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Posts posted by TAPLOOK

  1. to be honest I'm just sick of " I'm better then everyone" patriots fans they annoy me. your players and coach and owner and fans are all worlds ahead oh us all how could we ever stand up against the almighty patriots. Not to mention you all bend things you say to protect you. one second your saying the regular season don't matter but when you get creamed by the broncos in the playoffs you run back and hide behind your regular season win.



    I'm not getting any of that. But I'll respect your bitterness.

  2. Oh I understand...you guys and Denver are like 1a and 1b as far as class of the conference. You have few weaknesses...just the run defense is still pretty glaring. Losing Wilfork isn't going to help..it was a main reason it suffered last year..and Spikes was your best run stopping lb even with his other weaknesses. You will address it but it is still an area I think would get greater focus instead of a strength in the secondary.

    So who should they have been after?

  3. Of a Colts website. I think if your having honest, objective conversation we welcome all...if your here to start a flame war/arguement when you KNOW the reaction you will get and its just to incite a negative reaction...your trolling.


    Of course no one is SCARED of Denver. We all think we can beat them and expect to win...because it's football and any given sunday sometimes the best teams don't win. But why the need to go around hollering and crying about it is beyond me. Some teams match up well...I don't think Denver is a ton better but playing at home I would expect them to win. It took a fluke play in a wind storm and terrible weather for NE with their best players to win. Denver was neutralized from what they do well because of it....but this year the rosters will be different and the upgrades Denver has done so far set them apart.

    That's what Mods are for.

  4. Give Brady weapon - Same old whining has begun again.


    Great players make their weapons. DT is a great player but other receivers are what Peyton made through hrs of practise running routes. Lets see what Decker does with Jets now.


    Brady will sulk seeing these Pats fan making comments like we need weapons. He has weapons. Pats had bad luck last year with 2 players with whom Brady has good chemistry ( Aaron and Gronk ). But he needs to start spending more time with Dobson, Kendrell, Amendola etc.

    Not a horrible post. Brady will never sulk and has made many players look better than they actually were and you can bet your bottom dollar he's working hard with the receivers that are on board. Brady and Peyton are accentually the same guy on preparation and work ethic. With that said Peyton has enjoyed more talented receivers throughout his career without question. And yes those great to very good receivers have benefited from playing with Peyton.

  5. i don't think his numbers are correct. How can he make 12 this season, 20 next season and have either year be a cap hit of 6.5.

    It's how the guaranteed money comes into play. Very smart for the Patriots to do it and guaranteeing Revis that they won't franchise him. A loophole so to speak.

  6. This is win-win. Gives both the team and player flexibility. Also makes Revis' 2014 cap number somewhere around $6.5 million, if I'm reading all this correctly. Room to do more.

    Plus Hernandez's 7 million comes off the cap next season. If Revis and the Patriots click they can revisit contract talks and restructure the whole deal for multiple years.

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