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jimmy g

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Posts posted by jimmy g

  1. 19 minutes ago, CheezyColt said:

    I love when people tell other people what something should represent to them. Newsflash: we don't all experience life the same. It's a simple peaceful protest that people are losing their minds over. I imagine the flag, national anthem, and America in general represent something different to an African American born and raised in a project who has seen friends or family attacked or killed for something they were given no choice over, (the color of their skin) than it does to me. Who the hell is anyone to tell another person what something should represent to that person? Asinine. 

    By one player doing it, he is reflecting his opinion as being acceptable and of the Team, the Owner, and the Management to the audience. So one player is doing exactly what you just lectured not to do. Sports are Teams. All or none in a common goal.  If he wants to show a protest, take out an ad, write an op-ed, buy a commercial, schedule a TV interview, or anything individually. He may or not mean to be, but he's distracting from the Team Goal of winning games.



    I've read his girlfriend/fiance is an organizer for Black Lives Matter.  Women have power over men.....

  2. 4 hours ago, jchandler7 said:

    Not that I'm aware, he played all 16 games for them last year.

    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

    Sorry, I was wrong then. I thought he missed preseason last year or the year before with a knee injury.


    I spend a day a week in Utah, where he grew up. He was a HS All American QB, then a DE in college, and an OLB in the pros. Can he play Guard  or CB for the Colts????

  3. 35 minutes ago, BrentMc11 said:

    My nephew fell in love with them when he and his wife lived there.  I actually think they are his favorite college team. :)  He lived in Fargo.

    North Dakota: warm friendly people, surrounded by sugar beet fields in the east, oil fields in the northwest. In between, wind driven snow and below zero temps. I drove 4 hrs from Bismarck to Fargo in snow one night and only met 3 vehicles. Break down and you'll freeze to death before help comes.


    They love their college teams!  UND plays unnamed because the NCAA banned the name Fighting Sioux. And NDSU is the most excitement in the state.  I drive a semi cross country. The truck stop is a mile from campus. I go there for walks,( when it's good weather!)


    The most overlooked reason they moved and why the NFL allowed it wasn't attendance or the stadium. It was TV. The NFL had 1pm games and 4pm games. Because of (since changed) laws, Baltimore games were at 2pm, because most of the parking was on church parking lots.  I'm sure the NFL was glad to put that behind them....

  5. Adonis, you'll have to get Old Crow to get it right. My memory isn't what it used to be.  My first instinct was that it was Schnellenberer who was fired at halftime. He did similar to McCaffery, fired for not benching Domres and going with just drafted Bert Jones. 


    Oh if there had just been a Colts Fan Forum in those days!  Irsay aquired the Colts, swapping the Rams for them. McCaffery had them as Super Bowl Champs, and in the Championship game the next year. Irsay got rid of old or high priced starters and fired Mccaffery. Sandusky was made coach and finished bad. . Drafted Bert Jones,  hired OC Howard Schnellenberer from the high powered undefeated Dolphins as head coach.  Fired Schellenberger. Joe Thomas took over and finished 2-12. Then they brought in Marchibroda.  We fans were never bored!  All this in 4 years.

  6. Watching Peyton, most of his movements, posture, and even his nose shape reminded me of Unitas (except Unitas back peddled after taking the snap)

      The person that reminded me most of copying Namath was Marino.  I couldn't watch Peyton or Marino and not think of those two old guys.


    And I spelled McCaffery wrong. No T in it.  He was Coach after Shula. Won Super Bowl V. Lost in the Championship game the next year. Was fired by Bob Irsay for not benching Unitas,  playing Marty Domres in 72

  7. On 7/31/2016 at 9:36 AM, ÅÐØNϧ 1 said:











    Actually I do know a lil about bob Irsay I know he fired Coach Marchibroda during halftime & Jimmy Irsay straightened it out but until your last post he was'nt mentioned , 

    I believe it wasMcCafferty, not Marchibroda. Fired for not benching Unitas in 1972. Jimmy didn't smooth things over- he was only  13 years old. Bob told Gen Mgr Joe Thomas: 'You hired those players, you coach them."


    Jimmy took over as VP/Gen Mgr, running the team in 84, with the move to Indy.

  8. 49 minutes ago, ÅÐØNϧ 1 said:











    Actually I do know a lil about bob Irsay I know he fired Coach Marchibroda during halftime & Jimmy Irsay straightened it out but until your last post he was'nt mentioned , But that really is not the point anyway Baltimore Fans & the powers that be failed there team those fans who disliked the owner were so petty they harmed the team & players they claimed to love , I put my team first realizing that is my focus the ownership is secondary . I also realize the franchise started in Dayton Ohio , Like your Ravens  OHIO , Names change cities change but the franchise remains & that is the history of the Colts whom fans in Baltimore had 2 teams named the Colts at 1 time or another but the second franchise was well traveled with many different names as the Dayton Triangles they beat the Columbus Panhandlers 14-0 oct 3 1920  & were once called the Brooklyn Dodgers the franchise was in existence long before they arrived in Baltimore & like the L.A Rams there name traveled to there new city . We in Indy did'nt steal another team & there front office so we did'nt have to come up with a new name on the contrary Baltimore in both instances were less than honorable , You can hate on a dead man till the cows come home or praise Art Model but you can't have it both ways . 


    Enjoy your Ravens I realize many Baltimore fans are bitter but the blame is not on the owner of a franchise its a business & Baltimore failed miserably to keep a team & its players it was voted on by the fans & the fans & the legislators are why the team left ,  


    Try looking up the history of the franchise you'll realize regardless of the name the franchise lives on .



