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Posts posted by jwilli69

  1. The scary part is going to be what does this defense look like next year. I doubt freeney is back and over the years both Mathis and freeney have been the rush. I feel like the offense is pretty set up with luck, the wr's (Avery is a ? Return but not a breaker if he leaves) a good enough running stable of Ballard and even brown. We have a solid enough LT with constanza and we can work with AQ at center. Have to replace both guard spots and upgrade the RT spot also but feel like FA can resile 2 of the spots and draft get the 3rd or one of the other guys who went IR to step up and contribute. That's a great part of a rebuilding foundation on offense for me.

    Defense is going to require a hopeful return of Chapman and be the player we hoped for before his injury. Going to have to upgrade the SS spot and get better at the end spot in the 3-4 as well as better 3-4 lb spots for both outside spots. Mathis is just too one dimensional to hope he will develop into a drop back guy. It's painfully to see him in coverage.

    I don't think you can pick up all these guys in one offseason regardless of how much cap space we have. I just fear with the success this team has had during PM , the excitement of this year and tr really bad quality wins we should have lost, the young team may have some troubles adapting to a 7-9 season next year if it occurs. Not to mention our media will jump on the bandwagon of luck isn't who we thought he was and look at PM winning in Denver etc... We are gonna see but I'm bored so looking at discussion.

  2. I made this thread because while none of us expected a 10+ win season, once we got 5+ wins, many people became spoiled (including me) that felt the losses were a result of poor planning etc.., I say it's a bad oline and a very suspect defense and one really good and smart QB in the making. Reggie has certainly helped this offense run as it has too. So all this praise that BA has received from the fans and media, why is the consequences of the void and possible fall of the win total will it have on the psyche of the team and the calling out of the fan base? I've been a ticket holder of sorts since 1996 or at least sharing the tickets. I am not going anywhere and fully expect the team to take a step back next season as I fully expected it to do this season. I just don't see us achieving what we did this season with new circumstances and schedule. If we hit right in the FA acquisitions and do really well in the draft, I can see the team doing well but that's a lot of what ifs.

  3. So this year has been an unbelievable one and nobody in their right mind expected 10+wins. My question is, what happens to this team next year if we win less and miss the playoffs? If Arians leaves for a HC job and the team struggles next season, will fans and media blame it on HCA Pagano? I honestly think we did the teams future a disservice by getting this far with such a bad team. A rebuild should take 2-3 years and now instead of grabbing some better talent at the top of rounds we are more towards the bottom. We do have a lot of cap cash but it has to be perfect fit players and not just big name players in hopes they fit.

    I fear if we have a drop off in production that Pags is going to be blamed and they will say the illness has affected his ability to play this tough game or that the team should have stayed with BA or that Luck isn't the savior everyone claimed him to be. Next season sets up for a critical point in fandom and how the franchise continues to build its base. Just wondered what thoughts of others were on the trap year especially the part of a team losing if BA leaves. BTW, I am not a fan of BA and how he calls the games but results are what it's about.

  4. Texans can drop to No.3 at worst, and we wont drop to No.6, we will be No.5 regardless if I understood right. We will most likely get Baltimore, regardless, IMO. Only the first 3 AFC seeds will be impacted by this if all of them play to win.

    This game is more meaningful for the Texans than us.

    Yeah you are right that only the top 3 teams will change based upon the games. I guess my point was based on possible wins from the first round and subsequent match ups. We have Balt 1st round regardless but cincy gets either pats or Houston ( assuming Denver continues to roll) I would rather cincy take out and clear the pats (cause I don't think we have a shot to do it based on match up). Meh, I will just watch whoever we have to play and hope for the best anyways :)
  5. To be honest, I would think our best chance in advancing would be if the colts lost game 16 and the seed would have Houston #1 and Denver #2 pats #3 Balt #4 colts #5 and Cincy #6

    We would match up better with Balt and cincy would match up better with new England (more so than us). What an awesome 2nd round match up. I don't honestly think we get past anyone in the playoffs but I think we at least have a shot against Houston (if it got that far) and none against the pats.

  6. What I can't understand is you have Freeney, who just is an expert at rushing the passer, why is it that DC's have yet to figure out a system to maximize his skillset with the rest of the team? Why is there no communication to his lb's that I'm rushing in, you protect outside or I'm speed rushing wide you crash inside? That has always been lacking since he has got here really. Surely they can figure out a communication process on e he is up to the line. The only thing I can think is freeney doesn't want to do it, he is too stupid to figure one out or he just free lances on his own feel. DC's would not be this stupid from one to the next.

    Need that big NT to anchor and push in the middle as well.

  7. Well some of the issue will become who replaces Freeney next season? Will we truly become a 3-4 defense and if we do, Mathis is not a good OLB in any space so does that create another hole? What will having Chapman healthy in the middle next season mean for this team, will it free up the ends? Have to develop someone for Redding as he won't get younger. We need a dynamic DE or OLB to get the passer on the ground. Rush defense has been solid enoch but they have been able to pass on us pretty easily so have we been tested enough ? Couple years ago everyone thought we had an awesome pass defense but it was because our rush defense was so bad nobody needed to pass so it looked better than it really was. This team has concerns but what team doesn't, especially one who was just 2-14 a year prior to.

  8. I've stated it before, IMO Grigs will seek for young, promising FAs, who have great potential and can serve Colts for longer term. He did an excellent job this offseason, I think he will do it again next year, but higher level.

    Yeah he did do a fine job at getting the lower teir FA's who were available but he didn't have any money to work with. This season will tell his vision, does he uncover undeveloped talent rotting on bad teams or does he go for high dollar superstars looking to cash in on contract year success? I don't mind seeing him pay top dollar on proven talent in an area of need (oline) but I don't want to see us get caught up in contract year wonders who have name recognition.

