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Posts posted by jwilli69

  1. If our D line gets as much pressure as they did in the Packers game nobody's gonna have to worry that much about Jacob Lacey playing corner

    Yeah we will, the game plan will just be set to take the 3 step drop and throw wherever Lacey is and take the easy yards. Lacey has shown nothing this preseason and the oppsoing teams will count on that this season. I don't know if they are putting him in the positions they do on purpose to try things or if they think he is doing a good job but from what we know and see, he is the weak link in the backfield so far.

  2. To be fair, the things are completely unrelated in a sense. Manning is a football fan, player and a good human being. Kraft is a rival owner but a human being as well and in the light of a sad ending to a relationship, there is a human need and the Mannings were able to donate money to help those human needs. It is separated from football IMO because it is the human part of life and not the competitive part of life. Kudos to the Mannings and wouldn't it be nice to see others be able to do the same things, not neccessarily in the NFL but in general life as well.

  3. Well he knew when he kept bragging that he was going to make him the highest paid player in the NFL that he was coming off surgery if he didn't want to sign him I'm sure other teams would have jumped at the chance. He's just a nut job in my opinion. lol He needs to stay off twitter if he can't say something intelligent for a change. Wonder what the Polians think of the latest tweet?

    Well since Jim Irsay pays the Polians, I am sure he could care less what the Polians think about what he types about his business. People here act as if the Polians are the owners of this team, they merely manage it for him.

  4. The fact he is going to practice, if even on a limited basis, is a great sign..... Im sure he will have on two red jerseys and armed bodyguards in the pocket... lol

    I am pretty sure they will make it clear, anybody looks Mannings way during a drill and they are subject to immeadiate dismissal from the team or be forced to watch Painter throw all day. lol

  5. I think Collins has to have a little more game throwing time since he had been out for all of this time so he should play with even some back ups just to get the speed down some more. I am of the belief though that Manning comes in and starts the first game though so the team may know that as well and adjust the game plan accordingly.

  6. Some nice points made, nice write up. As for the good coach/bad coaching vs this player is bad or good vs preseason teams, it is not apples to apples comparisson IMHO. Both sides of the ball are being handled differently and key players were out for whatever the reasons. When we see the first real game played and the starters are there, then we will see if we have players who have been coached up or bad coaches who could not tap the talent of the player or simply just a bad player alltogether. We soon shall see.

  7. Lacey is a good player, there was one pass where they tried to go deep on him and he was all over the guy. Lacey is only gonna get better... wish he would put on a few more pounds though.

    You are obviously seeing the same thing as the colts coaching staff but differently than most everyone else. You could almost see the QB just plan on going at #27 at will for an easy completion. I liked what Lacey did in his first season but holy crap has he fell backwards since. He is nothing more than an avg cb in this scheme and in this league. It does not help that the scheme calls for 10 yard cushions each time though.

  8. CJ has been terrible from everything I have read on his time in Minny. As for Kelvin, his cap hit was way more than 1 mil, that was just the cap hit savings # after he was cut. I am thinking his cap # if he stayed and played as bad as he had been was around the 6-7 mil/yr, he was not playing up to that cap hit. It is also odd that such a star has not been picked up either if he was all that. Perhaps his pride vs his price tag are not correlating to his suitors around the league??

  9. Ben is a left tackle so he is learning a new spot. I'd put him at the left tackle and make Canstanzo play right tackle. I only say this because Anthony is a smart guy so why not have the bio chemist learn the new spot.

    Now this makes as much sense as asking Saturday to move into the QB spot because he has been in front of Peyton for so long and allow Pollack to take up the center spot. Moving AC to rt gaurd is putting the oline backwards and his progress. Sometimes, others just have to step up and do their job instead of making people who are doing their jobs, cover for those who don't. Just not the right move to make.

  10. If I played fantasy football, no way do I invest ina Colt WR because if Manning isn't playing, they see less yards. The TE's and the RB's, now I might take the TE spot from the Colts cause that is where I see the scoring going to and if the oline can block in space, the RB's have a chance to break it off as well, meaning Donald Brown, and I am not a Donald Brown fan at all.

  11. I think Reggie needs to calm down and just focus on what's important. He's says he knows its a business decision but he needs to be all business himself. Just do your job Reggie.

    Well Reggie is in a contract year and doesn't want a crappy QB throwing him the ball so I am sure he is a bit edgy about whoever is throwing to him not named Manning

  12. I had to wonder if this was another deaking of the reporters and all but then I seen 4 million/yr deal and thought, uh oh, this injury deal may be bigger than we think. I really am in shock we paid Collins 4 million though, rediculous payment for a man of his age. Large rent I suppose. I would guess there are some cuts we look at for the following year and perhaps later in the season as they mature and grasp some of the playbook.

