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jimmy g

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Posts posted by jimmy g

  1. 1 hour ago, Archer said:

    WR   Funchess, Cain

    TE   Doyle, Hentges

    LT   Castonzo, Clark

    LG   Nelson

    C   Kelly, Boehm

    RG   Glowinski, Haeg

    RT   Smith, Brett Toth (final cuts from Philly)

    TE   Ebron, Cox

    Slot   Rogers, Campbell

    WR   Hilton

    QB   Brissett, Kelly (Walker for the first two weeks – Lord help us.)

    RB   Mack, Hines, West, Wilkins


    Offense   24


    RDE   Turay, Banogu (DEs depth chart a little messed up while Sheard is out)

    UT   Autry, Lewis, Ward

    NT   Hunt, Stewart

    LDE   Houston, Mohammad, Sheard

    SAM  Adams, Franklin

    MLB   Walker, Okereke

    WLB   Leonard, Speed

    CB   Ya-sin, Wilson

    FS   Hooker, Odum

    NB   Moore, Milton

    SS   Geathers, Willis

    CB   Desir, Tell


    Defense   26


    K   Vinatieri

    P   Sanchez

    LS   Rhodes


    Special Teams   3


    PS   QB Walker (or FA QB), RB Williams, OG Munyer, OT Barton, WR Hogan, WR Dulin, DT Shippy, DE Green, CB Taylor, S Nacua


    I almost kept Krishawn Hogan as our 53rd man, but that honor went to Zaire Franklin.  Really, the fact that Campbell looked healthy was the deciding factor for me.  Franklin should be more useful on ST.  Wouldn't be a problem, however, to keep only five LBs, as we are usually in nickel and essentially only have two starting LBs...

    I’m glad you’re still adding backup tackles!!!!!

    • Like 1
  2. 10 hours ago, aaron11 said:

    he would have to either come back and play here, or be traded


    we have his rights for i think two more seasons no matter how long he waits.  

    That's what I thought, but theres an article somewhere that claims he'll have to pass thru waivers first.  I have no idea.

  3. 13 hours ago, coltsfanej said:

    Very polarizing. He is in both HOF company and huge bust company. It will be interesting at how people view his career years from now. I believe it will always be with the sentiment of what could have been. 

    Those stats dont show any busts.

  4. 6 hours ago, Tsarquise said:

    Between what Andrew Luck did and what Josh McDaniels did? 


    They both changed their minds at the last minute, and they both did what was advantageous for them. Both of their decisions affected a lot of people, yet one received huge backlash, and the other received a rush of support. I'm sure if the Colts had known Luck was going to retire, their off-season moves would have been at least a little different. 


    I am aware of the Colts Patriots bias for the two of them, and I know I'll receive backlash for this, but there is not a lot of difference between the two, imo. 


    Now that I think about it, McDaniels never even signed, yet Luck was under contract, which, imo makes it worse. 

    Not even close to the same.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, rockywoj said:

    Obviously, I am not drawing a direct comparison, but it’s a valid relative analogy.

    No, it's not. Unless you were running for your life and being thrown down by 320 lbs strongmen, several times every 15 minutes, onto previous arthritic joints. And all the while having flashbacks of punctured lungs and lacerated kidneys.

    • Like 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, Coltsfan66 said:

    Bert Jones is a completely different story, imho.  I watched both players careers.

    Both played, running for their lives. Both carried their teams farther than deserved. Both careers were cut short by injuries. I see them both the same.

    • Like 2
  7. 8 hours ago, King Colt said:

    Jones went from football to being a hunting & fishing guide in Louisiana and had his ow TV show.

    Tuff life eh?

    He also invested in timberland. Made a fortune with (I think?) Monsanto?

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, WoolMagnet said:

    Beet Jones was my favorite Colt QB.... until Peyton.

      I watched Bert as a child in memorial.  He WAS tough.  Rib injuries are no joke.

    Side Note: I've got a brick from Memorial Stadium.  I was born in Baltimore Women's Hospital. (Pretty sure it doesn't exist now)


    Not a Marty Domres fan???

  9. 7 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    Its not the medical staff.  Its Luck.


    Looking back at everything in total, I think Luck lied about the impact his snowboarding accident had on his shoulder, and played less than 100% in order to protect his money.


    If he lied along the way about aggressively rehabbing the shoulder after the surgery, causing a timing set back and him to miss the 2017 season (remember Irsay saying early that he would be ready), that would be disappointing. 


    He does not have the ability to handle the stress of being "the guy", and he's reluctantly played the part until he could get out of it a rich man.


    Not saying he planned it, but I think after he got his money and his family, he finally was set enough to be truthful to himself and realized he simply did not want to be an NFL QB.

    Stop with the "get rich" schemes I see all over. The Luck Family was already rich.  It's why he wasnt as desperate to make it in the NFL as a kid coming up poor. He had that Architect Degree as well.  He marches to a different drummer than any of us or "normal" players.

  10. 1 hour ago, WoolMagnet said:

      Does anyone have information on our medical staff.

      Irsay's decision to allow Luck to keep the 24 million, coupled  with Luck's apparent injury history has me thinking.  Whether the 24M is related or not, it begs the question:

    Is our medical staff competent?

     Back when Luck had his shoulder thing, i seem to remember several "mistakes" made.  It seems Andrew improved when he got "outside" help.  

      Again , with the ankle, it seems that things were possibly not handled right .   Even Ballard was confused when he explained " we thought it was the calf, okay?,  and we had a test done.  Then we thought it was......"

      I guess i am wondering if our guys know what the heck they are doing.

    I'm guessing I'm seeing things unrelated, but 20 years ago, the now Colts Team Doctor, misdiagnosed my daughter's knee after a high school basketball injury. That has nothing to do with the Colts, or now, but I personally dont trust him.

