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Posts posted by jwilli69

  1. You are right. the most successful winning percentage in the history of the NFL. All on Polian.

    Ok smart butt, would you agree his picks could have been better and we did have the most prolific QB in???? Seems the great Polian could have squeezed out another SB appearance or wins with his great picks. You see my comment and assume I am strickly bashing Polian but I point out his flaws in his past and you want to go all smart on me.

  2. Burner who is going to stretch the field. Could be Grigson's "DeSean Jackson" from Philly.

    I like it. Not exactly sure if it was worth moving up for him, but we'll see.

    Really hope we go defensive heavy the rest of the draft, though.

    If he is a desean Jackson kinda close or anything close, is it worth a 5th round pick from next year? Honestly, if he is the next Desean Jackson, we underpaid dearly to get this guy. If he busts, we gave up a 5th round pick and probably lose out on some kid fighting to make special teams and/or project. I don't see any big deal out of this nor what we gave up to ensure we got "the guy" the team wanted.

  3. I understand all that but we got Avery we didnt need Hilton, we should have went defense or Guard

    I can't disagree with the need of one of those two positions as a need but to count on Avery as a player to get us to the next level is more hopeful. He hasn't shown anything since he came into the league really so if he pans out, we now have 2 speed guys. I am ok with the pick. I would have rather taken a OG with the 2nd pick but it is a hindsight thing of who would become avail with the next pick. Safe picks that add real nice value to the offense. Offense will sell those tickets :)

  4. yes I completely agree that part is inarguable but we could have found a fast speed wide receiver in the 7th round if hes just gonna be a kick and punt returner I mean we gave up a 4th round pick thats silly, now we dont have a 4th rounder and likely will be looking at several defensive players who will be backups

    Gavin, we don't have a 4th because we bettered the pick with a 3rd, some 4 picks up from where we would have picked. Gave up a next years 5th so it isn't that big of a deal really. I would have been more irritated that we traded down to acquire more picks later in the draft (mostly back up kinda developmental guys). I see this as a big positive to go up and get a dynamic kinda player for as little as they gave up. We gave them our fourth they gave us their 3rd. SO what, on paper it will show we didn't have a 4th round choice but on paper it will look awesome that we had 2 3rd round picks. Semantics??

  5. Love the pick, but the guy is mainly a KR. And hardly anyone returns kicks anymore.

    He's too small to be a full time guy, but should provide a heck of a spark.

    He and Fleener and Avery... speed kills!

    If the Colts special teams goes away from the back pedal and then block 5 yards from the returner and allow the returner some space to break free from, this kid will be able to change field position for us. There are a lot of smaller fulltime guys in the league btw.

    Let's look at the positives:

    - He's a great returner

    - Good possession receiver

    - Very quick

    - Good deep threat

    It's not terrible, but it's not great.

    All excellent attributes. Marvin Harrison was all of these things and had what 2 inches and less weight than this kid and he did alright. I have seen a few people mention how he has fumbled the ball some but then others mention the great hands so I guess we will soon see. I like the choice.

    Trust in the Grigs...

    He may have found his DeSean Jackson 2.0 (without the attitude)...

    This guy is FAST!

    Would be nice to have a good guy Desean on our team instead of a headcase.

    What the.... They really needed to give up 4&5 for this? Gave away 6 round pick twice & end up with Stanton for back & bail the Jets out on that deal.

    This team needed probably 2 CB's & line help. Nothing!

    Poor Chuck!!!

    Where is Polian?

