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jimmy g

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Posts posted by jimmy g

  1. All I know is look at the schedule.  Texans on a Sunday Niight. Packers, Jets,  Vikings.  Pittsburgh on Thanksgiving. KC, the Jags and Titans are out playing us.


    Colts 1st string would struggle. Now, 3/4ths the team seems injured.  Bad D. Bad Protection. Bad Coaching. Colts go as far as Andrew carries them, apparently by himself, because we have what we have. Bill Cowher isn't coming to save us.

  2. 16 hours ago, Everyone said:

    If you really want to trade Luck, I think you should go get a psychological evaluation asap.

    First, I was kidding.


    Second, if I could trade one QB for a QB, a coach, and 11 good defensive starters, I'd consider it....

  3. 32 minutes ago, jbaron04 said:

    Thank you,  great post. reitz failed point blank. He is not some rookie 7th round pick he has bin in the league for years.  Block him for a second or 2 that's all they asked a starting rt to do

    Rietz is the RT because they tried Mewhort there, and he couldn't handle RT without help. Reitz should be a guard. We have the players we have, there's no help coming. Mewhort is a better guard than Joe- Joe's a better tackle than Jack. Neither can handle Miller alone. Expect perfection from imperfect player, you'll be disappointed.

  4. 8 hours ago, luv_pony_express said:


    It tells me Grigson is an awful GM.  The roster belongs to him, not Pagano.


    If Pagano had a better option at RT, he'd play him.  But he probably doesn't.  And OL has been a problem spot for us since the new guys took over.


    I'm glad we focused on the OL in the draft.  But there are other ways to get quality players.  And Kelly is the only rookie starting.

    The Colts traded with Green Bay to take TJ Green. With the Colts pick, Green Bay took IU's All Big Ten Tackle, Jason Spriggs.

  5. 36 minutes ago, luv_pony_express said:


    Who said it was?  Does it have to have been "all Joe" to be able to declare that we can and should find somebody else?

    My point is, they won't get anyone better this year. Rosters are set, salary caps are set. Free agents this time of year aren't better.

  6. 34 minutes ago, luv_pony_express said:


    That too.  I agree we overpaid AC -- he's no Jonathan Ogden.  But at least he's an NFL-caliber lineman.


    What good is having a great QB if you don't have a good enough O-line to let him do his job?


    What gets me is that Ryan Grigson himself WAS an offensive lineman!!!

    That's what I said when the Colts traded Chris Hinton for the Right to draft Jeff George.  No QB is good laying on his back.....

  7. Personally, I think AC is a RT and we need a new LT.  But the Colts overpaid AC, and now they're stuck.  Haeg handled LT well in Preseason, but he's hurt, not strong enough, and inexperienced.  Could be a long season for Andrew....

  8. If people think Rietz is bad, Clark would get Luck Killed! It won't change this year.. Andrew is gonna have to speed up his release....


    Andrew has been hit more his first 5 years than any other qb. That can't All be Joe...

  9. 31 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    I did not want the Colts to waste a play.  I wanted the Colts to run another play with the personnel they had since they were having success at it.  They had the option of going for the score, or checking down which could have gotten a first down, and achieving either by a pass to the end zone, a running play, or any kind of play in between, even a QB scramble. 


    I don't know why Pagano thought it was important to get a different personnel package on the field when so many options were available on second down with 1:15 left.. 

    There's the important phrase - you don't know.  Unless we're in the huddle, none of us know. For instance, we had two first time starting linemen plus two banged up linemen. Maybe one was needing it, we don't know. A blown assignment could've meant disaster.



    My point is- I've watched or listened to most all Colts games since 1954. 62 years of entertainment . I've come to realize that's all it is. Those that stress out over a game that they aren't a player or coach or manager in are only killing themselves. Being angry about something you don't have control of is futile. Even tho it's fun to do!

  10. 11 minutes ago, Camio said:


    Scroll up, he did.


    He said milking the clock by going for a first down was a good idea.


    He brought this up as the reason why running the clock down on that TO call wasnt needed.


    Btw, if you dont let the clock run before that TO, then playing for a 1st down is the correct strategy to milk the clock.


    Problem is Pagano did neither.


    And, why would you anwyay milk the clock by trying to get a 1st down and have more chances at a turnover when you can milk the clock before calling that TO then, you go for the TD.


    Its simple. It really is.


    Milking the clock by trying to get a 1st down was the more risky strategy. In fact, its a dumb one and I'm not sure why one would argue for that.

