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Posts posted by TAPLOOK

  1. Luck does that since apparently his stats don't impress you, yet he wins lmao.

    Also Tim Tebow, but let's keep that Pandora's box closed shall we?

    I do believe your quote was that stats are for losers. Not "Stats are only for loser if they aren't backing something up with them."

    Wilson is better than Brady cuz stats. Logic.

    You are trying though. Like I said. There is something admirable about what it is you do.

    Luck and the Colts are mediocre. I would take Wilson over Brady in a heartbeat at this point.

  2. So you're a loser for comparing Wilson's stats to Luck's to make the argument he's far better?

    You're an odd fellow, but whatever floats your boat.

    I liked Wilson before I even looked at those stats. Plus Dusty said Luck was better than Wilson when he's clearly not. You can use a stat to back a point but not to make one. Brady wins without stats. Who else does that?

  3. I was unaware you can't win games if a QB struggles. Interesting.

    If you want to put your fingers in your ears and pretend Tom didn't struggle earlier this year when the offensive injuries were at their worst, more power to you.

    I mean you're wrong, but got to respect someone who's willing to stick to their guns.

    Wrong? He's still struggling but getting much better. The only reason they were winning was because of him. With a lesser QB/LEADER the team would have folded before the season started. I give the coach much credit as well. YES they win because of BB and Brady. Put those two in Texas or Indy for example and they're competing for a SB THIS season. Without them not so much.

  4. Yes. A great veteran QB. Who even as great as he is, struggled around a bad team.

    Correct. Glad we agree bad teams can bring down even the best QB.

    When did they bring down Brady? They're 9-3 despite Mayo, Wilfork, Kelly, Denard, Hernandez, Vollmer, Gronk, Vereen and Welker. All gone, out for the season or missed significant time. And I left some out. They are winning. 

  5. Perfect example. Bad D, bad running, and bad WRs didn't effect Brady early this year? Thanks for the help on that one.

    I better go apologize to that Baltimore D back in 2000. I was crediting them incorrectly in that SB season. Whereas I should have been crediting Trent Dilfer. As he had the greatest impact of all.

    Oh man I have to apologize to the Buccaneers too....

    And yet through it all the Patriots are 9-3. Why? Because they have a great QB.

  6. Wut. In one case we have a cheating scandal that resulted in the harshest penalties ever handed down to an organization and in the other case we have unsubstantiated claims made from a player that was associated with a known cheating organization.


    Don't see how this is similar at all.  



    Sometimes a was hit as a kid for nothing. Other times I deserved to be hit and wasn't. Go figure. 



    I know of one guy that served 10 years for being caught with one ounce of Marijuana and know of another that served 2 years for killing someone. 

  7. Nope you're incorrect. Especially if you're talking about the made up "pumping crowd noise" narrative. 





    The league protected itself with that statement.






    After the game’s final play Sunday, when Brady kneeled with the ball to run out the clock, the quarterback screamed at the referee. He explained to D&C that a Colts player was illegally simulating the Patriots’ snap count in an effort to draw a penalty. “I’m in the middle of my snap count, and the defensive tackle’s going, ‘Hut, hut,’ to try to get us to jump offsides,” Brady explained. “To me, the only thing that the ref should be listening for is that. [The Colts are] doing it, and they can’t do that. So, I was just creating some awareness for the referees that what they were doing. It’s not that they care or listen to me. They really don’t. I don’t know, it just gives me something to + at a little bit.”

    Typical Tom Brady.  Always taking the high road.  Even in the face of the Colts blatantly cheating like they’ve been doing for years.  Whether it’s changing league rules to suit them, dictating where the umpire lines up to suit their offense, piping in crowd noise or turning the A/C fans on to mess with their opponents’ field goals, this is exactly the kind of shenanigans you have to overcome when you play these cheating weasels.  And for the 10,000th time us good, decent, rules-abiding, God-fearing types are left to wonder “What would the Colts say if the shoe was on the other foot?”  The howls of righteous indignation would deafen us all.  Fortunately it was the Colts pulling this crap, so we’re spared the obligatory “If I were coaching the defense I would tell them not to call

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