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Posts posted by jwilli69

  1. Not sure if one game that things worked out better will make anyone pay anymore attention to your "inside info" anymore than they will mine but perhaps If you have more revelations that come true, then perhaps you will get that respect. If you have inside info, go tell them to never loop Mathis or freeney all the way to the other side on 3rd and long. Just rush the passer and give the qb less time to find the downfield receivers.

  2. So so true. If Manning was healthy now and has the current D and run game, we could go 19-0.

    I think too many here are forgetting how many people will need new contracts next season. We have priority in Mathis and Wayne then we have garçon. Now for others guys like Anderson and brayton who have seemingly helped that run defense, they will want more money next year one would think. This team needs to get one of these young cb's to pan out to allow us more flexibility in the draft. Don't just assume this is going to be the same improved defense next season because we have some players to resign first.

  3. I'm more interested in who they dropped.

    With any luck, it will be Lacey!!

    Orlovsky was released, and Painter retained, due more to Bill Polians big ego than anything else.

    Painter is a Polian draft choice.

    The preseason games showed Orlovsky outplayed Painter.

    As I recall most of the posters on this board were disappointed in Dan's release and that they chose to keep Painter in his place.

    During Detroits winless season, Orlovsky had a very good game against Indy.

    Just looks to have more natural QB awareness than Painter to me.

    We are all entitled to our opinions, and mine is "Dan will be The Man"

    With all due respect, how many back up QB's have looked lights out against this team over the years. We seem to make no names get some NFL love until the following week when they perhaps play a defense that crushes him. But you are right in one sense, they are all bad and probably should be serving tacos at the bell and KC should be living up the good life from previous contracts. Scrap this getting hammered stuff for 4 million, I would be on the beach somewhere getting rubbed down.

  4. I will say I was impressed with both Link and with Pollack. I too figured this would be the game they made the switch into the game with Link just because of prior play. This buys him a few more weeks and if his play is what we seen Sunday, he may keep the spot and fight it out next year. AC got his lunch handed to him a couple times and I thought he got pushed back more in this game than we have seen so far but I will take his performance out of a LT rookie since he should learn from it and make him better. As many say, it is a great Pitt defense so take that into account. Reitz, He has some gaffs and still needs work but lets not get crazy, the line played well for (1) game so we shall see if we had a trend or a special occassion. I will still be upset if we don't take a high draft pick for the line next season though.

  5. He was drafted 5 months ago sheesh? What should he have showed by now?

    I am just saying, has he played any? Is he in on ST's and has he made any tackles or shown you a potential to be great? Did he stand out in the preseason? Don't just throw out the potential generic junk, they all have potential but the question is when have we seen that at the NFL level? So we have Tryon, Rucker, Thomas and above them now is Terrence Johnson, who got the nod over a bad playing Lacey. Powers is the only one who has a certain roster job as a CB right now, the rest perhaps are just waiting to show that potential on the practice squad and then on the field for the other starters spot because we are pretty sure it isn't coming from Lacey anymore.

    BTW, I am not crapping on Rucker just asking what is the source of your optimism on Rucker?

  6. It is funny how everyone was ready to cut Painter in ther preseason and start of the season and then how they all knew Collins would be the one to manage this team. Funny how a few bad games make the back up the sexy pick to lead the team. lol, I am one of those who certainly thought that Collins could handle this team way better than he has. I am quite disappointed that he has locked onto his targets, can't utilize the backs and TE's at all and his deep ball, has he even conected? The season isn't what we hoped for so far so lets just see what the make up of this kid is and play him for the season. Either he shows he can hang or is hung out to dry but at least we will know what live bullets will do for him. Worst is he is what we have seen in preseason games with the scrubs, the upside is, he shines and possibly trade material ala Cassel.

  7. Not sure this class will be enough to propel and we need Ijalana to work out for us because we need a RT, RG and a C for next season. If Pollack can make the transition over to C and Ijalana at RT, I will feel we are heading there and we will need one more excellent draft to make it. We have a lot of questions for next season and that will dictate how the team goes forward. If Manning is potentially done for the career (I don't believe it though) then this team will need a lot. If Manning is good to go, we need to either sign Mathis and Wayne or find replacements. Oh, btw, we also have to decide on signing Garcon, Gonzo, J. Anderson and T. Brayton (for the bigger DE package)and Simms or Wheeler. This team will have its hurdles and it will all start with Mannings health. This draft was nice (for a change of pace over the past 3 years) but we need a complete homerun hit with top draft pick choices.

