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King Colt

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Everything posted by King Colt

  1. PHILADELPHIA — More than $500 million in claims were approved as of Monday under the NFL's concussion settlement, nearly a decade earlier than league officials estimated they would reach that amount. Claims administrators in the settlement released an updated report on the concussion settlement information website saying $502,465,098 had been approved in less than two years of the settlement. The original actuarial estimates from the NFL estimated a little more than $400 million would be paid out in the first decade. Attorneys for the retired players adjusted their estimates on the total payout of expected claims earlier this month, saying the settlement would likely reach $1.4 billion — almost a half billion more than the NFL originally estimated. "We encourage all eligible former players to immediately sign up for a baseline assessment, and they can take comfort in knowing that compensation will be available for more than 60 years if they develop a qualifying condition," said Christopher Seeger, co-lead class counsel for the former NFL players. "The fact that $500 million in claims have been approved in less than two years proves that this settlement is fulfilling its promise to former NFL players and their families." Almost 2,000 claims have been filed in less than two years, according to the update filed Monday. Hundreds more of the nearly 20,500 retired players signed up to be prequalified to file claims than were expected, outpacing all previous projections. As of Monday, the claims administrator said 7,343 medical appointments to assess neurological baselines had been made and more than 6,000 had been attended. https://www.bing.com/search?q=how+many+concussion+lawsuits+have+been+placed+against+the+nFL&cvid=e3ed3974ede44c35a670a38310cdf6bd&aqs=edge..69i57.38209j0j9&FORM=ANAB01&P
  2. Sorry, it is not the engineers and manufacturers it is the fundamental of capitalism i.e., "profit & competition". It is "what sells the most" and that applies to everything made to sell. Don't forget the lesson learned by Coca-Cola after they trashed the original formula for the "New Coke". If it ain't broke don't fix it.
  3. All vehicles provide transportation as did the first cars built. The end result is exactly the same. The horse & buggy does the same as hypersonic planes. You get transported from Point A to Point B.
  4. Poor example. That Ford was built to provide transportation and still does.
  5. Sitting is all they are good for.
  6. And don't forget pickle ball or cornhole on ESPN!!
  7. Up until 1906 the forward pass was illegal. When the Bears beat the Redskins in the 1940 national championship game 73-0 they had Sid Luckman and used the T formation for the first time ever. I have no idea who the QB was for Washington but with a score like that maybe there wasn't one!
  8. "Improved upon" defined is one fool's opinion on something that has stood steady for many decades and is loved by millions needs modification or "change" to better suit his or her opinion. Ford branched out to make Edsels.
  9. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
  10. His performance closed the doors when he played last year.
  11. It is laughable to watch videos of him rolling over defenders. 1,000 yards in seven seasons, How many running backs live to see 87? RIP does not apply to this great athlete. He never did it when he played. A tribute to his race.
  12. tthttps://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/longtime-nfl-show-is-reportedly-looking-for-a-new-home/ar-AA19wwx5
  13. I never watched his shows but what I know bout ESPN is they are the Gestapo of sports broadcasting and Berman is the king head chopper. I am surprised Pat went for this and I hope he maintains his appearance instead of kissing butts to dress up in a suit & tie and look like the rest of those wax candles on that network. Mike Wilbon is my sole guy on ESPN mainly because he is from Chicago and a diehard Chicago fan and refuses to speak like the rest of the puppets. I wish him well but why he did this is beyond me.
  14. I too am a Colts & Cubs fan and yes it has been a rocky road but when the Cubs were and are down & out Wrigley is packed with great fans since day one.
  15. Present-day physical condition and nutrition are light years passed that of the 50s and 60s is a big consideration when comparing today's players to those of 60 or 70 years ago. Add to these injuries, time to recoup and playing hurt. Unitas I believe was the first to wear a flack jacket to protect his ribs. Tarkenton was one of the first mobile qbs and used to exhaust the overweight defensive linemen trying to catch him when he scrambled. Unitas was the reason I became a Colts fan many decades ago.
  16. Stephan quit hogging that weed and pass it around!
  17. The Colts have to be the biggest question not only in the AFC South depending on how they use which QB and when and successful or not. I'm a little surprised to see most pickers have the Texans in the basement. Texans fans are used to that spot.
  18. The real issue this year is who will win the AFC South!?
  19. I watched the Pats beat #18 over and over so Wentz is a nothing burger.
  20. I was born and raised in Chicago so erase your opinion. When you lose year after year after year to the same team that means there is no rivalry only envy and shame. You site Michigan & Ohio State!!!! Yeah, that again is only a case of envy with a dose of rejection in Michigan. Did you forget the Bears passed on Mahomes??!! That says it all for the past few decades of Bears football.
  21. There is no rivalry between those two teams now anymore than there is a rivalry between the Bears and Packers. Packers win, Bears lose, there is your rivalry. Time travel is a nonentity.
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