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jimmy g

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Posts posted by jimmy g

  1. 4 hours ago, Defjamz26 said:

    Should be Super Bowl era Colts only. How many people really saw Johnny Unitas in his prime?

    I did. There are several of us on here. Plus, Johhny U was in Two Colt Super Bowls.


    Would you leave Jim Brown off a list of Cleveland Browns? Montana off a list of Best 49ers? Unitas was THE QB for the 50th Anniversary Team.  How can Unitas have rated The Best in 50 year History, yet left off a list of Best Colts?

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  2. Lenny Moore was on the NFL's 50th Anniversary All NFL Team.


    Other than Unitas (also 50th team), and Peyton, no Colt accomplished more in a Hall of Fame career. He's clearly number 3 and can't be left off. That 50th team honor may even move him around Peyton to number 2.

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  3. On 6/5/2018 at 2:46 PM, PrincetonTiger said:

    Great chemistry between the QB, RB, and OL

    Isnt this basically, what Peyton, Edge, and Marvin did?  Those (to me) were Peyton's best years.  But Peytons release was LightYears ahead of Andrew's (so far)

  4. 1 hour ago, jimmy g said:

    59 thru 64 was about as good as any ever in the NFL (for their relative era).


    Vogel, Parker, Symanski, Sandusky, Preas.


    86-89 was Really good in Indy


    Hinton, Utt/Dixon,Donaldson, Solt, and Call.

    I'll go out on a limb and compare Dixon and Solt to Nelson and Smith.  Dixon and Solt were beginning to be touted as young mauler  NFL stars. Both had careers cut short by knee injuries.


    Hinton (he, Mark Hermann, and the pick that brought Solt and from the Elway trade)was barely behind Glenn as the best INDY tackle. (Jim Parker is Baltimore's- HOF and Retired #)


    Ray Donaldson was at least as good as ( I think better than)Jeff Saturday.  I'll go out on another limb and bet on Kevin Call's reliability vs Austin Howard's any day.


    Of course they had Eric Dickerson lining up behind them.  As the above Baltimore line that had Johnny Unitas and Lenny Moore behind them.  Let's hope the current bunch avoids injuries, and grows together to become Elite!!!

  5. We also have no idea of what Ballard offered.  He might have actually offered the Moon, but Norwell might have simply liked Jax better.  I like how it worked out.  Colts have had enough bad breaks. Time to even things out and start fresh.

  6. 5 hours ago, Colts1324 said:



    While saying that, do you guys think it is possible we use Smith as a back up left tackle this year to see if he can take Castonzo’s reign when his contract is up?  He has practiced/played left tackle for limited snaps before. 

    Haeg played better at LT backing up AC than Haeg played starting at RT.  LT is Joe's natural position, and RG is Smith's natural position.

  7. 5 hours ago, Manroth19 said:

    An upgrade at LT bumping AC to the right would be a good start


    Maybe Luck should just throw left handed, while we're at it?  LT and RT are different animals.  That's why Haeg has struggled.  He's a backup LT, learning to play RT.

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  8. 3 hours ago, DarkSuperman said:

    Do we still have Goode?

    I just don't want Joe Haeg in our starting lineup.

    Last year many wanted to move Anthony to RT and sign a LT.  Made it sound like switching to the Right would be easy.  It's not. Actually, in the small window of Joe playing Left Tackle for Anthony in the few plays AC was hurt, Joe played much better than he did on the Right.  Joe, Anthony, and Laraven were LT in college, weren't they?  Clark was a human turnstile last year, no matter where he lined up.  I suspect he'll be cut in camp if not improved.  Joe (my favorite Colt)played decently enough to fill in, but probably not start.  It's probably Good's job, unless we finally sign Austn Howard, or another true, experienced RT that gets cut...

  9. 7 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    There's no way that Braden Smith will be a backup. He will start day 1. The line will be Constanzo/Nelson/Kelly/Smith/Mewhort. Haeg isn't touching the starting 5 unless Mewhort gets hurt.

    Jack is one of my favorite players. But he couldn't handle RT before he got hurt. No way he can now, with worn out knees.  

  10. 1 hour ago, Swan Ronson said:

    What's the cut off to go from young to older fan?

    The Seahawks moved to Baltimore and became the Colts in 1953. I was born in Baltimore in 1954.  So I once was a YOUNG Colts fan. NOW, I'm and OLD Colts fan!


    (And, I moved to Indy in 1980. The Colts followed in 84. Probably, just for me!!!!!) At least that's my story...

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  11. In the Giants-Pats Super Bowl, Irsay arranged for our Indpls Children's Choir to sing the Star Spangled Banner. My wife works for the Choir. She was on the Field, standing between Brady and Belichick during the Anthem.  Much as she can't stand those Cheaters, she did say Brady is one Fine Looking Man...

  12. On 4/22/2018 at 10:13 AM, WoolMagnet said:

    Add Willie McGinnest to the list.



    My youngest is 29 now. When he was in 6th grade, his undefeated elementary school team got to play in the Hoosier Dome. Had strict instructions to not bother the pros warming up. But when they got down in their stance, McGinnest would stand behind my son and point out who was coming to block him and where the play was headed.  He even went in the kids huddle, leading the High Fives!  The other team had a first and goal from the one, but our inspired kids pushed em back on four straight plays.


    Then, McGinnest went and blew all the love by faking an injury to stop the clock as Peyton almost beat the Pats... 

  13. 22 hours ago, bluephantom87 said:


    Agree with some of those listed. I don't understand why the Colts feel that if a guy plays "aggressive" it means that he will have low character or be a trouble maker. There are plenty of defensive guys who play or have played "nasty" on the field but also showed high character off the field. Most of these guys end up in Pro Bowls and some get a bust in Canton.


    I'm just trying to remember who the last BIG hitter the Colts had besides Bob Sanders who struck fear in opponents knowing that PAIN was coming. Geathers might be that next guy but he's coming off a serious injury. Mathis and Freeney had to be accounted for with their speed off the edge but weren't really known as big hitters. Qbs did have to worry about ball security due to the pair's downward chop that lead to strip sacks.

    Mike Curtis

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  14. 5 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

    47 years ago my number was drawn. Lottery #23

    I was the luckiest man on earth.  Days before I turned 18, (1972) they announced that Draftees would no longer be sent to Viet Nam.  I never looked up my number.  My neighbor, who lost his hand over there, told me to not enlist- that they knew where to find me if they needed me.


    My wife's family was all there in 68. Three of them, counting in laws. Brother in Law still wakes up fighting hand to hand.  One of her Brothers was killed, going into Khe Sanh to save fellow Marines trapped there.  Then, for her oldest, in her Mom's safe, my wife found a Bronze Star, awarded to him for Action under fire in the Mekong Delta.  She told her Brother she'd found it, and he'd never mentioned it to anyone.  His only response was that he thought he'd lost it.....


    I m glad Peyton was #1.  He and Unitas belong in the Top 5 QBs ever!!!!!

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  15. 4 hours ago, WoolMagnet said:

    I was on the golfcourse in Florida.  It was very hard to focus on golf because the draft was going on.  Finally, between nines, i saw that Peyton was the pick.  Lets just say the back nine was more relaxed.  I was in Orlando for a weekend conference.

    its hard to believe it was 20 years. I think i'll go back and watch Peytons rookie season for inspiration.  Always love watching Marvin too.


    46 years ago, I was sort of worried about me possibly being the number 1 pick in a different kind of draft....

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