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Posts posted by jwilli69

    • Holy jesus, I have been looking at the wr salaries and Garcon is going to end up with a contract somewhere in the neighborhood of between 7-10 million a yr based on what other recievers have taken. The Brandon Marshall or Santonio Holmes is probably what he and his agent are eye balling and he will want that if not just a bit under. Miles Austin is pulling just at 8 mil/yr so maybe that is his benchmark as Austin certainly isn't heads and shoulders above Garcon so are we looking at a 6 yr 48 mil contract for Garcon? 8 mil SB with a few escaltors of say 2-3 mil for pro bowl bid or all pro type? Increase the base salary in the last 3 years of the deal so if he just doesn't pan out, it will be easier to part ways? Going to be a bit of a gamble on a near 50 mil contract with Garcon but sometimes you have to take those leaps.

  1. If we go 3-4, I could see where Mr Freeney is asked to redo his contract where his bonus would be 14 mil (this years base salary), turn it into a 3 year contract that makes an avg of 10 mil/yr. So you have a salary of about 5.5/yr with the 14 in bonus money spread over that span making it a 3 yr 30 mil contract. Not bad for end of career stuff. If he balks, I could see him moved on his way understanding the team is going to a 3-4 which he will be a fish out of water in. I suppose you could then just offer it over to Mathis at that point.

  2. If there is anything I hate about the offseason it is the repetitive reporting and digging up crap on any story and twisting it into news. I am sick to freaking death of hearing the name Manning and Lin already. I almost ALMOST miss the name Tebow lol. I also realize that the Manning thing is a huge deal in the NFL and warrants a lot of talk but they go overboard with reading into everything that is said or done. The Lin deal is a big thing for 2 reasons. 1. he is an asain playing rediculous ball right now and 2. Its a real feel good story of what seems like a really good kid who has struggled to stay in the NBA and now he owns it (for the moment).

    Of course look at the mainstream media The media is absolutely rediculous in all aspects, not just in sports. Anything to get their soundbites heard and people checking in.

    Are you kidding me, political? Really as in what part had any political validity into it in my post? It was an analogy not an endorsement or a statement of politics. really?

  3. If there is anything I hate about the offseason it is the repetitive reporting and digging up crap on any story and twisting it into news. I am sick to freaking death of hearing the name Manning and Lin already. I almost ALMOST miss the name Tebow lol. I also realize that the Manning thing is a huge deal in the NFL and warrants a lot of talk but they go overboard with reading into everything that is said or done. The Lin deal is a big thing for 2 reasons. 1. he is an asain playing rediculous ball right now and 2. Its a real feel good story of what seems like a really good kid who has struggled to stay in the NBA and now he owns it (for the moment).

    Of course look at the mainstream media The media is absolutely rediculous in all aspects, not just in sports. Anything to get their soundbites heard and people checking in.

  4. I agree 100%. We let Sanders go but hung on to Gonzalez for some reason! Didn't make a bit of sense!

    We let Sanders go because of the amount of money and cap space he was taking up while hrt, Gonzo was not taking up huge cap space, thats why Bob was let go. Had Bob had Gonzos cap#, he too would have been retained.

    I'd like to see a true #1 wr brought in. I don't think Reggie is coming back & even if he does I don't think he is a #1 anymore. I think we need a tall, fast wr that can get deep and Reggie/Garcon on the other side.

    Reggie is done here unless the market dries up and he feels like coming back at a regular rate (even if a one year deal) is in his best interest. I do agree, a tall WR with solid hands would be nice to have. Garcon in the speed/deep spot, Collie/gonzo/White in the slot spot and a tall WR/TE hybrid in the new spot (old RW spot) would be nice down in the redzone especially. Garcon will become that true #1 IMO, he progression line has shown he can build on what he does now. We just need better mismatches to mix in with the taller WR player like a Gronkowski player has. He doesn't have to be the burner (6'4" guys usually are not speed)

    This is the year to fix the wr's that we've been attempting to do since Marvin left. We need speed on the outside. If we can resign Garcon fine. It makes no sense to let Reggie go. He's the best available to work opposite a deep threat speed receiver. He's durable, his talent is route running, and he has the best of hands. Very remeniscent of Cris Carter.

