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Posts posted by TAPLOOK

  1. What was the score when the trip occurred? A one TD difference isn't a "never in doubt" situation.

    Same thing. A ref blunder at a critical moment.

    And you're a hypocrite because when Colts fans talk about a reffing mistake, they are sad, pathetic and funny.

    But when it's the Pats, "you can't blame anyone for complaining."

    Funny, but ultimately extremely biased and hypocritical. Not that I expected anything else, but interesting none the less.

    The Colts were never going to win that game House. Don't kid yourself but I do respect your optimism. The Patriots scenario was completely different. The call WAS made and REVERSED and DESIDED the GAME. I could understand some complaining in that situation but my stance was and always has been "that's the way it goes".

  2. That's actually two quotes, but feel free lol.


    You already admitted yourself as a hypocrite :)

    Also care to comment on you not calling your fellow Pats fans sad and pathetic?

    Hypocrite? I clearly state now and then that it is what it is. You win some you lose some. Bad and missed calls happen every game some more timely than others. That's the NFL as it has always been. As a Patriots fan there was simply never a single moment during the Colts game where I didn't feel the Patriots weren't in complete control. The game was never in doubt. The Colts got blown out.




    The Panthers call decided the game so it was very different in the respect but still just a questionable call. Nothing more and nothing less. I can guarantee we'll see more of the same this week. It's part of every game.

  3. What you actually said about the Panthers ending was,

    "It was indisputably a bad call but as I said the last game they were screwed by the refs (Baltimore)"It's not the first time and won't be the last".'

    By your standards you had a good cry no? I also don't see you bashing your fellow Pats fans for "crying about the call", I sure do wonder why that might be lmao.

    You go on to say,

    "Personally I'm the "it is what it is type" but you can't blame anyone for complaining and I liked seeing Brady get on the refs."

    Can't blame anyone for complaining? Well that isn't consistent with this thread at all is it?

    Tons of other gems from you in that thread, but I think your bias is on full display.

    That's one quote pull up some of the other or should I?. "it's not the first and won't be the last" as in it happens all the time. It's not crying in the least.

  4. I go to Boston regularly, and the reidents are great. Only one unpleasant experience was in a vitually empty bar one afternoon midweek, when the barman (who was orininally from Ireland) was very friendly and chatty until he found out I was a Colts fan. He then became all fiesty and proclaimed his hatred of Manning, and then ignored me and wouldn't serve me. I clearly left pretty promptly. It did not deter me from returning to this great city. *s everywhere....


    What do you expect. He was raised with a soccer mentality:-)



    I actually had a similar experience. I was in Virginia Beach one Sunday and the Patriots were playing the Steelers. I head to the bar across from the hotel to watch the game and just my luck it's a Steelers bar. The Steelers fans were great the bar keep not so much. I gave him a $20 for my first beer and he gives me change for a $5 and swears he doesn't even have a $20 in his register as he just opened and was doing his bank right now. I'm anal about keeping my money in order and carry a clip. I had nothing but $20's. Out came the card and tab. I just stayed the whole game buying myself and others beers and finger food.and stiffed him on his tip. I'm ordinarily a very, very good tipper. The Patriots killed in that game.

  5. Welker did what most free agents would do and what most agents tell their free agent clients to do = test the open free market and see what you're worth.


    I think Welker and his agent were over confident in thinking how much they could get and when they saw not many teams were interested in Welker and didn't offer him as much as he thought he was worth that stung.  I think Welker and his agent thought Welker could get Calvin Johnson/Larry Fritzgerald WR money.  No where close to that!


    Welker chose Denver because they offered him a competitive deal but mostly because Peyton was there which I respect.

    His new brides from Denver.

  6. I believe it was the Titans who offered Welker the most money.  The Broncos didn't really offer Welker much more than the Patriots did.  In fact the Patriots were going to continue to negotiate with Welker until his agent shut down talks and went to the Broncos in some ways out of spite.  If it wasn't for Welker's agent I think the Pats would have ended up matching the Broncos' offer and Welker would have possibly still be playing with the Pats.

    True and it looks to be working out pretty well for the Patriots. This guy couldn't grasp the fact that Welker was under a 1 year 6 million dollar contract. He thought he was signed for 2 at 12 million when in fact the Bronco have a team option for the second year. Wes is playing for 6 million.  

  7. Please take note of ALL the New England states not just Massachusetts. It's the safest most moral region of the country in a landslide. You are about three times more likely to deal with the unsavory criminal element in Indiana than New England.



    Incarceration rate by state[edit]

    A map of US states, according to number of incarcerated individuals per population of 100,000 in 2008.[1]


    Rank Jurisdiction Prisoners per
    100,000 population — United States 506[2] 1 Louisiana 1619[3] 2 Alabama 735 3 Oklahoma 661 4 Texas 639 5 Mississippi 634 6 Arizona 567 7 Florida 557 8 Georgia 540 9 South Carolina 519 10 Arkansas 511 11 Missouri 509 12 Kentucky 492 13 Virginia 489 14 Michigan 488 15 Nevada 486 16 Idaho 474 17 California 467 18 Colorado 467 19 Delaware 463 20 Ohio 449 21 Indiana 442 22 Tennessee 436 23 Alaska 430 24 South Dakota 412 25 Connecticut 407 26 Maryland 403 27 Pennsylvania 393 28 Wyoming 387 29 Wisconsin 374 30 Oregon 371 31 Montana 368 32 North Carolina 368 33 Illinois 351 34 Hawaii 332 35 West Virginia 331 36 New Mexico 316 37 New York 307 38 Kansas 303 39 New Jersey 298 40 Iowa 291 41 Washington 272 42 Vermont 260 43 Nebraska 247 44 Rhode Island 240 45 Utah 232 46 North Dakota 225 47 New Hampshire 220 48 Massachusetts 218 49 Minnesota 179 50 Maine 151

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