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jimmy g

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Posts posted by jimmy g

  1. 6 minutes ago, aaron11 said:

    you expected worse than that?  thats a pretty low standard lol


    two pick six'es and there would have been a third if moncrief didnt take that penalty.  also gave up a safety

    Against the Rams DLine, with our poor Oline and Tolzien- yeah, I expected worse on Offense.


    our D can't tackle college players....

  2. 49 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I still cant believe that comeback, down 38-10. Hell Andrew had them right where we wanted them haha 

    I was at a safety awards banquet for my trucking company. Told my boss I'd only come if I watched the game on slingbox to my phone.  Slingbox was delayed a minute or two.  The bar in the Resturant would cheer, then everyone at the banquet would crowd around me and my phone to see what had happened.

  3. 42 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    Dear God.....


    In this rough, unofficial poll,  Morris wins by roughly 5-to-1.


    Didn't see one poster who noted that Tolzein played mostly against the 1's,  and Morris played mostly against the 2's,  3's,  and even the 4's....


    All people can see is Morris played better without considering who he was playing against.    


    Coaches are typically risk-adverse....    I suspect they'll go with Tolzein,  and I'm OK with that.


    I post a story I shared in another thread that almost no one saw.....


    At the half-time of the Detroit game,  Ballard was interviewed about the team and when it came to the QB position he basically said that there was nothing new to report about Luck.     That there was some good and bad with Tolzein.     And that Walker was a very nice surprise.      There was not a single word said about Morris.   In fact, Ballard didn't even mention his name.     It was as if Morris wasn't even on the team.


    No one here knows how Morris is in practice.   


    No one here know how Morris is with the playbook.


    No one here know how Morris is with audibles and blocking adjustments.


    All fans here know is that they want him to start........


    I don't envy Morris if his first start is on the road against a very good Rams defense with Wade Phillips coaching them.



    If Luck is inactive, sign and unretire Peyton Manning!!!!!  He can out qb the others without an arm or without getting in shape, through his smarts.  But put a Red Jesey on him, just in case.  Gotta look good for commercials!

  4. 9 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Yeah he should be fired and we should bring Arians back since Arians has led the Cards to the SB lmao. Maybe we should bring in River Boat Ronny since he had a career season last season in Carolina. If you guys are going to keep Posting stuff like this after a game 1 of Pre-Season than I am going to have fun with it.

    I'll defend the poster. I never expect much in preseason game 1, and knew it was all new kids.  But, much as I love Chuck, I've watched a couple years now of general confusion. Too many flags, too many blown assignments, even for camp fodder. Maybe it's not Chuck, it's the assistants, but it's like the players know there's no penalty for not knowing what to do.  A Belichek or Parcells coached team just wouldn't allow it. And I'll be surprised if a Ballard run team tolerates it for very long....


    With Luck and the OL back, it should be fine, but right now it just appears to be drifting, as I heard it on the radio. Hope I'm wrong, but that's how it sounded....

  5. 2 hours ago, King Colt said:

    You are correct in your history but my point was the element of the move that is considered sneaking out in the dark. Irsay got pounded back then for this back door exit and it is still viewed s a stab in the back to the city of Baltimore's Colts fans. Can you imagine if this happened today in the social media world?!

    The internet can be good,  or evil. Social media can focus more mob  hate and discontent than the One Hundred Years War.

  6. 15 hours ago, King Colt said:

    Can you imagine waking up some morning and turning on the morning news to learn your team left town?! No one saw it coming.

    Sorry, but almost everyone saw it coming, IMO.  Roesnbloom threatened to move them to Tampa (his home)  every year. He was the first to make the season ticket holders  buy preseason tickets, saying he'd move them clear back in 67.  He wanted a new stadium so badly, he traded the Colts to Irsay in 72 for the Rams.  Then Irsay would give drunken interviews after games saying he and the city agreed on a new stadium, only to deny it the next day when he had sobered.


    The newspaper clippings I got in the 80s were so convincing they were moving, I was looking to buy a satellite receiver in 83, so I could watch the Colts from Phoenix- where the editorials all said Irsay was moving them.

  7. 20 hours ago, ColtsAC said:

    58 for me. Loved Unitas and Bert Jones and Mike Curtis. Wow, couldn't we use a Curtis now? I remember when Matte stepped in at QB and played the hated Packers even. Luck beating the Packers in the Chuck Strong game. Great players...great memories. Let's make some new ones in 2017.

