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Posts posted by TAPLOOK

  1. And then they'll probably sign Edelman to replace him.  ;)

    That's not out of the question. I think if Julian finishes strong he'll have quite a few suitors. I hope the Patriots can ink him. The Donk's are going to fall apart over the next season or two and players know that. It'll hurt signings going forward. I think Julian wants to be a winner.

  2.    at age 32....Wes could be talked into retiring after this year..and I wouldn't blame him..


    ..You dont recover totally from multiple concussions...I think he'll always be at risk going forward



    Plus the new wife will be weighing in on the matter as she should. Wes is a young man in life and has a lot to look forward to post football.

  3. The best way to protect everyone, along with the integrity of the game, is to quit oversaturating the game with rules trying to protect everyone. It hampers what defenders, and now running backs, can do.


    When you've got 180-400 pound bodies flying, twisting, and pulling every which way someone is going to get hurt. That's the NFL. It will not stop no matter how many rules they put in place.

    True. There is no magic fix. Players have and will always get hurt. You have to adjust rules or players would be dying on the field with todays size, speed and conditioning. Some changes are good and some not so good.

  4. Its not fans he is talking about. Old school TV analysts love to bash passing based teams as being 'finesse' and 'soft' to imply that if someone would just smash them in the mouth like the good old days, they would crumble.

    A lot of older NFL guys lament the fact its a passing league now.

    Gotcha. Same applies though. Old cars are cool too but their brakes, suspension and steering suck by todays standards. The old guys should know that if it worked coaches would still be doing it. There is nothing soft about the NFL. If they didn't adjust the rules over the years teams would need to carry a roster of 150 just to get through the season. 

  5. TAP...


    ...some feel that the Brees-Manning style is not REAL football..its finesse football


    Historically...football people have always thought that through the entire history of the game.


    Its a 'tough man' game and Manning and Brees aren't seen as REALLY tough and they get too much credit


    ..a lot of NFL guys feel that running and defense are REAL football and passing for 5,000 yards is a product of a gimmick attack

       that wont work in the post-season...


    ...so sure they root for the old school style....

    I laugh when fans criticize a perpetual winner for his style/system. As if it's easy and anyone could do it. Winning is winning.

  6. Luck has 7 more TDs, 4 less INTS, and 6 less fumbles.

    RG3 is having a bad year. Luck is having a so so year. Stats are a funny thing but there is no denying that nothing hurts more than an INT. You can't recover an INT and they almost always cost points.

  7. Somehow I saw this coming. However IMO Shanahan should have benched him a year earlier in the PO, to avoid a more serious injury, that still has negative effect on RG III's performance. I believe his situation was mistreated, and they've focused on possible short-term benefits instead of long-term interests of RG and the franchise. And reportedly RG was rushing back from injury to avoid loosing hist starting job. 

    I'm with you 100%.  I was in disbelief watching him play in that game. I don't think RG3, Kap or Luck are going to live up to the lofty expectations put upon them over the coarse of their careers.

  8. As I said earlier, if you add the Championships to the other relevant stats, you get a better picture of GOAT. It's hard to pick a player in any sport as the GOAT if he has never won a Championship, because that is the defining moment in most of the greats careers. Bradshaw could be a top 10 guy, but his other stats are poor, but the 4 Super Bowls are very impressive.

    Dilfer, Johnson and Hostetler I'll agree. The rest are a huge stretch.

  9. haha "Oh yeah? Look all the suspensions...

    Sherman few games, Browner suspended for a year, Irvin suspended for the first few weeks of the season... That tells you a lot about the team and what's going on in the background. Now the NFL watches closely over the Seahawks practices too."



    I HAD NO IDEA ABOUT ANY OF THAT!  The media tends to not really report aggressively about bad behavior among other teams as much as they do about the Patriots.  If all those things happened to the Pats then it would be a national conversation and debate about the Pats and Belichick's way.


    But, the Seahawks with all their faults and players suspended are still one of the best defenses in the NFL.


    Since 2001 the Patriots for many years had top 20 slots in the first round of the draft and decided to trade down and load up on draft picks.  The Pats could have selected Clay Mathews one year in the top 17 but traded that slot to the Packers.  So what is also hurting the Patriots is not being aggressive in the draft.  A lot of the players that were on their super bowl winning teams were already there before Belichick.  A lot of those players were there from Bill Parcells and Pete Carrol.

    The Patriots are held to higher standards than the rest of the NFL. I see what you mean by "Hurting the Patriots" but who wins more than them? It's hard to question Bill's philosophy.

  10. Ask Trent Dilfer.

    Or Ken Stabler.

    Or Jim Plunkett.

    Or Brad Johnson.

    Or Joe Namath.

    Or Jeff Hostetler.

    Or Roethlisberger. Twice. (Good, not great QB)

    Or  Bradshaw. Four times. (Good, not great QB)


    To name a few.


    The defense carried all of them. You could put just about any halfway decent (or in some cases, below average) QBs on those teams and win it all.


    Whoop de do at a game winning drive when the other team can't drive on your defense for most/all of a game. Not to mention the D often getting points directly if not great field position for your offense.

    Bad list

  11. Actually thowing ice balls onto the field that ended up knocking someone out is worse than making fun of someone.  Giants fans were throwing ice balls and knocked out one of the coaches of the Chargers.  It's on YouTube.

    True. These guys are in the public eye and with social media it happens with every fan base in every sport. It's a small price to pay for any well adjusted player.

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