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Posts posted by GoPats

  1. 23 hours ago, George Peterson said:

    Unfortunately I can believe it... depending on where you actually go in New England.  We're a bellicose  bunch, we always have been, and we tend to be a bit insular.  The Boston Irish influence is very strong throughout the region, and we do have a tendency to look askance at outsiders.  The rivalries with Montreal in hockey, and New York in baseball and football, tend to reflect that strongly, with both sides smacktalking and everyone giving as good as they get and the Bostonians loving every minute of it.


    Unfortunately from a more reserved, Midwestern perspective -- yeah, I can definitely see why our braggadocio from years of bumping shoulders with New York Irishmen and Montreal Frenchmen would rub people the wrong way, particularly  because not all of us can keep a lid on it, especially when the beer starts flowing.  It's just the way we are.


    Sure, I've been to Gillette and had to SMH at times... like I said, I think in every fan base, there are good sorts and bad sorts. It's just that the bad sorts get more attention because they tend to be louder, lol...


    I grew up splitting my time between the Boston suburbs and the White Mountains. Even within New England, the cultural/regional differences are prominent. As a Mainer I'm sure you don't share all the same traits as a person your age and at your stage of life living in Cambridge or Somerville or something. 


    I guess I just have big issues with generalizations. :dunno:

  2. 2 hours ago, NFLfan said:

    I found this hilarious; it is a quote from Lane Johnson of the Eagles. If it has already been posted, my apologies. (Edit: The following appears too large. Perhaps a mod can put it in a quote box. I cannot do it on my phone. Thank you.)


    "I just think that The Patriot Way is a fear-based organization. Obviously, do they win? Hell yes, they win. They’ve won for a long time. Do I think people enjoy and can say, ‘I had a lot of fun playing there’? No, I don’t. That’s just the God’s honest truth. Are they successful? Well when they go to interviews, they act like ------- robots. Hey, stop being a d---head. We can be cordial for a little bit. You only get to do this job one time, so let’s have fun while we’re doing it. Not to be reckless, but I would much rather have fun and win a Super Bowl than be miserable and win five Super Bowls. But hey, it is what it is."





    Well, seeing as how there are only two players in the history of the league who've won 5 Super Bowls, I think Lane Johnson is kind of speaking out of turn here. How would he know? LOL...


    Most players who've come through New England would tell you that it was pretty fun playing meaningful football games every season. 



  3. 20 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

    I agree with your comment 100%. But my comments go a little deeper than football. I had to deal with the working people of all areas of the country and there is a big difference between the attitudes from various parts of the country. One example is I don't speak with a southern accent. But plenty of times in the Boston and R.I. area I have been accused of being a hillbilly because I had a Midwest accent. And it wasn't in a joking way either. The insulting treatment I received on the east coast made me change the direction my job took me. For the last 10 years of my job I wouldn't go any farther east than Ohio or the Pittsburgh area. It's sad in a way because I couldn't enjoy the rich history that part of the country has. Believe it or not I even got to hear insults how "us" hillbillies lost the war. Really? I live north of the Mason Dixon line. The mentality of that blows my mind.

    The only people I enjoyed being around on the east coast were the blue collar workers. The steel mill workers. The dock workers. The Longshoremen. But dealing with the suit and tie people was sickening because it was apparent they think they are above most including their own blue collar workers.

    Sorry I am so blunt but it is what it is.

    You are probably one of my favorite Pats fans that post in this forum and I enjoy talking with you because we talk in a comfort zone. I have the utmost respect for that and hope to continue.




    I'm sorry to hear all of that, and your experiences in the NE are, I hope, atypical and not the norm. Through my company I work with people all over the country and in Canada, and have always actually enjoyed the subtle cultural differences. It's sad that people would be so ignorant and rude... I've always found that anywhere you go, you have your share of good people, and your share of not-so-good people, lol...



  4. 2 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

    Look, I have been all over this country with my past job for over 35 years. People attitudes very from different parts of the country. There is truth to what I call the east coast mentality and how they treat other people. The east coast mentality is more arrogant and loud mouthed than let's say the south. There is also a difference in lets say the New York-New Jersey area than the Boston-Providence area. Us in what you people call the fly over states are looked at like we are either hillbilly or slow minded.

