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Posts posted by jwilli69

  1. And they may in fact still have a bad defense. Nobody has played a real game to see who has what and what they can do. Heck, Philly may in fact have a poor defense because how many times have we seen the Skins get loaded with talent and suck so bad.

  2. The OL will not be improved this year at least early, because CJ was not signed, we have potential 2 rookies who may start, free agents, or sad left overs & aging veterans hanging on like Jeff, & Diem who last year SUCKED BADLY. We could do alot worst than DEVAN at least he is steady.

    Actually, Jeff sucked very badly at RG but played adequate at the tackle spots. He was not a superstar at tackle but he was a good 1-2 game insurance policy guy. Diem was bad last year and really not great the year before that. I have not been a big supporter of Saturday either and would have actually preferred they did not resign him when they did but he is a known center who is smart but just doesn't have enough strength to push a pile. So I don't expect this oline to be barn burners at the onset of the season but it has more potential this season to improve overall than any other year we have seen and as for Devan being a staple at the guard spot and being a difference maker, I just don't see it at all based on his previous years. Maybe he can make a transition into the center spot and be just as productive as Jeff had been during his years here.

  3. My take mirrors a lot of what is said here. Devan would make a good enough back up on a team with a good oline but we have an over all poor line all over so he kept a job because he was the best of the bad. This team knows it has to improve each position on this oline and that includes the center (Jeff gets to retire after this year IMO). I would love to see them focus on the run game and just let Peyton work with poor pass protection. Can it get a whole lot worse than last years group anyways?

    Devan should not make the starting oline this season, if he does, it means we have not improved.

  4. So if we go with what we have, I see Angerer, Bracket and Conner as starters with Simms as either back up or could be the starter at WLB. We also have a potentil with Wheeler (SLB) also. Who else do we have as an adequate LB spot? Does this guy just rush from the LB spot or can he actually drop in coverage and/or stop the run? If he can provide either of these 2 things instead of just focusing on his pass rush, we should definately get him for a few reasons.

    1. first rounder with speed and talent of some sort

    2. the back ups I have seen are less than stellar on our team anyways and they have less natural talent

    3. Speed on the special teams.

    4. Maybe he has just been in the wrong system

    For his minimum salary, I say he should warrant a look. If nothing else, he has to be a special team upgrade.

  5. It is hard to tell whether the oline or dline has improved over last year. The oline was so terrible and the middle of the dline was so soft that any positve news from either side, while they play each other, means almost nothing. If the dline is in fact playing much better this year, the CB's play will improve basically because of that reason alone with who we have on the team now. I would guess the coaches kow what they have and what they need right now.

  6. IMHO, nobody is a super bowl lock, regardless of the team make up. Look at NE a few years ago. Undefeated season and beat in the SB by the Giants. Injuries and luck have a lot to do with winning the SB each year. It is not always the best team that wins it all, it is the one with a lot of talent but an equal dose of luck IMHO. A CB would be nice but won't be the determining factor in the season.

  7. Hayden hasnot played up to his contract and so the Colts decided to cut loose those who wouldn't reduce their inflated contract. So Hayden did play well enough to warrant a spot, in our system, but he does not play man to man and has been on the injury list quite a bit. I would say the market will be limited for him and he will not see a big contract from anyone with sense. I hate the fact he was overpaid and had to leave but maybe that sets up others to understand, poor play = decreased money or loss of job from the team. I think the team may have been holding their breath and hoping for a little production from Thomas (think thats his name) the 2nd year back who never made it out of camp healthy last year and unfortunately, he is listed on that injury list again already.

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