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jimmy g

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Posts posted by jimmy g

  1. Just funny how you brush it off as panic. Slows starts and blowouts against top teams..... Hardly panic, more concern & facing reality. This is an average team due to terrible coaching decisions that have hindered/held back this team and it's QB

    But hey, if you're satisfied with being an average team, that's your business

    I've been watching/ loving 'my' Colts since the 1950s. I can't affect them, I'm not an owner or manager. I understand that they are Entertainment, not Life.

    I think most of their problems stem from their young and hurting OLine, IMO. Whoever controls the line controls the game.

  2. Well, when you give up 50+ points to a teams that's been pretty average and your sideline looks like a MASH unit.........

    Denver gave up 50 to Dallas last year.  Scored 51 to win.  Colts scored 34 today, would've scored more with any protection for Luck at all...   on the radio Sorgi said (I was driving, listening- didn't see the game) the receivers were open, just no time to see them...

  3. Sorry for any feelings i may be hurting, but this isn't about being a fan (especially not a typical fan as some say).   This thread is like reading about spoiled 5 year olds.  I've been following the Colts since I was 4 in 1958.   I love the team.  If I had ever acted like the above descriptions, my Dad would've spanked my behind for being stupid!  How would you act then if your kid brought home bad grades, or if (like happened to me) three times the company you worked for/ depended on for family financial support closed?  What if your wife/ girlfriend/ kid wrecked your car?   Sounds like someone (many, apparently) can't deal with a game- let alone reality.   Sad, really..... and dangerous to the rest of us.  Time to grow up and act like a responsible adult.   If you can't do that- quit following the Colts.

  4. I have a 1953 John Unitas card autographed.  My most prized possession is a football signed by Unitas and Manning.  How if I can get Luck to sign it, would be a hat trick :)

    sorry- can't be 53. The Golden Arm was still being beaten up in Louisville then. Didn't sign with Colts till 56.

    I was born in Baltimore in 54. I've got a brick from Memorial Stadium and a John Mickey #88 poster.

  5. So what exactly constitutes "turning into a Broncos fan". This is thrown around on this site in the form of an accusation and it's really quite infuriating.


    I've been a diehard Colts fan since the late '60's. Right now I'm also rooting for Peyton. Since he plays for the Broncos, this involves rooting for the Broncos. If you have any insight into how one separates the two I would be fascinated to hear it.

    I agree!   I was born in Baltimore in '54- been a Colts fan since the 50s.  Moved to Indy in '80, and the Colts followed me here.  (I'm probably the only one on here that knows the real reason they moved was the Baltimore Blue Laws; prior to the 1970 merger, all games started at 2pm.  With the merger, games were 1pm and 4pm.  Blue Laws prevented games from starting before 2 and tailgaters took all the parking at the churches surrounding Memorial Stadium.  The Colts weren't good enough for the 4pm game, and couldn't play at 1.  They played at 2 and missed the tv revenue.   Now it's changed...)


    I root for the Colts first, then if they are eliminated, I root for Peyton!!!!


    I believe Peyton is the only starting QB to make it to three Super Bowls with three different Head Coaches (Dungy, Caldwell, and Fox).

    (although Unitas played (didn't start SBIII) in NFL Championship games for Eubank, Shula, and McCafferty, winning titles in 58, 59. 68 (won the NFL Championship, lost in SB)and 70.  The Packers beat the Colts in the Western Div Championship in 65 on a disputed FG that appeared wide- even the refs weren't sure.  That led to the NFL extending the goal posts to their current height, for better judgement....

  6. For those of you interested - Colts Authority did a piece each week where the author reviewed every block by every player. It's pretty easy to tell who they blocked and if the block was successful. He admits that he doesn't know their assignments, only what they actually did.

    That's not opinion, that's an objective analysis.

    Facts are always true, never altered, never interpretted.  Everything else is opinion. Analysis is one's opinion of what is presented to be interpretted.  99% of things posted on a message board are opinons that posters want interpretted to be facts, which they aren't....

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