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jimmy g

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Posts posted by jimmy g

  1. But, then I am older than most of ya'll.

    I'm 60. Born in Baltimore in 54. Loved Colts and Orioles long as I can remember.I was in Memorial Stadium for Johnny U's last TD pass as a Colt. 5 yard dump off. WR (Willie Richardson?) Broke 5 tackles, went 80 yds for the TD.

    Best catch of all was when Memorial Stadium in Baltimore caught a Cessna in the upper deck after a playoff game. Tried to land on field, missed, couldn't climb enough and crashed into the stadium. Had the Steelers not been winning by 26 (seemed like 50), many would've died. Luckily, the stadium was emptying....


  2. The greatest Colt catch was John Mackey catching the tipped ball in the Super Bowl as it lead to the Colts winning the game.

    the greatest NON Catch was Jimmy Orr forlornly waving in the end zone, all alone, and Earl Morral looked at him on the flea flicker, then threw an interception to Johnny Samples on the other side (Super Bowl III). Colts dominated that game, but lost 16-7. Samples had Morral's number all day..


  3. I'm pretty sure Reggie was hurt in that game (New Orleans) and was a step slow on the slant Porter picked. That's my story, and I'll always stick to it! Everybody knew when we needed a first down Peyton threw that slant to Reggie. Had all year. Always worked, regardless. Man, that one play might've been another SB...

  4. I don't have a problem at all. It is easy to make your point when you tell it from one point of view. I know Robert Irsay was a problem but Baltimore did not make an honest effort to keep the Colts till it was too late. I have been following the Colts since the Elway fiasco so maybe there is more to the story than your opinion. But it's all good.

    the main problem was funding. In those days, towns just didn't spend for public stadiums. It wasnt responsible to do so, so the funding failed. Indy was the first to build the city around the sports biz. Until then, it was the other way-- sports was just extra in the city. Indy has built restaurants, bars, arenas, businesses such as the NCAA tourism and other biz all because of the Hoosier Dome. Indy should be proud. Baltimore has since copied it with their Inner Harbor...
  5. You wasn't the only person around during those times. There is a more information other than Wikipedia also. So if your taking all of your information from a local Baltimore paper I guess it's the gospel after 30 years.

    I have no idea what your problem us, nor do I care. I'm actually amazed myself that coming out of the blue a 60 year old memory was that right-on accurate 30 years later. Guess some don't like being hung with a new rope??? The Colts are here, and staying. I'm happy. The papers and three TV stations were all anyone had. There was no internet, and no cable. No ESPN.....

    Oprah Winfry was the local cub reporter for WJZ, the ABC station. She did the reports from the zoo or the crazy stuff...

    Jimmy might have only been 25, but he took the day to day ops and (I have to believe) the NFL had to have been relieved. Bob pretty much became a figurehead here, next to his Baltimore days. There, it seemed a gm or a head coach needed permission to go to the bathroom. He was a micromanager there, and pretty well inebriated in a lot of his press conferences. Jimmy was a welcome change if you knew the difference....

  6. You do have some holes. Granted this is Wikipedia but you can verify the information with the links at the bottom of the Wikipedia page.


    That's wiki, mine is a memory off the top from 30 years ago. Looks almost identical on my dates and timing, which is amazing for remembering 30 years ago. What they missed was the three times for tv- 1pm, 4pm both for the rest of the nfl- and 2pm for the Colts.... Even wiki said eminent domain came up on March 27, they moved March 29. So I was right that it was a matter of days, and Baltimore did it because the NFL gave him permission to move...
  7. Keep getting the bait? For one thing your comment about people being happy about Jimmy taking over the Colts after the move was wrong. Jimmy was only 25 years old. Robert was in Indy from 1984 till his death in 1997. Robert Irsay did not start talking to other cities till it was apparent that Baltimore was not going to build a new stadium. The final straw happened when the Maryland General Assembly began passing law to have the Colts taken from Irsay under eminent domain. All of the lawsuits were dismissed in 1986. Baltimore did not agree to build a stadium 1 year before the domain issue came up. All of this is public record if you are interested to finding out the true facts and not what you best remember.

    jimmy became Gm when they moved. Bob took a major step back from the level of involvement he had done in Baltimore. Baltimore DID negotiate with Irsay more than a year before the move. He DID say in a drunken post game (at least a year before) that if Edward Bennet Williams of the Orioles agreed to a new stadium, that he would too. The next day he appeared on tv and denied it. I was still there when that was played on TV, so it had to be before July 1980.I moved to Indy then. Carroll Rosenbloom was owner of the Colts when he started shopping the team to other cities before Super Bowl III(1968 season, Super Bowl was Jan, 69) He wanted to move them to Tampa (his home), because fans had organized a 'slow-down on tickets', or a major complaint because Rosenbloom was the first to make season ticketholders buy preseason games to keep their tickets. That was the start of the end of the great Unitas run...I was reading the Baltimore sports pages everyday in 1967. Keep looking at Wikipedia for info. I was there... Where's Old Crow?. He can probably verify my memories...
  8. There are a few holes in your story.

