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Posts posted by Synthetic

  1. FINALLY. They should have done this years ago!



    On the other hand, has any coach ever survived Michael Vick? Atlanta fired coach after coach thinking that was the problem with him, and it never was. Vick is just not that good. The Eagles went along into that when they gave him that 98 mill last year to throw picks and get hurt. His decision making has always been terrible.

  2. I hate to say this but him getting hurt would be a blessing to that team. I have never in my life seen a QB with absolutely zero pocket awareness compared to Flacco. He will always be the reason they will never win anything.

  3. If Peterson doesn't win the MVP after today it officially is a joke. There is no way I could vote against him now. And I was on the Rodgers wagon.



    It was officially a joke when Brees put up 5,000+ and lost to Rodgers. It was also a joke when Steve Young won it over Warren Moon back in the 90's only to get blown out badly by the Cowboys in the playoffs.

  4. I swear, GB makes me want to break things.



    As soon as I start telling everyone how good they are, their secondary decides to try their best to make Chris Ponder look like Daunte Culpepper in his prime slingin' them bombs to Cris Carter and Randy Moss. The secondary was a joke today. The Vikings were dead last ranked 32nd in the league on passing and you would have thought Ponder was a Pro Bowler today.


    Rodgers has to run for his life all day long just to make a throw. He gets sacked so much, where is the protection? He was sacked 45 times this season going into that game, Lord have mercy what that number is now.



    It wouldn't be right to not give Adrian Peterson the credit he deserves. he totally ran all over the Packers defense, which isn't a shock (don't he always rush for 100 on that "impressive" defense?). But overall, GB could have won this game, it was on the table for them but that defense just decided to give up when they needed a stop the most.




    Can GB win it all? Yes they can, but they better find out a solution to protecting Rodgers FAST. I'm nervous in my boots about them playing this game next week.

  5. And they might also get rid of Weeden, depending on what the new management decides to do. This is one of the problems with the Browns. Weeden is a rookie right now and and a first round pick. The organization has a fair bit invested in him. They need to give him a chance to grow and develop under an offensive coordinator. They need more stability instead of this constant change.



    They didn't give Colt McCoy the time, I was shocked they even drafted Weeden. I thought they would want to try out Colt for a little bit longer.



    They hired a head coach based on 1 season with Sam Bradford, drafted 2 QB's in that time frame and just immediately were expecting success off the start. Fire them all, clean house. It's depressing what has happened to this organization. The Baltimore Ravens are the real Cleveland Browns sadly. At least they look like the Browns I remember from the 80's and 90's that could beat a Pittsburgh team and play them extremely tough no matter how many loses they had.

  6. Kosar is underrated to some others of that era.  I liked his grit. Vinny was very similar. 


    They drafted Couch in 99. The Packers have had 3 starters in that time frame. The Colts have had 5.  Patriots have had 4 or 5. Huge differences...



    Very true, Kosar was a favorite of mine from that era. I think people had written Vinny off as a bust from his Tampa days, they did not expect him to have success in Cleveland or even the Jets, I remember him putting up a good season there too.


    That '86/87 Cleveland team was loaded. I loved watching them, it's a shame youtube took down all the videos but they used to be there. Earnest Byner was great too even though he's remembered as a fumbler.

  7. Garrett is staying and I am confident in Rivera staying. 7 loses by 6 or less points, and the Panthers have been improving a bit. If they fire him, it's a huge mistake. You can't hire someone and then fire them after only 2 seasons. Bill Walsh didn't do anything in his first 2 years. it takes time, but the NFL today they have little patience.



    With that said, I still think Pat Shurmer has to go. The Browns are a mess. He was NOT ready to be a head coach, they hired him based on 1 season with coordinating Sam Bradford and that was it.

  8. 548079_10151170218416006_1507110351_n.jp


    Realistically they could go back to Kosar's 19 and add some few names to it. 




    Kosar was a pretty decent QB at one time. Shame the injuries brought him down, he was never the same again after he returned from the 1988 season, I think his shoulder was messed up. I remember them going into the playoffs without him that season, I think the back up was Mike Pagel.



