyone believes that it's because of Harbaugh and has nothing to do with Alex Smith learning a system and playing in that system for a few years. He showed great improvement under that system.


    I don't think Smith is a great QB, but if anyone could argue about not getting a fair shot, it would be him. He's not as bad as some believe he is.

  3. It's an interesting question. Luck gained a lot of "chunk" yards in Arian's offense, and he threw the ball quite a bit. He will not gain those types of chunk yards this upcoming season-- I don't think-- and I don't expect the Colts to have to throw as much. However, Luck will be expected to have a higher completion percentage, which will make up for the loss of the chunk yards and even out the amoung of passing yards gained.


    So, I expect Luck to have similar passing yards as he did this year, with more completions, more YAC from the receivers, and more TDs overall, with a decrease in INTs.

  4. If we address the O-line, Pass Rush, or DB in FA, then yes, a receiver is a need.


    Imagine if we pick up somone like Vasques on the O-line, someone like Kruger as a pass rusher, and someone like DRC or Cason as a DB in free agency, it would alter the way we may draft.


    I would then be okay going after a guy like Keenan Allen in the first round. He's 6'2", a playmaker with great route running and good hands. He's a very likely replacement for Reggie Wayne.


    In the subsequent rounds, we can address depth issues.

  5. Texans- Yeah, I agree, I could see us taking Allen.


    Colts- Desmond Trufant, though I could see a safety being taken here as well. There's plenty depth for that position in free agency though.


    Jaguars- Manti Te'o, I could see the Jaguars doing this to make a splash and to have a complement for Posluszny.


    Titans- The Titans line is pretty stout, so I think they'll go D-line here. Secondary has depth already, they already nabbed a receiver for Locker to throw to in Wright, though depending on Britt's legal situation, they might consider another stud offensive weapon.

    Depending on what the Colts do in free agency, shoring up the O-line, adding a capable DB, and addressing our pass rush issues I wouldn't mind going after Keenan Allen. Yes, a receiver! (Almost blasphemy on this forum to mention that). That would take care of the "let's draft a replacement for Wayne" talk, and the need for a big receiver. At 6'2" Allen is plenty big enough, a very good route runner with great hands. Drafting him would also keep him away from the Texans, he he....

  6. Who do you think the other teams in the AFC South will draft? How do you think it will affect the season next year?


    A) Texans- I think they may draft Keenan Allen at 6'-2" 200lbs- He can be a great pick up, opposite from Andre Johnson,  making their offense even more balanced and potent.


    B) Jaguars may look at pass rusher (they were near the bottom of the league in sacks or O-line).


    C) Titans- O-line to protect Locker and create running room for CJ.


    D) Colts- D-line or O-line, or SS- depending of free agency.

  7. Aside from his injury problems, I still like Powers. Not as a starter, and not as the #2 corner, but in a role in the nickel. In this role, he will not be on the field as much and injury issues would be less of a problem, and less likely. He is still a good tackler. In-fact, our secodary, for the most part, tackled well.


    Overall, I do think that another team will offer him more and we'll move on.

  8. The bottom line is that there were three rookie QB's who stood out last season.  Not one could be said to be "by far" better than the other.  In fact, it's simply an opinion as the which was was the best period.  Even if you think one stood out, it has to be a close call.

    Look, you have an objection with his use of the term "by far." He feels that way. So you are now trying to change his opinion, which I don't think will happen.


    You can either continue to post random articles, or you can recognise that people's opinions rarely change on a forum and you can decide to let it go. Then we can continue to discuss the topic of "what we expect from Luck," and not go deeper into another Luck -vs- RGII-vs-Wilson thread.

  9. It absolutely is being a homer to say he was by far the best rookie QB.  I think Griffin was the most impressive (when healthy) and even I know it is utterly ridiculous to claim that he was leagues ahead of his fellow rookie competition.  All of those guys looked very good and each proved to have a distinct and successful style.  This isn't a Peyton Manning vs. Michael Vick thing as some seem to want it to be (or Matt Leinart vs. Steve Young from the opposite perspective).


    The "he was asked to do a lot more than those other guys" line is one that may very well be true but is almost entirely conjecture.  I don't think anyone here knows enough to say anything definitive about what burdens these guys were asked to carry.



    Interception rates, my friend.  The numbers suggest that Griffin and Wilson would both have thrown less interceptions on the same number of passes as Luck (granted, Wilson would have at least been close).

    I agree with everything that you've said, with the exception of the bolded parts. You cannot simply say that by increasing RGIII's and Wilson's passing attempts and factoring the percentage of interceptions, they would still have less interceptions than Luck. It wouldn't work that way in the real world.


