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jimmy g

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Posts posted by jimmy g

  1. 4 hours ago, WoolMagnet said:

    Its no different than the corporate world really, or militarydivisions like seals, rangers, etc.  If you put a group of self-starter leader types with excellent character together, anything is possible.  They feed off each other and it really does multiply the value,  production, and output of the individual parts.  Fortune 500 companies value most of the qualities Ballard talks about.


    Ballard used to work with Dorsey in KC. Notice the difference now that they are separate. Ballard is drafting high character players. Dorsey drafted Tyreke Hill, knowing his past.  Dorsey, now, has even signed Hunt in Cleveland after KC released him.  I doubt Ballard would.  It’ll be interesting if KC can repeat their success without those two.

  2. 5 hours ago, NFLfan said:


    Serious? I have always found him hilarious.

    He is an acquired taste that I'll never have. But I dont find Saturday Nite Live, The Simpson's, or Famiiy Guy funny either.

  3. I love good comedy. Donn Knots and Carol Burnett said that good comedy is a product of timing, and the audience.  31 laid back smiling teams, and the Colts picked Pat to present an unending loud rant with no point. I found it embarrassing that the organization presented itself this way. 

  4. Reggie is my favorite., but I didnt like it. I've never been a fan of trash talk. Of course, when I played Woody Hayes was still coaching. Spiking the ball was illegal, and so were sack dances, and celebrations of all kinds. Just line up and smash your guy...


    I assume it's a generational thing.

    • Like 1
  5. 21 hours ago, #12. said:



    I didnt stutter.


    I dont have the backroom info others on here do, so if he was a bad attitude, yes, he needed to go.  And I can't watch every day of training like others on here do. But many on here are saying Hughes was no good as a 3-4 linebacker here, and, in preseason games that year it  wasnt true.  Mathis is/was an AllPro as a 4-3 DE and Hughes was a bench sitter. But in the first preseason games as 3-4 LBs, Mathis looked lost and too slow to cover running backs in pass coverage.  Hughes looked like he was ready for a breakout season.  Then they traded him, and later scrapped the idea of Mathis in pass coverage and just let him go back to his Specialty of Strip-Sacks.  It's no big deal. Just my interpretation of what I watched.

  6. 1 hour ago, shastamasta said:


    He wasn't really playing like crap though...this is the part of the Hughes narrative that isn't entirely accurate. Colts fans (and this is a general statement...not directed at you)...have a tendency to remember one singular thing, play, etc...and Hughes' case...it was his awful effort on STs a couple of time.


    The reality is that he was a much better fit for a 3-4...the same scheme he would thrive in in BUF. The year they traded him he had pressures on a very high percentage of his snaps. And there was little reason from a football standpoint to dump him. If he wanted out...that's different of course.



    I thought he had outplayed Mathis in training camp.

  7. 1 hour ago, Happy2BeHere said:

    I thought that this exact thing is what madden is for. Sign and trade for all the guys you want then get yourself into cap hell and then edit your guys and drop their salary to half all while telling yourself that your madden team is so good that “these guys” all agreed to restructured contracts “for the better of the team” while trouncing your way to 10 straight super bowl wins.


    am I right or am I right ?


    That’s how it’s described on here. I’ve never seen Madden. Last video game I saw was Pong, in 1978.

    • Like 1
  8. 10 hours ago, NewEra said:

    Okay okay, I'm picking up what you guys are throwing down


    always 0-0 focusing on getting 1-0. I dig it


    Let's just make sure we keep chopping wood ;)

    Behave, and dont look back- theres some rolling balls of butcher knives coming after you!!!!

  9. 5 hours ago, threeflight said:

    Yes he did.  I mentioned it in the game thread last week and also on the regular forum.  The 2nd half last week he started to guide the ball and missed at least 4 throws that if he makes the game was a blowout.  


    I really started to notice it about week 12 or so and it has gotten worse every week.


    IMO he is ok physically as there are still times when he stops thinking and throws it normally.  Like at the end of the half and game yesterday.   But for most of the time his throwing motion reminds me of a girl or a pitcher who can't find the strike zone.  He is totally aiming the ball instead of zinging the ball.   He has no confidence.


    Look at Tom Brady today for example.  He is 12 years older and is throwing the ball with much more RPM speed and way better motion than what Luck is doing.  That is inexcusable.


    I also counted at least 30 times this year, and many yesterday, where Luck could have ran for good yards and instead threw a low % pass.  I think he has become so afraid of getting hurt again, probably from the coaches telling him this, that he has totally become a passive player.


    I might also add that he just looked out of it yesterday.  Like he was stoned or something.  Might have been sick with the flu?

    He hit receivers and they dropped the ball. So I think he let up, thinking they'd catch them. On at least one run he would've had the first down, but flipped it to Ebron, who dropped it. Eric dropped about 4 catchable yesterday. Plus Fountain dropped a sure TD, and Cox had a chance for one that he might have gripped inside LOS instead of 30 degree, snow and wind...

  10. The Colts were preseason picks to be #32, and made it to 6th seed- playing At the rested #1 team in the snow.  The first quarter saw passes dropped and others blocked that would have kept drives alive and possibly changed the momentum. And two starting afeties were out. 


    We got outmanned/outplayed by a better, and faster,  team.  It happens. Disappointing,  yes. But every playoff team loses their last game except the Super Bowl Winner.  We all knew we weren't the Super Bowl Champs THIS Year.  Reich and Ballard are the Real Deal.  We have much to be grateful for, after last year.  GO COLTS! I BELIEVE IN THIS TEAM!!!