    Vinny Testervarde was another one that looked solid for Cleveland, and I think he was the starter up until their final game.



    They have not had a QB play the entire 16 game season since Vinny I think, which is what that Jersey is showing, and including this season, they've already added Lewis down there lol

  9. That O-line is bad but he has to take into count all the mistakes he made. All that stupid running around when he should just throw it.




    This isn't about the O-line, go back to when he was a Falcon. I should know, I had to watch him quite a lot. Look at all the coaching changes they made for him and still the same results. The Falcons would look like a real team one week and get pounded the next week. I remember when they would make the playoffs with him it was always "Michael Vick is going to prove everyone wrong this time!" and did he ever do that? Well give him credit to the gave they won against Green Bay, I have no clue what happened to the Packers at home that year, but all the other playoff games? Yeah, that's right, loses.

  10. I couldn't have said it better myself. I never want to sound like I'm just sour grapes or bitter, but I've always been baffled by the Giants because they just look so bad at times. Barring two magical 4 game win streaks in 2007 and 2011, this team has been average at best and I cant figure out how they have been able to just turn it on and look like a completely different team in the post season those years. I guess given the choice I'd rather have two titles sandwiched between average seasons than be a perennial powerhouse with nothing to show at the end...but Giants fans must be besides themselves knowing the potential that this team has and being forced to watch them squander opportunities while their window is still wide open.



    I'm going to tell you what I have told people for years now. The Giants are the luckiest team to ever win a Super Bowl.



    Not just the recent ones, go back to that one against Buffalo. Norwood makes that kick, and that's it, game over. Buffalo should have won that game, no telling how many Hall of Famers would be in the Hall today besides Kelly and Thurman Thomas if Norwood makes that kick. I am sick of the excuses too "That is a hard kick to make" Norwood had made a 50 yard kick before. No one remembers him for that though, so there really was no excuse for him to miss that.



    With that said, I would bet that 1990 Giants team would beat down both the 2011 and 2007 ones. If Samuel didn't drop that interception, the Pats would have won it in 2007. The circus catch was bad too but he had that pick. 2011 could have been prevented if the Saints had a defense against the 49ers. There is no way anyone would make me believe the Giants would have beat us last year in the Superdome for the NFC Championship. No way, we were 9-0 in the dome, including a playoff beat down, and when we played the Giants in the season that year, they couldn't get to Brees. We would have lit them to pieces.

  11. They are stupid to begin with by giving him that big contract after last year and expecting a "growing sprout" out of him. He was insured, big money to choke away the season. I'm sure he don't care either way, with the money he got from that, there is no way he's not satisfied.

  12. If Manning wins the MVP this year, then I think Favre deserved it back in 2009.


    he already has 4 MVP's, why does he need another one? Peterson is about to break Eric Dickerson's record, but can he carry that team to the playoffs? He is all they got. Earl Campbell never had the best QB's handing the ball off to him, but that Houston defense was the real bread and butter of those Oilers teams. Everytime Houston made the playoffs with Campbell, go back and look at defensive statistics. Phillips' defense was great. Vernon Perry intercepted Dan Fouts 4 times in the playoffs, and had a pick 6 on Terry Bradshaw. Mike Reinfeldt had 12 interceptions in 1979. When is the last time a player caught 12 picks in one season!? J.C. Wilson had 6 picks too that year. Campbell was a machine, but that Houston defense was loaded, and was more of a reason they were winning besides the offense when Earl Campbell is your only player on offense.



    Maybe if AP had a defense like Campbell had, everyone would give him the respect he deserves. It's so easy for QB's to rack up big numbers these days, but it's still hard for running backs. They do not get roughing the passer or pass interference penalties to help them. Teams KNOW AP is going to run it, they are ready and he still breaks loose.


    The league needs another caliber Running back. Actually we need quite a few of them. We have enough QB's for people to drool over. It was quite an experience watching the days when you had Walter Payton, John Riggins, and Earl Campbell, and Tony Dorsett as the big stars. Then you had Emmitt Smith, Barry Sanders, Jerome Bettis, and Marshall Faulk in the 90's. Today, who do we have? We have Adrian Peterson and everyone else is average compared to him.



