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Posts posted by jwilli69

  1. Jwilli69 you might want to learn how to use the quote button properly.

    Your comment made no sense btw...

    Good point. What I said was wth are you? And you might read your comments before posting about mine. He is a rookie making mistakes. You peoe bashing Luck through these games each week, it happens, he is a rookie not a vet. He has thrown passes that are under thrown and they are bad but tbh, his line is giving him nothing and his OC want his routes 30+ yards down field. BA has to get more middle of the pattern passes for Luck and quit making him throw so many down field. BA is too stubborn and so am I. Just enjoy, no biggie :)

  2. Hahah, I WISH I had the helmet. Man you are so lucky. I was also about 7 and also rooting for Bert Jones. We couldn't afford the helmet, so my dad took me to a 2nd hand Sporting Goods store in Baltimore and got me a 1950s helmet with a red stripe. It was terrible.

    To the OP, you forgot Captain Comeback!!!!

    Peyton Manning was the greatest Quarterback to ever wear the colts helmet, no doubt. I am rooting for Andrew, and I too see promise, but we have to hope he learns not to press. He is pressing because he wants to win, and I respect that, but pressing leads to turnovers and turnovers leads to losses and losses leads to lack of confidence.

    All rookies press and get tricked into throwing bad balls. PM did it a lot in his first year and several times after actually. A bad oline will force u to press as well and we certainly have that.

  3. Calvin is getting 200yd and 2TDs regardless of what we do.

    We just have to find a way to win, after allowing it.

    Calvin may get a lot of yards or he may get 50. If we can put together some good away game planning, we can win this game. Also, you never know what takes place or happens in game. Detroit has not set the NFL on fire or won anything yet with all the talent they have had on that team over the past few years. We are not automatically out of this game due to our youth. It won't be easy but I don't feel like we are going up against the Pats either.

  4. the bigger question is will luck show up to play. If luck comes out throwing three ints and fumbling the ball like he has the tendency to do on big road games it won't matter who is covering megatron because the game will be over by halftime

    So what your says is Luck has hi oline protect for him he won't have to run for his life and it's less likely that he will get blind sided and have the ball knocked from his grip? Or maybe you meant his oline will give him some protection in the passing game and since he may have less people hanging on him, he will be less likely to throw an errant pass? Or maybe you meant that Ariens will formulate an offensive game plan than doesn't included only 20+ yard pass plays, maybe some 3 step drop passes or even better, sprinkle in some more runs not shoved up the middle clog with Donald brown who excells better getting outside the tackles? Maybe that's what I read instead, sorry.

  5. I have seen nothing posted positive of Luck from at least 3 of the posters in this thread and ohiocolt being #1 in negative talk against Luck. I still think people have Peyton Manning blinders and find fault with a rookie QB because of it.

    Luck has people either in his face, hanging on his back or forced to run from pressure and has led this team to 7 wins. He has Wayne as an excellent we to throw to but then what else is there that is a strong option to throw to? A lot of rookie guys that's who. An oline that one started may land a starters Job on most other teams in this league in AC. A defense that does not score for him nor do they change field position for him. A special teams that has one TD (yesterday) and a whole lot of stars behind the 20 yard line. A coach that expects 30-40 yard patterns with an oline that holds for a 3 yard slant time.

    So, despite all the facts that this team has 1 star on offense with Wayne and a rookie qb with a whole new system that everyone had to learn, you still figure that Luck is playing bad and all? Just look at it like this, last year, this team had way more talent on offense but they had a 2-14 record. It was because of bad QB play mostly but that's my point, last year was the definition of bad QB play, luck is not.

    I'm concerned about red zone scoring but not as much with Luck as I am with play calling. Luck has shown he is a solid leader. Luck has shown he can make all the throws. Luck has shown progression in accuracy in all passes from week one to now. Luck is up in a lot of stats if that is the biggest concern to you Luck bellyachers. Luck is the farthest of concerns from me on this team this year and I would have expected him to make more mistakes but he just is years ahead from where we were when Manning started his career and people think that guy is the GOAT so just watch the kid elevate as a team is put up around him.