  8. The problem is that the safeties start really showing up in the 2nd round, and the best one is arguably TJ MacDonald. I don't safety is a concern right now, CB is a big concern and so is DT, but not as much as CB. I must say that this upcoming draft is superb on CBs. Like 6 CBs are going to be taken in the 1st, and 5 in the 2nd.

    Now, let's go back the top 10 overall picks. In there, there's probably going to be 1 (maybe 2) defensive guys. Quinton Coples, a DE, who is projected to go in the top 5, and Dre Kirkpatrick who may sneak into the top 10. Point is, if we get a top 7 or 8 draft pick, we go offensive. If we get an 11-20 pick, we can easily pick a defensive guy.

    Why would you want to get rid of Gary Brackett. The guy is the leader of our defense, and is one of the best defensive guys besides Freeney and Mathis. Keep him until 35, that's when his contract runs out, and retire the man a Colt. Until then, he's the MIKE. Angerer will only get better and better, and will have some games where he plays MIKE. Conner is not the starter, Sims is, but he's not playing right now, and who knows if we even keep Ernie at the end of the year, but I think we will.

    I don't know which line you're talking about, but I'll assume it's the D-line. Dwight's got abput 4 or 5 years left, and Mathis about 6. We also have depth with Foster, Hughes, Anderson and Brayton. The D-line I think will only get better. They're very young with guys like Mookie (26), Nevis (22), Fili Moala (26), and Foster and Anderson rotating in (both 26).

    The offense needs much more improvement on the line. Jeff Linkenbach is awful, and Ijalana should be playing. Ryan Diem could be in his last year as a Colt, so we need a backup to Pollak or an eventual starter over Pollak. Joe Reitz has been doing well, but we can all agree that he's not the long term answer. He is however a great backup. Jeff is 36 years old, so a youngster behind him is needed. Castonzo needs a backup, because as of right now he does not have one. Peyton's getting old, backup for him??

    The running backs seems good with Delone Carter and Joe Addai. Maybe we get rid of Donald Brown, who knows?

    The tight end position is fine, but Dallas Clark has about 6 years left, and Tamme has about 10, so maybe Tamme could be our future TE.

    The wide receivers are good for now with Garcon and Collie being 25, and Blair White is like 24. Reggie Wayne is getting old however, he is 32, turning 33 in November. Maybe next year or the year after we draft his heir. We should draft the heir, when Reggie has about a year left before he retires or leaves.

    So this I think we should get:

    1. Matt Kalil

    2. Cornerback / Punt Returner (there are 3 guys like that in the 2nd round)

    3. Wide Receiver

    4. Defensive Tackle

    5. Safety

    6. Guard

    7. Quarterback

    Man, you sure do give these guys some loooong careers. You think Freeney has 4-5 years left? Dude was drafted in the 2002 draft, he is all about speed. I think it is pushing it to say he has 2 more years left. Mathis may have a couple two but we have seen many times, no Freeney = terrible production from Mathis. Dallas Clark was drafted in 2003 so you think he is playing for 15 years? Dude, I like what your smoking, perhaps you should share it with the rest of the forum players. I would agree with an OT if we have a top10 pick but would not be upset to see a NT/DT player, not an undersized DT either. So my list is:

    1. OT

    2. DT

    3. CB

    4. S

    5. LB

    6. G

    7. special teams

    At least we are good at one safety spot, Bethea should be good to play for another 12 years :applause:

  9. I can't stand the Pats as a team but I am a huge fan of BB and his ability to get the most out of his team from players who were average. Our coaches have been unable to tap the potential from quality players who should be performing better. The other thing is he can eiterh be convential during the game or go off the path while our team just does what it does and without Manning, it isn't much. Aside from the arrogance that is displayed from that group and the rediculous taping scandal garbage, I think BB is by far one of the best NFL coaches around the league.

  10. I would never bet for or against the Colts but my guess based on the play of each so far is we lose by at least that. Home field will make no difference in this event. Are there any possible players from Pitt not playing this game? Their WR's are going to flipping carve this porous secondary apart. They may throw for 500 and rush for another 100+

  11. If you were the Colts GM what would you do if the colts had the #1 overall draft pick?

    Would you stay there and Draft Luck or trade down for more picks?BUT Staying there and

    I being an outsider can see the benefits doing both, trading down you get more HIGH picks (and prbl 2 #1 next year or even this year plus more) to improve any weaknesses the colts have expecting Manning be back next yr and doing this MAY give him a better rounded team and a chance win another SB.