    Collie is an excellent slot receiver. Gonzo hasn't been able to stay on the field. Garcon would be a nice keep. Especially, with the addition of an outside receiver. However, if there were options to be considered with Clark, Gonzo, White, and/or Garcon, I'd think the Colts would have to look hard at it.

    I like the reference to Cris Carter as that seems pretty accurate. Very good hands, slower but smart and great routes. Garcon should be resigned as it would be pretty crazy to watch this developed talent walk away unless someone offers him an 8mil/yr contract or something but considering the talent avail on the market at wr this season, I don't see it. Seems a 5mil/yr kinda guy to me. Collie has shown he is a talent with Manning but wasn't near the same with our trio of cruddy QB's last season. Can Manning or Luck revive him again? Gonzo had an awesome first year and a solid second but injuries and then whatever he did to pee in Polians wheaties crushed his career the past year or so. From the season ending IR in 2010 (he said he was ready to play) and then the 2011 no playing time (said he was healthy) something was just off and it seems like it was dictator Polians style. I think Gonzo could be given a rebirth with a new front office and competent coaching who has a say in who is on the field. We shall see. As for White, I really liked his play, good hands, a bit slow but just was able to make the tough catch over the middle. He has a use on the team but will never be mistaken for a RW type.

    I honestly do think that we will re-sign Gonzo to a small deal...he was healthy last season, but he and the Polians were in some sort of squabble, according to insiders...and we all know what happens when Polian doesnt want you to play! Yes sir!!

    The fact that Gonzo and White are the two main WRs who have been working with Peyton this whole time, to me, leads me to think that Peyton will want them both here...he reportedly wanted Collie to start working with him in December, but Polian didnt wanna risk any injury to Austin during the season.

    Another reason (besides believing him when he has said he wants to stay) that i think Peyton will be back, is that he is HUGE on wanting a strong connection with his WRs...and he has that here...with White, Gonzo, Collie and even Garcon started working with him a lot more last off season...began doing the route tree with him before games, too

    Gret post here, 100% agree with it all.

  5. Not a conspiracy theorist but don't you think it is a little odd how ESPN seems to be the ones who make the moves happen or force them to happen on how they report. Why is Luck so good? Is it because he went to Stanford and is considered smart? Look, his arm is not dominant and i think we all know how the media creations end up when it comes time to play. Marijuanavich anyone? Leaf? Carr? Russel?

    Coming out of college, Manning was said to have an average arm but after hard work, it is said he had a lazer rocket arm so thats correctable with work. Smarts for football and impressive talent is not, you either have that or you don't. Luck has proven his worth for a few years, the others you mentioned, not as much. Even if all things were eqaul and you have a QB and a CB that in all rights are equally as great at their position for this draft, you take the QB since everything runs through them first. A CB may be able to dictate his part of the field and force you to throw away from him, that is just one area. The QB dictates where an entire defense has to defend so that position will always be more valuable.

    We take risks everyday. When we go outside, we bank on not coming into contact with a virulent disease, being attacked by a swarm of bees, etc. Everything we do is technically "banking" it. At this point, Peyton is ahead of schedule.

    Ahead of schedule huh, can you provide me a link where his throwing is ahead of schedule and he is going to be fine to return this year? If Manning were known to be 100% and play for another 4 years, I MAY entertain a trade down for a ransom of picks if I were running he show but at this point, nobody knows how, where, when or if Manning can return this year at an effective level. If you can't get him at his old self or better, your going to be labled an * for not taking another Manning, Elway or Montana type player that is easily available to you with this pick. Getting a Aron Rogers or Tom Brady with a later pick is even more rare than getting an opportunity to be right with the first pick in the draft so you can look short term (young people do this in everyday life) or long term (more seasoned group).

  6. It will be all about the coaching. The guy was ridiculously athletic, and had a good head on his shoulders to boot. Soft Tampa 2 just probably wasn't his game, as he had to line up against monstrous tackles.

    The right coaching can make players work in this league. We must remember, we suffered under Caldwell. While he wasn't all bad, he didn't seem to be doing a whole lot. Not we'll have coaches running a team (with Peyton), instead of just Peyton running a team.