    Just like exactly as you say. You bring up virtues you instill in your youth. That is exactly your arrogance showing up without you even having second thoughts about it. This has zero to do with any of that. I been to NFL games in Foxborough, Pittsburgh, DC, Phily, Indy, Cincy, Back in the old Baltimore Memorial stadium, Chicago, Green Bay, St. Louis and Nashville. Out of all those places I attended games at the one at Foxborough was the only one I was treated like a dog because I wore my Blue and White. I was harassed, beer thrown on me, me and my 14 year old grandson was threatened and had things said to us I can't repeat in this forum. Even as far as death threats.  It wasn't at only the stadium, it was even at the hotel we were staying at. The lack of class shown by your hospitality has long standing effects that will never go away.

    So don't tell me there is no east coast mentality or lack thereof.


    I like you and your posts, but I hate seeing anyone subscribe to these types of generalizations. 


    What if we judged all Indy fans by the incident where a 12-year-old girl was booed while competing in a "pass, punt and kick" thing at the old RCA Dome? 


    Was that "classy?" It happened in 2008, YEARS before DFG... is that the type of character and integrity you guys are talking about? To boo a child for wearing a particular team's jersey? 


    I have two young children, ages 8 and 5, and I don't use NFL football as a means to teach them lessons between right and wrong. I don't encourage them to hold sports stars up to some kind of heroes ideal and I think it's a mistake when families actually DO take professional sports that seriously. 


    We don't really know any of these guys. We really don't. We don't know what kind of people they are, so whenever someone talks about class and integrity, my immediate thought is that you should look elsewhere (to teachers, firefighters, police officers, our military, etc) for your heroes. 




    I can’t believe I’m doing this, but...


    I’m pretty convinced that DFG all goes back to the Pats-Jets game the season before, where the refs added air to NE’s game balls during inspection, and post-game they were over 16 PSI. If you followed the whole story, you’ll remember... that was actually outside of the “legal” limit. The refs did that. This was all well documented during the investigation. Brady was PO’d and let the equipment guys know it.


    So, speculating here... it would be crazy to deflate balls to a point where an NFL ref, who handles the ball between every play and has trained to do his job, would notice. But, if a QB prefers a softer ball, and knows that refs sort of nonchalantly go by a “feel” test (evidenced by the Pats’ balls from that Jets game), without much regard for the actual guidelines, well... maybe your equipment guys know it too. So if the refs add air arbitrarily, take the top off. Not necessarily and deliberately outside the guidelines, but not necessarily within them, either. 


    That line of thinking is sacrelige to a lot of Pats fans but to me, it’s the most logical explaination. The whole thing was made worse by Brady’s apparent lack of full cooperation, but from the get-go it was totally overblown. An equipment violation subject to a team fine of $25k. Not something that would result in suspending a player for a quarter of a season and dragging his legacy through the mud. 


    It’s almost as crazy as the idea that you can get some kind of added advantage based on where your camera is located while filming a guy giving signals in front of 80,000 people huh? 


    Last point and I’ll shut up. Since these 2 “scandals” the Patriots have won their division every year except ‘08 when Brady was injured. They’ve appeared in 5 Super Bowls and won two. Brady has won 3 MVPs. There’s been no drop off, no difference in them really at all since these alleged advantages were exposed to an NFL public that hated them well before 2007, lol... 


    Does that make them angels, or innocent of the accusations? No, but it should be pretty clear that they don’t amount to very much either way.





  6. 4 hours ago, Gramz said:

    I couldn't agree more.   I briefly posted on a Broncos board when Peyton was there, and I could only bring myself to post to that board in small increments.  haha  


    Other than that, this is the only board I particpate in.


    Tempers were a bit high the past two days.  It happens.   I think most of us felt like we'd been sucker punched by that other organization,  Again.       And yes,  we were all celebrating their loss in the SB.   Maybe a little too much, myself included.   It is what it is.   Sometimes it is hard to control your feelings,  



    I remember a looonnnggg time ago, this thread about “who would you want to meet if you could meet one NFL player ?” I posted something to the effect that I would ask if I could give that experience away so that you could have lunch with PM, and I meant it. You’re a sweetheart and I hope that nothing I’ve said here came off the wrong way. I’m just frustrated by these things and like you said, sometimes it’s hard to control these things. Wish you all the best though, as always. 