    You can find polian sitting on camera thinking wow, this team I put together really is pretty terrible and weak. There are holes everywhere and most of my picks over the past 4-5 years are pitiful. If you think giving up a future 5th round pick and moving up 4 spots or so to get someone who is a possible field position changer is a bad deal, you are a bad couch manager.

    this guy is gonna be desean jackson type to open the field up for are two te's he ran

    the 40 * dash 4.34 twice at his pro day , added this with avery we have speed now something we never had before

    having speed opens up the run game and medium game to i love the pick

    We have a blueprint in the desk from years back of what a speed guy (Harrison) and a great QB (Manning) and a great TE (Dilger/Clark) had done to open up a running game for a good RB (Edge). I mean 2 inches separate Wallace from Pitt, who is thought to be such a superior athlete to most wr's in the league right now from thhis kid in measurables. If 2 inches will make that much difference on the field then all these kids may as well just go home and get a job at home depot because not all kids are 6'2" with a 230 lb frame who runs a 4.3 40 time and hands of glue.

    I do love the theory of the offensive rebuild. Speed to open up things for Reggie combined with a speedy TE who will also draw coverage away to open up things in the middle for the bubbles and screens maybe. If they load up underneath, you throw the big strike over the top and make the defense rethink how they are stacking. We should have a better running game ala the Edge years because teams will have to play honest with the speed of these guys.

    For those of you saying please come back Polian or that we have wasted picks or why nothing on defense, there seems to be a concentrated plan of attack in this rebuild and Polian is the one who created the poor team who just went 2-14 without PM because his choices were so poor for so many years now. I do not want Polian back into the building ever again unless he is paying for a seat to watch a up and coming rebuilding team play solid ball. If Pagano is such the defensive guru he was touted to be when hired, he should be able to teach these guys up to present at least an average defense while in the rebuild phase. If Freeney gets traded, gets a redone contract or just outright cut later, the team should be able to get a few cuts as the new season starts which should help the defense hold together this season and then next season we can finish the rebuild on the defense cause we will have tons of cash and cap space to be players. Cant fix in one draft what Polian has messed up over the past 5 drafts. Bad picks, age, cap and the overinflated contracts caught this team hard this year. That is all on Polian.

  6. I could see a traded that involves the Colts moving up into the bottom 1/3 of the 1st round plus a tarde of Freeney and the second round pick perhaps. Lets say possibly the Lions, Broncos or possibly the Bengals. I would do that if a great need prospect was there and the deal between the other team and Freeney could get ironed out before the pick came due. I am sure the Colts would have some framework deal worked out for Freeney just in case he gets traded so the deal could get made in the 10-15 minute time frame of the pick. Who knows what will happen with Freeney and a trade but I just hope if anything, the salary cap hit gets handled one way or another. If Freeeney stays and is not traded during the draft, and he feels good about his role in the new scheme, perhaps he will get a new deal done that extends him out to be able to retire as a Colt and relieve the team of the 19 mil dollar cap hit as well. Both win.

  7. To be honest, I haven't heard anything from Freeney, good or bad.

    The only things I have seen in print may have been a second hand comment but it was of the nature he did not want to stand up. I just would expect your superstar on the defensive side of the ball to take an interview and at least seemed stoked about the transition into a new defensive scheme that sees him as a focal point from his new coach. Again, I take his lack of noise a negative, perhaps I am wrong. Hope so.

  8. When has he shown a lack of excitement? Just because he doesn't go out of his way to say or do anything, I don't think that's a lack of excitement. To me, that's a guy who would rather let his play do the talking.

    Well let me ask you this, we have a new coach that is defensive oriented and has said Freeney and Mathis are gamewreckers and just what have you heard from Freeney about how excited he is to embrace this new change in mentailty? All I have heard in the press is how he doesn't want to stand up and now he misses valuable time to learn a new scheme? Yeah I think he hates the stuff and wants to move on. Time will tell if he plays for the Colts or someone else soon enough. I hope Freeney comes to play and not pout but he really needs to get the contract deal squared away, it is rediculous for him to play under that contract from the team standpoint.

  9. I could see Reg staying here this year to help Luck with his transition

    And it is exactly what Freeney should be doing, staying here and getting the most out of learning a new position inside of a new scheme. I honestly just don't think he wants to be here and do the 3-4 thing. He figures well, if I don't get cut/traded, I get 14 million dollars. If I get cut, I will still get alot of money coming my way in a deal somewhere else. I do not like his lack of excitement for this new scheme and oportunity but he is his own person and I actually just don't see him remaining on this team.

