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Posts posted by jwilli69

    • Where's the beef? I don't think there is anybody back there!! haha, dated!!

    As for the rookie QB lighting us up, history says he will. Most of the rookie or first time starters light up this defense, always been that way. We get a rookie LT and everyone says, Freeney is going to have a field day. He ends up with a tackle and maybe a sack on occassion in those situations. Our team doesn't do well against people with little or no film. Heck, they barely do well against filmed players now.

    I expect a loss today but I do think this game is at least competitive. We should see a lot of MJD and short throws right in the middle of the field and 5 yards in front of all the cb's. No need to risk throwing the long ball when you can dink and dunk with a high rate of success.

  1. So what? In your opinion is the purpose of the SB to determine the best overall team of that season or is it just a tournament to generate revenue for the NFL? Because if it is to determine the best team, why should a team with say a 10-6 record or better yet a losing record or even 8-8 be allowed to take part in possibly playing in that game. Why not just have the AFC and the NFC, no divisions, and at season end the top team from the AFC and the top team from NFC meet in the Superbowl, then you will have your matchup of the best two overall teams and then you can see whom is the best. Shouldn't that be how we decide who is the best team? Or do you just want a tourney?

    Jeez, what is the point of playing in the regular season? It is the playoffs and to WIN the SB. Nobody has a goal in the regular season to win a lot of regular season games and then just stop playing, it is to get into the playoffs at allcosts and then somehow have enough things go right to win the championship and the right to be called the best that season.

    I am with the other guy who said, you don't let your kids keep score. I pay to watch this game and you mentioned you don't, it is on your tv but now you are going to come in and by tix at half price or gimee's so your voice doesn't matter much.

  2. Can you tell me that every team that has won the superbowl was the best overall team of that season? Were the Packers the best team overall last year because they won it? Now if say the NFL changed up it's format and that there were not wild cards and such and no playoffs, but just the best team from the AFC record wise in teh regular season and the best team from the NFC record wise from the regular season, then I might put more value in the Superbowl, but when a team can back into the playoffs with a 10-6 record and then get's hot, no I value what a team does over a 16 game schedule over what happens in the playoffs.

    WoW, just WOW!!!

  3. Why not? We had an untested not very talented backup QB. There is no other position in all of sports more important to have a quality player in. When Peyton never missed a game it didn't allow the colts to test Painter in any actual games to see what he could or couldn't do. It is like putting you or me in an Indy car and asked to race the entire Indy car season. Sure our car can be good and we know how to drive, but we are not qualified to drive in indy car races and be competitive. Yet remove us and put in say Dario Francitti and watch out....

    Just stop it!!! Tom Brady goes down and a QB who was not even a starter in college comes on and the TEAM wins 11 games that year. Your rah rah garbage is getting old here. It is a bad team, they have drafted poorly, they have coached badly and now the TEAM is really the worst put together team in the league, not even close. Manning covered up bad picks and players and coaches because he is just that good, that is on who?

  4. Really? You would jump ship after 1 season? Well enjoy Bengal nation...I am sure you will love watching them play...don't let the door hit you on the way out...

    You seriously have to be management, a family member of the management or something else cause you are certainly no regular fan by the tone of all the posts I have seen from you.

  5. What Irsay fails to realize is that there wasn't even a decline in the team. The performance fell straight off the cliff and that this could have been avoided. As a fan, I am not upset that we are not making the playoffs this year because I knew that without Manning we would not do well and that's just the way the team is built. However, I am furious that the team is so poorly built that after 9 games we can't win a single game. A team that won 115 games in a decade shouldn't be 0-9 when the star QB goes down.

    Well said!!!!!!!

  6. to me this an example with what is wrong with today's fan. This whole what have you done for me lately is really depressing. Yes the Colts are having a down season. So what, it happens, we have been on top for the past decade, at some point all great teams have done years. Allow the mag't team that put together the dynasty to rebuild, it may take a season or two but they are at least allowed the opportunity to see if they can do it.

    The are having beyond a down season and that is the trouble here. If this team had a competent team post Manning, you wouldn't hear the barking that you hear but this team is bad from top to bottom and not fixable in 1 draft. As far as a dynasty, we have won 1 superbowl, that is not a dynasty. The Atlanta braves won tons or regular season games and are considered underachievers with the talent they had, the Bills went to 4 straight SB's without a win, they were not a dynasty, but underachievers. You could actually make the argument, looking at this years team without Manning and say we were perenial overachievers.

    dn, I agree with you on this.