    When facing the Colts, the defenses prepare to face Luck and a passing attack. When facing RGIII and Wilson, they prepare to face the read-option, a great run game, and a good passing attack. However, if you ask them to throw the ball 39 times a game, the defensive schemes that they will face will be drastically different, leading to a greater rate of INTs. It was no secret that the Colts had a weak O-line and no run game. It made it much easier to game plan against Luck, than a well balanced attack in Seattle and Washington. If you get rid of that balance, I'd expect a similar rate of turnovers in all three QBs.

  10. I expect Luck to take on a greater leadership role, especially since he has much more familiarity with the new offense.  The new offese should allow for Luck to make quicker reads, leading to less sacks, and an increase in completion percentage. I expect Luck to be very successful in this offense, almost at the level of Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady-- almost.

  11. Nah, the entire quote was “(But) I don’t want to go after a name just because that’s easy. Not in my DNA to go after names.” It seems to me that he's talking about considering players based on ability, not name recognition. The later is important to fans ("I've heard of him therefore he must be good") and certain "media conscious" owners, but I would hope that it's not important to ANY decent good personnel man - particularly since "names" tend to earn more - usually out of proportion to their value.


    And I'm not sure that I would consider Davis a "big name" myself.

    Thanks, Mac. I think you're right.


    I also think MKDK's got it right, as he stated in a few posts above.

  12. Let's say that for arguement's sake, we did draft Ansah with our first round pick. He will be under the rookie contract. How will this affect our perception of when we expect him to produce:


    A) We will want him to produce right away because for the first 4 years he will be relatively cheap and we want him to produce before we have to pay big bucks, if he pans out as we hoped he would.




    B) We can be patient with him since he's on a relatively cap-friendly rookie contract, and in essense, it's not costing us too much to wait until he developes. If he does develope, then we can pay him accordingly, and if not, it wasn't too much of a risk.

  13. I read that last paragraph a couple of times, and to me, it appears that he was just saying "It's not in my DNA to go after names" so that he doesn't have to directly talk about any one particular free agent. He probably doesn't mind talking about free agency as a whole, but would not want to get into who they are actually considering, especially not with the media. Just what I took from it, and I could be wrong; however, he definitely went after a "big name" with Vontae Davis.

  14. He runs very well after the catch, even better than when he is coming out of the backfield, but anyone with a full compliment of fingers and thumbs can catch a checkdown. But with some people talking about these WCO plays that do not just involve checkdowns, and require him to catch further down field or in traffic... have you seen anything to suggest he has goods hands?

    I have actually seen Ballard make catches out of the backfield and in traffic but I cannot recall Brown making these types of catches. Brown has caught a few check downs and turned them into big gains. Ballard had a nice catch in the backfield and scored on the corksrew TD play.


    Overall, I think that Donald Brown will be with the team next year and will be more productive. He and Ballard will share carries, but I think that Ballard will receive the bigger workload.

  15. I saw briefly on NFL.com that the Titans are mulling using the pistol and the read-option offense. With Locker being as mobile as he is, I don't find this to be too surprising. I think that we were all impressed with his ability to run out of the pocket when we played the Titans.


    Here are my thoughts:

    A) RGIII, Wilson, and Kaepernick have used the pistol and read-option offense and have been successfull. No doubt, their ability to be an accurate passer and have the ability to run have been hard to defend.


    B) I don't think that Locker is as accurate as the three QBs mentioned above. I think that RGIII, Wilson, and Kaep had passer ratings either very close to or above 100. In my opinion, it remains to be seen how much credit goes to the QBs and how much goes to the system. Is it a coincidence that all three QBs had high ratings while using this type of system to some extent?


    C) I think that the Colts will need to be prepared to face this type of offense next year. We do play the Forty Niners, and now possibly the Titans who might be using this offesne.


    What impact will this have on the AFC South, and especially, how will this impact the Colts, if at all?


  16. I think that it's a blend of what's been mentioned obove in the previous threads:


    A) That the Colts teams that Manning played on did not have the talent to be in the playoffs and it was Manning's ability to play at such a high level that made it possible for the Colts to be in the playoffs in the first place. Then the Colts go one-and-done and many people see it as a failure rather than an incredible accomplishment.


    B) I also think that Manning can be blamed for some of the losses. He is known as a cerebral QB with a brain like a computer. However, during the palyoff losses, you can see that Manning was thinking too much and trying to make too much happen. This may be a byproduct of the above (reason A) because if he didn't think everything through and didn't try to make plays happen, they would have undoubtedly lost. It's the stupid mistakes that cannot be accounted for, the pick six, and the throw across his body to the middle of the field, etc...

  17. It depends how you define a true number 1. In some peoples' minds, a true number 1 would equate to Darelle Revis. If that's the case, then not even Darelle Revis may still be a true #1.


    I think that Vontae is a solid defender, with top-notch physical skills, and the potential to be great. I would say that he can be a true #1 corner because he showed that he can be, at times. He just needs to show it more consistantly.

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