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Posts posted by Synthetic

  1. Why'd they fire him? It's not the Defense fault that Romo threw 3 INT's in the biggest game of the season.

    Smh, the NFL confuses me sometimes



    It's not Romo's fault he has no run game as much as it's not Ryan's fault the defense collapsed on injuries. Dallas is just a joke. The problem is Jerry Jones, Jerry Jones, oh yeah and Jerry Jones. Until they get rid of him, they are forever screwed, and will never ever win anything again.

  2. What a joke.


    All the injuries they had on defense and they fire this guy after he had them not as bad as they normally would be considering all the injuries? Rob Ryan did good when considering they had so many injuries and even didn't have Ware for some time.



    Jerry Jones proves once again he has no business being the general manager. While Cowboy fans call for the head of Romo, Romo is not the problem, and neither was Ryan. If you're a Cowboy fan GO AFTER JERRAH. Go after the owner that builds the biggest stadium in the country to give every other team an advantage to beat you. I am serious, the new home field is a joke and they have a losing record in it. Romo played with the worst running game in the league and still nearly took you to the playoffs and it's some how all his fault.

  3. I would love to see Ed Reed retire with a ring. As long as he's been playing, Ifeel like he deserves one more than any other player in the playoffs. All this talk about how people want to see Manning get another ring, he has a ring. Rodgers has a ring, Brady has 3 rings. Ed Reed has NONE, and he's easily a first ballot hall of famer in my book. If anyone deserves a ring of the teams left, give it to this man.

  4. Can you blame him really? I can't. He told Tampa Bay to hit the road, and now Cleveland. He knows that he would be coaching teams that are little to no talent and would screw it up with a bad draft. Outside of that, why leave Oregon when you're having so much success?

  5. Do you actually know the entire Stallworth story or our you just repeating what you heard?


    Stallworth had been drinking earlier and went to sleep only to wake up 6 hours later, thinking he was fine. He was going 50 in a 45 zone and hit a guy who was illegally jay walking across the street. He felt so guilty about it he pleaded no contest, even though he would have won, and took his punishment he wouldn't have taken had he fought it.



    Key word THINKING. THINKING you are fine, is just an excuse.  I cannot defend a murdering scum bag. It don't matter if it was 6 hours later or not, he knew he had been drinking and he was not responsible. If he wasn't an NFL player, he would have got a bigger sentence. Number 1, he was already over the speed limit, numebr 2, he had been drinking. He is a murdering thug who deserved a life sentence and got by with it because he was an NFL player. I refuse to defend a murderer no matter what, and I used to love Donte Stallworth. When he played for the Saints, I thought he was a great receiver.

  6. Donte Stallworth, RED HANDED murdered someone drinking and driving. Was anyone pitching a fit when he was on that 2007 Patriots team? No....is anyone pitching a fit the murdering scum bag is still in the NFL? No again. There are criminals in all the major sports of this country and I have always felt that if you are a big time athlete you can basically walk away and get a slap on the wrist. Just look at Stallworth as a great example of it. He should be locked up for life and he's not. If he was an average joe, I'm sure he would be, but he's an NFL star, so it's different.

  7. You also need to be thankful your quarterback wins, and don't run up stats to a 5,000 yard season while you're having a losing season.


    I cannot believe the Saints this year. Yeah we were lost without a coach but most of those games, I felt like they were more concerned about Brees stats than anything.

  8. From your lips to Gods ears. The iron man Favre returns with the neck beard!!!



    4 X 3= #12 and after all, Favre did play through 3 eras. The end of the dominating 80's (early 90's), the epic 90's that opened up the QB era, and the last era of video game football where the league prefers 40-50 point shoot outs over great defenses.

  9. Let us get the good o line players first, please. ;)



    I am shocked Luck didn't get hurt this year, that is the future of the NFL. That kid is our next Brett Favre, please don't let him get hurt.

  10. It's none of this "looking to run first!!!!" nonesense that many of you will be screaming until the beginning of next season. Think Rivers in the 2007 AFCCG. Exact same scenario.




    Then how come he runs first when he has receivers open? What's the point of trying to be both the running back and quarterback? He's not the only one that does it. When people say Archie Manning was running for his life every down 30 years ago, they literally meant it. Now today that term has a new meaning sadly.

  11. Seriously man...this has brought me almost to the brink of tears.   Regardless of whether or not you are rooting for RG3 this game...no one wants to see the guy get hurt.  I am so angry at Shanahan right now.


    Shanahan has been putting RG3 in harms way for the last couple weeks knowing full well that knee ain't right.  His detached head downward look on the sidelines with RG3 scrawling on the ground in pain infuriated me.  He should have taken Griffin out a long time ago. 



    Shanahan is not a good coach, and I think he's very overrated. This does not surprise me one bit. You know he was going to get hurt sooner or later in this game as hard as they were hitting him.


    They need to do 3 things


    Take him out when he's hurt


    Make him STOP the stupid running around which is going to continue to get him injured


    and number 3. get an offensive line. The kid barely has any protection unless you know...if he's playing the Cowboys who give him all day to throw.

  12. They keep playing this way and RG3 has no future.



    I agree, and they need to get him out of all that stupid Michael Vick running around. It's going to make it worse. He's a good kid, but he is a ball hog with that "Oh I am going to run first, instead of throw!". I know it's sexy and people drool over it (Look at him! Look at him throw!) but it's not the safest thing in the world if you want to last a while in this league.

  13. Wow, I can't believe he would delete yours and leave some of the garbage that others write.  Those commentors are some of the most negative people on the planet.



    They always are deleting comments. If you post something totally disagreeing with them and giving a logic point, boom it's gone by the next morning.

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