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jimmy g

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Posts posted by jimmy g

  1. 15 hours ago, LJpalmbeacher said:

    Something to think about. What if Elway did play for the colts?

    At that time we were a terribly run team starting at the top. Would Elway have led the colts to any super bowls? Would Elway have had a hall of fame career?

    No.  Can't change just one man in history, and have things stay as they happened.


    From the 1980s Colts, take off Chris Hinton, Ron Solt, Rohn Stark and Mark Herman. We got those in return for Elway.  Then the Colts lost enough to draft Cornelius Bennet, and when he held out- trade him for Eric Dickerson.  So, I can guess that comes down to no one to block for Elway, and no one except Randy McMillan to run the ball.


    Here's the 1983 Colts roster. I don't see Elway taking that bunch to any Super Bowls...



  2. 9 hours ago, JColts72 said:

    True, he did not want to play for the father and Coach Kursh. That was a horrible trade deal with Denver. It set the Colts way back except fro the brief time with Dickerson and until Peyton arrived.

    Colts got Chris Hinton, Mark Herman, and picks that became Ron Solt and Rohn Stark, if I remember right.  Three of those four became All Pro, so I'm totally sure it set them back as far as the story is told...

  3. 3 hours ago, dudeski said:

    why are people singling out Good and not Haeg?


    there is an answer for that

    The answer is- Haeg appears to have played better, and Good has been called a few times for penalties that cancelled out big plays.  that's the impression I've gotten.  


    On the other hand, when Gore runs for big yardage, it looks to me like it's when Good at RG, Haeg at RT and Gore runs right.


    You seem to be phishing, IMO...

  4.  Web searches show Thornton still a Colt.  In his last year if his Rookie Contract.  If there are no plans to bring him back, why haven't they made an injury settlement?  But if they plan on his return, how is his injury? If he's recovered, why not activate him?  He's better than Good, any day...

  5. 7 hours ago, Coltsman1788 said:

    It's not so much about saving the Colts season as it is about trying to help Luck last through the season.  At the rate this current offensive line is going, there is a real chance he gets hurt again.  Got to protect the Franchise.

    Is Thornton available to come off IR?  He's decent, in the one game a year he's healthy...

  6. 7 hours ago, Coltsman1788 said:

    Building an offensive line mostly through the draft takes a commitment and TIME. They have to develop and the coaching staff has to be able to assess who is working and who simply isn't.  This is time that Luck necessarily doesn't have as he continues to get hammered and more years of his prime are potentially wasted.  At this point, you have to have a good mix of vets and draft picks.  Picking up a Thomas or Staley at age 32 wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing if we get 2-3 decent seasons while we continue to invest other draft picks in this area.  It will help to stabilize the left side and maybe Constanzo at RT turns out to be a better fit?  If we keep the pick and draft a rookie offensive lineman with say our second rounder there are still no guarantees that pick pans out. Also  more time will be needed for that pick to develop.  The potential maximum impact of such a pick won't be immediate.  Adding a veteran, proven commodity to the mix with the younger guys gives the Colts the best chance to better protect Luck sooner rather than later.  It also gives Luck the best chance to start winning again sooner if we can somehow find a way to also shore up the defense.


    They did just the same in the 75, when they traded for George Kunz  to protect Bert Jones.  The added protection took them to the playoffs.

  7. On 10/29/2016 at 0:17 AM, RockThatBlue said:

    Thought this might be an interesting thread.


    I remember in I think it was 2000 or 2001 (I was only 10 or 11)  I turned the TV on and a Colts game was on and just got hooked to the NFL and the Colts. 


    How about yall? What got you into them?


    I was born in Baltimore in 1954. First game I remember was the 1958 sudden death Championship, on a 9" black and white tv, housed in a huge tv console.  Times have changed.  When the team won the Super Bowl in 71, their offensive line men were about 6'3", 250 lbs.

  8. 4 hours ago, Coffeedrinker said:

    I guess this is what they mean when they talk about "experience" (ok getting old).


    A long time ago, the Colts draft a WR in the first round and at the time many people thought the Colts should have drafted someone else because they had bigger "needs" then a WR.  (And even those that thought the Colts should pick a WR were not happy that they choose this particular receiver).


    Then he had a very quiet rookie season while some receivers drafter after him were lighting things up.  Even when he became a starter because of injuries he was still having a quiet rookie season.  The the start of his second season, he again was not a starter and didn't do much when he got on the field and many fans were blasting Polian for wasting a draft pick on a luxury pick... a guy who was not needed, fans talked about trading him to a team that needed WR help hoping the Colts could swing a deal to get as high as a 3rd rounder but most feeling is value was not worth it (I actually think someone said something about trading him for a BigMac (not a McChicken but that "joke" is as old and tired as a Sumner Redstone).


    Basically after his first 17 games he had 34 catches for 450 yards and 1 TD.  Fans knew he was a bust and just wanted to get rid of him as fast as possible.


    But Reggie Wayne eventually proved the fans wrong and ended up being a pretty good WR for the Colts.


