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Posts posted by Flash7


    I agree that those are the main factors that contribute to his accuracy problems,that and a porous offensive line.But,i've also wondered if lifting has also become an issue.
    He was known at Stanford for being a work horse in the weight room as well. But it didn't affect his accuracy at Stanford. He is not overly big, and is consious of the effects of working out too much. I don't think that it's an issue. In fact, I am positive that we will see an increase in his completion percentage and this "inaccuracy" bit will be old news.
  2. I think that you would have to ask yourself if he has gotten considerably bigger since he left Stanford where he had a 72% completion percentage. He was known for his accuracy.

    So if he hasn't gotten considerably larger in this year's time, logically you would have to assume that the NFL being faster, a new offensive scheme, and being a rookie while playing with other rookies have to account for a majority of his innacuarcies.

  3. I think that we have to agree that as a fan, we want to see perfection from our football team, and there is no such thing as perfection in football, especially on offense and at the QB position which is so diverse. A good completion percentage is somewhere in the mid-to-upper 60's, meaning that 30-35% of the time, the pass is incomplete. I wouldn't mind seeing Luck completing 65% of his passes (vast improvement from 54% completion) while playing in BA's high-flying and exciting offense. This of course, means that our O-line issues have to be resolved.

    Luck has shown that he can be deadly in this type of offense and I'd rather have a deadly and feared offense than just an efficient offense. The Niners with Alex Smith were efficient, but boring.


    I'm with you. I'm fine with him staying for continuity, but if he leaves I would like to see a WCO or something that relies on quick, timing routes. I don't mind the long passes, but we just don't have the O line right now.
    Not to be snarky, but shouldn't we just fix the O-line and go with what's working so far?--Given that BA stays?

    We have $46m in cap space, and five(?) draft picks. Why can't we upgrade the lines and the pass rush, augment the secondary, AND add a high caliber receiver prospect?


    I get that we have more pressing needs, and unless we have a shot at a potentially transcendent receiver, I doubt we spend significant resources on one. I just disagree with that attitude that we shouldn't even consider upgrading at receiver because we have other needs. I can't count how many times I've seen someone say "We don't X, we need Y and Z," as if we are limited in the areas we can explore roster upgrades.


    I think that's narrow-minded. We should be open to improving the roster at virtually every position, up and down the depth chart. We have a quarterback, a punter and (probably) a kicker. Everything else is fair game.

    I am in agreement with what you've said. In fact, my post specifically refered to the other areas that we are lacking. I am not opposed to upgrading the receiving corps. I think it's not an area that needs urgent attention-- the attention that some on this forum are giving it. I have no problem if we address the receiving corps, as long as the other "more pressing" (of course in my opinion) areas of need are met first, mainly the O-line, pass rush and secondary.

    Oh heck we dont need a big time receiver, look what our wr's did this year, we can get a tall receiver that has speed in the late rounds 
    I agree. Watching the Colts this year, I did not find myself thinking "yes, our O-line is horrible, and our D-line is not getting pressure on the opposing QB, and our secondary is our weakest link, but what would make us a complete team is having more receivers."

    It's like the SNL skit-- I gotta have more cowbell!!

  7. I read an ESPN article that stated he has had visits with the Patriots, Colts, Eagles and possibly a few more teams this week. Then he will choose which team he would like to sign with.

    If this is the case, and teams offer him fairly similar contracts, he will choose the Patriots. He'll play alongside Wilfork and have a shot every year to play in the Superbowl.

    Yes, the Colts are up and comers, once again, but the Patiots have pretty much renamed the Superbowl into the PatriotBowl.

  8. Regarding the question about taking the division next year, we have to look inward at the Colts team/coaches/organization and outwardly at the other teams in our division.

    1. The Texans appear to be our biggest threat. They are still a very complete team and it looks like they will continue to be next year. Just as we will look to improve with draft picks, they will be looking to do the same. I think that we can expect them to look for a difference making receiver to accompany Johnson.

    2. The Titans have shown this year that they have a strong defensive front and a good LB corps. They, like us are lacking in their secondary. I expect them to look to upgrade here. Their offense is now in the hands of Locker, and next year may be the "make or break" year for him. He had mixed results this year and no one is sure that he is the answer at QB. They may start to run the pistol or spread read-option since he is very mobile and recent trends show how effective this style of offense can be.

    3. The Jaguars have many issues, starting with their O-line and moving to the most important position, the QB. Currently, they do not have a QB on their roster that would scare many NFL defenses. If they stick with Gabbert, that would be the best thing they could do for us. MJD is approaching his last year of his contract, so I expect him to try to earn a new high-paying one.