    I'm telling it as best and fairly as I remember it. Kept getting the Balt

    Sun, the Balt News American, the York Daily Record, and the York Gazette for a number of years after my wife informed me that we had moved 600 miles to Indy (I'm a truck driver, I could live anywhere in those days. I see no holes.. What needs answered, and why does it matter? Colts are here 30 years now. They aren't leaving...

  9. So Baltimore was agreeing to build a new stadium AND threatening eminent domain at the same time? Kind of hard to believe.

    no. They agreed to build a stadium if Irsay agreed a full year before the eminent domain thing, which was only discussed the few days before they left. they negotiated s new agreement with him over 3 years before he left. They built a new training facility at that time. Given by the city to the Colts. Eventually given or taken back, now the Ravens training facility. Owners had been threatening to leave Baltimore since 66 (the previous owner lived in Tampa, and wanted a team there) if no new stadium built, so no one took him seriously. And since Bob sat in the upper decks and got drunk with the fans (no owner's suites in Memorial Stadium built in 1953), no one knew his actual thoughts. He would blather one thing , drunk, at the postgame- then something different sober the next day. He even fired a head coach once at halftime. I think the NFL welcomed the move as long as jimmy got to run things. It was a breath of fresh air to all to have old Bob less powerful..

    Proof they actually wanted a stadium; they changed the Blue Laws and planned a new stadium for the Orioles almost as soon as he left..

  10. Having been a Baltimore, and Indianapolis Colts fan while living in Chicago land most all my life, I see no reason not to be a ??? Colts fan now living in Indy.

    Sunday Ticket is good.

    exactly. I moved from Penna, north of Baltimore to Indy in 1980. Was checking into buying a satellite in 83-84 because I was certain they were moving to Phoenix. Now, any fan can watch any team via the internet..
  11. Hey Doc! That comment that I made was based on Jets and Giants being sold out for years in advance. .

    same was in Baltimore prior to Bob Irsay. Then in January 71 they were Champs. Irsay traded or refused to sign the stars and by the 72-73 season they were 2-12 and Marty Domres was qb, and people quit buying tickets.

    We're incredibly lucky that jimmy hasn't acted like his Dad. We have the House that Peyton built, and now Luck is on our side. I've been a Colts fan since Unitas was was young. I've been blessed...

  12. Comparing Baltimore with Indianapolis does not make sense. Indianapolis has built the Colts two new stadiums and have supported them. Baltimore expected the Colts to play in a stadium that pretty much needed condemned. Even in the Indy Colts thin days they were drawing more fans that what Baltimore was providing at the time. Baltimore lost the Colts and really didn't realize how much they did lose and even after all this time there are still a lot of butt hurt Baltimore fans. Funny how some react after the fact. Now the Ravens are supported and are playing in a nice stadium. It all would have been avoided had the city and the people of Baltimore supported the Colts in the first place.

    actually, Baltimore agreed to build a stadium. A drunk Robert Irsay said on camera he'd sign a lease if the Orioles would. The o's did; irsay backed out..

    The Real reason the move was necessary was Baltimore Blue Laws. No game could start before 2pm because the tailgater's took all the church parking lots surrounding Memorial Stadium. Before the 1970 merger there was only one NFL game a day so it was no big deal. Once there were 1pm games, 4pm games plus one 2pm game, a move or a law change was necessary. TV forced the issue..

    By the way, the Rams just had their lease changed to Year to Year. They can go anytime...

  13. Here's the rule


    (3) In covering the passer position, Referees will be particularly alert to fouls in which defenders

    impermissibly use the helmet and/or facemask to hit the passer, or use hands, arms, or other parts of

    the body to hit the passer forcibly in the head or neck area (see also the other unnecessary-roughness

    rules covering these subjects). A defensive player must not use his helmet against a passer who is in

    a defenseless posture for example, (a) forcibly hitting the passer’s head or neck area with the helmet

    or facemask, regardless of whether the defensive player also uses his arms to tackle the passer by

    encircling or grasping him, or (b) lowering the head and making forcible contact with the top/crown or

    forehead/”hairline” parts of the helmet against any part of the passer’s body. This rule does not

    prohibit incidental contact by the mask or non-crown parts of the helmet in the course of a

    conventional tackle on a passer.

    My original point was it was "iffy". By reading the rule, and looking @ the pic, I stand by that. Could of gone either way.

    reading the rule, looked legal.
  14. I'm a truck driver. Every Monday I deliver in Denver. Monday my guys told me- yes, they realize I'm a Colts fan, but obviously the Broncos weren't coached well or prepared for all know the Colts couldn't belong on the same field if the Broncos wanted to play!

    I reminded them the Colts secondary shut down their receivers. And that the Colts have played the Broncos three times in the last two years, and BEAT Denver in two of those, only lost the other one by one score. Pretty impressive, to me!

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