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Posts posted by TAPLOOK

  1. i wonder how many athletes actually think themselves as heroes?  Like how does being an athlete make you a hero.?



    I caught that and believe he misspoke. He meant people (kids mainly) look to him as a hero not that he considers himself a hero. I've always felt sorry for high profile athletes in the respect that they have to measure every spoken word because some Richard is always waiting to pounce. I'd hate that part and without a doubt screw up constantly.




    Tom's human and it hit close.. He was fleeing his home. 

  2. Wow, I’m not sure why all that was necessary.


    It seems to me like you were offended by my post on 3/24 which led you to tell me that you liked something.  I apologize for anything I said in that post that may have affected your sensitivities.


    However, I have no clue why you were offended as I said that I’m sure the same applies to Colt’s fans also.


    I remember the post I made on 3/24 very well.  So, there was no need for your little jab about my memory.  I was confused though as to what you were talking about since your post telling me you liked something was so cryptic.


    As I looked back through this thread, I assume that you were referring to “liking” post #96 made by GoPats.  If so, I agree that was a great post and I “liked” it also.  So, kudos and a round of applause :applause: to you.


    However, if you go back, reread the post I made on 3/24, and ponder upon it; I would hope that you would realize that I was not talking about Patriot fans liking great posts such as the one made by GoPats, but something else entirely.


    Oh, and just an FYI.  That post about your “atta boy” blue ribbon was also a joke and was nothing more than a “good” girl being bad. 


    Again, I apologize for anything I may have said that offended you to the point where you felt it was necessary to respond by taking shots at me. 

    No worries. Peace.



    Good girl being bad...I really like that.

  3. That's interesting, I'm not sure I agree, but I haven't heard a lot of hockey fans complain about refs in the NHL. Unless you're playing the Canadiens in Montreal. Then it's a given.  ;)


    Do you watch a lot of the sport? They tend to call the egregious stuff but often just "let the boys play."

    I was fresh off the Canadians game and it was typical. They let them play come playoffs and it's a better game for it. Montreal won't beat the Bruins should they meet.

  4. No way, G..


    They aren't going to change anything on offense.....why would they?


    .....Peyton Manning will dictate what they do and one WR change and one HB change won change anything...


    ....They'll run what Manning has always run for over a decade..it would be insane to do otherwise

    They'll change because defenses will dictate it. Way tougher season on the way.

  5. I have no clue what you are talking about or why you have singled me out, but it seems that you may be seeking some sort of validation or praise from me.


    So, here you go:


    I, shecolt, hereby award you, TAPLOOK, with one "atta boy" award for liking something.



    Lighten up Francis. Kind of hostile for someone that acts like they want nothing but peace. It was a joke. You're so busy trying to be good and all thing pure your memory is shot.



    2886 posts

    Posted 24 March 2014 - 04:59 PM

    :sigh: I really wish I could just close this thread and bring a stop to this senseless bickering.

    The truth is that all teams have good and bad fans.

    All boards have members from other teams that join . . . some come in peace and others to troll.

    Over the years, Colt's boards have had more Patriot trolls than all other teams put together which IMO is what has led to so much tension between the fans on Colt's boards.

    The sad thing is that the "good" Patriot fans on Colt's boards rarely speak up to those Patriot fans who are trolling. It's more common to see them "liking" whatever the trolling Patriot fan has posted.

    I don't hang out on Patriot forums, but I'm sure the same may be said there.

  6. But again we are talking about Manning.


    How many QBs broke the TD record after 4 neck surgeries at age 37?.


    Exception to the rule baby.


    :clap:  :disco:

    Father time is undefeated.



    Manning had a fantastic season last year but he won't  come even remotely close to matching it this coming season. It would be unfair to expect it.

  7. I think Cuban - while I respect his business acumen - is grasping at straws on this one. He owns a team in a league that is not nearly as popular, profitable, or successful as the NFL, which is where I think this is all coming from. 


    Three days/nights of football a week (Sunday/Monday/Thursday) is not "too much" for any of us. Especially with the popularity of the billion-dollar-business that is Fantasy Football. I know if I've got a guy or two playing on a Thursday night or prime-time Sunday/Monday game, I'm watching. 


    Could the NFL event over-saturate the market? Sure, I guess it's possible.


    I don't really buy NFL merchandise and I don't go to games anymore (better seat is on my couch), but even just the TV money the NFL has lined up is unreal.


    I think Cuban is just wishing that the NBA was a little more relevant once again. To me, it's by far the worst of the four major sports. In terms of the product, the athletes, etc-etc. I watched a lot of basketball in the 80s when the Celtics had Bird and all those guys, but IMO the sport is barely watch-able these days. Every play is either just an isolation thing or some dude heaving up a 3-pointer. And don't get me started on officiating in that league. Ugh.

    Officiating? No one's worse that the NHL. It's one step short of wrestling.  

  8. :sigh:  I really wish I could just close this thread and bring a stop to this senseless bickering.


    The truth is that all teams have good and bad fans.


    All boards have members from other teams that join . . . some come in peace and others to troll.


    Over the years, Colt's boards have had more Patriot trolls than all other teams put together which IMO is what has led to so much tension between the fans on Colt's boards. 


    The sad thing is that the "good" Patriot fans on Colt's boards rarely speak up to those Patriot fans who are trolling.  It's more common to see them "liking" whatever the trolling Patriot fan has posted. 


    I don't hang out on Patriot forums, but I'm sure the same may be said there.

    I don't see any Patriots fans bickering or complaining.

  9. This really irks them lol their panties are already in a bunch too haha "we didn't cheat bla bla bla the NFL just fined us cause we win too much bla bla bla"

    Actually I don't think anyone cares except for the fans of the loser teams that they feel it effected. And falsely so I might add. We're as Colts lovers above it all of course. I feel born again. The air is sweeter, food taste better and the colors brighter.

  10. I need a little help(Some would say a lot). As we all know after years of schooling from many fine fans on this board it has become clear that Colts fans are by far the most morally correct fan base in all of sports. In fact I feel they are the only moral fan base in all of sports. Now that I'm a member of this group are there different levels within the group. Are some of us better than others?

    Is the worst Colts fan still better than the best Patriots fan?

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