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Posts posted by TAPLOOK

  1. "People have reported he's started slurring words and suffered from some black out at one point."




    Love the player but if this is true Wes is crazy to step on the field again. He still a young man and those symptoms a worrisome.

  2. Offseason rosters are all good, untill the injury bugs start biting..

    Unfortunately, we all saw that last year on our beloved team..

    True Dat. No teams were more banged up at key positions that the Patriots, Colts and Packers.

  3. I think the Ravens are going to take the division from the Bengals..... They now have a legitimate go to receiver in Smith and Excellent Compliments in  Marlon Brown and Torrey Smith.

    I wouldn't argue with that.

    Bengals 5A, Colts 5B and Ravens 3

  4. Taplook, I think it is safe to say Irsay had a problem 15 years ago.  I think it is safe to say he has relapsed, and that it appears to have started about 2 years ago, based on the deterioration of his appearance, and on the timing of his back and hip issues.  I think it is safe to call him an addict, and to recognize that he always will be an addict, regardless of success or failure in efforts to rehab.  That is NOT the same as saying he will continue to use.  We simply don't know that for a fact.


    Where we part ways, and where I feel you are being an *, is that you've taken that to the next level by implying he wasn't clean for 15 years, and that silly twitter messages somehow imply that he is unstable.  Unless you want to come forward with something other than your opinion (you know... FACTS), I have yet to see anything resembling definitive evidence that either is true.  I frequently have battles of goofy texts with friends.  While I have no doubt I am unstable, I have yet to see anything to suggest my friends are equally so (beyond the circumstantial evidence of continued friendship with me, I suppose).


    If you want to take a hard line stance, I am fine with that, and can even understand it.  I prefer to be more compassionate, myself, but I am not blind to the man's faults.  If you are going to toss in hyperbole, conjecture, and unveiled vitriol, though, I don't see how you can be surprised by the reaction it receives.


    BTW, I also get your point that some here seem to make excuses.  Fair enough.  I acknowledge that he went through a divorce and back and hip issues, and together with his addiction, sympathize with the man's upcoming challenges, but I don't connect sympathy for plight with excusing the behavior.  I would assume the same for many here, but don't speak for them.  The vast majority of posts I've read here, though, do not make any excuses.  You've offered more unsubstantiated, hateful suppositions than all the excuses I've seen combined.  Take that out, and I have no issue with your general position on the matter.

    I don't have a hateful bone in my body and I trust my instincts because they have served me well over the years. As far as hyperbole, conjecture, and unveiled vitrio I prefer the usage of past and present actions. I don't put Jim Irsay on a pedestal and think he's probably a decent guy but he is what he is. 

  5. Thank you,  I try my best to always be nice.  


    What I meant ~ is that it is unfortunate that you no longer have compassion for people.  It's a great trait to have.  And maybe I misunderstood you.  Maybe you meant you no longer have compassion for people who do drugs..??   Okay, I get that.


    Now to answer your question...   Was I at all surprised..??     Okay, I will be honest here too.   No, I was not surprised, and I think it explains a lot.  It also changed my perception and attitude.   I am completely and totally behind him getting the help he needs to beat this addiction.  And I wish him the best on the road to a full recovery.

    I don't have compassion for drug abusers after the first go around. I'll be the first person to help a person in need. Someone that is hungry, broken down or just going though an obvious rough time. Sometimes my reasons seem selfish because I do it because it makes me feel good. Druggies seem to get a pass on stealing and lying because it's part of the "disease". I think it's a crock. Mr. Irsay is going to land on his feet without question so I don't see any need for compassion and sympathy. He wouldn't be checking in to rehab if he hadn't been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. I really do respect your stance on the subject but I just can't bring myself to the same place in this case.  

  6. I'm all for honesty...   I'm also all for  Empathy and Compassion  which some here seem to lack.


    There's a line between being honest, while showing compassion, and understanding ~ and/or being downright rude.

    I used to own a home in a city called Brockton. It was a nice blue collar city for years. Home to Rocky Marciano, Marvin Hagler and one of the best High School football programs in the country. It's a dump now and one of the most dangerous cities per capita in the country. All because of drugs. I moved 25 miles away and only go back if it's a must. My compassion is long gone because of my understanding. I'm neither rude or blind. 

  7. Injuries are reasons as to why a person is put on prescribed medicine which may have led to his abuse of such meds. 


    I agree that people need to take responsibility for their actions and I have no reason to think that Mr. Irsay is not accepting responsibility. 





    Again, where is anyone saying that it is okay to drive while impaired or to become addicted to drugs?  All I have seen is fans offering their support.



    You don't know for a fact that it will not be a life-alerting event for him anymore than anyone knows that it will.  All we can do is hope and pray that it will.



    I detest substance abuse and won't even get behind the wheel if I have had anything more than communion wine.


    Mr. Irsay is fortunate that no one was injured and the knowledge that someone could have been is something that he will have to live with for the rest of his life.


    However, I can sympathize with those who have become addicted the same as I can sympathize with Aaron Hernandez for whatever demons possessed him.  But, that doesn't mean that I am condoning murder.


    It merely means that I can love the sinner while hating the sin. 

    You are the same type of person as my mother. That's a very good thing. Right or wrong I don't possess the same faith.

  8. There's a huge difference between "offering up support" & "feeling sorry for"...


    Mankind has a pretty hardy history with intoxication btw, not like it is some new problem...


    Not sure what the "We make it too easy & convenient for them" part even means as that is pretty much a blanket statement, if it means that we make things Too easy for addicts by offering up rehab facilities instead of throwing all addicts in jail, that's a pretty intelligent stance, since the penal system is already overcrowded & a huge drain on taxpayers, a much bigger problem imo...

    Rehabbing is more expensive than jail. But you a correct that it's a dilemma either way. I'm all for mandatory sentencing and work camp like facilities with straight up cold turkey detox. They have one in Thailand with a 95% success rate. It'll never happen in the USA because of the exact type of sentiment you see in this thread. Massachusetts is crazy. Druggies arrested 20-30 times without doing any real time. We have the same people that OD's a couple times every week. Drunk drivers with 4-5 convictions that do little or no time. If you are a regular working Joe and get popped for the 2nd time you're going to jail but these druggie and habitual drunks somehow get sympathy and leniency time and time again.  

  9. c'mon now, the overwhelming number of posts are offering up support since he has "checked into a facility"

    you know your posts are intentionally stirring the pot...

    No they are not. I hope Mr. Irsay rights himself as much as the next guy but I don't feel bad for him one bit. This country has a huge substance abuse problem and I chose not to sympathize with abusers. I see that as a big part of the problem. We make it to easy and convenient for them. 

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