  7. 3 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Enjoy your Dynasty. I have enjoyed being a Colts fan since 1984 being here in Indy. You have 10 SB appearances since 1985 and have won 5. We only have 2 (2006/2009) and won 1 (2006) but have had tons of others wins and great moments. I think as an Indy Colts fan the worst moment I ever suffered was still the 1995 AFC Title Game loss to Pitt. Harbaugh was awesome all Playoffs. That was one game where I think we did get screwed by the REFS. The 2009 SB loss hurt to NO and so did the 2014 AFC Title Game loss to you guys (felt bad for Andrew as he didn't play well) but 1995 we had the game won.


    You are a good dude. Proof that it’s possible to be a passionate fan while still maintaining a level of objectivity and balance. Thanks man. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Jaric said:


    Yeah I think people do and that's fine really.


    I posted a lot (too much really) on other teams forums and while I was never dishonest about what I thought, I would on occasion bite my tongue to avoid being rude.  I always considered myself a guest, and it's rude to come to someone else's house and crap all over the floor.


    That said, it's important to remember that as a host, it's also rude to throw too much shade at your guests.  Not to mention adding qualifiers doesn't really help.


    "Patriots fan are the devil incarnate and should be beaten with reeds!"


    "Oh not you GoPats, you're ok."


    That doesn't really help.  Overall, if we remember that getting in to squabbles with other fans is part of the sports fan experience, while also keeping in mind quite a bit of that is just theatre, can keep you from losing perspective and saying mean things that you don't really mean.


    (Also, for the record I believe that GoPats should in fact be beaten with reeds.  For his own good  enjoyment of course.)





    FYP. :thmup:


    You basically nailed it, yes. I was pretty harsh/direct on PP after DFG. No problem admitting that. 


    Here, I've always tried to be more measured. More diplomatic. There's a difference between biting your tongue and using some discretion, versus being insincere. I am more of a guest here, and I try to act like one, not an entitled fan of another team. 


    I think what people don't understand is that a lot of sports fans have reasons for their rooting interests. With the Patriots, it goes back to being a kid and having a father who was a semi-pro football player in the 1940s and early 50s. He was a huge Patriots fan from the inception of the franchise. We went to games at the old stadium, even when the team was terrible. We waited a long, long time for the team to be relevant. If you're a real fan of a team, these things are ingrained in you, and it's almost like family. (If a family member does something wrong, sure you're disappointed, but do you disown them because of it?) 


    So, while I understand you think I "doth protest too much" (good man, knowing your Shakespeare), I don't like getting my character questioned because of my football rooting interests. Maybe that makes me sensitive, I don't know. 


  9. 2 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    As I have stated to GoPats in here, who I like and he is a huge Pats fan, I do think the Pats will be Great again next season. ...


    Hey bud. Quiet week in the news huh? haha


    I haven't said a peep on the McDaniels thing because I have mixed feelings about it. He really left Indy in the lurch, but to be honest with you, I'm not sure he's someone I would even WANT to follow in BB's footsteps. I still have a mental image in my head of him dancing on the sidelines in his first year in Denver after pulling off an upset win over the Patriots, lol... 


    That said, the vitriol coming from a LOT of Colts fans... including some people who I have known on MBs for a while and respected... is totally over the top, much like it was after Deflategate. Rubbing salt in the wound of the Super Bowl loss? Really? For all the high-and-mighty, holier-than-thou types on this board, it's ironic to see many of them behaving pretty poorly with the chips down.


    The best example, unfortunately, is gone. In one since-deleted thread, a regular poster said something to the effect of, "Patriots fans have no character or integrity." That was the same sentiment after DFG that made me stay off this board and others for about two years or so.


    I have no personal integrity because of the actions of the football team I root for? What the heck is that??? People want to pass judgment on another person in that way and are talking about character and integrity? Man, that's some serious irony. 


    I don't condone what McDaniels did. I get it. I don't know if it was intentional or not but McDaniels had a 2nd interview three or four days before the SB, so nothing could have really been finalized until then. And at that point, I think everyone the Colts had interviewed were already gone. So even if JM had informed them of this two weeks ago... they'd basically be in the same boat right now, save for any bad PR that came from making the announcement before anything got signed. 



