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jimmy g

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Posts posted by jimmy g

  1. 2 hours ago, JMichael557 said:

    The play calling has lessened the sacks. The pressure is the same. 

    True. Clark has had some good plays, but he's been beaten a lot.  Mostly he appears to push his player wide.  Play calling has schemed so Andrew has stepped up, passed quicker, or ran sooner.  


    No doubt, we're running more, and more successfully. OLINE has to get credit for that. And Pass Blocking, even with the breakdowns- is light-years better than against the Chiefs, for example.

  2. 23 minutes ago, aaron11 said:

    uh that was my point


    i dont want us to tank either, especially not at home.


    i have rooted for tanking in the past, but i had a change of heart about that this season.  its not about where you draft, its how you draft

    I have faith that Griggson can find us another Dorsett-type at 15th, just as well as he can at 13th...

  3. 1 minute ago, krunk said:

    Gimme Ted!   I think we'll be a significantly better defense next year with the addition of some young talent.  We have a number of pretty good pieces in the secondary already between Davis, Butler, Green, Geathers, Melvin.  Add some young talent to that mix and bulk up that front seven and the arrow is pointing upwards.  No need to start from scratch again.

    Add four new LB, and it'll be good.

  4. On 12/19/2016 at 8:35 AM, UKColt13 said:

    Would you take Gus Bradley as our defensive co-ordinator in the off-season, knowing what he did in Seattle, and his AFC South experience?


    Gus was fired by Jacksonville last night.

    I'd stick with Ted. But I'd consider Marvin Lewis if he became available before Bradley or Ryan.

  5. 16 hours ago, dw49 said:

    I watched Clark on every play. He did fine but he gets pushed back to the QB far too often. If he can add a little strength and technique to correct that , he's a keeper. But IMO there were some close calls because of this.

    He got pushed back a LOT. He got beat wide a LOT, but scheming allowed for Luck to step up or run, as the others did well.  Clark appeared lost in the second level on most runs, but for a rookie, first time starter against a really good Defense, I thought he did much better than I expected!  The kid showed promise.  You are right, let them build his strength  (Haeg too), and he can be decent.


    Harrison has been a pleasant surprise. Hope not so much that they try to reinvent the Mewhort RT experiment, tho...

  6. On 12/12/2016 at 8:01 AM, cmgww said:

    I turned 37 yesterday. That's nearly 20 years. The last time the Colts missed the playoffs in 2 consecutive seasons was 1997-1998. Now, barring a miracle, it will be 2015-2016. They missed in 2001 and 2011 too....

    While I'm upset about yesterday and the direction of the franchise, it's still pretty amazing what the Colts have done over the past two decades. 

    But we need to make some big changes and not waste Luck's prime....my Captain Obvious statement 

    Missing the playoffs sucks. I don't care if we aren't the "complete" team. Look at the 2014 team. Got within a game of the Super Bowl and they were far from perfect. 


    Just some random musings....

    When I was 17,  they had won Super Bowl V (70 season, 71 Super Bowl).Then Bob Irsay bought the Rams, traded the Rams for the Colts- traded or cut the high priced guys, and went 5-9, 4-10, and then 2-12 in 1974.


    I was spoiled tho- I grew up watching Unitas!

  7. On 12/11/2016 at 10:31 AM, NewColtsFan said:


    I'm mostly with Braveheart in the "who cares?"  camp.


    But here's what the media is saying.....


    The Titans have a better overall roster,  1-53, than the Colts do.     And they do.   


    Except at one position.    Quarterback.     As good as Mariotta is,  and he's very good, with a great future,  Luck is better.     Much better.      So we beat them.


    But the rest of the roster I think favors the Titans.    There's a lot of talent up and down that roster.    And it's only going to get better.     As part of the deal to allow the Rams to move up and get Goff,   Tennessee still gets the LA's 1st AND 3rd round picks in 2017 as well!       That's quite a haul.


    So the Titans roster is about to get deeper next year.    


    Doesn't matter that their roster is better,  as of now,  we still play them really tough as evidenced by the fact that we beat them twice this year.      We've got the better QB and that's what can happen in the NFL.


    Houston probably has the best current AFC South Roster.  Tennessee has probably the second.  I actually believe ours is worse than Jacksonville's.  The fact we're third in our division is more due to Jax incompetence than our great roster...  We go as far as Andrew can carry us. Nothing more, nothing less.

  8. 12 hours ago, Coltsman1788 said:

    I agree with much of what you posted but can also see where some other fans are coming from as well. No one likes to feel like the intensity of their fanhood is being questioned...although I don't think that was your initial intention.   At the end of the day, I don't think anyone here is content with mediocrity.  For as many posts that you can cite where you feel people are making excuses...there are also many that have been clamoring for change for quite awhile now.  At the end of the day...fans here want to see the team be successful...even if we can't all agree on what is necessary for that happen.  But until Irsay gets fed up and decides that he has had enough of Griggson & Pagano nothing will change regardless of how much the fans protest.  In my opinion, the biggest impediment to that happening is Irsay's ego...not the Colts fans' intensity or perceived lack of intensity.


    On a lighter note...it's always nice to come across other Orioles/Colts fans on this board.  Something about that Oriole Bird endeared itself to me as well.  lol  You are certainly a loyal breed of fan to also stick with the O's through all that franchise has endured for the past 30+ years. 

    In 1980 my wife 'informed me' we were moving from Southern York County PA  (35 miles from Baltimore) to Indy (her home).  Long as I  could have my Mom (now in her 90s) mail me the Baltimore Sports pages, I  was good.  She still does today!


    Go, Orioles, Go!

  9. I've been a Colts fan pretty much since I was born in Baltimore in 1954.  FAN is the operative word. I'm not a player, a coach, manager, or owner.  Hence, it matters not to the Colts success what I think or 'tolerate'.  The NFL is entertainment, nothing more.  Follow them- or leave them if you don't like the product.  I'm cheering, thick or thin....

  10. 14 hours ago, ReMeDy said:


    Now if we could just find a player named Bad...

    In the late 60s, Penn State had Defensive Tackles named Stone and Smear.


    You give a guy named Good a chance to live up to his name,  you don't a guy named Bad.

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