    You make many assumptions with no evidence. I'm not a Ravens Fan. I'm a Colts fan. I didn't even hint that Indy 'stole' anything. I'm not the least bit bitter.  All I ever said was that A: for the sake of saving all this hate that you are posting- In My Opinion (which means nothing, since I don't own them) the Franchise would have been better served by renaming them and starting over with a New History.


    Other than that, I come to point B: you can find history on the internet, and assume much, but you obviously weren't there to understand the atmosphere at the time. I wasn't in the locker room either. But I lived thru the three local papers and the three local news channels in that era. I believe I understand the Who, What, Why, Where, When, And Hows better than you or most on here. The Colts needed a new start. Indy gave them one, and Baltimore fans also needed rewarded for putting up with Irsay. The NFL rewarded them, and then made it up to Cleveland. It's all good.  We just have to disagree on the rest.  


    All this, because I pointed out that #88 was John Mackey's!!!!!!  Whew!

  9. 16 hours ago, ÅÐØNϧ 1 said:

     I'm from L.A I could care less about a Trolley Dodger but our Rams left & so did there history as did the Raiders & bye the way i'm pretty sure the Chargers started in L.A , As for the Colts the franchise minus the name started not in Baltimore & its history is Colts history regardless of the City they reside in , Baltimore gave them the name COLTS but they couldd'nt give them a new stadium , Indianapolis did starting with the HOOSIER DOME later renamed the RCA Dome & the LOS , We value our team & history we don't let them play in a broke down mess of a stadium sharing it with a baseball team or threaten eminent domain or vote not to use public funds for badly needed improvements or steal the brain trust & team formerly known as the Browns calling them the Ravens , I'v heard many fans of the early Colts whine in the past & present & I'll tell you the same,


    if they mattered so much then why did'nt the mayor & fans try to keep them ? And if the fans feel they got a raw deal in Baltimore why do they celebrate stealing another cities team ?  Your here obviously Indy is a better City so look forward & enjoy if you'd like to leave I doubt we would threaten you with eminent domain or shed a tear at your departure .:applause:


    You & people like you have nothing to complain about I say Poe said it best " Never More "  

    You don't appear to know the history of Bob Irsay the drunk. Baltimore offered to build him a new stadium years before the move. He said on camera that he would take the deal.  The next day he claimed he never did that.


    I think the NFL agreed to the move as long as Jmmy took over. Jimmy's a good owner. Bob was an embarrassment to the league.


    You made my point tho. The franchise had already moved twice, and changed names both times. They weren't the Baltimore Seahawks....

  10. 2 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

    And you speak of unneeded testiness.

    I come to read and post about my favorite team. Then I see you berating others for No reason, and I was stooooopud enough to ask why do you seem mad all the time. 


    You took it from there, reinforcing my view.


    Sorry. I'm old, haven't been on a 6th grade playground since 1966. I didn't realize such an innocent question was code inviting a fight to today's generation.  If there's an ignore list, put me on it.I'll go back to reading,and leave being the tough kid to you...

  11. 1 hour ago, crazycolt1 said:

    I guess your pretty thin skinned then. Not everyone's comments are going to come across like we are stepping on eggs. My every post? I wasn't aware I was being monitored by you.

    You made my point......

  12. 2 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

    Are you serious? I just explained what I thought and even said I respected and understood your comment. What is angry about that?  I have a different view because I was a Colt fan long before them moving to Indy. It goes back to the Bert Jones days in 1973.

    And I to the 1958 Championship. I was born in Baltimore in 54.


     All I did was ask. I've followed this board for two years and your every post comes across as an edge of uneeded testiness. Oh well, just my opinion.....

  13. 10 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

    I can respect and understand your personal thoughts about that but that's not the way things are. You can't erase memories. No matter how bad of an owner anyone thinks Robert Irsay was he was proud of the Colts and their history just as Jim is.

    Then the Ravens should be the Baltimore Browns.  The NFL mandated the name change to approve the move.


    I understand, it's Irsay' s team

     He can call it what he wants (if the NFL approves).  I just think it would have been smoother for all with a clean break, New start. We'd have more numbers for Colts receivers!


    Why do you post like you're angry all the time?  This is just a message board. No one should be upset here- nothing we post can change anything.  Relax, it's all good...

  14. On 7/20/2016 at 6:26 AM, crazycolt1 said:

    A new city does not mean the Colts history ends. Did the Rams and Raiders history end? Will the Rams and whoever moves to LA history end?  If you go back in history just about every team but a few have relocated to a different city. You cant change history no matter what your personal thoughts are. My question is did you hire Mayflower to handle the move from Baltimore to Indy?

    I'm not just that thought about the Colts. I wish every move of every team started a new history. For instance, the NY Yankees were once the Baltimore Orioles. The modern Orioles were once the St Louis Brown's. I seriously doubt anyone in Los Angeles even knows what a Trolley-Dodger is, nor people in Utah understand why they are the Jazz.

  15. 12 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Yeah you cant retire every number but 18, 19, and 88 should be. That is only 3 numbers. Included Unitas/Baltimore days since technically we are known as the Colts overall.

    There are already 7 retired, and the only reason 88 wasn't retired as John Mackey's was because that would be 3 in the 80s.


    There are currently seven players that have the luxury of having their numbers retired by the Colts organization. Those players are No. 19Johnny Unitas, No. 22 Buddy Young, No. 24 Lenny Moore, No. 70 Art Donovan, No. 77 Jim Parker, No. 82Raymond Berry and No. 89 Gino Marchetti.Oct 6, 2011





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