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Synthetic last won the day on November 2 2016

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    Saints fan, music nerd, Star Wars nut. 

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  1. Re-watched the Force Awakens twice yesterday....The more I go back to this film, the less I am impressed with it. Each scene is very nostalgia heavy, and the film does a terrific job paying tribute to what Star Wars is about all in image. One could write a book demonstrating it scene by scene what the film is calling back to in the classic movies. 


    However, as beautiful as a film is, it don't make up for lack of storytelling. Essentially it's a New Hope 2.0 in it's framework and Abrams and company played this VERY safe. Why does the Empire still exist 40 years ago blowing up the death star and killing Vader and the Emperor? Why do the rebels still act (and look) like a rag tag team of partisans opposing the bigger established system? If anything, the rebels should be the ones in power now and whatever is left of the Empire should be scattered and weak. 


    After further thought on this, I wish they would have went with more original EU material to make up a story. Timothy Zahn's book and the character of Thrawn alone, could have inspired a much better film. 


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    2. Jules


      Oh it's called BB-8?


      I want a movie just centered around BB-8 and his family and friends.

    3. Jules


      His or her? Or it's? I think it might be gender neutral.

    4. southwest1


      "I hate the prequels so much. And if they wanted to remake A New Hope, then the Force Awakens is what I think the Phantom Menace should've been. But as far as a sequel to ROTJ? No....No need for it at all." 


      Yes Bogie, the Prequels almost ruined the magic of the original trilogy no doubt. Yeah, Rogue one does feel like an extended video game turned into a feature film. 


      The 1 thing I like about JJ Abrams as a director is that he understands the importance of character development. By that, I mean central characters & machines we root for to make it without bombarding the audience with an onslaught of trivial overload stuff that fails to push the storyline forward. He doesn't let special effects get in the way of the story's climax & conclusion. 

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