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Posts posted by TAPLOOK

  1. Mallets not the answer and he's served his time if BB can deal him. Bill's not afraid to move on.  



    Brady and Peyton have descent arm strength and neither has diminished much from what I can tell. They are touch passers who rely smarts and deception. Both can unleash a laser or bomb if need be. 

  2. From reading your posts on this forum over the years, I knew you lacked self confidence but I did not think it went so far is that you make your decisions based on what other people think.


    Please, I converse with Pat fans a lot because of that I am very familiar with logical fallacy in debate (many pat fans use that all the time).  But please explain how it is in all my posts.


    When have I ever stated I have an issue with the Pats?  Most Pat fans on this board that know me, know I think BB is one of the best coaches in the modern era (which is another point I will mention later).  The Pats cheated at got punished.  I do have an issue with Goodell destroying the evidence but I thought Goodell was a putz before Spygate.  What I have the biggest issue with is Pat fans that portray it as no big deal, try to justify what the Pats did, act like everyone did it or that what he didn't was completely within bounds if only he had moved his camera.  And I believe I have stated that several times.


    Now back to BB.  I think BB is a brilliant football mind, he does things to gain a competitive advantage that many coaches don't even think about.  So this memo was sent out... 31 other teams knew what it meant but BB did not?  I don't believe that, he's too smart. 2nd, everything BB does as a coach is done to put his team in the best position to win the game, knowing all that to think that he would do something that would risk his standing as a coach and the reputation of the team for something that only saved a little bit of time and provided no advantage just does not make any sense at all.  Every aspect of football is about risk analysis and the scenario painted about why it was done just does not fly when comparing the benefits (as put force by league talking points and Pat fans) to the risks involved.



    Simple. BB didn't think it was a big deal.

  3. In order to turn all of it around in a matter of minutes, you would need around 5 "technical" people and at least one "football" person to interpret what they're seeing. 


    Also, regarding film... I get what you're saying but the problem is there were no smart phones in 2001, 2003, and 2004 my friend! No tablets. TiVO existed but DVRs were not in every home. If we're discussing the impact of Spygate on the Patriots' success, the technology from 10-14 years ago needs to be considered. 


    The images Manning and other guys study on the sidelines aren't LITERALLY Polaroids (at least not anymore), but as the article stated, they're from still cameras mounted high up in the stadium. Not from video. That was the only point. 



    You're making to much sense.

  4. It's nice that these acts are common. Athletes don't have to care enough to reach out and make a gesture. It was a kind thing to do, and initially with little fanfare.


    It's great that so many professional athletes visit sick or dying people and lift the sprits of families that have lost a loved one. 

  5. From Goodell himself:

    "The actual effectiveness of taping and taking of signals from opponents … it's something done widely in many sports," Goodell said. "I think it probably had limited, if any, effect on the outcome of games.

    "That doesn't change my perspective on violating rules and the need to be punished," he added.




    Pretty much have it right there that he was setting a precedent about following the rules.


    He also added this about destroying the tapes, "The reason I destroyed the tapes is they were totally consistent with what the team told me," Goodell said. "It was the appropriate thing to do and I think it sent a message."

    That's a cover-up just like when the US government perpetrated 911. 

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