    58 game on a 9" black and white huge console tv for me.  I was 4. 58 game was on because it was Championship, and the only game I really remember being on until I saw them regularly from 62 or so on. First time I saw a game in color was the Rams and 49ers, in 71.  It was amazing.  I could barely believe it!  First color tv I owned was in 74.


    I was born in Baltimore in 54, just a few blocks from the new Orioles (my team for life!)  Grew up in Delta, Pa.   My Wife(born in Indy) informed me we had moved to Indy in 1980, (i guess I actually had a choice???) and I kept up with the Colts via my Mom sending me cutouts from the Baltimore Sun Sports, the Baltimore News American Sports, the York Daily Record Sports, and the York Gazette Sports.  She spent a fortune in postage!!!!

  8. On 8/9/2017 at 9:13 AM, Kevin Bowen said:

    Just wanted to pop my head back in and thank everyone for all of the kind words.


    Like I said yesterday, producing content for Colts.com was a dream and something I loved doing on a daily basis. That wouldn't have been possible without all of you reading, listening and watching some of my work.


    I'm not sure what is next for me, but am excited about the possibilities.


    Once again, thank you. You don't know how much it meant to me to read this forum.

    God closes some doors, and opens new ones. I was upset when I was laid off in 2008, only to land at the best job I'd ever had. I'm sure youll be fine, eventually. Hang in there!

  9. 7 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    Well, the QB is the most important individual player of a team, especially one like Luck. When he falls, the rest of the pyramid crumbles. Tolzien better play like Warner did when he took over, or we'll be out before Luck enters. I'd be much more inclined to watch if we were told about Luck's status. That's the whole point of this thread. Irsay won't tell us, and he expects us to fall in line. I don't like that.

    Jimmy irsay is a SAINT, next to his Dad.  If you think Jimmy drove off fans, you should have tried following the Baltimore Colts from 72-84!!!


    The Colts haven't signed another qb,  so I expect Luck to play soon...   But it Is reminiscent of Marvins injury....

  10. 5 hours ago, RockThatBlue said:



    But seriously, if the modern day Colts moved to another city, would you still be a fan of them?


    Me? I would be. Its the team I grew up with. 

    Me too. But I grew up with them in Baltimore.  Watched them since 58, on a 9" black and white RCA tv in a Huge console. I moved here in 1980, and expected them to move to Phoenix, so I've already lived with them moving...

  11. 3 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    One advantage you have over me, you seen him play live so I cant debate it really well. 

    When I watched Peyton in a helmet, he looked like a mirror image of Unitas except bigger.  Except for Unitas's backing up dropback, to me they moved the same, walked bowlegged the same, threw the same motion, and even had similar noses.  


    The only other qbs that struck me as similar, were Marino  reminding me of Namath's release.

  12. 9 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    One advantage you have over me, you seen him play live so I cant debate it really well. I have seen video on Unitas and his Stats were off the charts for a player that played in the 50's and 60's. He threw for over 40,000 Yards. Back then that was unheard of. Both Peyton and Unitas are Top 5 QB's of all-time at worse IMO.

    The game I remember best, WAY past their primes, was Unitas vs Namath in prob 72?  Jets won, something like 51-49 or so. Namath had to be around 400 yards, Unitas had to be over 300. Before passing was really the In Thing. Last one to have the ball wins.  Both look crippled- Neither qb could barely walk. Both were washed up,  but What a Game!!!!

  13. 3 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I have Peyton #1 as Colts QB. I just think Peyton took the game to new heights but I have no problem with anyone having Unitas #1. I understand why.

    Secretly, I love Peyton more. But I grew up near Baltimore, watching Johnny U win, as he was beaten senseless on every play in a different era of No Protection.  I have no choice, really.  Forgive me, please!!!!

  14. I looked up some of the Colts best clipboard holders.


    Jim Sorgi- rated an 89 qb rating backing up Peyton and then Eli. 6 TDs 1 interception.


    Gary Cuozo- rated 62 qb rating backing Unitas. Famous for broken nose so HB Tom Matte had to qb the 65 championship game with plays taped to his wrist.   Refs blew the fieldgoal call, leading to higher goalposts, and a Packer win. Later Cuozo was traded for the draft pick thst became Bubba Smith.


    Marty Domres. Backed up and replaced Unitas, backed up Bert Jones. 53 qb rating.



    Curtis Painter- we all know. 57 rating. Also backed Eli and Flacco.


    Announcers: Baltimore's Chuck Thompson did Colts and Orioles with class. Lamey lasted longer, and is crazier.  "He dropped the frickin foitball!"


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