    I agree here, many players have suffered on this team because of the inept coaching that was on this team and a scheme that was never adjusted to the other team or adjusted to the ability of the players strengths. I am hopeful that Pagano can install a scheme that has the individual players skillsets in mind while also maximizing the players who haven't shown they belong in the NFL. Coaching can do wonders for many players with talent but either unmotivated or undisciplined by former coaching. We have some players who had talent and athleticism but just never acheived what the college film showed they could acheive. Prior scheme and crappy coaching stunted some of that talent from coming out and some of it is just the players lack of desire after actually getting to the NFL and thinking they can coast against the level of talent in the NFL.

    I see promise for Hughes and a few of the other players but the desire and work ethic have to be there to succeed in any scheme and coaching can't force a player with talent to shine, he has to want it and work at it. Can Jerry be that dedicated to it?? We will see soon enough.

  7. I think there is a good chance we trade Freeney since he is easily tradeable due to the fact that his contract can be extended by his future team. We could probably get a late 1st or a couple of 2nds for him. Id be in favor of losing his cap hit and gaining more young talent.

    If you trade Freeney, doesn't the Colts absorb the 19 million cap hit? Another late first or high second would be very nice to have but a 19 mil hit would be offsetting. I may be wrong about the cap hit though so someone can correct that if it is.

  8. Wheeler is a free agent as well. No on trading Mathis with a franchise tag either. Don't see it as an option. Sometimes you just have to accept things and move forward. Plenty of teams lose good players every year and seem to rebond ok. We just have to accept some guys are ready to move on and Mathis, Wayne and Saturday are all at this point. Keep Mathis and Wayne if the price would be right but I think they both want maximum money and I think thats where you just have to move on.

  9. Just posturing. He's setting the stage to decline the option. And blame that on Manning, because he wouldn't compromise as fras as the salary cap.

    This is what it sounds like in this article to me. Setting up for the public backlash later by saying hey, I told him we wanted him here and he told us he would rather be somewhere else and to let Luck become the new man. Bad thing is, I can see Manning understanding where the Colts are from the business standpoint and accepting it but the fans and media will hammer on the Colts over allowing Manning to walk and play somewhere else.

  10. If Peyton gets released, I see the Cardinal, Titans, Dolphins, and Redskins as being most viable landing zones. Arizona remembers what Kurt Warner did for them. Titans always get our folks that get set free. Miami looking for Marino replacement forever. and Washington has always spent huge sums, and has Rex Grossman. I think Alex Smith finally getting a consistent scheme is showing he can improve and flourish in a system. I don't think they'll mess with it unless his agent demands elite QB money.

    It's tough to say whether Peyton gets the 28 million and stays or not. If he does, it means he paid was 54 million dollars for not even playing football, and not knowing if he'll ever take another snap while earning even more in late summer, early fall. And the Colts are on the hook for that big contract for years. I think it is very ironic that THE GUY that made this franchise, can also be THE GUY to break it again too. That's powerful.

    So folks can say it's not about the money, but it is.

    You are right in a sense that it is about the money but it is also tied to his ability to play on that contract. Not able to play or uncertainty to play on that contract certainly means the Colts will part ways, any team would/should do the same thing, it is cap/cash suicide to do pay that contract out not knowing what lies ahead. If there was another QB with this issue to have something to compare it to, they may be more willing toaccept risk but there is none so health=paid contract, uncertain health=no money spent.

    Not everyone understands everything regarding trades, caps, etc. Why don't we use our "nice words" to explain why this idea is not feasible instead of suggesting the idea is stupid, etc.

    Because even the nice words don't help those who can't understand the simple terms of this issue and continue to live in Madden world or just like to argue for the sake of it.

    Alex smith didn't lose that game.

    Why, was the defense throwing the ball inaccurately in the crunch time of the 4th Q? Cause it looked a lot like Alex Smith doing that. Too inconsistant for me but maybe a second year in a system will be a new world of good to him. I like that team.