    BUT staying there and drafting Luck makes sense as you do two things:

    1. Have a GOOD back-up behind Manning in case he cant go you remain competitive.

    2. Manning can groom Luck for 3 yrs ala Favre to rogers.. except Manning would actually help the kid

    So what would you do in this WORSE case scenerio.. remembering you are getting the franchise back next year. We

    I would be in favor of trading the pick for no less than 2 1st round picks or a top 5 pick this year, a 2nd round this year and the 1st rd pick next year if we trade out, otherwise you have to take the best prospect. need a lot to get back over top of a few other teams in the NFL now when and if Manning returns to full health. If he is good to go, I say you have to trade that pick for something and stay in the top part of the draft. If he is questionable about his return and being fully healthy, you have no questions at all, you take that QB who has performed at a high level during his college career. A big question though will this be another Manning vs Leaf type of draft in Barkley and Luck? Which one will turn out like Leaf is the big question??

    Your question 2 is more relevant. The new CBA has placed a significant cap on what the Number 1 draftee can get in a contract. Affording him would be about like affording Collins right now.

    Right here takes a lot of pressure off the GM's to take risk, make trades into the #1 spot instead of being a curse. So Polian could take the risk of taking a Luck too and pay him 6 mil/year for 4 years with a 5th being an option year and possibly the transition year into the starter role with Manning retiring at this point. One little wrinkle in this is if Manning has a new found passion and desire (statistics to reach) and he has to play 1 more season, that puts 2 starters making a lot of money at the QB spot. Could be a Montana/Young situation where they go ahead and let Manning walk in order to keep the future intact for the team, which if the kid can play, would be the absolutely right thing for the team, but a bad taste in the legacy of Manning. I think that would be short lived though if Luck played Manningesc.

    Sad thing is I don't think we are bad enough to get the number 1 pick, I would say we are looking at picks 3-5 when it comes draft time. What we have to hope for is a team like carloina having the number 1 pick and maybe we trade up for it.

    No way in the world this team can afford a trade up for anyone, we need each and every round of high round picks to replenish this team as a fast as possible. Would be suicide.

    I think the new rookie contacts will play a part in our decision. If Manning plays a couple more years which we all expect him to do Luck would be sitting on the bench for the first years of his career. Then Polian has to make a decision do you pick up his fifth year, which will pay him top 10 QB money for never playing a down. Basically you would be betting on two things. One, that Manning will be done that fifth year. Two, that Andrew Luck will be worth top 10 money without probably taking a snap in a real game.

    A guy like Matt Kalil could be in play as well because that would allow Anthony to move over to RT and we would have RT and LT solidified for years to come.

    Depending on where we fall in the top 5 we could grab someone like Justin Blackmon and get rid of Garcon.

    I would see a pay increase for Garcon in your scenario and a no new contract for Wayne if this Blackmon kid is as good as you think he is. Who is he and what is his strengths? Who does he resemble in the NFL?

    We sure have options this year if our team stays on the bad track, I am hoping it goes well though.

  12. Maybe I'm wrong but I noticed that we ran on EVERY 2nd down, everytime. No playaction, no screen, we ran on every 2nd down. I found our offensive play-calling to be highly unimaginative.

    I think the OC has still yet to figure out that he is supposed to be calling the plays, drawing them up, adjusting to in game play instead of Manning doing it all for him. I have thought the teams offensive game plans have been stagnet for years anyway and Manning makes more out of plays than anything. This we do what we do and just have to be perfect on every play to win is a recipe for disaster when things like this year happen. We no longer have th horses to be perfect on each play, we are barely able to be competent on each play but....

  13. People love the picks when they are made, but hate them after a few years. The same people who say "Drafting ______ is a great pick because ______" will turn around a year later and say "I never wanted us to draft him". Polian is a very good scout of talent and is very good at drafting. Not all first round picks will be successful and what many of us fail to realize is that hindsight is always 20/20. Knowing what he knows now, I'm sure Polian wouldn't have drafted Gonzo in the first round or Brown in the first round. No point in lamenting over the pick, the team will use the players the best they can and when their contract is up, their play will determine if they deserve to be re-signed or not

    The problem I think Polian is having is he is trying to be to cute with his picks and goes against the mainstream evaluators. I think he is trying to finesse the draft picks and take players that have athletic talent but don't fit a lot of other teams (for a reason) and then trys to make this team 180 degrees from the normal. It worked with some other talented players/coaches in the mix but now, we are void of those key positions.

    We never succeeded with the true tampa defense except when we had a healthy Cory Simon or Booger holding that middle in the tampa mold. On offense, we had a solid LT in Tarik and a younger smart tactition in Saturday anchoring the middle of the oline. We had a WR who could get it down field and a RB who had excellent vision. Polian could afford to add players that missed or just contributed but not neccessarily dominate at their position. Now, those excellent players are gone and Polian is still drafting missed talent.