    I'd like to believe that all of this emotional response is due to the suddenness of the situation.

    I'd like to believe that we all knew there would be growing pains post Manning, and now we're slapped in the face with having been caught with our pants down prematurely.

    Yes, all along we should have had a competent back up QB, just in case. But, those can be hard to come by when the starter never misses a game.

    Most QBs would like to think they'd have the opportunity to play once in awhile.

    It is beyond the emotional response of the suddeness, it has to do with poor play across the board, the poor coaching choices this season and the tirades of Polian against the fans. Having a poor offense can be expected, having a really bad special teams and bad defense AGAIN, should not have anything to do with loosing Manning. This mgmt team is nothing but Manning being spectacular and carrying this team in full.

  7. Did Peyton really need a QB coach?

    Somebody had to be responsible for getting PM new clipboards, pens and paper as well as the photo's of the defenses. C'mon man, PM can't do it all by himself. Besides, who is going to get PM's dry cleaning for after the games? You don't thnk PM is going to have time doing it since he is gameplanning, watching film, putting together the adjustments at halftime and teaching the team :)

    Clyde has been a valuable asset to PM lmao

  8. All Constanza has to be is an above avg LT to be a success on this team. All the other spots on the line will have to be revamped though because what we have playing right now is a below avg bunch of guys and Jeff Saturday aging fast. True we have the potential with Ijalana at the RT spot but to say that the RG and LG spots have anything but avg play would be stretching it. Constanza though is the least of what I have seen along that oline though and time should get him better.

  9. I agree that Polian has made a number of mistakes, but every GM has. Let's see some of the good decisions Polian has made:

    -finding Saturday

    -finding Brackett

    -finding Bullitt (yeah, he isn't a superstar, but he was a capable backup and leader in the locker room)

    -drafting Edge over Ricky Williams

    -drafting Bethea in the 6th round

    -drafting Mathis in the 5th round I think

    The list goes on and on. There are lots of talented players on this football team. The GM has done his job for the most part, he has brought in talented players. The coaches cannot find a way to get a win with the talent they have.

    Well you did leave one thing out of your conveinent equation, Bill Polian hired the coaches to get that talent out of them and so he has failed at that too. Just own up to it dude, he was good 5-6 years ago but has done nothing to help right this ship in the past 5 years. He seen the big hole in the hull and watched it sink. I am sooooo done with Polian and his arrogant way of handling this team. At $49 a ticket, we could tolerate bad teams but not at $126.00.

  10. I wish Hayden and Jackson were still here. The best CB's I think we ever had in this era.

    Hayden was way too overpaid and Jackson, while our best cb for sure, was also one of our most injured. Probably because he was always tackling RB's because the DT's couldn't get them slowed down.

  11. I was at the game yesterday and that was all I could think, this is not a NFL calibur team in the worst way. The schemes are bad, some of the talent is bad, some are just missing due to injury but that was about as bad as I have seen them play live for years. Now maybe it is just a problem where multiple pieces of the glue have been missing and those sections fell apart. We know what Manning has meant to this offense but for the defense, to Freeney and Mathis, they have played better with crappy DT's before. We have had some sketchy cb's in the past as well but this year they really look off. It is just a bad team to watch and even though my heart doesn't want to admit this, I think they may actually be worse than the 2008 detroit lions team, they are historical bad IMO.

    As for 2012, if there is no Manning here again, Luck will not automatically make it work better in next years season, perhaps in year 2 of his term but this team has some deep blemishes and they will need restored. How are we going to fix this issue over 1-2 seasons, that is a good question. Going to have great coaching and better scheming for avg to slightly above avg NFL talent.

  12. of course he's arrogant and belittling to the fans, but we put up with it when we're winning! When we're winning he's one of the best ever! When we're losing he's a jerk that can't do anything right. I'm not defending the guy. I hate him for what he did with the perfect season fiasco. But fans will turn on a guy quick!

    To be fair, many of us have not been fond of Polian for a few years now and along with the perfect season and handling of fans calling in, he has shown he doesn't really care about the fans so much as just his own opinion. Well I am a season tix holder and I do have a stake in this team so my opinion should account for something. I really think Polian is doing small bits of damage to this team and the ticket base week by week and I do understand that the noise gets louder with losing but this has been brewing under 14-2 winning years too.