  6. What Luck has done with 2 rookie wr's, 2 rookie TE's, a rookie RB most games and 4 questionable starting caliber olineman and having a defense that gets ZERO turnovers and doesn't help change field position, what the heck more do you expect from a ROOKIE QB?? Luck has made more incredible throws on the run (running for his life) and guys hanging all over him than anything that occurred last season with a more veteran team around them. Some of you "fans" are very unrealistic and short sighted and still believe Manning is at the helm having 10+ years of experience under his belt to assess the situation at real game speed. Muscle memory if you will. Manning has it and so too will Luck WITH TIME!!

  7. I'm talking about him getting to the line with a run okay called but it being stacked against him, have you seen the freedom to change the play to a pass? All rookies throw into coverage they shouldn't and having defenders in your face every play because of such a garbage line doesn't help. If Luck was behind Brady's line, how deadly do you think he would be then?

  8. Brazzil had one as well but the defender made a play on the ball as well, happens. I thought Allen had 2 iirc. A couple passes were just a bit out of reach but heck, Luck had defenders humping his legs most of the game so it's tough to be accurate with that harrassment. Over all, I felt the wr's did well this game.

  9. 1.We traded our 2nd round pick and still have no Corners to speak of until Vontae steps up after getting healthy, if he does step up

    2.We have no O Line to speak of, Castonzo is not and never will be a franchise Left Tackle

    3.We may have to suffer with Arians as O Coordinator for another year or two (I like the guy personally but he should be banned for life from calling plays)

    4.We wasted 14 million dollars on a 4-3 DE in a 3-4 scheme who has 2 sacks through 8 games (I dont think he is close to 100 percent)

    5.We have a couple O Linemen playing out of position

    6.Injuries, Hilton was limping after a touchdown catch in the 4th quarter

    1. You can't evaluate an injured player who isn't playing so saying he hasn't stepped up is rediculous, as are most of your rants about the team. Vonte is considered a top flight talent who needed a fresh start who just happened to get injured. Happens

    2. The line is bad but AC is the farthest thing from the problem on this line. You get 2 guards who have quality talent and you will see the improvement in this line with AC as the anchor ten fold.

    3. What's your issue with his play calling? Having a rookie qb, rookie wr's and a really bad oline doesn't give you great options does it? Oh yeah, havi g a patriots team pull away doesn't let you run very much. Same goes for all the teams in the NFL. If you fall behind, you PASS the ball.

    4. Have no disagreement with this statement. Felt it was stupid to keep DF at that price for 1 yr with a change in scheme and at his age. That was a bad management decision.

    5. Shipley needs to play at center and Satele needs to be the back up. You keep AC at LT and allow him to grow. We don't have guys out of position, we have 2 below avg guards, a RT who is questionably avg and a center who is better sitting on the bench. FA and/or the draft will resolve some issues here next year.

    6. I seen him limping but on second shot, he seemed to be waking fine at the end. We will see but he had a heck of a game.

    Lighten up and allow the team to grow, it young and inexperienced at most all positions, especially on offense. I swear you and ohiocolt are anti colts fans with all the griping and dislike of the players you spew here.

  10. can't expect manusky to shine a turd

    Can't shine a turd no, but the lack of anything to create pressure while having 2 really special pass rushers on the field against a couple back up olineman is concerning. I don't know much about our defensive coordinator but I do know he was on a couple teams. Score that didn't "stat" well. Maybe this was all there was to be had on the market at the time for a 3-4 team idk. But let's not kid ourselves, the patriots are just heads and shoulders above our capabilities at this moment. Had vonte Davis played, maybe that would have allowed for different safety play and different schemes but I almost feel as though they could have just thrown to Gronk every play and he would be 10 yards open every play. Not really an adjustment there it appeared. That seems to be a problem with coaching.

    Again not bailing on the team as we all felt it would take 2-3 seasons to get a real good team together so it's disappointing but not unexpected. Coaching has to improve even with better players added IMO.

  11. We all know that PM had full control and authority to do whatever he wanted on the field, is luck given the freedom to check out of plays yet and if so, is he checking out correctly and how much? I'm not seeing the check outs but maybe I'm used to seeing Manning doing it on every play. I think Luck is cerebral enough to recognize but maybe the team wants to harness his responsibility.