    The proof is Polian is taking swings at players who have a lot of potential to tap into but they forwhatever don't pan out. You look at these guys, Pitcock, Gonzo, Donald Brown, Hughes, Pollack, Ugho etc... All of these guys have talent they displayed in some form in college. Were they all played against top level talent or were they scewed by lower ranked division teams? Ugho had the sky is the ceiling label or a Leaf like bust, he busted Ryan Leaf style. Pollack was deemed the best at his position, he has failed badly. Pitcock was supposedly a difference maker but lost it, fail. Brown led the nation in rushing I believe and he can't get out of the backfield in the NFL, fail (but his oline hasn't helped him). Hughes has been the biggest disappointment in a high draft pick in Indy in a long time. Can't make the active day roster in his second year, rediculous failure. Gonzo does have the talent and has proven he can play with the best, he just doesn't have a body that can play with them. Not a fail but just terrible luck.

    I think Polia really needs to take a look at what and how he is evaluating his talent pool now. I think he needs to not take those large swings and outthink everyone else and go for the more traditional picks. He needs to either go get a DT that can allow lesser talented gys to succeed because they have a constant in the DT spot or he needs to make that spot a priority in the first round of the draft. He is also going to have to get that RT spot solved because as of now, there is not enough talent on that line to make up for an average RG/RT spot. Ijalana has the potential but so has Pollack, Richard, McClenddon etc... and they all failed.

    Select better Polian don't try to be cuter and smarter than everyone else in the NFL just so you can say see, I told you so. That worked when you took Freeney so early in the first but your resume hasn't panned out so well since then.

  14. lol, its weird im actaully looking forward to seeing how horrible collins does... hopefully the colts can finally see that when they go 0-3.... But who knows maybe he can pull one out of the hat and actually produce but i doubt it though.... the man had 90+yds going into the 3rd quarter lol thats horrible for a colts QB.

    Had his targets caught the ball he would of had more. If the OC would call a better game plan, perhaps the QB is a better position to succeed. Perhaps if KC had more than 2 sanps in a preaseason game and just a couple of weeks to work on timing in a timing type of offense, the QB would be better. Perhaps if the defense would man up and become a force as opposed to a doormat, the team could perform better.

  15. The primary reaction will probably be silence if things don't go well. I would expect a few boos initially, but then the stadium will probably just get dead. That will stink if it happens, but the next game is what concerns me more. It is bad enough sitting in silence at a game, but it is even worse if you are at a game with the visiting fans making all of the noise.

    You are right. I expect this crowd to come out amped in the first quarter and if the team decides to play poorly, the noise will turn to boos as they head into halftime. The crowd will cautiously become loud again after halftime and then become quiet and emptied out.

    As for who is getting booed, I think you take it into context at the moment. If the coaching is playing it conservative (like last weeks ignorant attempt to kick a FG down by 34 in the 4th Q) then that is the coaching getting the boos. If the players are getting beat at their position all the time and giving up chunks of yards (Lacey) then he is probably getting the boos (although I think he is coached that way and would rather see him get burned over and over trying to play to a man and just not having the talent perhaps). If Garcon goes out and drops catchable balls, then he is getting booed since he seems to be the whipping boy for dropped balls and nobody else ever gets called out on it. All in all, I think the team coaching gets booed way more than the players are being booed IMO.

  16. J Willi..

    I hear you but that just seems like anger> I dont consider the Colts a product.....that is no good if they dont win.

    If fans booed the decision to throw the 15th game two years ago..I understand that. They were cheated

    But players trying and failing is not a reason to boo...unless you WANT them to try and fail.

    Nothing is more demoralizing than to be booed at home...

    ..and regular people dont get booed, heckled and cursed on the job.

    You pay to see college games too...I dont resent the money pros get any more than i resnet the scholarships collee baoys get.

    I feel for Collins because he came out of retirement to help our team and his old position coach (caldwell)

    he's already banked some good career money.... If he could come back off the farm and lead us to the playoffs it would be one of the

    greatest pro football stories ever told.. He knows he could fail but he stuck his neck out.

    Bottom line. I'm not going to boo MY team. Ever.