  11. Just popped op on Colts Facebook. Who's Happy - who's disappointed?

    I am mildly disappointed in this pick just because he hasn't succeeded somwhere and just lasted 1 season in San Diego for whatever reason and he is not a up and coming coaching mind from under the DC rank, meaning defensive assistant. I think as long as we can get Pagano and Manusky together to game plame and find workable changes, it should come out ok. As long as we don't play off 15 yards from the wr's all game, I will be happy.

    Well let's see. He has a middle of the road D in SF (jumped from 20 something to 13 with the drafting of Willis). He then leaves SF, they add 5 new starters to the D(in football terms that is called an overhaul) and they are playing in the NFCC game with a much more aggressive D.

    He goes to San Diego and takes over the reigns of the NFL's #2 ranked D (#6 AER), he drives them all the way to 16 (26 AER).

    The Colts D was absolutely horrible on 3rd down last year allowing 45% conversion. That was still 4% better than the Chargers did under Manusky.

    He may end up being a perfect pairing with Pagano, but his resume is less impressive than Coyer's.

    Your last 2 lines are concerning to me and you just have to wonder what the circumstances were that he was discharged from SD after 1 season, that is a rare deal in the NFL to get axed after 1 season. The brass must have felt comfortable enough with the coaches firing in all that to bring him here for a chance to transform this defense.

    I'm not overly excited about the new DC, but I'm not going to write him off either.

    I'm just glad he won't have a Polian tying his hands behind his back.

    I think this is a big thing, not having Polian telling the coaches who and how to play players. Let the coaches coach and judge their performance based from that. If it is not up to what the goals were at the start of the contract, make decisions to retain or remove based upon those goals met/not met and cause. Not all great coaches win because of their decisions and not all bad coaches lose because of their ability to coach, sometime circumstances affect the outcomes.

    I am not excited about the pick, as I was happy to see Pagano, but I am also cautiously optimistic as well in a transformation of this defense into Pagano's vision executed by Manusky and co.

  12. Look, we all know Peyton's time here is up -- as hard as it is to say. After looking at things, I think SF makes the most sense. The ONLY piece they are missing is a legit QB....they'll push hard for Peyton.

    Now, I think Jim Harbaugh likes his picks so it's easier to imagine players traded. With the emergence of NaVorro Bowman this year, I could see the niners viewing Pat Willis as expendable. So I think they would be willing to part ways with Willis, an aging Frank Gore, and their rookie Aldon Smith to make the deal fair.

    Manning + Reggie for Aldon Smith, Patrick Willis, and Franke Gore?

    I could definitely see this happening. It almost makes TOO MUCH sense. Thoughts??

    Only going to happen if you thrown in Donald Brown :rock: Or we could Trade Manning+Wayne+Mathis+Gonzales+Diem+Saturday+Tarik Glenn+Glen Beck+Anderson Cooper+Ted Coppell+a box of Wheaties Fuel for Smith, Wilis and Gore, now thats a fair deal. I am willing to throw in the right to Charlie Johnson :sun:

    Please at least propose trades that has our players under contract, can't trade what isn't yours anymore and Wayne is a FA now.

  13. Peyton Manning is the reason why there is still an NFL team in Indianapolis and we are not the LA Express. The Luke should be named Peyton's Place. Without Peyton we go below 500 the last 14 seasons with no SuperBowl appearances.

    Just my opinion.

    Take care of the man who made all of this possible. It's not a normal business decision and it shouldn't even need a second thought. If Peyton can play then you pay him.

    Yes PM is the reason we are who we are today and who knows what the record would have become with any other QB at the helm in Indy and Polian shaping the roster during that time but you can't just >>> your franchise up for what has occurred during that time. You have paid PM at the top of the scale all along, both parties have made tons of cash, PM will be known in the NFL long after his death and as a Colt. PM has nothing bad he can say about the way he has been treated during his time in Indy and even he understands this is business not something personal. If you want to take care of the man, you do that in a way that doesn't blow up your team and strap your cap by giving him a post football life top position in the franchise (look at Elway and the Bronco's). There are plenty of ways to handle this but paying for something that is broken a lot of money is a stupid way to handle your business no matter how great or how much you love the person.