  10. 27 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I don't see it being over quite yet either. As long as Tom and BB both are back next season they will probably at least make the Final 4 again. You guys also get Edleman back. If the Pats lose next season in the Playoffs I will then start to maybe believe it's over.


    Thanks buddy. If everyone could just be like us... imagine how great that'd be? Lol... you've always done a great job of being a die-hard fan but with a level of objectivity that's rare. I appreciate that. There's always another season ahead right? Best to you this offseason my friend. 



  11. 41 minutes ago, Gramz said:

    I know you're bummed, I've been there many times. :sigh:  


    I like you my friend, so I'll tread lightly here.  It was a great game, and it really did come down to the wire.  I admit, until that last second my stomach was churning and I just knew that Tom was going to somehow tie the game and go to overtime.  I mean, he has done that so damn many times. :argh:  


    I feel your disappointment,  but I'd be lying if I didn't say I was relieved to not have to live through another Pats SB victory. 


    Side note:  I am still so confused as to why Butler didn't play. Could have been a game changer!


    Thank you my friend, I like you too, and I always have. :thmup:


    It's a bummer, but... in the end, it's just football. My kids are just as cute and amazing as they were yesterday morning, and I'm just as lucky as I was then to be living my life. So... it's all good. Gotta keep things in perspective. haha



  12. 43 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I went to SB a party and didn't bring my laptop with me. I was drinking so just spent the night where I was. I thought about everyone being joyous in here after the Pats lost haha . I am just now going through all the Posts.


    Enjoy the pain at our expense. ;-) LOL 


    I assure you, in the end, it won't fill the voids. :lol:



  13. 1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    That was a great game yesterday. Who expected a shootout? Both QB's played Great but Tom made the 1 big mistake much like Peyton did against the Saints in 2009 with his INT. Chance to drive down and give the Pats the lead, then he fumbles. Pretty much game over after that. Regarding Tom nobody will care that a threw for 505 Yards, all they will talk about is his fumble and the Pats losing. That is how it used to be with Peyton too. I remember the SD Playoff game here in 2007 where Peyton had over 300 Yards passing, 3 TD's, and the Colts put up 24 but lost. All anybody was saying is how Peyton choked. My hats off to Nick Foles, I was never believer throughout the whole Playoffs of him, he proved me wrong. Congrats to Philly for winning their 1st SB ever.


    Legacy wise not sure how this loss will affect Tom's career? He and his team have now lost 3 SB's where they were pretty big favorites. Having said that he has still won 5.


    In fairness, Manning threw two INTs in that game.


    A turnover is a turnover, but a strip-sack is not quite the same as an INT. 



    I just don't want to hear one word about the "refs giving the Patriots another game." 


    If there was any truth to that narrative, we would have learned all about it last night. But, as the case has been all season, the refs called 'em like they saw 'em. So don't cry about the Patriots getting calls, because if that were the case, they would have gotten some last night! 



  15. 10 hours ago, 21isSuperman said:

    @GoPats @JimJaime @Flying Elvis @-JJ- @IcEWoLF Do any of you have any idea why Butler didn't play?


    Nothing confirmed, but heard rumblings that he may have missed curfew. 


    Props to Philly, they played their butts off! Of all the ways this game played out in my head, a track meet is the last thing I thought was going to happen. In the end, they just couldn't get stops. Amazing that both teams combined for ONE punt. One. Give credit where it's due. The Eagles played tough, Foles delivered, and their defense came up with a HUGE play at a HUGE moment. 


    This game was funny too, in the sense that it blew up of the things that Brady detractors say... 




    (They give up 41 and look awful doing it.)




    (Gostkowski shanks an extra point and misses a FG on a mishandled snap.) 




    (The Ertz call was a good one but the Coleman call seemed very inconsistent with what we've seen all year.)



    Can't win 'em all. We're on to 2018. :lol:








    I thought it was an amazing show, really showed a side of BOTH guys that we don't get to see often, if at all. Learning about all the dynamics behind each situation... Parcells getting to NY... winning those SBs with the Giants... moving on to the Patriots, Jets, then back to the Patriots with Parcells eventually ending up in Dallas for a while... 