    When we had Peyton, I'd agree 100%. We don't.  We have rookies and first time starters on the Line, and extraordinary 3rd down plays to be in the game. Colts aren't Super Bowl Contenders. I take what I can get from this bunch.

  11. 17 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


    Actually it was a heck of a pass and an even better catch. 


    The ball went over one LB and under another. Had they been playing pass only then the MLB would have dropped more and it would have made the play even more difficult. 


    Luck and Doyle made that look easy, but it wasn't.

    According to Sogi (on radio), it was probably meant for Moncrief. Doyle just went up and got it.

  12. 17 minutes ago, Camio said:


    You're the one trying to come up with bizarre stuff to explain Pagano's mistake.


    No way in hell did the Lions played or would've played the run against the Colts with the way the Colts chewed them passing the ball in this game.


    The Colts dont even have a running gmae to begin with so why would any team playing the Colts play the run anyway?


    This just in: Glenn and Edge are no longer Colts.

    I only heard it on radio, but I seem to recall Gore getting good gains on that drive, since Lions expected passes.

  13. 13 minutes ago, Camio said:


    You're the one who brought up playing to get a first down to milk the clock.


    We are saying playing for a first down to milk the clock (you're whole argument) was dumb because:

    1) 1st down isnt guarranteed

    2) its just more chances for a turnover


    This is why Pagano messed up with the clock management on that timeout.


    I'm not even sure why you're still trying to save the face at this point, sorry to say.


    Saying not running the clock before calling that TO because the Colts couldve gotten a first down, hence milking the clock, is beyond dumb.



    He didn't say Colts should try for a first down. He said a first down was a possibly. Not every play called for a TD works.

  14. Maybe they were completely disorganized and would have run an illegal play- lost 5 yards. Or run mixed up routes and thrown an interception.  Maybe Luck saw an opening and knew the Lions were about to shift, so he quick-snapped before they could?  Peyton always ran it down. Everyone knew it and timed their blitz with 2 seconds. Luck doesn't have Peyton' s quick release. None of us were in Luck's head. Behind by 6, you take TDs when you get them.  Sorgi even said on radio the pass looked intended for Moncrief, and Doyle 'intercepted' it.


    The loss wasn't on the Offense. Or even on the coverage by the Defense. It was on bad tackling. I only heard the game, but it sounded like the D HIT Behind the Line on almost every play, then Couldn't finish, and the Lions constantly ran an extra 15 yards???? Only players can change that.

  15. I've said in my posts: Black Lives Matter was based on a Lie. Even the DOJ Civil Rights Division admitted that Michael Brown was not surrendering with his hands up. Witnesses and the Autopsy proved he was charging the cop to attack, and the shooting was justified.


    I brought up Kap's Girlfriend, because he hadn't done this before, even during last season.  Were all the product of our environment- Something changed the Status Quo in his. He had to realize that a star kneeling for 16 games on camera would be found by the tv camera and discussed, so people saying he was simply silently doing this only for himself are nieve. 


    We all surrender rights daily to speak out against something at work in order to keep peace and harmony of the working environment. IMO, which means nothing- he is a being a selfish  distraction to the team, and would have better served his cause protesting in a different forum.

  16. 2 minutes ago, CheezyColt said:

    Lol, are you serious?  So because others might agree with him he should shut his mouth and be a "good soldier" as it were? Sports are teams.... cool. He's an athlete that plays a sport. The sport is his platform. He, as an individual, did not stand as his own personal protest. He didn't say "Oh! Watch me during the national anthem if you want something to report on." The whole "athletes should stay in their lane" mantra you're spewing is somehow suggesting that sports are some sort of sacred holy field where individuals rights are no longer valid.


    And nice job on blaming the entire controversy on the power of the almighty V. Classy. Smh.

    Who is almighty V?  I have no idea what your saying??????


    I gave an opinion of ways he could protest and not effect the team that I hope he wants to win.  If he wants to make political statements he needs to go into politics

  17. 1 minute ago, Jules said:


    I was wondering how long it would take for someone on this forum to blame his girlfriend eventually.



    If its true, its true. Kap doesn't communicate with me, so I only know what's been reported.  


    He backed himself into a corner by saying he will do it until there is a change. Many of the things Black Lives Matter organized over were lies and misrepresentations. So there can be no changes, since they didn't happen.  No one can win this situation. Not on this generation, at least...

  18. 50 minutes ago, Coltfreak said:

    To be honest I dont get why we have to play it before games     Has nothing to do with the game.  No need for it IMO

    Baseball clubs started doing it as a sense of Civic Pride in the 1890s. By WWII, MLB made it a requirement for games. It became an American Tradition and other sports accepted it.

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