    NO, not anger at all. I do consider the Colts a product and my entertainment. If I choose a movie and it is bad, I will not speak highly of the movie either but its not hate. If the players can't handle the reactions of fans, they are not true professionals anyways. If the way we yell at them or cheer them on affects their play, they have all the incentive in the world to play well cause this fanbase has shown them a lot of love in alot of games. So if booing makes them worse, why does cheering not get them to play even better? It doesn't, its emotions from the fans, nothing more, nothing less. Again, I don't believe it is solely the amount of money a person makes for the entertainment, it is simply the satisfaction of the entertainment. I will agree, if by some chance the Collins gets them inot position for a chance at the playoffs or even close, he can hold his head up high. If he doesn't, I will still not put the blame on him, he came in to a hot situation way too late IMO.

  17. Well I don't care if he feels beat up or his head down or whatever, this isn't tiddlywinks and the man is getting paid to do a job at a high level. For those of you asking why are we being so hard on him, he isn't even a starter blah blah blah!! That is the point people, he isn't even good enough to be on the active day roster in his second year. Either he doesn't have it, doesn't fit our scheme or the coaches have no idea how to tap into his potential. If this kid can't make the active gameday roster, then what good is he to the team whether or not he is a first rounder or UDFA? I want to see him at least out there on ST's making plays, pumping up his spirits and allow him to makes some plays. Maybe that will boost his confidence.

  18. Agreed, booing gets you know where. It's like pessimistic people that talk sometimes on here. Support will help them more than anything. Getting loud when it is 3rd down and the D needs some help to get off the field...I'll echo what others already said and these are "Our Colt's!" "You got to make the most out of what you got." -Jim Caldwell

    I will disagree with you on this. I pay $129/game + $7.50/beer so if they, who get paid $300,000+/game, don't perform their job, I have the right to voice my displeasure with them. If the players don't liked to hear boos, hunker down and do your job better and the boos will go away. This isn't college ball, be a professional player as you are being paid as a professional player. Don't do the job and someone will certainly come in a take a stab at doing your job for you, just like in the real world marketplace.

  19. Probably nothing to go "gaga" about that is true. But kind of hard to say a 7th round draft pick is a bust.

    But who knows maybe he will go the practice squad and they will bring up Tepper or Ogbu or Mathews.

    Or maybe, like others have said, the injuries to Brackett and/or Sims is going to keep them out for a while.

    I think that 4th rounders on are considered steals of the draft if they contribute at anything other than just special teams. I would guess there are way fewer 4th rounders and beyond that are your league stars than from the 1st-4th. Bethea, a super steal, Tom Brady a super steal, Melvin Bullet just a positional player, a contributor to the starting lineup and a solid type pick. I suppose you could classify him as a steal as well.

  20. I believe the fans will be somewhat patient with the offense unless they just make mental mistake after mental mistake. Posters are correct that Collins has not been here long enough to warrant the boos....yet. If he has a lot of fumbles or bad throws on routine plays, then he may get those boos in time. This defense however should hear it very quickly if they don't come out and react to a team that should not be able to beat us. The browns have played us tough in the past but this defense should be able to hold them as there QB isn't any better than ours and should not be able to just rack up points on our D. I honestly won't be shocked to hear large amounts of boos if this defense lets the team down this week but I will be suprised if it comes from the offensive side of the ball. Our fans are fickle and you never know who will be in the seats from game to game, this isn't a loyal cross section of fans IMHO.

  21. the most alarming things is that not one player from the 2004 or 5 draft is on the team and only 2 from the 2006 and 1 from the 2007 draft

    them draft classes our suppose to be the veterans comtributing now but really 3 players from the 2004 - 2007

    two first round pick and a 6th

    gonzo 07

    addai 06

    bethea 06

    Run those numbers for every team in the league and get back to us. Looking only at one team means nothing!

    Now I think one thing that is telling about the poor drafts are the amount of players on the team but then look at the amount of players that have not went on to other teams and become contributors or starters. The drafting has been system oriented and busting. Polian is an arrogant butt and he is not hitting well. I think we can live with arrogant if he is hitting well but he has not. He is a part of the problem and needs to go along with his garbage coach!

  22. It is funny to read posting after a former player who had a marginal role or performed badly more often than not while here goes to another team and has a few plays that stand out. Giodrano was a ST player and a short time back up because you have to have someone in the game. He was a fast guy but couldn't play the ball in the air so he did not help our scheme (as crappy as it is). Tim Jennings, seriously, the man was the whipping boy of all time on these boards while here. He goes somewhere else and gets a starting role on another team who has a much better talent pool than ours does and they can cover up his negatives better than we could. These guys who left are pieces to a team but hardly anything to shed tears over, were not playmakers and never will they be. Ashley Ambrose, Ray Bucchanon, now those were playmakers we let go years ago. Jason David and players just like that, are not.

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