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Looking back at last years FA signees and contracts


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I am not here to argue the merits of our FA's success last year. What I am hear to say is one year later, with a higher salary cap, and certain needs of teams, and it makes certain signings look very good. We signed a lot of defensive  players last year for around 4M/yr. in FA last year, with contracts structured so we could get out easily without a lot of pain. No they may not be the quality of some of the defensive lb's and linemen who got signed today, but they sure were a lot cheaper. Johnson to the bucks, 5 yrs/42M I believe. Vikings signed their DE, can't remember his name, but he got around 5-6M/yr. and had 3.5 sacks last year. My point is the market was set very high for DL and LB's, and made our contracts look much better. I won't argue as to the quality of the players, because we could do that all day.


Also look at the linemen signed today. I am not including the guaranteed money, but Alberts, Moore, and many other cleaned up, and it can be argued as to their worth. Remember teams generally don't let linemen go if they are that good. Alberts, 9M/yr? Look at Zane Beadles, G from the Broncos. He signed with the Jags for 5 yr./30M with 13 guaranteed, for a Guard! I know the Jags have to pay a little more to get people there, but that was a lot. Beadles was rated as the top FA guard i believe, but that was a lot. Roger Saffold, 5 yr./42.5M with 21M guaranteed. He has been hurt a lot in his last 4 years, and then they let their LT Velheer go to the Cardinals who pay only 7M/yr. to acquire him, and he was a better player and younger. Once again the Raiders strike again. What were they thinking. While I am on it, you have over 60M in cap space, why do you let Velheer walk, and Lamar Houston. Could not believe that one. i know they are in the same boat as the Jags, have to probably overpay, but wow. Maybe the players just wanted out, but it boggles my mind on those decisions. Still the OL today got paid.


So looking back, our signing last year on the defensive side don't look too expensive imho except for Landry and Toler.


The one contract which was hotly debated was Gosder Cheriles at 5yrs./34.5M. I thought he played really well last year, and looking back, his contract was a bargain,


I am guessing in two years, if the salary cap makes it to 150M in 2016, we will be looking at the Davis signing for a really good press corner as an absolute deal! Funny how salary cap changes and teams with needs at certain positions make you reassess signings. Overall, I would say pretty good job.




My point, after looking at the signings today of OL, and the prices that

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