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Posts posted by TAPLOOK

  1. Ever had a speeding ticket? I have. Bad ones. Tickets for operating a vehicle at over 20 miles past the speed limit. It may have been long ago, but i can assure you that my possibility of actually taking another persons life at 75+ mph was so far greater than Mr Irsay at less than 20 AND under the influence, that they aren't even worth mentioning in the same sentence. 


    And just for conversation, so is every driver who ever drove tired. Pointing out that he didn't kill anyone speaks more to me about your dislikes of him, than it does about how fortunate society is for not having to die at his hand. 






    He was under the INFLUENCE  of narcotics operating a MV. He was going 20 mph when popped but very well could have been going 100mph 5 minutes prior. Your post couldn't be more off the mark. 

  2. There is probably no stipulation that the fine has to be paid directly from Irsay's account. He owns the Colts, the money in Colts Inc. is his...


    True and money is money is money. He should pay it in wheelbarrows filled will quarters. Have the whole team march up Park Ave. with them.  

  3. True. I just find it funny to think what a different world it must be to treat a 500k fine like a mere annoyance.

    Oh dear, now I must drive the yellow ferrari this week. I pawned the silver one and the black one to pay my fine.



    I hear you and it's a problem that I'd love to have to opportunity to explore but Mr. Irsay isn't parting with any Ferrari's to raise funds for his fine.

  4. Since we're already being technical, I wonder about that. Players get their game checks docked. Would the league withhold the amount of the fine from the team's share of revenue, or would they ask for a check?



    That's a good question but I think a check because it's not the Colts Inc. but Irsay's fine. 

  5. Federal insurance only covers up to 250k. Doubt he has a checking account exceeding that. #firstworldproblems



    It's just a matter of moving money. Without question he's writing a check for 500G and the league is cashing it. And what Superman said.



    Irsay doesn't even feel it. Kraft didn't feel the 250G and Belichick didn't feel the 500G. Small fines for big boys with big toys.

  6. you don't have to yell about it.


    Side question..........since preseason games are like regular games.........do they count in this case?

    I had the caps lock on and am to lazy to edit it. I don't think preseason counts.

  7. Um, don't you guys think you are underestimating the difficulty of handing out an unexpected half million dollars?

    No. It's not a problem for Mr. Irsay. It has no effect and doesn't change vacation plans, new car purchase, bling for the girl friends ect.

  8. Nice to see Coolpat still has his Colts infatuation thingy going on.

    I love the Colts. I'm just glad Mr. Irsay didn't kill anyone. The punishment is nothing more than a stubbed toe. How's the cycling going? I almost took one out on the Harley last weekend.

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