    After his first 17 games Dorsett has 31 catches for 478 yards and 2 TDs.

    I thought you were describing Roger Carr.


  9. 1 hour ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    Love Haeg, I mocked him in a couple practice mocks on this site late and was happy to get him. He's ranked a top 40 rookie this year (think 38th), on Bleacher Report's rookie report after week 6, not sure after the Titans game, have to wait for them to update it. So he's playing like an early 2nd rounder. If he can become a starter, then that's huge. RT is a huge hole, so it'd be great if he filled it decently. I don't expect him to be elite there, but if he's serviceable, then it's a nice improvement over what we had.

    Joe's my favorite. But he definitely was involved in one sack. The big tackle flew right past him, and he landed on his butt. He also missed at least one run block- whiffed completely.  But he's a rookie, and never played guard in college.  He seems much better here at guard than RT tho.  And last week, it looked like when the Colts ran, they ran behind Good and Haeg.  Go Joe, go!

  10. 8 hours ago, IinD said:

    A fan is anyone who chooses to watch this team instead of doing better things on Sunday.


    We're all in that category. I couldn't get one person to watch this game with me. Nobody other then colt or Tenn fans would watch these two teams.


    I'll tune in to 0-16 so if you watch and complain, you're definitely a fan.


    If you say you've never said you hate the Colts you're a flat out liar. I've stated I hate this team many times, I keep tuning in though.

    I've watched or listened to them since 1958. Never said I hated them.


    Unless their performance affects your livelihood, it's only entertainment.

  11. 58 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

    But players are also human beings. They have the right to express themselves as long as they don't do/ say anything that violates league rules, and isn't hateful or harmful. Seeing as how standing for the National Anthem was never a requirement, players choosing to kneel during it isn't an actual issue. Whatever interpretations make off it is irrelevant because everyone has an opinion but opinion =/= fact and no rules were broken.


    This is where my thing about Irsay connects. There are some that might look at his live for Rock and collecting guitars as a distraction because it makes him appear to eccentric. You don't see Reggie Wayne saying "Maybe he should focus less on his guitars and more on the time". How Irsay chooses to express himself is his business. He should do the same.


    That was my overall point that I think I screwed up because of how I worded and presented it. Everyone has non-harmful aspects of their personalities and life that could be judged. Whether you kneel on the sideline during the Anthem, have a foot fetish like Ryan, hangout with rappers like DeSean Jackson, or whatever people shouldn't be judged for how they express themselves. Irsay saying he doesn't agree with kneeling because he doesn't feel the NFL Is the place for it is equivalent to saying that Aqib Talib shouldn't be up in clubs, the Rams players shouldn't have done the hands up thing, or Eric Decker shouldn't have been so open about his sex life on his reality show. 

    It's the work environment. He is the employer, so his rules go, as far as the team, if in agreement with the contract during games or practice.  At those times, players aren't individuals, they are Colts.


    For instance, five years ago I said something to a customer that wasn't exactly my employer's stated desires.  Ten minutes later I got a call telling me that, since I am a good employee, that I had one chance to straighten it out with the customer, apologize, and never do it again.  Or Else.  His job, his rules.

  12. 24 minutes ago, Coffeedrinker said:

    Douzer, you are smarter than that.  The 1st Amendment is protection against the government taking actions against you for your words (although that has been out the window for years with political correctness but that is a different topic), it does not guarantee no repercussions for your words from employers, friends, enemies, neighbors, etc.

    Irsay reportedly told players to protest, but not at work. Same as the rest of us would have to do. That's reasonable.


    At work  I must respect my owner's wishes, or leave. He's the one paying the bills. There's plenty of personal time for my views.

  13. On 10/19/2016 at 4:05 PM, ReMeDy said:


    I'm just saying it's expensive bringing in cake, and now that I set a precedent for it, I feel bad about quitting, but it simply has to be done. We'll still do birthdays, but yea, instead, I'll bring donuts -- much cheaper.

    I'm 62. My boss brings me both so I WON'T  retire!

  14. 30 minutes ago, pgt_rob said:

    It's the only normal reaction to want to know the reasoning. Which most cases they would give you a reason, even if it's just a plain "things just weren't working out." But if things came down to it for the employer, they can let you go without providing a reason, unfortunately. I'm not sure if the NFL has a loop hole around that law but that's what the law is here in Indiana.

    'Coach wants to see you. Bring your playbook.'

  15. On 10/17/2016 at 11:25 AM, BullsColtsFan1 said:

    I am glad he voiced his opinion.  Us fans are in the same boat!  

    Hardly. We fans aren't 9th on the NFL's All Time Rushing List, nor hanging on to play in a Super Bowl....  none of us are taking beatings behind rookies, and losing.


    Of course, none of us are making millions for being Colts, either....

  16. On 10/12/2016 at 2:30 PM, BCoop said:



    I feel like people are just throwing random crap at the wall at this point thinking it will magically improve a bad defense.

    I guess he can't be our pass rusher, then?

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