  12. It wasn't just Butler who looked bad on the defense, the whole defense looked bad. Gameplan, did we make one today and practice anything cause it looked awful. No creativity and freeney and Mathis both played today. We got vanilla, standard play calls. I'm most disappointed in Freeney and Mathis lack of effort today than I am with a cb who has been her a few weeks. That dline was stoned by 2 back ups on the pats oline today. 19 million wasted for certain.

  13. The Colts D, well it depends on the quality of the team. They are not the worst against regular middle of pack teams but as we seen with Chicago and today against the pats, our D has a ways to go to get better. For the oline, they are junk, maybe the worst in the NFL right now. Luck has made stuff happen despite the oline. They have gotten better at run blocking but wow, they are god awful in pass protection. The skill guys on offense are getting better and I think Luck is finding his rhythm with these guys, compared to weeks 1-6 so that's a big plus. Our special teams is well, god awful in every phase of returns for and against. We are you g and at home and the bills are. It all that so I expect a win but it is not a lock for certain. We need 2 more drafts and offseasons and then this team, if done right, should be scary good. There is some talent here but they are young. I predict a 27-17 win for Colts

  14. The game went away when we had back to back return for scores against us on a pick six and a punt return. It went to desperation mode and balance was shifted way to the pass. Our cb's played bad because Brady was given 45 seconds ech drop back. Overpriced Frreney and Mathis were a non factor against an oline missing 2 starters. We aren't there yet and I'm ok knowing it will get better in the future.

  15. I agree, most DT/NT in college dominate because of sheer athletic ability. In the NFL all the players have it, some just at a higher level than the next guy. In the NFL, they learn a lot about football and not just rely on their gift that made them elite amongst the other teams 11 guys on the field.

    Another factor in the college ranks vs the NFL player is the ability to sub in and out and be more rested to make plays. College teams have 1000 players on the roster while the NFL has 53 players and only 48 to dress (I think). So a big fat NT will wear out faster and a rookie NT doesn't have the conditioning factor in yet, that takes a few seasons. Chapman will be situational I would guess today. 3rd and short in critical field position or goaline stands. Allow space to be eaten and allow the other player to focus on other things and not worry about up the gut responsibilities as much. 10 plays I hope is enough to do this with. Win or lose, can't wait to see what this big kid offers.

  16. The problem for this game and the rest of the season and possible post season success will be can the Colts score TD's in the redzone? I'm not sure of the stats but they don't seem all that impressive with a young team, and I would expect that from a young team. Our leader has been able to gobble up yards between the 20's but bog down inside the 20 yard line. Something has to be corrected with that and I'm sure with playing time and experience, it will. Can play calling help for now though? We already know that Brady can score in the redzone so we will need to match that and our play calls and selection needs to be better down there and Luck also needs to improve there too.

    I think this game is only winnable if we roll out some new successful wrinkles and the pass rush gets to Brady. That over the middle crap from Brady to welker and/or Gronk is going to be our down fall. Just don't think we have the talent to stop it right yet.

  17. I have been harsh on Hilton as well in his first season because of his drops of easy balls but I do like his potential. I think he can be a low #1 or a very good #2 and that's pretty good for a mid round draft pick IMO. He does the same thing as Garçon did, who I was very high on. Makes the spectacular catch yet misses the ball thrown right at him with nobody on him. Garçon mostly corrected that (and people crucified garçon) and I hope Hilton can too.

    Next season we have a high potential group returning with time in and a whole offseason. #1 Wayne, #2 Avery (unless he demands a 5+ mil/yr longterm contract), #3 Avery, #4 griff Whalen (going to be that middle possession receiver and endzone threat) and then Brazill (who has a high ceiling IMO). We don't need to draft any we unless someone with great talent falls for whatever reason and he would be worth a flyer on. Wayne's replacement will come in the 2014 draft or 2015 FA group.

    This team doesn't need a Marcin Harrison clone to win, a solid group of collective WR's will be enough to advancing far into the playoffs with Luck directing the offense. If this team has learned anything, a solid team is better than 2-3 stars anyday

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