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Posts posted by ColtStrong2013

  1. 3 minutes ago, Yoshinator said:

    I don't buy the "maybe we tried" reason anymore. Reason being is that Ballard has done this same song and dance for 8 years. He generally doesn't go after guys early. Same with Brandon Jones two days ago when you responded to me. Ballard generally isn't going after everyone and failing early in FA. He's just letting them sign with other teams because we're re-signing our own. Plus, you rarely hear later on that the Colts ever had interest in top FAs. Hunter was an exception yesterday, but that's a rarity.

    I wonder if we were actually interested in Hunter, or more interested in driving his price up knowing Houston was after him… 

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  2. If that were even in the thought process, Q Nelson would have been our left tackle years ago… After all, he had played some (a whole 8 snaps) and was commanding left tackle money. 

    like @chad72 said… if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Dont even think about it. We know what we have at slot corner. Go find a free safety. 


  3. 8 minutes ago, tweezy32 said:

    Yeah they are in same boat as us rookie qb contract so they actually going out and signing players while they can before there qb is up!

    seems reactionary to me… You either refused to pay your own in Greenhard, or you lost him in free agency, so you took the guy he was replacing on the Vikings. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Archer said:

    I think they’re going to be very good, like they were at the end of 2023.  However, seldomly do the big FA players build a super team, no matter what it looks like on paper…

    Some fans play madden too much and don’t manage people very often and it shows online… Change of scenery is good for some players, but others not so much. Hunter is a big addition for the Texans on paper, but I’m not sure that it’s as big as people are going to make of it. They lost a locker room guy (Greenhard) to free agency that deserved the money they turned around and paid to an outsider. That can bite you not only in the short term with hurt feelings left in the organization watching their brother be let go, and down the road when key players approach free agency. What a precedent. Looks risky to me. Why you would let your own 26 year old go for a 29 year old and a 2 year deal is wild to me. I don’t see a big enough difference to justify the risks. For those on here that love pff, check the ratings… I think the Vikings won this deal hands down. 

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  5. 46 minutes ago, VikingsFanInChennai said:

    For all the things Ballard puts himself in a Corner (sticking to a defensive scheme unusually for a GM, sticking to bringing players on certain defined criteria, sticking to same DC even after HC change - another unusual, sticking to same formula every Free Agency, Draft and Off-season, Sticking to QB carousel for too long), he better be right about most of these beliefs. 


    Otherwise, he'd look so stupid in the end and would have Colts behind by a decade. 

    behind by a decade? That’s an extreme opinion… There is no mismanagement of the cap or draft pick spending. It’s not a roster devoid of talent. There are pieces for the next guy to build around. Reading that comment, one would think we are sticking with a guy that’s teams have hardly won a few games a year for most of the last 4 or 5 years, which is far from the case. 

    behind by a decade in that they haven’t won a division for a decade? welcome to the nfl. Geez, the Lions went how long again without a playoff win? 

    Unusual for a team to stick to a defensive coordinator after a head coaching change?… you think Steichen would have accepted this position if he knew his hands were tied with the coaches he’d be working with? I don’t, at all. If he wanted Bradley gone and to hire his own, Bradley would have been gone… 

  6. Just now, Yoshinator said:

    I believe they like him because he's a veteran and our best blocking TE. I think he's overpaid, but I guess we're keeping him.

    it is true- he’s our only veteran blocking tight end. The others are raw and Granson is better utilized off the line, imo. I think the bowers talk is smoke and mirrors… One, that I don’t see him at 15, nor will we trade up for him over a receiver… and two, I think they really want to see what Woods (and the others) can do with #5… so hanging on to him isn’t such a bad idea to me. Although I agree he’s overpaid… 

    • Like 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Hawkeyecolt said:

    It won’t lower the cap anywhere near that amount. Only the first three picks will affect the cap. The rest of the draft will be offset by players already being accounted for toward the salary cap.

    I’m not sure a lot of people understand the top 51 rule of the cap. I didnt before this year, and still don’t pay enough attention to the rules to fully understand. 



    this is from 2020, so it may be a bit outdated depending on what changes may have been made, but it does a good job breaking down how the rookies for the falcons that year counted toward the cap. 

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  8. Just now, Yoshinator said:

    Cam Hart is my personal Ballard draft crush. He has 32 5/8 inch arms. We would have to take him on day 2 now IMO. Possibly round 2. We'll see on draftday what Ballard does. Maybe we get another CB in FA before then.

    You think Cam will go that high? 

    I like him too, but I’m a sucker for Notre dame players, so it’s not exactly an objective thought process for me as it may be for you. 

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  9. Just now, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    Colts still need a vet on the outside.

    To replace who? Brents? Isn’t that like walking away from last years 2nd rounder AND whatever picks given up for Sneed AND whatever other additions we could have for the amount of cap he is going to take up? That doesn’t seem realistic or reasonable to me. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    You went after me.  But I’m the one who is condescending.  I’ll make a note of it.
    I guess saying we’ll have to agree to disagree doesn’t get far with you these days.   You’re just too determined to win.  

    I asked you a simple question regarding your hypothetical of Ballard being fired… and you responded with this- 


    27 minutes ago, ColtStrong2013 said:
      53 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    You’re judging a GM candidate by one recommendation?     A GM makes countless decisions….  Every day, every month…. Every year.    You really want to decide based on one decision?   

    Respectfully,  I’d re-think that

    Putting “respectfully” while being condescending works the opposite. Don’t tell me how to think… you didn’t even dare to ask what I was thinking for more clarification. You jumped down my throat for asking a question, and not one that was illogical. But go on how I came after you… lol. I wasn’t in the mood to argue until you posted that. 


    4 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    You’re completely mis-remembering everything.   Your timeline is way, way off.   

    here is another example of condescension at its finest… 

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  11. 2 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    You’re badly over thinking this.  

    Maybe the reasons for AR not having the success we want have nothing to do with Brown.   Are AR’s injuries Browns fault?   I don’t think so.   

    You lost me on the last paragraph.  No one has any idea what happens going forward.  A mistake letting Brown get a promotion?   Huh?    More over-thinking.   Sorry. 

    So are AR’s injuries Ballard’s fault? lol… 


    This whole thing was based on hypotheticals dude. Yours was the one I responded to. You know the “if Ballard’s fired, brown or Dodds should be hired.”

    Sorry you are lost in transition.  maybe it’s Ballard’s fault… 

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