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Status Updates posted by JPPT1974


    1. southwest1


      What I really like about Coach Pagano is his quiet confidence. He will lead our men all the way back to the Promiseland of Lombardi Greatness. Get well Chuck. We'll be ready for your guidance when you return. Just like Motel 6, "we'll leave a light on for Ya" ALWAYS...

  2. Colts hopefully will rebound next week! Tough game!

    1. ColtsBTM12


      Yeah always tough to lose a close game, But its over and gotta move on to the next one.

    2. southwest1


      Oh, the 49ers this week...Yikes! Protect Luck, be patient, throw check downs, & please try not to fumble the ball on the ground.

    3. JPPT1974


      Indeed Southwest!

  3. Colts won big in Cleveland!

    1. radiogirl


      First half was stressful! But, they pulled it out! YAY COLTS!

  4. Come on Colts Second Half Counts! Make It Good!

  5. Congrats Colts on first win of the season, very hard earned!

  6. Congrats to Pat McAfee over the Man of the Year! Hoping he would get it. Class Act All the Way!

  7. Did you all shop on Black Friday?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JPPT1974


      Did not either! Thank Goodness LOL!

    3. Nadine


      not this year

    4. southwest1


      I prefer not to get into a scuffle, struggle, or brawl over a trivial item that 6 months from now won't matter 1 bit. So no, SW1 stayed home out of the overzealous customer crossfire.

  8. Do not know about you all, but pollen and I do not mix! Due to allergies and sinus problems.

  9. Do you all remember Tonya and Nancy 20-years ago? As remembered how ice skating was very popular over that boom!

    1. shecolt


      Yes, I remember. I also know someone who reminds me of Tonya.

    2. crestmount


      Katerina Witt was being interviewed during the games--still a good sort

    3. southwest1


      I saw Nancy Kerrigan being interviewed about the infamous skating accident recently on MSNBC & she smiled & said I wish people would get past this incident. Yeah right Nancy, like you of all people want people to forget the infamous incident that made you a household name. Get real lady. You love all this attention. Who are we kidding?! LOL! SMH & rolling my eyes in complete disbelief Nancy.

  10. Don't Have a Blue Christmas!

    1. MIColtsFan


      I want a Horseshoe Blue Christmas!

    2. southwest1


      Even Elvis Presley too JPPT1974? Just Kidding! Merry Christmas to you too my friend :)

    3. JPPT1974


      We all do MI Colts Fan! Elvis too SW1!

  11. Don't Sleep in the Subway Darling, Don't Stand in the Pouring Rain!

    1. alawai


      I think some of the words were changed when Petula sang it on the Sullivan Show

  12. Don't want to be around someone like Debbie Downer!

  13. Enjoy Breaking Bad and Dexter as they are in their final TV seasons!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JPPT1974


      Thanks Danfish98 for the warning I guess LOL!

    3. MAC


      I saw one episode of Dexter years ago, and that was more than enough.

    4. JPPT1974


      It is not for the faint of heart MAC!

  14. FA coming to a NFL team near you!

  15. February is Here!

  16. Finally got the second Suspect in Boston marathon, tragedy is over!

    1. southwest1


      Like momma always said "crime just doesn't pay in the longrun."

    2. chad72


      9/11 bombings - Pats win the SB. Now, it is Boston bombings on Patriots day, do you think the league will give a "tuck rule" call or two for the Pats in the playoffs to win it all? :)

    3. southwest1


      HA! HA! No, but the Pats should get to choose which individual sings the Natl. Anthem at every home NFL game this season for NE Chad. :D It seems appropriate to me anyway.

  17. Finally took two NY killers off the streets. Up to 1200 law enforcement officials and $1M a day over twenty-two days!

    1. Synthetic


      I'm curious when the humanizing will begin for these guys in the media.

    2. JPPT1974


      Really let's humanize the cops that got those two thugs off the streets. Media really is something else Bogie! Sad but true!

  18. Finished all of my shopping and wrapping. 13 Presents Under the Tree!

    1. Nadine


      well done! I've wrapped what I have. More coming. It'll go down to the wire!

    2. radiogirl


      Way to go! We have a few more to wrap once they get here!

    3. southwest1


      1 more gift card to go & I'm done with my Christmas gift giving obligations as well.

  19. Five more days til Christmas!

    1. southwest1


      Merry Christmas to you too JPPT & all my Forum friends as well. :) If Bill O'Reily talks about a fabricated "War On Christmas" every year in December, is that because Saint Nick left coal in his stocking as a kid? Just Kidding!

    2. JPPT1974


      Hope you have a great and a safe Christmas as well SW1!

  20. Game Ending Badly Despite It Being What You Want It To Be!

  21. Gone Done with Houston Funeral!

  22. Good Luck Colts at Houston!

  23. Good luck Colts, Win against Pats!

  24. Good luck Colts, You will need it!

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