  10. They said Peyton would retire a Colt Freeney will leave.

    I won't. E shocked at all if he leaves. It he could also re-sign an extention too but it is stupid to pay him this much for a one year deal in a rebuild mode. I could see the team kicking the tires during training camp and how he fits in. If he doesn't fit the scheme or he pouts about it, then u have to do whats best for the team and let him go. 19 mil is too much cap space and 14 mil is over priced. Base salary.

  11. Should've been an option for no WR at all or not even a starting WR. I think some depth and perhaps we get a steal like we got with Collie and Garcon but we need more help on OL and front 7 on defense. The trenches.

    I think getting the trenches of the oline more stout will clear the way for solid wr's to become stellar wr's because they will give Luck passing lanes and more time to decide. If the oline is the same garbage quality that it was over the past 5 years or so, Luck will have a hard time getting the ball to the best #1 wr in the league. If the defense lets the opposing offense stay on the field like Peyton had to watch over the past several years, the Colts will lose more games than they win because as good aas Luck is said to be, he isn't in Mannings comeback zip code yet.

  12. Luck wont be at the draft but will accept the pick at LOS? Goodell will not be pleased but I will :D

    It would be cool for the draft to show Andy, Grigs, Pagano, and Irsay standing on the 50 shaking hands, giving him the #1 Jersey and such.

    It appears to be on Friday for rounds 2 and 3 not the first round pick so Luck will have all the time in the world to get from New York to Indy for meet and greets. I absolutely can not wait for this years draft and for this new season to get started. Such a large change in everything associated with the Colts this year and a breath of fresh air. Will suck and be disheartening not to see #18 on the sidelines anymore but I am excited for what the future holds for this team.

  13. Ben played what one quarter at tackle this year and you think he should start over Anthony? If he was beleived to be the better player, he would have started. He only got into a game at tackle due to injury. I hope he is going to be a solid starter but lets not get carried away.

    Your also talking about pet projects under the polian regime. Everyone knew painter was terrible and polian said he was vindicated by his play after ONE decent game. In fact, polian but several people in positions, and heaped praise on them, when they played so poorly but he picked them so he was going prove he was right up to the bitter end. Polian was a dictator and stubborn, I don't think Griggs has a track record at being the top guy to be afforded that same rope irsay allowed polian to have. Pagano is also a tough nosed kinda guy who will play a 6th round guy over a 1st rounder if he shows his play is better and the first rounder issues aren't easily fixable IMHO. All our other coaches pretty much were loyal players coaches. My guess is pagano will have the respect of his guys but he will also sit them if they are not the best player at the spot on the team.

  14. I disagree. You have to look at them when they were signed, not when they were let go.

    1. Brackett would have definitely found spots on other teams as a coverage LB when he was younger. Like Ray Lewis who needed Ngata to resurrect his career by clogging the middle letting him make plays, any MLB needs that D-line support up front, that was lacking for the most of Brackett's career. When he was able to roam when he was younger, he was a good MLB. Maybe not a great one but definitely a good one, IMO, that made plays.
    2. Other UDFAs - Melvin Bullitt, he stepped in pretty well for Bob Sanders till his shoulder issues started taking a toll.
    3. Not to mention, our best UDFA signing - Jeff Saturday.
    4. We do need to be reminded that Blair White was a UDFA as well and is an intelligent slot wideout for the rotation. Blair White had several other teams call him when they realized he was going undrafted and he chose us because we had No.18 at the helm.
    5. Dominic Rhodes was an invaluable UDFA.

    So, let us not knock down Polian's UDFAs with a broad brush just because they had faded towards the end. They were let go because their skills had eroded but when they were drafted and their skills were good, they made more than ample plays I can recall. Just because Polian did not win more SBs, it does not mean we put the "Johnny come lately" Grigson on a pedestal. It is fair enough to ask for Grigson to be given a chance but let us not act like Polian did not put in enough pieces to keep the winning going. Polian did fade eventually but he did shine, at least till 2006, IMO.