    • Like 2
  11. 3 hours ago, chad72 said:

    I will watch the first half hour and have to drive to a Bible study!!! The people of Ephesus shall bless my team there on wards, right Paul? :) 


    For what it is worth, I watched the first half hour of the 2006 divisional round Ravens playoff game with the Colts kicking a FG at the beginning, and left for the same Bible study to learn the Colts won 15-6 at the end of it all, and then sweated it out during the AFCCG vs the Patriots. :dunno:

    I drive for a living. Out of state, normally in Okla and Missouri during colts games. Normally have to drive during the first 3 quarters, maybe get parked in time for the 4th.  What has me upset all year long is- I listen to 1070 on the internet on my tablet for the 10am pregame show, but, an hour before the game and during the game, all Colts-stuff is blocked if you are out of Indiana during that time, and espn broadcasts soccer during that time.  My xm carries the game, but to hear away games, you're stuck with the other team announcers.  Sometimes, just to hear at least neutral announcers, I turn on my slingbox to the game, plug the audio into the radio auxiliary, and hide the tablet so I don't watch it as I drive.  Gonna be a neck of an explanation if I'm in a wreck and it was on...  All because the nfl blocks allowing 1070 to  internet broadcast beyond the station's signal!!!!!!!

  12. 25 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    You could always watch the game on the NFL AP and be there with your daughter.


    But if your daughter doesn’t mind you not being there then go  for it.

    The year Andrew led them back against the Chiefs I was to recieve another Million Mile Safe Driving Award at a banquet.  Told my boss I'd be there, but was watching the game via Slingbox on my phone.  Slingbox sends what's on my spare bedroom TV to my phone.  I've watched it all around the USA- even sitting on a Wyomimg Mountain snowed in.  It's about a minute or two behind live. The bar crowd would scream when the Colts scored. A minute later, our banquet had everyone gathered behind me to see my phone!!!!!

    • Like 4
  13. 2 hours ago, The Old Crow said:


    Jim will never give up the Baltimore Colts history. Like you, many younger people in Baltimore only care about the Ravens. For us older fans, we all like the history of the old Baltimore Colts . I would like nothing better than the old history and banners displayed in both Baltimore and Indy. As you pointed out , both Indy and the current Ravens have their own great history . 

    A lot of time has now passed, and we are talking about great NFL history that is currently in mothballs. Meanwhile , we both hate our common enemy , the Shifty Patriots !!!! 

    Not just the Colts- I wish every team that moved left their name and history and started fresh. Like when the Baltimore Orioles became the N.Y. Highlanders, and then the Yankees.....   The St Louis Browns became the Orioles, and the Cleveland Browns became the Ravens.  And the Chicago Zephers became the Baltimore Bullets- named after the Bata Bullet tennis shoe.  With Bobby Slick Leonard as the Bullet's coach.

  14. One of my friends' Dad had season tickets. He showed me a ball signed by all members of the 63 team.


    I got to see Unitas's last td pass as a Colt in person at Memorial Stadium in 72.  5 yd pass, out in the flat. Reciever (dont remember, maybe Glenn Doughty?) Took it 80 yds, breaking about 3 tackles.  Then it became Marty Domres at qb.


    I have a brick from torn down Memorial Stadium.  The Colts moved mostly because Bob Irsay wouldn't agree with plans on a new stadium, and also because Baltimore's Blue Laws didnt allow games to start before 2pm. The Stadium was downtown, and tailgaters took over the parking of the surrounding churches. That meant national TV had games at 1pm, 4pm, and the Colts at 2pm.  That hurt TV revenue.

  15. 23 hours ago, Caffrey said:

     I still remember watching Heisman Trophy RB Alan Ameche scoring the winning TD and the announcer saying excitedly "Ameche Scores"!  Not sure if the great Lenny More was on this team.


    Anyway, anybody seen this game live, I hope we have someone and that would be great.  If you were 10 at the time, you would be 73 now.


    A lot of us are old Baltimore Colts fans who migrated with the team in our heart to become Indianapolis Colts fans, along with resident Indiana Colts fans.   We are still at team of one and root for the Colts as much regardless of where we are, where ever we go, to the day we die, we will always be a Colt fan. 

    I was 4 when I saw the game on TV. We had a Huge console TV, with a 9" screen. (Didnt get color until 74.)


    Lenny Moore WAS on the team. He threw one of the blocks on Ameche's td. (Lower left of pic)



    • Like 1
  16. 9 hours ago, Smonroe said:


    Wow, I remember that play too!  Jones was such a good QB, it’s a shame he got hurt. BTW, I was at his first game in Cleveland. I remember these Browns fans sitting in back of us saying Jones would never amount to anything, lol!


    Also, does anyone remember that after we lost the playoff game to the Steeler, a small plane crashed into the stadium?  I have a vague memory of my dad saying it may have been a good thing the Colts lost bad so fans left early.   

    That lopsided loss saved many lives.  I was about to search for the picture...


    It was 1976








    I was 22. Had been born in Baltimore in 54, raised in York County, Pa, and had been a Colts fan since watching the 58 Championship on a huge console black and white tv that had a 9"screen.

    • Like 2
  17. 4 hours ago, Trace Pyott said:

    ok, let’s say some how by miracle they cloned him and we could pick him and have two Nelson’s next year but had to use our #1 to get him would you guys be ok doing it and neglect our other needs?  Just curious. Normally it wouldn’t even be thinkable but man having two of him would be like a cheat code. You could just run it every down and pick up 4 or 5 and just do that the whole game lol. 

    Colts did that last year, yielding Braden Smith. Too bad that we needed a Tackle at the time, and had to use Braden there.  I’d stick with what CB has built, and fix another position.

  18. 6 hours ago, richard pallo said:

    The thing that keeps bothering me about this situation is Gugs telling Good he will never play for him again.                                                                       


    We don't know that happened. The article says Good said it did, but says the coach says it didn't.  Too much He said He said So ,He Said No for us to know.

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