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Posts posted by TAPLOOK

  1. Pats don't do that for money, they do it to stock an absurd amount of draft picks and save cap space to reload with new talent year after year. Occasionally it bites them in the butt, but usually not enough to matter. It's essentially the old moneyball approach to football, maximize your talent by buying low (rookie contracts) and selling high (Veterans with inflated salaries from being on winning teams). The Mankins deal may have crossed that line, but it's too early to tell after just week 1 in a place where NE has traditionally struggled (strange but true, Miami gives them fits in the warm sun of south Florida).


    Overall, New England's approach is a little misunderstood by those just paying attention to the names, it's all about making sure there's as little down time as possible between reloads of talent, and it's probably the reason they've stayed so highly competitive for well over a decade now.


    Also if we're being perfectly honest about the Pats, that defense was far, far more worrisome than the few offensive kinks they had. The only time they could stop Miami was when they got gift turnovers.



    Just about as perfect as a post could get.

  2. I mean I'm happy because it helps the Colts probably come seeding time but all in all I think pats still get#1 overall seed. Bad half like colts first half, broncos second half, sf second half, Phillys first half it just happens. Only team that plays 4 qtrs at high level right now is Seattle. Got to give Brady and peyton a clean pocket bit that said they both missed some passes they usually make. I expected better run defense with wilfork back so I can't figure that out. Pats need to run the ball better. Miss Blount I think and clearly grok was rusty. Team will pick up steam and be deadly dangerous come December. Remember Brady was slow to start last year than after that brilliant drive against the saints was deadly after that. He will bounce back if he is healthy. Looked sick to his stomach or something to me. Those leg cramps or whatever maybe was a sign he wasn't healthy. Pats still class of AFc IMO.

    Don't know what was up with flacco and Baltimore play calling. That was ugly but so was a lot of teams so it's just one week. If we based the season off 1 week then colts pats and ravens wouldn't be in the playoffs and I think chances of that is slim to none of them not making at least one of them. If what people say is true that he isn't putting in the work than that sucks for his teammates. They deserve his best. Peyton has his faults but working hard isn't it. He earns his paycheck and he doesn't short change his teammates. Brady too.... He is always working out in California in the offseason.....not globe trotting or sitting at home or in the club. That all said I'm done with this sb rings define qbs. Watching Eli with his two and Big Ben with his two and flacco with his it's clear they aren't half the qbs of Brady Bree's and peyton. A lot goes into a sb championship yes including qb play but there is no doubt no matter who has more rings etc where the greatness lies.



    The early losses count just as much in the end. They're going to hurt a little in the best scenario.   

  3. You have to admit that it's hysterical that the Pats lost, especially after the big time celebration done by Brady and Gronkowski after the TD early in the game.  Gotta love it.  They were celebrating like they just won the Super Bowl.  After a touchdown, big deal.  Jerks.  Serves them right to have lost.  Hope it happens frequently this season.  Tom is soooooo professional.  Professionals don't celebrate till they win the game.  At least not the way those 2 jerks did it.  



    No celebrating in Indy yesterday?

  4. I think the entire AFC East is legit this season.



    No worries with the Patriots. It wasn't the game that Patriots fans wanted to see but it happens. Remember the year Buffalo beat them 35-0 in the opener? They went on to win the SB that season.


    The AFC east is second only to the NFC north for the best record against the other divisions in the Brady/BB era. The Patriots are .750 against the AFC east and .750 against the rest of the league over that same period. The AFC east is strong this year but it was never the weak division that some like to portray it to be.

  5. I never liked the guy all the way back to Miami. I think it's a disgrace that the Ravens saw fit to erect a statue of him outside of their stadium. For those that support this I never what to see a post talking about a team or players lack of morals.

  6. So are you saying Manning is to blame for Welker's concussions, or not? Because you say you're not "blaming" him, then you come back and present an argument that seems very much like blame. 

    You can't blame him but he's certainly a contributing factor. There's irrefutable proof.

  7. Dallas Clark and Stokely, from what I understand.


    Thanks. I'm sure there are more but that's a good sampling. It's a tough game and some pay a steeper price than others with contributing factors of course. It doesn't make Peyton a bad guy or QB it's just result of his style of play. 

  8. Stephen A Smith on First Take just talked how the league called several teams, including the Cowboys, about picking up Michael Sam if possible.  If this information is true then I think it is beyond despicable!  How many other 7th rounders who have been cut have league officers lobbying for them to make a practice squad?  What makes this guy so special that he simply has to be on a practice squad at the expense of some other player who was better (simply because he made the squad on his own and Sam did not)?  If this whole experiment is supposed to be about "fairness" then why is it being handled so unfairly?



    Don't ever trust Smith. I don't understand how he's still on the air.

  9. imo the broncos will be great if manning still has it, if his age is catching up not so great



    He still has it. He's been floating the ball for years but has great anticipation and spacing awareness. When the leg strength starts to go he's done. Father time is undefeated.

  10. I'm sure Bill Beelzichick was smiling as he read of this, but I doubt concussions or PEDs played any part in the Pats decision to let Welker go.


    To attribute this series of wild coincidences to Beelzichick's brilliance is a bit of a reach.



    Correct. You win some and you lose some. BB and the Patriots won this one thanks to Welkers wife persuading him to sign in Denver. I bet Mr. Kraft sends them a nice Christmas present.

  11. You said that he wouldn't have gotten any concussions had he stayed in NE...that is your point to prove.  Like I said, I disagree, because it can only be based on speculation.



    True but it's highly unlikely he'd be getting one every 3.3 games. The numbers show that as almost certain. Are there others besides Collie and Welker?

  12. wow... even when i say something good about the Pats, you still find a way to argue.



    I didn't get that at all from his response. It's just good football sense. Gronks not a decoy. He's a great pass/run blocker and receiver.  

    Drawing attention and decoy are two very different things.

  13. Brady could restructure at anytime so don't even try to figure out cap space/salary scenario down the line. 2017 is the soonest that anything would happen with Brady and most likely not even then. He'll extend or retire as a Patriot. He's never been about the money but the fact that he has too much to count doesn't hurt the Patriots or him. 

  14. Good question TPLK. Honestly, never unfortunately. I truly believe fans outside of Boston detest him BB because every year his squad continues to rack up division titles & deep post season runs. If NE slid off the NFL landscape, no haters of Foxboro would care about SG anymore. That's the only way the scandal will die a swift funeral I'm afraid. 


    Here's how I look at the SG scandal: The story broke in late 2006 or so & the Patriots still almost won the SB against the Giants in 2007 & 2011 regular seasons respectively. 


    The more accurate question is this: If BB is smart enough to reach the SB & win Lombardi trophies without shall we say "competitive advantage techniques," why even attempt it at all? It's not necessary IMO. 


    Misinterpretation of the rules or not, BB can reach the promiseland without it. He's proven that. 



    It was tongue and cheek.  He's viewed as the best coach in the league by a wide margin. Seattle has been fined like four straight years for breaking the practice rules and you never hear people whining about them. They were just fined 300G for ignoring Goodell and the CBA practice rules once again.

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