  14. Then tell Peyton that as the owner..you'll decide what's fair for Andrew Luck.

    Its best for the Colts franchise to have Manning return us to the playoffs next season..while Luck watches and gets to take over in 3 of 4 years....

    ..the best case scenario is for Manning to make Luck his personal project...and prepare him to carry on afre he is gone.

    Irsay has to set that down as the way the Colts franchise benefits

    I think Manning should feel comfortable enough to tell the owner and GM that he doesn't like this idea and thinks he can still play and the team will be better served over the next 4 years of his career to build up the team for him as opposed to having another top shelf QB to sit and watch behind him. I also think the owner and GM can say, tough, this is how we see it unfolding past your career and there are no gaurantees we will be able to select someone closely matching your abilities to take over when your done, so we take Luck. Look Peyton, youve done well with the crap Polian got you over the years (sprinkled in with some excellent ones too) so we will draft and fix your oline, expand your WR's and develope a defense that will get you back onto the field to do your thing.

    I honestly believe that PM would enjoy having someone of this calibur to hang with, practice with and share similar views of the game. Sorgi was that for him I believe and had the ability to understand the game, just didn't have the talent to match it. Luck, by all accounts, has both the talent and the ability to match PM with his mind as well as the ability so I think PM would absolutely love it and Luck would be better for it as well. The only drawback I see is that Luck would have his stats career shortened by sitting behind PM and that may affect his HOF career if one were to develop as he played.

    I keep them both not kowing Mannings arm strength and stamina. If Mannings arm is of no question at all anymore, I trade the pick and keep Manning and ride him 4 more years.

  15. Personally I look at it this way.

    Let's assume for a minute that Manning was never hurt. Would you considering releasing him before the 28 million roster bonus and drafting Luck to replace him?

    If the answer is no, then you wait until March 6, you have him go out and throw the tree 6-10 times, have the training staff examine him, then have him do it again on March 7, have the training staff examine him.

    If it's deemed acceptable than you cut the check for $28 mi and then decide if you are going to draft Luck or RGIII or pull out something totally off the wall and get Stills with the #1 pick (too high but I'm not going to go through all the trade scenarios) and then Get Foles, Wheeden or Osweiler in the 2nd).

    If he does not perform as expected then you cut ties.

    If the answer to the first question is yes, then you just release him and let 25 teams go into a bidding war because he will easily be the most sought after FA.

    I agree with this pretty much but I would have Manning perform for me the last 2 weeks of the timeframe to simulate gametime throwing, meaning repetitions of 25-35 passes in a session of many of the throws he needs to be at an NFL QB calibur. Then I would have him follow that up by a same type session the following week an see what his arm stamina is at this point. Take a couple days and make the decsion. WHile he may not be able at this point to make the 40 yard bombs, he better be able to make the 15 yard outs, curls and slants with some zing and be able to handle it with stamina before I would cut a 28 million dollar check. I think the team can make a pretty accurate assessment of progress made from Dec 1 up through March 7th to make the decision on March 8th.

    Those are all good ideas and I am sure the team is doing all of that. None of those, however, are really thinking outside the box.

    I actually think that looking at a possible keeping Manning and trading the pick for a bunch of picks is way outside the box because of the unknown to Mannings health and the fact that 95% of the media, scouts etc... are claiming that Luck is the most complete NFL ready QB they have seen since John Elway. I say that is pretty out of the box thinking to consider a trade for that and hope your old horse can still run in the derby.

  16. I just get a red flag ( maybe unjustifiably ) when all I get is manly platitudes as opposed to substantive information.

    When was Polian ever known for give substancial information during an interview? I recall him saying a lot of big thesaurus words and saying absolutely nothing and thrown in for good measure, an insult to the fans and the interviewer while he is at it. Griggs is finding his way, he is new at all this and he is still a breath of fresh air over what had become so stale and irritating in Polian. Lets see how an offseason of drafting and signing/resigning/cutting of players that shape how the Colts move forward before we make any specualtion on how the new GM will be.

  17. I hope he stays, too ..

    But Jerry Jones woud lay down big bucks.

