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Posts posted by TAPLOOK

  1. The implication here is that Colt's fans are making excuses for Irsay.


    Yet, I haven't seen anyone condone what happened; but merely give their support and understanding.


    Btw, shouldn't you be more worried about the latest news regarding the Patriot injury listings?

    Many are making excuses. Re-read the posts. Old sports injury...yada yada yada. People need to take responsibility for their actions. I hope he never takes another drink or drug again but I don't feel the least bit sorry for his situation.

  2. The implication here is that Colt's fans are making excuses for Irsay.


    Yet, I haven't seen anyone condone what happened; but merely give their support and understanding.


    Btw, shouldn't you be more worried about the latest news regarding the Patriot injury listings?


    I wouldn't be to concerned about Mr. Irsay. He's not doing anything that he hasn't always done it just got him in a little (very little) trouble this time. Jim is going to be his old self in no time at all.

  3. Not all addicts are unstable. He drove under the influence. If all people that drive under the influence are unstable, then the world is full of a lot of unstable people.

    You're trivializing his actions. He drove drunk and drugged and has had issues with both his entire life. Read his Twitter account and get back to me about how stable he it. It's like watching a car wreck. I'm done. Good luck Jim.

  4. I think it happens occasionally in tampering situations as well.

    Correct. Draft picks have been taken many times and the Patriots didn't receive the largest fine in league history. I don't see the Colts losing a pick but the nut case is going to open his wallet for sure. I don't see anyone with the team respecting him. This is a real problem for the organization. 

  5. Denver will not roll on O like last year. They'll have a few big games but teams with halfway decent personnel will be able to scheme them after being schooled the previous season. It's all about attrition. Whoever stays healthier between the Patriot and Broncos will be the AFC SB representative.   

  6. Take a deep breath.     Your post is more embarrassing than what Irsay did.     You've blown this completely out of proportion.


    Grow up.   This is the real world.    People have issues.    The players will deal with this.     If this is the worst thing that happens to the Colts this off-season,   we can all be happy.


    Irsay has issues.    Do you think this is the first time the players are aware of this?     Not likely.


    Sorry,  but get a grip.      Seriously.      :facepalm:

    This is a huge hit on the Colts image. HE OWNS THE TEAM. He has ZERO credibility.

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