    People have such a short memory. Just because someone has a divorce, it is no reason to "trash" the ones involved in the previous relationship. That is how I see it.

    Polian received far more credit than he deserved IMO. could never assemble an online and couldn't develope a dl during his tenure except maybe for the 2006 Super Bowl run. Had manning not been the qb, no way we win enough to have the chance for a sb run. He hit on some udfa yes, but he missed on a lot of 2nd and 3rd rounders as well. His issues really came out when he couldnt hit on his first round picks after 2006 or so.

  15. He is big but he hasn't seen a lot of games either at San Diego or in baltimore. Maybe he just couldn't get in with both of those teams having dominant guys at the NT spot already. Will see soon. Btw, I think the 2 yr deal signals a pick of NT in the draft to develop. It takes awhile to get a NT playing at a high level unless u get a top 10 pick type.

  16. Yeah but in these cases the reasons they get cut are not necessarily because they are bad players but because of too much depth at that position. When you compare those players to our roster they might end up being better. You just never know. This is more for depth that starters, but you can still improve your team.

    Usually they are getting cut because either they need salary cap space and they are taking up too much space and/or they just have declined in production from their original contract. Could be that they are a good player still, just not a top 3 player like they may be playing under the last contract. I think we have multiple contracts that just got wacked for an example. I doubt we are able to pick up a once before superstar with an inflated contract on the waiver wire. Nobody took Manning on the wire and he was thought to still have incredible value. Maybe they can take a flyer on a guy who was cut because of cap reasons and is aging but still has playing time left and he renegotiates his contract to fix the cap problem.

    For example, if Asante Samual was cut because he was going to count 13 million on the cap to his original team but would only count 10 million on the new team (assuming that is all just salary) then no way do I pick him up at 10 mil/yr, thats overpaying. If I could restructure him to be 10 million over 2 yrs with some incentives to add more, then yeah, put in the claim. Not sure of the rules on that kinda stuff.

  17. I was a season tix holder before Manning got here but as one of the other posters mentioned, the value of going to a game is quickly eroding just because of economics not who or how the team is playing. I paid for season tix this season but I can't say that I will be doing it agian next year for certain. It wouldn't matter if Luck came in and had a perfect season capped with a SB win. $130 for a tix, roughly $30 in beer while at the game, $30 to park and then another $50 food/beverage bill after the game plus an hour drive and the cost of the gas has become an issue. My kids will be starting sports and other activities and that will trump it all. But when you figure in $250 each game and then double that when my wife goes, we could do some nice things with that money in say Australia for 14 days. The game is becoming less for fans at a live event and more for people who have more money than they have knowledge about the game. And before anyone says it, yep you could go to the game cheaper by doing less of the other stuff and just going to the game but if I have to throttle down my activities, its not really the experience anymore. We shall see next year, maybe the economy comes roaring back.

  18. 26 mill seems to be light in the dead cap pool. Didn't realize we still have dead money left from Haydens contract (how bad was that contract anyways). I don't think there is anyone left to dump for next season to create dead money space unless we let Mathis or Wayne go, nobody else makes anything outside of those 2 and Bethea.

  19. Pollack is a free agent and has yet to resign with us. With this signing, pretty sure he's gone.

    You're kidding, right? Polian was one of the best GMs at the draft... ever. Look up some statistics some time to see how he compares to other GMs around the league. He's consistently been one of the best every single year he was here with us.

    EDIT: Not to say I'm not loving Grigson thus far, by the way. Great FA moves so far, and I'm really excited to see what he can do in the draft room. The ignorance you displayed towards Polian is what prompted me to reply to you.