    Running backs absolutely do not get any respect anymore that they deserve. Emmitt Smith alone was the MVP of that entire Dallas offense. ALL the Redskins teams that won Super Bowls had strong running games. It's really a shame that Earnest Byner is remembered for being the fumbler in Cleveland when he was a solid back during the Redskins 1991 Super Bowl run. He was amazing that year and you never hear a word about that.

  13. We hung with the Pats till that 3rd quarter, ya know what I see when I look at that Secondary? No Ty Law, That team can be thrown on if we can get our O Line to look like.....well an O Line, Dont turn the ball over and force a turnover and we can hang with them to the end, I know its very unlikely we can beat them this year in NE but I still have a NASTY taste in my mouth



    Pats defense has regressed a bit recently. The 49ers tore them up, even Jacksonville massed 400 and something yards on them. They look like the same old Pats defense for the last few years that just gets shredded to pieces.

  14. I disagree, I think there is a double standard with Favre. And yes QBs will throw picks. It happens. Some throw less then others though in the biggest games, Montana being one for his SB performances. He did not throw a pick in 4 SB wins, I don't care how good his teams were.....thats a good stat to have on your side.


    As for the pick 6 vs. the Saints, that and the onside kick are not even my biggest pet peeves for that game. I still think we needed to stick with the running game. Granted the Colts run game was dead last that year but the Saints were letting us run, Addai was killing it for some time. After the onside kick I feel we panicked more and went away from some things that were working. Of course not having a poised head coach either did not help. 


    As for Rodgers, I love the guy, but he is also arrogant, don't kid yourself.......


    You see you can criticize QBs you admire and like. Too many think unless it is total fluffing that it is hating. It isn't.


    I probably could even criticize Luck more this season but as a rookie behind a sometimes awful o line I just can't. It seems almost unfair to me.




    The Colts would have won that Super Bowl if they just kept running the ball. That was the Saints weakness on defense. Minnesota ran it down our throats, but Peterson fumbled 3 times. Colts had us beat on the ground, have no clue why you start airing it out so much when your RB is gashing them to pieces.


    Manning threw that Super Bowl away. I don't care what anyone says. He threw a perfect pass right to Tracy Porter. Wayne was covered, he should have threw it elsewhere. I don't understand. Favre gets blamed for every loss in Packer playoff history. They even blame him for the loss to Denver even though he played great, but when Manning throws the game away, everyone defends him and blames the team. That just blows my mind. If he wins the MVP this year, then the NFL owes Favre one for the 2009 season where he played his best season. I'd still take a 40 year old Favre from '09 over Manning's current season. Favre looked like he was young again, it was scary how good he was that year.



    Manning and Favre both have that in common, they lost many playoff games, and they both are 1-1 in the big game. Sorry boys, but Joe Cool is still 4-0 in the Super Bowl. I don't care how many MVP's that Manning wins, Joe Cool and Unitas are the GOATS in my eyes.

  15. He reminds me of Brett Favre and Warren Moon too.



    Moon could escape pressure.




    Look at 3:51 on that clip and tell me it don't remind you of Luck. Moon had the most beautiful bombs ever. If he played in today's league, he would have 5,000 yards easy and be tearing it up. That Oilers offense would be unstoppable with all the penalties that favor WR's and QB's today. They would be averaging 30+ points a game.



    What Brett Favre did the best was how he could make a play when the play was already broken up. Those little swings routes, and how he would roll out to the left or right, being chase and just dump it off to a back.



    The league needed a new Brett Favre, and we finally got one with Andrew Luck. I don't care how much you guys drool over the stat hogs of today's age, but Favre kept the NFL very interesting for 20 years. I don't see how anyone can hate him honestly. He was always smiling, and cutting up. I think Favre represented FUN more than anything, because that's what he was doing out there, just having fun. Another thing I have to say is how Favre wasn't all about the money. He could have asked for a lot more than he got for his final years in Minnesota. I hated seeing him with the Vikings but at the same time, how could you not laugh at the stuff he was doing like that dancing with "Pants on the ground" in the playoffs? There will never be another Favre type QB that is just wanting to have fun and being goofy all the time. Now they are all too serious.

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