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jimmy g

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Posts posted by jimmy g

  1. 1 hour ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    I think most defend Peyton. I don't know anyone who would say he's worse than a top 5 QB of all time. Even if you just mean the media, most won't talk negatively about him unless it's comparisons to Tom Brady, which I can understand. Peyton is easily one of the top 3 greatest QBs of all time, and most won't dispute that. Even the Patriot crowd has respect for Peyton for the most part.

    To me- he IS one of the 5 best NFL qbs of all time. I love him. He's smart, nice, and the ultimate qb!   His problem, to me, is that he's only the 2nd best COLTS  qb of all time...


    There's something wrong if he isn't unanimous first ballot HOF!

  2. 1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Here's a question for all of you guys would Andrew Luck make the Top 20? He has had 3 Very Good seasons, 1 Great one in 2014, went to a Championship Game, has the rookie record for most Passing Yards and has had a season where he threw for 40 TD's. He also has 3 Playoff wins already.

    Not yet.  Not close.

  3. 4 hours ago, TheRustonRifle#7 said:

      I only wish Bert could have stayed healthy as he had the most physical talent of the trio,

    Bert had it all!  He had movie star looks, a rocket arm that I believe he could hunt birds with if he wanted.  He was aw-shucks before Peyton was born, and had Johnny U's grit and leadership.  His undoing was what he shares with Andrew Luck. They both refuse to give up on a play, and if it takes sacrificing their body to make the yards- they do it.  Shoulders and knees can only take so much.


    Bert went on, like Archie Manning- to make millions in business.  He made his money selling trees to Weyerhauser, I believe...  I liked him best, but it just wasn't in the cards.

  4. 1 minute ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Didn't he replace Unitas lmao Most people probably don't know that name. That is funny.

    He replaced Unitas, same time Doug Decinces replaced Brooks Robinson. Bad times in Baltimore.


    Marty was a kid from Ivy League Columbia U.  Wasnt all that horrible, but stuck in the middle between Unitas and Bert Jones.  Caused coaches to be fired when Irsay wanted Jones, and coaches said Jones wasn't ready yet, let Domres play...

  5. 1 minute ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Yeah between Peyton and Unitas it is splitting hairs on who was better. I have them both in My Top 5 of all-time period along with Brady, Montana, and Elway. That would be my 5.

    Hey, I restrained myself. Notice I didn't insist on Marty Domres!!!!!

  6. 7 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Of course it's an opinion, I just don't see how anyone can leave Marvin off the Top 10. I think he's Top 5 easily.

    Indy Colts, absolutely. Combined, I just disagree.  That's why I wanted the Colts renamed when they moved here to keep histories separate.  Too many retired numbers/legacies from Baltimore for more than Peyton to break into the top 10 

  7. 21 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I respect you because of your age but Lenny Moore isn't even close to being ranked above Peyton nor is Reggie Wayne better than Marvin Harrison. Sorry but you are way off there. If you want to say Unitas is #1 I wont dispute that but I have Peyton #1, Unitas #2, and Marvin #3. Lenny Moore over Peyton or Marvin is way wrong IMO. Ray Berry over Marvin is wrong as well. Look at their Stats and I have seen Ray Berry on film and watched Marvin's whole career live. You must hate Marvin for some reason so your hate has your judgement clouded. Marvin Harrison is arguably a Top 5 WR of all-time period in NFL history. Reggie was great but not probably isn't even Top 20 all-time in NFL history. Not being mean but I have to call someone out that disses Marvin like that, that is just puzzling.

    No hate involved. Just my opinion. Marvin was faster with better moves, but I think Reggie had better hands when the pressure was on.


    The list posted left Moore off, and he's an All Time NFL Great, so he HAS to be an All Time Colt Great!!!

  8. Peyton will always be my favorite PERSON. He won on smarts, and was great for the community.


    But Unitas is/was the Greatest QB in NFL History. He played at a time when qbs got cheap shot hit on every play. They had virtually no padding. He was slender at 6'1"/ 190.  They had no side endorsements or guarantees contracts (many worked summer jobs to pay the bills).  And Unitas didn't play against the weak (during Peytons time) ACC South.  Each week he played against Dallas Doomsday Defense, or the Rams Fearsome Foursome, or the Vikings Purple People Eaters, or the Giants team of future Hall Of Famers, or Jim Brown's Browns.  He had no off days....


    The franchise had moved from Dallas to Miami to Baltimore. The NFL had barely grown from merging with the All American League.  If Unitas hadn't sometimes WILLED his team to win, there would possibly not even be a Colts team today.

  9. No big deal, just an opinion.  I've watched the Colts since the mid 1950s, and that's my opinion.  The Colts best receiver Ever was Ray Berry.  The records prove it on consecutive games caught a pass.


    and Reggie was a better receiver  (and person for the community) than Marvin, by far.


    nite, mornings comin...

  10. 21 minutes ago, CR91 said:


    Agree disagree


    I thought it was pretty accurate


    Can't have a Colts list that doesn't list Lenny Moore in the Top Three.  And Colts would've faded to nothingness without Unitas #1.  I get it, I love Peyton- but History is History!!!  I'd put Johnny U 1, Peyton maybe 2, Moore 3, and leave off Marvin. Then agree with the rest, I guess.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Synthetic said:


    Matt Hasselbeck was your Steve DeBerg that one year. lmao Old man capping off those wins, was entertaining to watch. 



    Being on the PUP list could help Luck. There's no need to risk him in preseason coming off this surgery. 

    Plus, if practice is hard-hitting, and Luck doesn't have arm strength, he could get the RECEIVERS hurt too!!!!

  12. On 6/24/2017 at 3:46 PM, NewColtsFan said:

     remember,  they now have Bum Phillips running that defense.      It will NOT be an easy game.


    Their DC is a Dead Man????   Bum died in 2013.   I'm not sure the Colts can beat a Ghost????

  13. 29 minutes ago, J@son said:


    I wish the Colts color rush uniforms would become their permanent uniforms.

    Must be an age difference/ generation thing.  I'll have to find my glaucoma style sunglasses next time the green jets play the orangcycle dolphins. I'll have to fire up my black and white tv....

  14. On 5/31/2017 at 5:46 PM, TheRustonRifle#7 said:

    Ok, that is what I thought you meant and I totally agree.  I remember my Father, may he rip, claiming the game(1969) was "bought and paid for"...Bubba claimed the same.

    The merger was a billion dollars venture.  The Colts dominated play in that game, then Morral ignored open receivers and almost seemed to play pitch and catch with ex-Colt/Jets DB Johnny Sample.  It was prob coincidence, but it sure gave the impression of a thrown game.  Mix in Rosenblume's drowning death, and conspiricy thrives...

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