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Posts posted by TAPLOOK

  1. Not really. Brady has the reputation of being a playoff QB, someone who "has a way of playing well with the game on the line," to quote someone from this thread. That's a well-earned reputation, by the way, but more often than not, it overrides any real analysis and/or criticism of his play in the postseason.

    He finds a way to win most of the time even if he has been stinking it up most of the game. The guy's a winner for sure. W is the most important stat.

  2. That standard doesn't apply to Manning, though. When his defense blows a 7 point lead late in the fourth quarter, the loss gets laid at his feet. 


    You can pick holes in Manning's playoff performances, absolutely. But you can do that with any QB. 

    Brady gets blame as well. When you are a high profile QB it's "Your team". It's not a mystery why certain QB's teams win most of the time. 

  3. Can all posters co-operate for a nearly 10 day moratorium on Broncos/Patriots/Peyton/Brady threads?


    It starts from Dec.26 and goes till the wild card games are over on Sunday, January 5th, 2014? Agree or not?


    It would do this forum a whole lot of good, I feel. :)


    Say yes, in the name of the holiday spirit, folks.



    What else would we talk about? :-) I think once the brackets are set we'll have more to discuss but if a majority is on board I'm in. 

  4. How average was Brady in the SB? Similar stat line, in a game dominated by the Pats defense against a really good offensive team, and up until the final drive of the game, Brady really wasn't playing well. Even on the final drive, the Pats won on a long FG.


    Not knocking Brady, at all. But if you feel like Bledsoe's play in the conference championship is being romanticized, I could say the same thing about Brady's playoff record, especially that first year.


    Things get exaggerated, and then don't hold up to scrutiny. That's kind of the point of the article to begin with. When you scrutinize Manning's play in the postseason, you recognize that the narrative about him not being a good playoff QB is greatly exaggerated.

    Brady has a way of playing well on the final drive. Go figure.

  5. I think Manning with Brady a close second. They've tried to promote others to know avail. Only Brady and manning are consistent in their longevity and play. Rogers and Brees have never rose to the level of Brady and Manning as the media were expecting. It will be Brady and Manning until they retire. I think Manning leaves a year or two before Brady.

  6. You just don't give it up do you? Even when the situation is clearly unfit. How you can make jokes, especially within a subject like this, is beyond me. You should have been hugged more.

    I'm a huge hugger. If you were here I'd give you a big hug right now. It's only a game and no player or fan should ever be put in intentional danger of their health or life. There's a lot of scum out there nowadays in all walks and they're everywhere. Drugs and lack of accountability are killing this country.

  7. I don't know. I don't see it. I think many want them to fail understandably but they are getting an awful lot of praise for this season as they should. I am not sure how you can't give it to Bill at this point especially since the Chiefs fell off the map the last month.

    Don't get me wrong. He deserves it. I love this team and I think Bill is liking this year as well. He seems to be teaching more than ever.

  8. I don't think anyone will argue with that. What is more amazing is they did it without having any of their key players even being the best at his position during that time.

    I know. They almost had one but dam that Peyton Manning (Bubble Boy).

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