    Polian hit more early on here than he did of late though. I thought one of his greatest draft hits was Edge because nobody saw that coming, especially with the great Ricky Williams sitting right there. Freeney was a great pick too looking back with Haynesworth sitting there and it was a major need as well. So many of the picks were the Colts system kinda guys but they were also more fragile. His miss on DT's and olineman were horrible as Saturday was his only real hit and again, years back. He picked up some nice UDFA guys though for sure during his time and was fortunate with Bethea but his drafting excellence is more hype over the past 5-7 years than it was considered good. His misses were a lot of the reason for the blow up and the overpaid contracts he made. I acknowledge he picked so very good in his first 5-6 years but it tailed off terribly. He picked for the system and this team piled on regular season wins but we have to ask how many of those wins were due to PM, not on the draft picks.

  20. Yep, but I guarantee if Indy does not have the first overall pick Manning is still a Colt and Indy is trading it's number 1.

    Your right because the Colts would not have been in a position to move forward with a product that potentially is equal to the prospect that Manning was coming out. If we were #2 or 3 perhaps that trade is made and Manning lines up this year again for the Colts and hopefully for the next 4 years to finish his contract and career as a Colt. Didn't happen that way, we had the #1 pick and such a prospect sitting there for the taking.

    I agree, and what was the stock price of Indiana t football prior to Peyton manning? penny stock

    It's fun how fans can justify or support what Irsay has done by telling themselves it's all "just a business" and give him accolades prior to Luck doing something great. I'll give my accolades to Irsay once his plan = a superbowl

    You are able to sit here and have a look at the body of work and success but you couldn't be so sure about where the stock would have went with picking Manning in 1997. Same thing holds true for 2012 and the pick of Luck. Stock is still pretty solid after the run with Manning but given the fact that Luck is potential for another 10+ years of a similar (and hopefully better) run, the stock should continue to rise in Colts nation. Or you could sit back and second guess the move and be irritated about it until Luck proves you wrong or right. You seem to believe he will nont pick the team up and win super bowls, many disagree so we could revisit this in about 5 years and see who is right or wrong. Cup half empty on your side it seems from all your posts. Mod Edit

  21. I for one can make some sense get the whole PM thing. The thing I dont understand is Jim Irsays silence. I am not saying he owes the fans any explanation on his decision,it is his team. I however do believe there some damage control to be done. Why he has not come out and offered any real explanation on his decision after saying for months and months it would always be up to Peyton on rather plays here or not is beyond me. As I have said on some level I get this choice, on the other hand the way this issue has divided this fan base you would think a real leader would come out and address his fan base. It would do wonders if he would come out and assure fans that we are heading in the right direction or offer some clue as to what the plan even is. I have always respected JI as an owner and will continue to, but come Jim I feel you owe the fans something other than just cutting the greatest Colt ever will really no explanation at all. This fan base has always been very supportive of his team and now the fan base needs some support and he has nothing to say, other than a goofey tweet now and then, come on JIM step up!

    I don't get why this is such a hard thing to or understand. Peyton was an unusual injury, being paid a high dollar contract, with a high cap, with an uncertainty of his level of play going forward, going to play tops 4-5 years and there is a replacement in this years draft that could be a near carbon copy. It comes down to 2 simple things, long term vs short term and money. To me, it is not that hard to really understand or accept but I think the main thing is some people don't want to accept it, thats all.

  22. I'm not intending on singling you out (even though I suppose I am) and I'm certainly not saying you're going to be wrong.

    I always find it amusing that with few exceptions whenever we sign someone new that they get penciled in by someone as a starter.

    Bav, everyone says this because the players we had were so awful that CFL players are considered an upgrade :ashamed:

    While I agree that Saturday was on his last legs, but he was also pro bowl caliber talent, particularly with his mental grasp of the game. I don't ever remember Satele being nominated for the pro bowl.

    Pro bowls don't always tell the tell. Saturday is way out of his prime and was a better product of this system (changing now) and the use of his smarts. It appears we are going away from the softer version of an oline to a more move the pile style which a lot of people have been dying for for years. May or may not work out and these players may not be around come opening day but at least we are looking for new skillset guys.

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