  13. This article is going to sting and deservingly so. In the season ticket holders survey, I was not kind at all on Polians handling of this team. He is arrogant, turns off the fanbase with his attitude handling fans who dare say a negative thng about how badly the team is/has played over the years (and I mean individual games over the years), his lack of media outlet for the fans of the team other than what he wants out and the poor shape of this team now under his control. I do not think Irsay is hiding under a rock and brainwashed by the fact the team is doing poorly and a lot of desicions short of picking Manning has been dismal over the past several years but if you expect him to say Polian/s are under the gun to the media, you are smoking crack. Good stewards of the game will not publicy say win or your fired, that crap was left for Al Davis and the Jerry Jones types. Irsay is being level headed and taking it all in while I am sure he has to be weighing his options and the direction of his team under the watch of Bill Polian and now under Chris. Maybe Chris has screwed up on many descisions over the past few years and handled things wrong but based on this past draft, has he learned from it all and changed his style to handle the game? I think a few things could happen here. I think most of it depends on Manning of course but if the Colts lose Manning to retirement, I would not be shocked at all to see Irsay start over fresh from the top down. It is clear that this coaching is a poor product from offense, defense and the special teams so it would not be a stretch to say, given a change at the QB spot, to see a whole flush of the teams structure and start over with a fresh perspective, starting at the top.

    Bigger question of course, who would be potential GM candidates that could produce a winning legacy as Polian did with Manning as his QB? Can the next guy do it with a Andrew Luck as his first pick and having a possible Solid LT and an emerging star at the WR spot in Garcon? Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Do we already have our Edge on the team in Carter??

  14. Redo Peytons contract, draft Luck, resign Mathis and Wayne.

    I am thinking that Mathis MAY get another contract but Wayne may expect more than he is going to be offered here and move to another team. NY Giants would seem to be a good fit for him but I highly doubt he is going to get that 5-8 mil/yr kinda contract, especially from the Colts. Mathis too will be overpaid but I think he will get his from this team before Wayne gets his inflated contract. I sure wish we had a better picture on what the cap is this year and what it is next year from a player to player perspective. Bav used to runa site like this but I think he has lost the extra time to dedicate to it. If anyone has such a site, please post it or PM me with it.

  15. Get over Delone Carter people!

    Sure, he has looked good, but he is averaging the least yards per carry out of the 3 running backs that we used. Joseph Addai is definitely the starter and our best running. Donald Brown is a better outside runner than Carter. This year, I would only use Carter as a short yardage and between the tackles runner.

    Remember last year when Donald Brown had the huge game against Jacksonville and that was pretty much it? People called him a bust by removing that game from his stats and saying that he only averaged like 2.5 ypc or something like that. Well what about Carter? Take away his game against the Saints and he has a pretty low ypc as well.

    I'm not saying that Carter is a bad running back, what I'm saying is quit overating Delone Carter. If you go by ypc, Brown has been our best running back this year at 4.8 ypc with Addai just behing him at 4.4 ypc.

    I do not think anyone is saying that Carter is Walter Payton but Carter does appear to have skills. Addai has played some good ball and ran hard at the begining of the year but injuries have slowed him back down...again! Donald Brown is just frustrating as heck to watch. One play is good and then the next play he forgets how to play football and looks like a rookie.

    When you are talking about a guy who is being used as the short yardage guy like Carter is you have to account for that when you look at his YPC. By the very nature of his job he's YPC is going to be lower because he's being used to get that hard yard or two. So of course his YPC is going to be down some.

    With that said Carter's YPC is still 4.1. 4.8 or 4.4 is not really that much better than 4.1. If Brown was really our best running back he would be starting over Carter right now. He's not. I agree Brown is best at running to the outside (which is why it frustrates me to watch him come in and be ran up the middle like he was in the Titans game).

    The reason I said I would start Carter is that he has shown he has more talent than most people thought he had coming out of college and is coming off two very good games in terms YPC 8.9 and 5.1 respectfully. I also think it plays to our strengths a little bit. It let's us rest Addai some who has proven he needs to split the carries with someone because he can't stay healthy and let's us use Addai more as the passing back. I really don't think being the starter for the Colts means that much at running back because we split the carries, remember Addai ran for 1,000 yards his rookie year and was not the starter. Frankly the way we run our offense if we used Addai as the "passing" running back (what I mean by that is playing him when we are in a pass formation) he's going to get most of the snaps anyways.

    As for Brown, till he proves he can pass block or learns to run up the middle he's just going to be the odd man out unless someone is hurt.

