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Posts posted by TAPLOOK

  1. Wilson right now is tops but I think everyone else is bunched together. It is going to be fun to see their careers play out but I think Newton said it best when he said that Wilson has set the bar high for everyone else with his SB win. Of course this year's draft class is going to be pretty good as well. We could be entering a golden era of QBs like we had in the 80's.

    True if another handful of very good QB's enter the league. It'll be great for the fans. Everyone is getting tired of Brady and Manning...but until they're gone?


    Rogers and Brees never really got to the Brady/Manning IMO.       

  2. Yes, Wilson is the most accomplished so far, but I disagree that Luck is behind Newton. Luck is a much better QB than Newton. It's not even arguable.

    I think the potential is there for Luck to be one of the better QB's of his generation, but he needs to develop better game management skills to reach that potential.

    I see Kaepernick's stock falling consistently over the next couple of seasons. He can run, but when he's forced to throw the ball, he makes some horrible decisions and simply poor throws.

    We're not that far apart. I agree completely on Kap plus I see him as a high injury risk. Newton's been getting better each year and was scary in the second half of last season.

  3. Wilson is hands down better. Newton is slightly ahead of Luck and Kap is slightly behind him. I don't see Kap having a long career. I also don't see Luck being great. Very good, steady and durable but not great. 

  4. Money talks, nonsense walks... Another scripted response is all Decker is giving.



    It didn't talk with Welker. The little woman made the call. Just saying there's other factors but like the OP said "he won't be going to Cleveland".

  5. Because why should that be embarrassing? Because they lost? Losing isn't embarrassing, and it shouldn't be. The Broncos prepared as hard as they could, and put out their best effort at that point. That's not embarrassing in my book at all. They just were outmatched, and outplayed. An embarrassment would be not caring, and just winging it. And that is the complete opposite of what they did.


    It was an embarrassing loss from the first tick of the clock until the last. What's wrong with saying that? The most prolific O in the history of the NFL did nothing, zero, zilch, nada, umro nuno it was a huge embarrassment without question.

  6. Peyton really is such a pompous 'you know what'. It's so clear to see. Not sure people try and defend it.


    I suggest he uses his fame to get onto TV, and poke a huge amount of fun at himself, to show that he is not as pompous as he appears. Now, if he did that, perhaps most of the country who see him the same way as 'thedude' (the most un-pompous user name on this forum) would change their mind.


    So, go on Peyton, why not make some TV commercials that show you are in fact, not that bad a guy.


    And while you are at it, win a few more games to show you are a fairly good QB as well.


    But that is just not going to happen, because 'thedude' knows his stuff, and speaks for the nation.


    Just sometimes, I'm glad I'm British.......


    Sounds like OJ except for the QB part.

  7. I get where you are coming from TAPLOOK. But, is that because Manning is a SB Champion & now 5 time MVP so the media gives Peyton a pass on any question he deflects, sidesteps, or refuses to even answer?


    My take on it is this: I don't care if a QB is a made man or not [meaning a SB Champion] no football question is beneath any QB. I can't figure out if the media enables "elite QB protection" from tough reasonable questions or if the QB in question merely uses their fame, prestige, & clout to dodge a gapping weakness that they themselves refuse to see, acknowledge, or even address. It's a 50/50 toss up to me.  


    I am still perplexed as to why Manning took such visible offense to the "embarrassment" SB question. Why is that off limits? Why did Peyton get away with dodging that question? I have a real problem with that. You face the music regardless of the outcome. It's called being a professional in a tough moment.


    When Brady lost to the Broncos in the AFC Championship Game, he was brief but he addressed the question of losing that the media asked him about. I just don't care for elite QBs who think it's okay to take offense to a legitimate question about a lack luster performance. Stand there, be polite, & take your medicine. The sweet taste of victory & the bitterness of defeat. 

    I'm with you. Peyton could have easily said "heck yes I'm embarrassed" as he should have been. I  and everyone else would have understood.

  8. Peyton's human he just happens to be one of the better QB's to ever play in the NFL. I think he's a little pompous as well but he has lived his life under a bubble which has got to be mentally draining.


    I don't like when women use the "I'm a mom thing". It's nonsense. 


    Sports players are entertainment and nothing more to a fan.

  9. Yes in was humiliating and the Broncos should be embarrassed.




    I love Peyton's response to Sherman. Trumps Brady's "14 points" by a long shot.




    Manning  "I do throw ducks. I've thrown a lot of yards and touchdown ducks, so I'm actually quite proud of it."


    Just not in SB's my man. Fewest points ever.

  10. Hello this is a Colts Forum not a Patriots Forum. :scratch:  Go Figure ............... I personally haven't heard that much talk about Brady except from the Pats fans that frequent this board quite frequently.  I really could care less what Brady or the Patriots do if I did I would join the Pats Forum. :)

    Peyton plays for the Broncos and this is the NFL General section.

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