    4. The COLTS!!! We have struck gold this past draft. Obviously the addition of Andrew Luck and the acquisition of many additional talented rookies has positioned us for many years of future success. We need to address the O-line (badly) and our secondary and we can be in contention for a superbowl. Obviously there are more holes to fill than just what I've mentioned, but I've never seen a "perfect" team. We just need to address these issues without a drop-off in other positions and we should be fine.

  9. Tebow is not a QB, and the Colts definitely would not use him as a QB, not even as a back-up. We definitely would NOT let him throw, and the Wildcat would essentially take the ball out of Luck's hands, which is not what the Colts would want to do.

    TE- Would he be able to beat out either Allen, Fleener or Saunders? I don't think he would be able to beat out any of those guys.

    Fullback- Would he be able to beat out Allen? I'm not sure that he would. I would bet against it.

    Essentially, if he was able to contribute to the team and actually make it onto the team based on his superior playing ability at a given position, then just like anoyone else, he may have a shot at making the team. I just don't see it. In additon, as everyone else has mentioned, he would bring the circus in town, which makes this even less likely. The Colts passed up on Dennard and Burfict in this year's draft because of issues not related to football. I doubt the Colts would want to deal with all of the hooplah that surrounds Tebow for a player that couldn't help a bad team like the Jets.


    Nice find and I think the stats are pretty telling. If you read through this , they are pretty much saying everything that surrounded the rookie was crap. 


    1) No running game

    2) No protection

    3) Too many drops

    4) No seperation by the receivers

    5) Bad defense

    A quick response:

    1) No running game: Check

    2) No protection: Check

    3) Too many drops: Check

    4) No seperation by the receivers: Check (debatable really)

    5) Bad defense: Check (mostly)

    Sounds about right, doesn't it?

  11. I like to look at trends and there are two that I'll bring up.

    1. Thie first is that teams that have won several games in a season by less than one score usually do not have a good season the following year. This is a trend that's been analized with numerous years of data. Basically it takes into account the law of averages. I hope we buck this trend being that we are a young and improving team.

    2. Secondly, I think that if we evaluate Reggie Wayne's performance throughout the year, we would see that he had a greater impact at the beginning of the year, and less of an impact at the end of the year. This may be good and bad. Good in that it shows that other guys stepped up, mainly Hilton and Allen, but bad because Luck relies heavily on Wayne-- and I am afraid to say that Wayne may not have this type of season next year, as he continues to get double teamed, and sadly, older and slower.

    We will need the others on offense to greatly step up if we want to have the same type of better offensive output.

  12. Ballard didn`t drop that last pass either. It was wide right.

    Anyone covering for Luck and all his off target passes is Off target. He has thrown behing his receivers CONSTANTLY All- Season Long. His release is too slow, his arm strength must improve, and he MUST anticipate better.

    His receivers get the ball to late and are contested too often. So lets see what he can do.

    The ball was thrown wide right. But ask yourself, what was the intended route? It was a short distance play, and Ballard looked like he was asked to run an "out route" and he cut the corner and rounded out his pattern. Luck threw the ball as an out, but Ballard drifted up the field, thus the throw was wide right. Had ballard run a crisp out route as he was supposed to, it would have been complete. To me, the throw was on target-- the route was not precise.

  13. I like Ballard, but I don't see him as a game breaker. He's consistant and a hard runner with good vision, but not someone that I can see break out with many big runs. His longest is 26 yards.


    How many of those big runs did we see against us this year? MJD had a huge run against us and so did Jamaal Charles. Heck, so did Bernard Pierce, Foster, Hillis, and  the unknown RB from Green Bay.


    It would be nice to have a game breaking long run every once in a while to help take the pressure off of Luck and the offense. This is where we miss Brown.

  14. ...Andrew Luck gets the snap and drops back. He's met immediatley by a defender....now two defenders. Looks like he'll be sacked...wait, hold on! He gets away and rolls to his right. He throws the ball downfield, about 30-yards. T.Y. Hilton is streaking to the right....the pass is on target...and Hilton drops it!

  15. Well of course most QBs are going to be a bit better when they get protection, course with that said Ive seen Luck make more than a few overthrows this season with perfect protection!
    Hello everyone, my name is Hawkeyes. I expect Luck to be PERFECT and will always make negative comments about him every chance I get until he shows he can be. Please reference any thread about Luck and there you will find me being negative.
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