    I have no doubts that Jerry Jones would give his left testie to have Manning but my whole thought process is that I don;t think Manning wants to be in the same division as his brother and have that whole what if Manning knocks Manning out of the division title or worse, out of the playoffs. I really think if Manning leaves for another team, money is not close to important for him, a chance at another title will be and not conflicting with his brother at the same time. I could be wrong and he ends up in Dallas or with the Jets but I just cant see it.

  18. Why do you think Drake Nevis can play 3-4 DE? He's not a stout 2 gap D-lineman at all, he is a 3-tech 1 gap penetrator. The only NFL team that ran a 1-gap 3-4 defense last year that I can think of was the Texan's. I hope and think we stay in a 4-3 defense, I like it better than the 3-4 defense anyways.

    Well that type of defense did a pretty nice job in a transition year none the less. Hybrid, think hybrid. Whatever we get, I will be happy not to ever hear the words muttled doughnuts, I need more....wait, I mean "we do what we do". If the defense can adjust on the fly as the game developes and game plan before and at halftime, we will have a more interesting game. We may not win 14-15 games every year but if we play exciting ball, I will be a happy customer. I am excited at the possibilty of an exciting defense coming into Indy and if the offense plays super as well, thats just going to be a bonus.

  19. That is a list of good looking FA wr's on that list. Going to be some deflated ego's with the competition of contracts this offseason. Only the strong will get the big dollars and the rest will have to settle for whats normal. I am sticking with Garcon, have since his 2nd year and think his game has improved tremendously.

  20. That's not an accurate list, he will not go to some if those places. This is an accurate list in order:

    1. Miami

    2. San Francisco

    3. New York jets

    4. Kansas city

    5. Baltimore

    6. Dallas

    7. Arizona

    I do love the matter of fact posts that discount others with nothing more than you are wrong I am right posts. You say it is innacurate and he will not go to those places, Why/whynot? Again, mine is opinion and nothing more than that. Please don't come off as yours is fact and not expect a challenge on your post. BTW, what makes you believe Manning would not go to Tennessee? And Dallas before Arizona, WTH?

  21. why is there so much manning hate now here? he is still a colts is he not? and until irsay and manning say otherwise he will be a colt. just to let you guys remember the same people that say manning is done is the same people that swore up and down favre was gonna play in the 2011 season and we all know how that went dont we?

    Its not hate, it is discussion. Please please please, point me one, just one post that states or suggests hate towards Peyton Manning. I like the generic term of discussion for "hating on XXXX player).

  22. - he was throwing with "good velocity" around week 15-16 after practice Marvin Harrison was ready to play any game a few years ago too and he never really played again, at least not to his standards. He too was known to have been running and looking good.

    - he is throwing to the equipment guys at the moment as there is no one else to throw to And this means what??

    - AV said he is training hard I too believe he is traning as hard as he can, doesn't mean he is healthy to where he has to be.

    - ESPN said he is in the Colts facility every day training as hard as ever ESPN also felt Manning would play come opening day last year, they were right of course....oh wait.....

    - From his interview yesterday most people took away that he will be playing SOMEWHERE next season If I was putting money on someone to come back from this out of sheer determination and desire, it would be Manning but him saying he will be ready and him actually doing it is two very separate things.

    - He is at no more risk of hurting his neck than any other QB in any game Not even really being discussed by anyone anymore, maybe at the very begining but really not even an issue here, its the arm strength and the nerve. period!!

    - His rehab is going as planning according to the doctors. Many guys have come back from this injury that play far more physical positions than QB. You are right, many have come back from this in other positions and played but not ONE QB has had this and since its the strength of the arm in a QB that makes his game what it is, the nerve and strength is the most important factor. Others have to run and tackle or catch, A QB has to throw the ball hard, fast and accurate to succeed in the NFL. If he can't throw with the velocity he once did, he becomes a liability to the team and DB's will be all over his balls.

    Cmon its not hard to connect the dots here. Manning will be under center on opening day - I hope its with the Colts.

    So yes, it is hard to connect the dots and until Manning or Irsay comes out definatively with what will happen, nobody will know. Nothing is certain here. If he was throwing balls at regular velocity and doing eveything up to par, don't you think that wouldn't be getting talked up way more than all this specualation about his demise?

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