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John Waylon

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Everything posted by John Waylon

  1. My point isn’t even necessarily that he yelled at him, it’s the play he’s yelling at him over. Whatever Hopkins did, if anything at all, Levis’ throw was worse. Way worse. I’m sure Peyton did chide guys if they ran the wrong route or stretch out trying to make too much happen and put the ball on the floor, or some kind of mistake. But getting hot over not catching a bad throw? I can’t recall seeing any QB go after a WR over an uncatchable ball on a bad throw. Hopkins was in position to make a catch. He was there on the sidelines, he did his part to keep his feet inbounds, he even had position on the defender. And then the ball fell harmlessly to the ground a Yao Ming away from him. That’s on Levis.
  2. Over a pass that ended up so far out of bounds it could not actually be physically caught inbounds for a completed pass? Because I have to call nonsense on that. Did he throw Collie out of a game for trying to make a catch with only one hand? Yes. Did he get in the intense argument with Saturday over the playcalling? Yes. Did he call Donald Brown out for blowing a block in real-time during a playoff game? Yes. Did he go yell at guys for balls he threw where they couldn’t be caught?
  3. Today was definitely not my favorite with him. When he called that timeout late I was scanning the sidelines looking to see if jim caldwell was under a headset somewhere. And then that decision to try to pass with Minshew late in regulation that got batted down and luckily not picked off for a backbreaking end to the game… yikes. He certainly trusts Minshew, maybe a little too much.
  4. And they were arguing over the playcalling. Manning wasn’t yelling at him because Saturday couldn’t do something entirely physically impossible like block 4 down linemen at once. It was a straw man comparison right out of the gate.
  5. Well hopefully Levis doesn’t stand by yelling at WRs every time he throws an uncatchable ball to the bench. That’s not gonna play long-term.
  6. Tell us you’re a salty Kentucky fan but don’t actually use those words…
  7. “Run a 15 yard out and I’ll hit you a few feet before bench”
  8. If he ran the wrong route then Levis has even less to chirp about because he absolutely % the bed with the throw. You want your WR to catch a ball? Throw it where it can actually be caught. Not 7 feet out of bounds. This is not rocket science.
  9. Even that is entirely besides the point. There was less than a 0% chance of that ball being caught inbounds. Peyton never came to the sidelines yelling at anyone for his mistakes.
  10. Yeah. I do. Was he yelling at Satrduay for not catching a pass 7 feet out of bounds?
  11. Peyton never came to the sideline and berated a WR over a ball he threw too far out of bounds to be even remotely catchable but ok.
  12. You know, even if Richardson never gets healthy again and never even touches a football again I’m glad we didn’t end up with this *. Hopkins should have popped his dumb * in the mouth over this one, right there on the spot. He’s chirping at a Hall of Fame WR because he didn’t catch a pass that was so far out of bounds Hopkins would have needed arms 7 feet long to haul it in. And this wasn’t the start of the discourse, he was talking % before the commercial that preceded this moment. Get over yourself. You’re not that good, and the throw absolutely sucked. Shut up, and sit down.
  13. Well, we won. So there was that. But boy there is a lot to unpack with this one…
  14. Bunting needs to put a saddle on Pittman if he’s going to ride him down the field.
  15. We’re into giveaways these days. It is the Christmas season, after all…
  16. Even when he hasn’t been on Hopkins it’s been rough. Rougher than the falloff from Hopkins to their next best WR. Whoever that may be.
  17. Boy I can’t give Steichen a passing grade for this one regardless of the outcome. Jesus.
  18. They’re just not gonna call holding on the titans anymore.
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