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Synthetic last won the day on November 2 2016

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    Saints fan, music nerd, Star Wars nut. 

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  1. 93-1 is the record of playoff teams with a 19+ point lead going into the 4th quarter. Congrats Falcons, that is a record reserved for you and you only! And in the Super Bowl of all games! RISE UP AND CHOKE!

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    2. Jules



      In coming all the Patriots haters to blame it on play calling, countdown 3...2...1


      Not sure why but this line alone is hilarious.



      I told Jules for several months, the Falcons CHOKE....She can attest as a witness. Since 2012, they have blown NINE games with a 10+ lead in the 4th quarter. 




      You have rambled and ranted on the Falcons for years now. And it got worse this season. I saw bits and pieces of a few Falcons game (that night game on MNF the Saints hosted for example) but I never truly saw them in peak choke loser fashion until last night like the rest of the world.


      It's pretty amazing when you think about it........and how it all transpired in this game.


      I think Gaga was singing for the Falcons ahead of time with the song "Edge of Glory". Since yes they were on the edge of glory and had it snatched away.


      Funny thing is, I don't think anyone but the Pats complete that comeback and win it all last night. Nobody else in the AFC could have done.




    3. Jules


      have done that

    4. Synthetic




      You have rambled and ranted on the Falcons for years now. And it got worse this season. I saw bits and pieces of a few Falcons game (that night game on MNF the Saints hosted for example) but I never truly saw them in peak choke loser fashion until last night like the rest of the world.


      They let the Saints comeback in both of their games this year and score 32 points in both of them. Everyone ignored this cause SAINTS SUCK has to be yelled at all times when we go 7-9. 


      The Chargers beat them this year in a game that was almost identical to this year's Super Bowl. Atlanta stormed to a 27-10 lead and then as soon as San Diego got one TD, the Falcons quit running the ball and went pass happy. They call him Matty Ice because he melts down, not because he beats you ice cold or whatever with that stupid nickname...


      Classic Atlanta - get a big lead and just try and sit on it and then go pass happy and let the other team come back. They were simply playing the GOAT last night and a team that wasn't afraid of them having a big lead. 


      To everyone saying "they should've run it" go look at several of their games this year. Their own FANS were screaming this months ago before Kyle Shanahan was appointed a genius by all Pats Haters. That meltdown was coming. It happened in the regular season and almost happened in several of their wins. 



      Funny thing is, I don't think anyone but the Pats complete that comeback and win it all last night. Nobody else in the AFC could have done.



      Same here. Denver wouldn't have come back last year down by that many points...I actually can't think of any teams in historic context that would've done it either. Someone will instantly bring Joe Montana's name up here, but the 49ers LOST their playoff games under Montana and Young when they trailed by more than 7 points in the 4th quarter...See 1985, 1986, and 1987 for when Montana couldn't get it done. See 1992 and 1993 when Young lost to better Dallas teams. 

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