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Synthetic last won the day on November 2 2016

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    Saints fan, music nerd, Star Wars nut. 

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  1. It is time to finally go full steam ahead on the Jim Bob Cooter bandwagon to win the Super Bowl. Our teams are pretty much done, so it's Jim Bob Cooter or bust. 


    Jim Bob Cooter deserves a ring.




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    2. Synthetic



      The Lions are a modern day 1980 Browns. 



      They called them the "Kardiac kids" due to how many close games they had





      Lions have an NFL record 8, the Kardiac Kids had 12 games decided by 7 or less points. 



      Maybe Stafford can get MVP? Please no Matt Ryan for MVP, god no....








    3. Jules


      I hope the Lions can go farther in the playoffs then people might be expecting, since the NFC does seem "open" this year. Would be cool to have the Lions and Jim Bob Cooter give us a run to watch. I don't even trust Seattle anymore or the Cowboys who can't function against the Giants. So why not the Lions?


      Or even the Packers. I hear also Rodgers is up again for the MVP.......yes they might give it to Aaron if the Pack win out too since the league is in love with him.  People are so in love with Rodgers that when the Packers had the losing streak they came up with theories as to why baby Aaron was upset; like he has not spoken to family or McDonalds refused him a toy.



      Maybe Stafford can get MVP? Please no Matt Ryan for MVP, god no....


      I think personally Stafford deserves it, since he is having a Peyton Manning "in his prime" like year with all these game winning drives and stuff. If the Lions were the Colts with Manning, Stafford would get it. And he is clearly VALUABLE to his team. How the Lions have won games this year is almost exactly how so many Colts teams with Peyton would win. Jim Caldwell is probably going nuts on this.


      Matt Ryan might get it too (sorry) but at the same time it depends on how they finish the year and losing to the Chiefs/Seahawks might hurt his credibility.


      It might even go to Brady again (shocker). If NE wins out this year they might give it to Brady since he is doing it now without Gronk. And the Pats special teams last night almost cost NE the game.


      The argument against Brady though will be he missed the first 4 games and they went 3-1 without him. It all depends I think too on how good Brady does in Denver this weekend since he often has been crap there.


      Of course we both know deep down that Russia is going to hack the MVP voting anyway so why bother? (sorry I had to. lmao )

    4. Jules



      Do gifs work as default photos? I would make this mine lmao


      I don't think you can use it as a default here, but I sure the hell want to save that gif and use it a lot.



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