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Status Updates posted by SolomonThomasFanAccount

  1. is i me or colts forums font  different 

    1. MTC


      Looks the same to me.

    2. Nadine


      we get our style from colts.com

      I haven't noticed a change but, it's possible


  2. rest in peace Gavin buddy , thoughts and prayers go to Gavin family and  friends 

    1. Gramz


      What the heck...???  :flowers:

    2. Gramz


      This just deeply saddens me to hear this news.  RIP Gavin.

    3. southwest1


      I feel bad now that I didn't visit Gavin's threads as often as I should have.


      IF anything, Gavin's tragic passing, reminds me to let my friends know on the forum when they make me laugh, write an outstanding post, or just are cool to follow online since they have an interesting slant on things in general or intriguing pastimes/hobbies etc. etc. 

  3. yesterday was 42 degrees celsius 30 degrees in the night 

  4. this is a solomon thomas fan account used to be andretoindy 

  5. how do i change my colts forum name 

    1. NFLfan


      Go to your Account Settings. You will see the "Settings Area" menu. Click on that. Select "Display Name". Proceed from there. Hope it works. 

  6. colonscopy are not fun 

  7. the firefox and chrome updates are terrible

    1. Synthetic


      It's better than getting your computer infected with viruses.

    2. SolomonThomasFanAccount


      true that ever since i have updated pages struggle to load though

  8. 12 to 16 game suspension or bust for tom brady

  9. this just in the NFL is a joke and the league is now the NEPFL.

    1. crazycolt1


      There are other ways to spent your time if all football is to you is a joke.

  10. called it Anderson to the colts

  11. Colts will pick dline in the first round

  12. with this amount of rain windscreen wipers for my glasses would be nice

  13. does anyone know where u can watch the draft on nfl.com on nfl network

    1. tvturner


      Should be on ESPN

    2. crazycolt1


      I think both ESPN and the NFL network broadcast it. From what I can remember they did last year.

  14. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuke

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SolomonThomasFanAccount


      i go for neither , stanford boy here , i just like saying duke haha

    3. southwest1


      It's cool Andretoindy. I'm getting better at coping with the Badgers Championship loss now. Yeah, I could see where saying Duke over & over again stretching the word out for effect. :)

    4. SolomonThomasFanAccount


      still getting over the semi final loss against australia my adopted country vs india my home country 13 vs 11

  15. is Google working for anyone in chrome

    1. Nadine


      what do you mean? I use chrome and I use google search, both are working now although now they want you to enter the search terms when the url goes

  16. The colts are the second team in the past five years to win a wild-card game and divisional game by double-digits in the same season the last was the 2011 Giants

  17. keep phil hughes ,his family and shaun abbott in your prayers, big loss to international cricket. tragic accident

  18. got my first colts jersey two weeks ago

  19. which style of colts is better elite. replica game,limited and need a great shop in vegas

  20. rough week for my two teams bot losing this week

  21. hey guys if u have latest version of chrome and u noticed your font is way funky. there is a way to fix it.chrome://flags/ ENABLE' DirectWrite

  22. hey guys if u have latest version of chrome and u noticed your font is way funky. there is a way to fix it.chrome://flags/ ENABLE' DirectWrite

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