    We need a RT and at least a RG. Those two FA guys should cost around 7 mil/yr for 5 years each if they are in the top group. We will need a top notch DE and those are 10 mil/yr guys but will there be one of those guys avail or do you pay freeney 5 mil/yr for 3 more and draft one? Need a safety and a top flight one will cost you another 7-9/yr but does a Byrd type guy warrant that, is he that good and does he fit our system?

    Griggs has a lot to figure out an do it smart. Spend the money in the right places and makes sure these new players fit our system and not just a big signing. Can't wait!!

  9. Pretty sure every player who is a free agent is saying I want to play with this team as long as they are the highest bidder. We have seen that the prized DE who used to play in Texas last year went to Buffalo instead of staying with his warm weather team. You think Williams said, I want to go play with Ryan Fitzpatrick, please make it happen? Highest bidder gets the prize in almost every FA case. I want a RT, RG, SS and a DE since Freeney will be gone and Jerry isnt cutting it. That's a lot of money to spend in FA though, let's see how Griggs works it.

  10. Powers will be gone as he just doesn't fit our scheme. Butler has potential in the scheme and Vaughn should stick around as depth but he is scary to watch. We will have to fun a player to replace Freeney next season as we need more pressure on the qb and someone who can set an edge so the lb's can get their sacks/fumbles. Better penetration up front as well as a NT that stands ground in the middle should help all our cb's.

  11. Every part of the defense is worrysome, but they are getting it done the best they can ;}

    I'm with you, there is not one area on this team I'm not concerned with starting with a rookie QB, a garbage oline, a suspect defense (especially first half) a special teams group, coaching and game plans and a team rookie wall. Saying this, they have exceeded my expectation by 2 games already and there are 3 left to play so a rookie team overall is doing above what I hoped for and making mistakes I figured to see but having losses to attach to them. They are winning games they should not much like 1995. Excitement and pain all at once but newly formed teams like this, you expect struggles. Luck did not inherent a good team like some other QB's over time.

  12. Can u imagine if we would end up winning out and take the div and the the texans get the WC spot? We may in fact have to come back and play them a 3rd time in a row. Btw, I think it's a Cinderella story to hope we win out though. Anythings possible but I wouldn't bet a $1 on it happening. Great season. Makes watching games all fun again

  13. I do not like the way they operate on the season tix holders playoff tix operation but it is a biz of cash flow and they know if you won't buy them, the scampers will so either way, they are going to make money. I will pay it because I don't want to miss out on the first possible playoff game of Lucks career if it happens to fall that way.

    If it is tough to shell out this kinda money for the month of dec, you have to operate like any other item, you budget for it and save up for the year in anticipation for it. Of course each person has to operate under priority. Home and family first then luxury stuff.

  14. Andrew luck, career high in passing td's, most wins as a rookie, threw a career high in passing yards, 5 comeback wins in a season out of 12 games, franchise record for rookie wr of 100 yard games, did I mention Luck has the team poised as a rookie to be in the playoffs? Are the jets or the lions going or the jags? Doesn't appear like it. Stuff happens and the team could be better but after a year of 2-14 and a total clear out of the front office, coaches and 2/3 of the team to be replaced with multiple rookies, I'd say we are ahead of the curve, wouldn't you?

  15. Can't believe that even after today there are those here who won't mind if we don't keep Avery.... and they want another WR either from FA or the draft...

    You want a better offense?

    Get a better offensive line. That's the issue. We're not struggling because of WR issues. We struggle because of OL issues.

    If we find another WR -- fine. But I don't think it's a priority for this team. We have too many other serious needs that are much higher on the priority list than finding another WR.

    Just my two cents....

    Exactly. I would rather build up the oline ext year for the future even if it means the team doesn't do as well in the second year because of it. Protect luck now so he can play into his 15th year for us. We have to solidify that oline and pick up an impact player or 2 on the defense, we need players who can make turn overs to give the ball back to the offense more.

  16. Luck is a clutch player, something that Manning never really achieved. The Colts should definitely win multiple Super Bowls with Luck. He will eclipse Manning in winning, if not in individual statistics. Manning was over-rated.

    I detect just a bit of sarcasm to this post as this could never be a serious viewpoint from anyone. Manning won soooooo many regular season games it is rediculous, the team was a part of that and was also a big part of postseason failures. Right now, Luck has proven he can win regular season games in similar magical willed fashion as did Manning but until he wins playoff games and multiple SB's Luck is just a really good regular season rookie QB.

  17. Thinknig your team might lose a game they are expected to lose doesn't make you a hater, it just makes you a realist and not a homer. I routed for us from the first second even though I thought it was over after the 3rd INT I still watched and hoped for the comeback that we witnessed.

    This is me too. I felt before the game, we would lose and I wasn't sure it would be close. I too thought during the game, it was still winnable though and then with that final int, I felt that was the dagger. I however continued to abuse my heart and watch it and I'm soooo glad I always watch until the end of a colts game to see that exciting last 3 minutes. That was luck's special Colts moment already. I expect the team to win 2 of the 4 remaining games but I will be more than tickled to see them win all 4 and take the division away from texans :)

  18. As far as games go, I don't feel like the refs were all that bad. They missed some holds, maybe called that bogus PI for megatron which I agree was a bad call and missed a few spots of the ball. That happens every game and the game happens so fast for them as well, we have it on tv with replays and HD lenses. It wasn't that bad of a game from the refs this time, I've seen way worse.

  19. If we lose, its on Luck. First time I have ever said that

    Might be oline at fault more than on Luck. Brady wouldn't fare well behind this junk oline. And then a bad pass int by Luck. That was miscommunication on the wr/qb. Frustrating. BA is going to ruin luck with his deep play always mentality.

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