  11. 12 minutes ago, threeflight said:

    The point is...for $25 M a year?  I wouldn't quit.


    Luck did.


    Are you even real life? 

    I see a lot of people like you here in S Cal.



    You love to worship people you have never met.


    Do you go to the Marvel movies thinking those people are real life? 


    Captain America your hero?


    I have news for you....


    Most people are fake as can be.  Stop thinking of these athletes as people that are 100% infallible.


    Luck showed his true colors.


    You don't want to admit that?



    If you were a public fireman with a bad ankle, wouldn't it be irresponsible to try to rescue people from burning buildings? You'd drop them or fall down and then TWO are endangered.  Luck is a QB.  His job is to avoid getting busted up by NFL players.  This isnt one if your movies.  He appears to believe hes too hurt to play. That's real.  Hes not a Superhero.  (Last time I saw Superman was in 1963 on a black and white TV, by the way)

    • Like 2
  12. 9 minutes ago, Iron Colt said:

    Oh you're right. He's out there dodging machine gun fire and running in to burning buildings. Oh that's right, those are real jobs that are far more dangerous and make a fraction of what Luck makes.


    Now why don't YOU sit down. Maybe put down your Andrew Luck doll while you're at it?

    There appears to now be an opening for a Starting Colts QB.  When do you take the job from Jacoby?..  what number will you wear against the Chargers???

  13. 1 minute ago, threeflight said:

    I am 50.


    I realize I may look young.  But I do NOT think old.  :)


    Lift.  Eat well.  Be young at heart.



     I can still play full court basketball against teenagers, too.  None of this is related to the thread. Especially that you like whatever that music or your cannibus movie is. What does that have to do with an injured QB retiring because he can’t outplay the NFL???

  14. 1 minute ago, aaron11 said:

    then it would have been a hole with or without him.  the point of that comment was to say ballard has built a pretty good roster otherwise.  still going to be tough to win games with jacoby though.


    its a weird day on here, some think they will be fine, others think they are screwed, i think they will be middle of the pack or so 

    At least it’s not the 2017 roster!!!!!  I had high hopes, and I’m disappointed.  I’m old- I’ve been a Colts fan since the mid 1950s.  I’m used to disappointment.  My argument on this thread is, tho- the disappointment comes from injuries caused by playing against huge fast strong guys, and not from being quitters.  Ballard has built a roster of strong characters.  It might take an extra couple of years, but they’ll get there.  Even with Andrew, they were probably one or two years away....   injuries waylay teams every year.  Only One wins the Title.

    • Like 2
  15. 7 minutes ago, threeflight said:

    I did the same thing.


    About 4 years ago I tore my right rotator cuff doing cable flies. Didn't want to have surgery because I couldn't work out.  Bowl.  Play tennis.  Hockey etc.\

    I kept working out even with the bad shoulder.  Might have missed 4 days.


    And when I say I tore it?  I mean the shoulder slipped out of joint constantly.  Actually made a clicking noise.  The doctor heard the noise and sent me right away to the ER for an MRI.  I said F it.


    Constant pain.  I had to move the shoulder up and down just to get it back in place.


    I kept going.

    Wasn't paid a dime. 

    Me too, shifting gears 1000 times a day making city deliveries.  Neither of us is playing NFL Football.  You make ridiculous comments. I could see the Colts now- you playing QB, taking the snap, putting your arm back in place as you scrambled, then throwing a 90 yard on the money TD pass.  Super Bowl Champs for sure!!!


    what’s scary, is that you see a connection....

  16. 5 minutes ago, aaron11 said:

    i didnt say that.  how did you get that from my post?


    i guess some might take issue with that comment if they think JB is good.  im skeptical 



    You stated that luck left a glaring hole.  It’s logical to assume you thought he could play and be valuable.  He appears to have thought he couldn’t.

  17. 1 minute ago, threeflight said:

    I live in S Cal.  One of my best friends is a reality TV star.


    We are starting a CBD based tv show with a public stock as the main focus.


    Stock will bananas once this hits.


    A CBD stock I had went up 2000% last week.


    CBD is the where it is.

    You’ve lost me. You,  Cannibus, and a tv show, and an NFL QB retiring, but you are one tough Superhuman.   Yeah, sure. That’s all related...

  18. 1 minute ago, threeflight said:

    The song is named Superhuman.

    You mentioned Superhuman in your post.



    I am an Andrew Bayer fan.

    That is all.

    Wish you had explained that. I’m 65 years old. I’ve never heard of him or that kind of music.  I thought you wanted to compare going to a concert to playing an NFL game.  That appears to be how you and others think????

  19. 9 minutes ago, threeflight said:

    I am a big reality TV fan.


     I have a very good friend that was huge on the Bachelor and Bachelors in Paradise.  In fact his first name begins with our 3rd string QB.  I am staring a CBD reality show type company with him.


    I realize that many of you may not notice this, but Luck uses the words "journey' and 'process' a ton.  As in all of the time.


    One thing that reality stars are taught to do, and I have heard this straight from my buddy's mouth after 5 beers, is to use those words...and to fake cry and show you are vulnerable, as much as possible.


    THAT IS ONE OF THE main reasons I don't believe a lot of what Luck says.  He uses those words.  {Process.  Vulnerable.  Journey.  He fakes emotion.


    Did we really see any tears yesterday?  I didn't.  I saw faux tears like I see on the Bachelor every week and that my bro tells me they ARE TAUGHT TO DO.



    He gives this awwwww shucks giggly I am so wonderful attitude?


    And he is at the surface a good guy.


    But deep down? He thinks of one person.  Himself.


    Hence why he quit 2 weeks before a season starts.


    Stop being fooled.


    You watch waaaaaaaaaaayyyyy too much tv....

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