    What are the cap ramifications of using Collins for 4 games and then cutting him? Is that a prorated cost since he didn't play the whole year?


  13. What they do in the 2nd half is mostly meaningless because most of those opposing players aren't NFL caliber.

    It would be nice to see if Carter could do anything with the #1 line though.

    Nevis played with the #1s when they gave up nearly 200 yards rushing in a half

    It looks like Carter is the new guy to get all the RB love, kinda like Hart was a few years back. I am with you though, lets see what the kid has with some reps in the #1 group before we mark him down as the RB saviour here. As for Nevis, he is a young DT with lots of good and bad. He shows great motor and spirit and hopefully over the season, the bad becomes far less than the good.

  14. If Donald is given a small hole to hit, he will do well. If we continue to see the oline from the last 2-3 years, Donald will do just as he has. The big question in my mind, has Donald improved his blocking skills? Of course if the oline has improved from the last few years, his blocking skills, or lack thereof, should not be as big of an issue. I can almost guarantee you that the Colts will ride Addai in the begining until they find out what kinda line they have to make sure Peyton is protected. Addai is the best blocking back on the team and possibly top 3 in the NFL.

    A good RB begins with a solid oline and the only reason Donald gets so beat up is because he was a first round pick and he has had no better stats than Addai plus his blocking is way suspect. I like what Donald has to offer but it just is so heavily dependant on the oline IMO.

  15. I think Colts should bring in JaMarcus Russell if Peyton isnt able to play in the reg. season opener.

    This poster is just flat out trolling.

    Look, does anyone seriously believe that he would not be an improvement over Painter and Orlovsky?

    The fast answer to this is flat out NO!! All Russel ever had going for him was a big arm and nothing else. I really can't believe scouts get paid to provide information like they did with this kid. He screamed BUST BUST BUST!

  16. I would certainly not be opposed to a Quinn QB as a backup in Indy but at what cost? A 5th with possibility of an upgrade with certain playing parameters but I couldn't see us giving up anything more than that for a journeyman backup who couldn't keep a starting job in 2 qb starved teams. I know the talent they had in Cleveland was not quite what it could have been to succeed but great qb's have overcame obstacles and made it. I think it is the decision process more than the physical assets for him. Remember, Leaf had one heck of an arm but no mental ability to go with it so arm means little without a head to point it in the proper direction.

  17. I have seen him play, I've seen him play with a bunch of nobodies. Sure, he had a bad season, but the best players on his team were injured (Beason, Williams, Smith), and he had no receivers, plus their defense was one of the worst in the league. It's not completely his fault. I think he has a tremendous amount of potential. Listen to this carefully, look at Josh Freeman. He had an awful rookie season, but he came back and threw 25 tds to 6 ints. Don't be too quick to rule out this guy. He needs a good team, and the Panthers are NOT a good team, the Colts are. The perfect backup for us.

    This team is a very good team because of Manning at the helm. Underneath the hood, without Manning, it is not a very good team overall. That may have changed some with the recent additions but from last years team, it is not a good team, it is a manning team.

    I could live with Clausen as a back up here. Not sure we are going to see anything happen on any quality QB additions, who in their right mind is kicking out a quality QB to start the season?

  18. Yes, Tennessee is going to trade their 1st round draft pick and the future of their franchise to their division rival for a injury riddled, backup running back who can't block or break a tackle.

    Seems logical to me. Probably ask em to throw in the rights to their best olineman too while we are trading. We can give them Devan in the trade :cake:

  19. Our first string looks pretty bad against a bad football team. Were only missing Peyton.

    I don't think it is any real shock that Peyton Manning makes this team go at a higher rate than most any team. Manning makes the team go from an under avg team to exceptional just by being on the field. He allows for drives to be extended by making the proper reads and quick throws. He allows a below avg group of olineman to look like an avg line and gives us a chance on each possession. None of the QB's on the roster can even come close to working with an oline who allows pressure from all over, Peyton can just see it and react so much faster than the others.

    Bottom line is, no Peyton, no chance of a winning season at least how the team is constructed right now.

  20. Joe Lefeged should be able to make the team he can hit! I think Delone Carter is the power back weve needed for a long time. I also want to say Nevis and Foster with Freeney and Mathis on the ends!!! Can you say Super Bowl!! Now the * thing we did was letting Mr.consistent Kelvin Hayden go. We will struggle for that * move.

    Last I looked he was still on the market so if he was all that, someone would have surely picked him up and paid him 10 million a year but they haven't. I think it was a good move, a statement move and something others should pay attention to as they go forward. We will pay you well but you better play to your contract or we will cut you.

  21. I say we just remove an olineman and substitute them wih one of the TE's and that way you could have 3 TE's, a RB and 2 WR's on the field. It is not like the oline can block anyways, might as well put a positional player in there "sarcasm alert"

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