    What I like about Carter is his patience at the right time and his running skills at the line. I see some moves that Edge had when here. He runs into the line and then kinda glides and spins into the right hole to get the yards that were not there. He runs hard and leans into the defenders. He is not the fastest player of the 3 backs but I will take a 7 yard run more consistantly done than a 20 yard run every third game. Is Carter our potential Terrel Davis RB for Peyton's last few years of football and stronger running game as opposed to the finnesse runing? IDK, but I like what I have seen out of this kid over anything I have seen out of Brown.

    As for the draft, this has been a very seemingly good draft and added at least 2 2 solid playmakers in the trenches and possibly 3 if Ijalana actually pans out for the team. IF, and this is a very big IF, Pollack can actually transition over to the center position and anchor that spot, this oline is one gaurd away from being formidable in the NFL for whoever is running the offense. Add one more playmaker or immovable force in the DT spot along side a productive and active Nevis and this defense becomes 10 times better as well as maybe the coaches quit playing 10 yards off the WR's all the time. Good news is, we will be drafting high next year so we should get a few playmakers to get the makeover this team needs to compete in the next few seasons for PM.

  16. I love the fact that Manning has been extremely classy with this whole ordeal. What other NFL player who can write his own ticket gives hit team out an an forfeit the rest of a 90 million dollar contract on principles? What I do hope for is that there is a clear decision either way because I would hate to see this team and Manning be caught in a quandry and be on the wrong side of the choice. If Manning has to be cut because the neck isn't right at that time and then becomes better in the later part of the year, and the Colts have selected Luck, would Manning come back under the same structured contract or would the Colts even be able to pull that off? On the other side, lets say the Colts decide to be blindly faithfull to Manning and stay on the contract even though Manning hasn't progressed and he does not work out, that has major effects on the Colts cap and the teams ability to move on post Manning era. The team has to be on the right side of whatever decision is made for the team to be viable in the quickest amount of time, otherwise the team will suffer a fanbase loss if they are brought back to pre-Manning years. Sooooo much rides on getting this right with Manning and Manning alone. I hope Manning is able to come back and perform at his pre surgical level over all though and the decision is made before the season is up because he will get to practice and ease our minds.

  17. Oh great, another put XXX at returner and the return game will go wild. Apparently you did not get the memo in the other 100 threads about it, the blocking is the issue not the returner. It would be absolutley stupid to put your #1 1A wr at the point of being knocked out with 11 people trying to knock his head off. Jeeez, going to be a long season and longer offseason with posts like this. :wall:

  18. Wow he says our secondary is only two feet away from making plays on the ball and that they need to play quicker yet he still continues to have them play 10-15 yards off of receivers. :facepalm:

    At this rate and Caldwells theory of 6 inches at a time, we should be ready to challenge the 85 Bears defense in only 4 more years :sadno:

  19. RW is paid just about right as a starting WR with his skills. Freeney is and was overpaid and Dallas is not playing up to his contract either. Gonzo and hughes will be well overpaid as well with what they are giving us. Cant cut Freeney or Dallas though at this point. RW is going to have to understand his value on the market at his age next season and Freeney may have to redo his contract as well.

  20. Just a fan. But a fan who understands how the Polians work given their history and the type of owner Irsay is. It seems that the fans here have a very short memory, as that the Colts under Polians leadership have done pretty darn well...

    No< Peyton Manning has done pretty well, Polian just was along for the ride. If you can't or are unwilling to admit that Polian has made far more misteps over the past 5 years than good ones, you are in fact the one with your head in the sand. To let Tryon go and keep Tryon, to let Harris go and keep one of the other DT's is borderline weird, Chick over Hughes and on and on. We could add in there how he has managed the oline players, sign marginal ones and let the better ones go. He just hasn't hit for awhile. To be honest, Polians best pick out of the wild air was Edge because PM was a certain player here because Irsay wanted him. Harrison and Tarik were products of Tobi picks and helped make this franchise what it is with Manning, Polian has missed more than made.

    Do the people who keep using this phrase know what it really means? I think it's really inappropriate and certainly overboard for the topic of discussion. Just because you don't think Polian is terrible and needs to be fired doesn't mean you're willing to commit suicide and their request.

    Really, inappropriate? Seriously, maybe your girl panties are bunching you up cause if this statement offends you, you may need something to protect your skin from falling off cause it is thin :hide:

    It's not a big deal until people like you make it one......


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