    It was also great hearing LT and Carson talk about how it took a couple of seasons to really trust Belichick. And those defenses the Giants had did some amazing things (like holding SF to 3 points and then shutting out the Redskins in the '86 playoffs). 


  17. 2 hours ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:

    This is very true haha.I'd rather watch alone.


    I won't speak for everyone but i'm sure most chose to root for anyone who is playing the Patriots. So for me, the last Superbowl I could sit back and really not care who won was 2012 Ravens and 49ers. Every other year, I'm rooting hard-core for/against someone lol


    I think having grown up through the 80s and 90s, when the NFC was just DOMINATING the AFC, I just like to see a good, close game if I don't have a horse in the race. haha



  18. 2 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I am watching. At this point even if the Pats win, it wont bother me. IMO they have the better team again and should win in reality. I picked them to win it all before the season started so it doesn't surprise me they made it back. I also think around 75% of the media = ESPN and NFL Network people have their minds made up that Tom is the GOAT anyway at this point. At least most have Peyton Top 3-5 which is Mt Rushmore material, so I can live with it. Even if the Pats lose, I don't think it hurts Tom's legacy, he has won 5 SBs lmao 


    It's definitely a different experience when "your team" isn't in the game, but it can be a lot more relaxing/fun that way! I've always created some level of rooting interest but my general rule is to pull for the team that knocked your team out (so that you didn't get knocked out by a second place team, if you're gonna lose, lose to the eventual champs). But if it doesn't work out, oh well, no biggie. 


    Two years ago (Broncos/Panthers) we went to a SB party hosted by some of our friends. Had a really nice time. They invited us again last year, but I had to decline, because I can't watch the Patriots play in a Super Bowl with a room full of people, LOL! 


    So this year, once again, it'll be me and the wife and the kids, comfy at home where I can make a donkey out of myself without risk of embarrassment. haha

  19. 15 hours ago, southwest1 said:

    Hey there GP, 


    I admire that you still rock climb, hike, & ski at 45. If I remember correctly, you also encourage your kids to participate in similar activities as well. I just think it's cool that I know a dude that can ascend cliffs. It's a fascinating hobby that requires intense focus & attention to detail. Plus, I imagine doing that is a good way to clear your head & keep things in perspective. 


    Yeah, Rod Woodson was on FS1 the other day talking about training & how older guys need to realize they're not 20 anymore & adjust their workout accordingly by listening to your body & focus on flexibility, looseness, & not how much weight a guy can squat when you hit your mid 30's or older. Woodson is the man! I love that guy. 


    You are right about Brady's cult right devotion to fitness. I don't know if I could maintain that level of dedication. I still that trainer of Brady's is a bit odd. Besides TB12, does he have an other elite athletes he guides or mentors? Again, I'm not condemning Brady. He can hire whoever he wants. 


    Hey SW! 


    Thank you and yes... I've been working to get my kids involved. My daughter (8) is a machine, she's already climbed Mt. Washington with me (highest peak in the northeast US). My son is 5, and he's done a few hikes but in my experience the boy does not listen as well as his sister, haha! So it's a little tougher with him but he'll come around. 


    I know Guerero has worked with other athletes... he met Brady through Willie McGinest. He admittedly has a pretty sketchy background though, with some of the products he's pushed as well as some of his claims about his own background. 


    Personally I think whatever works for a person is what works for that person... meaning, there's no canned programs involving nutrition, exercise, and overall body care that works for EVERY human being. We all have different metabolisms and different body types. I think conceptually there are some good points in what Brady does (namely the pliability and stability training that I mentioned... those things combine to give you a good, strong "base"). But when it comes to an actual plan or program, I think that needs to be individualized to get the most benefit out of it. 


  20. 15 hours ago, GOZER said:

    The only thing I will acknowledge out of all that is that the Patriots leadership/players are willing to break the rules to their advantage and play with zero integrity...but hey winning is winning and we should all see it the way their fans tell us to!!!


    I'm not saying that. You should see it however you want to see it.


    All I'm basically saying here is that there is zero evidence that any of the "cheating" they've gotten caught for really amounted to much. The continuing and prolonged success of the team defies the idea that they got here (and have stayed here) by means that were unfair. 



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